In april/may 2022 I made a cycling trip through Albania of 17 days. A country I had never been before. A country that is not very popular for cyclists. The most mysterious country in Europe.
    It was a great experience. The beautiful varied nature, friendly people and good food made my tour an amazing experence.

    The best way to visit a country is by bycicle. Not too fast and not too slow. You experience your journey in an intense way. You feel the climat, you smel the landscape and you you are a part of it. It’s easy to interact with the people. Bicycle touring has really enriched my life. So watch my video’s and join me.


    1. Thanks for sharing your magic adventure in Albania ,defiantly Albania is on my bucket list now.please which brand is your tent?Thanks a lot ,Happy Travels & Safe Cycling 😉 🙂 😉

    2. I loved it, what a fab tour! Your presentation method is a good one, I should talk less🤣 Mating tortoises, how amazing to be able to capture that👍 A new subscriber here🙌

    3. hi, i like your style. I wonder (who am i to say) if you could be a tad more vocal with some descriptions, so we could get to know your personality a bit more but i have only watched this episode so far. Subbed though 😉

    4. Just found your channel with this Albania video tour, and thank you for sharing. That country looks so impoverished. I'm guessing not many people speak English outside of the main cities. What time of year did you go and what were the daytime temperatures like?

    5. Thank you for sharing! I'll be cycling through Albania next May and this was a nice visual introduction. Some verbal narration would really add a lot to this nicely shot video. Best wishes to you.

    6. Thank you so much for sharing this great trip by cycling, love this beautiful places you have visited..❤🙏🏾
      Got idea how to get there..🎈👏🙏🏾
      Thinking to visit some places in Albania by cycling in near future..👨🏻

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