⭐This video featuring driving fails, instant karma, close call, road rage, hit and run, car crashes, good drivers, bad drivers, and many more… This video can be utilized as a learning tool, so the viewers can learn from other mistakes, not their own.

    *Driving safely should be your number one concern behind the wheel. Following these defensive driving tips from our videos to improve your own road safety.

    ⭐Ruby Dashcam Academy provides actual footage of road incidents captured on dash cams. There’s a story-line & our own unique contributions (TEXT COMMENTARY & VOICE-OVER) throughout the video. We have also added the special editing effects, trimming, zooming, etc with the footage throughout the compilation. This whole process required our 3-5 days for producing a video.

    ⭐These videos with own unique contributions can be used as an educational and informative resource for viewers to analyze and evaluate situations, stay alert and get out of a potentially dangerous situation on the road in the future.

    ⭐Visit our official website for defensive driving tips: https://rubydashcamacademy.com/

    If we made a mistake or you just want to remove your clip, please let us know here: hannahbruntnell114@gmail.com

    ⭐Submit your clip for the feature here: https://rubydashcamacademy.com/submit-your-clip/
    Thank you for watching and stay safe!

    #ukdashcam #ukcarcrashes #baddrivers #drivingfails


    1. Whats amazing for the last one is that the sanctimonious cam car actually needed to stop first because the first one to come to a "blockage" on his side was the cam car.

      He had to give way, not drive on.

      Piss poor driving but instead of realising that, he doubled down to be an obstinate prick

    2. I wonder what part of owning an Audi suddenly makes everyone turn into rage filled narcissistic arseholes? I can think of a so many other brands of car that are far superior! 😀

    3. No 3, lorry driver is a hazard and unprofessional. Will
      Cause an accident by worrying what other drivers are doing instead of his own situational awareness. Another lorry driver who thinks he owns the road. And yes I have a HGV class 1 licence

    4. Driver on right had right of way on #10. Merge in turn. Reduces congestion when both lanes are used until the end. Dashcam driver = wrong.

    5. Up to one third of UK males are said to be high in psychopathy, which leads to problematic and anti social behavior. They will also be high in narcissism, so there will be entitlement with a "the rules don't apply to me" attitude. They will take risks, plot, scheme, be untruthful, take drugs/achohol and can be light fingered with impulsive traits and an explosive anger. The Germans call the UK a "Violent Dump"

    6. The only reason that yobbo in the Audi fucked off when you said you would get the police is because his tax expired In July 2023 and MOT expired in October 2023 and as of today it's showing as no Insurance so probably a pool car that's why his arse buckled when you said you would call the police.

    7. Some these videos were pointless, most if u being Karen's, u live in a world full of laws breaking, u go behind ur doors and are breaking rules everyday, my rule is nobody died, so shut up

    8. The driver at 5 minutes in is a twat. It doesn't matter how much the idiot in the over taking lane pissed you off and you want to smash their face in .Do you want to defend your driving by forcing someone in to oncoming traffic. Highway code rule 168 you yield to overtaking traffic. Its shit but it's for good reason. It can kill Other rules in the highway code could be argued against due to oncoming risks.

    9. At 4:54, the Van and HGV driver would want to re learn the rules of the road. That seat Leon is allowed to use the full length of that slip road, not letting them in is just stupid games

    10. Flying around that corner? Looks like he was going at a sensible speed to me being in an urban built up area in my opinion the roadworks obstruction was more on your side I think you should have been giving way to him & possible workers at the safety barriers 59 58 57 56 55 you should be the better man next time & not try fuel road rage

    11. All the HGV drivers in this video are Screamers. Especially that tit thinking he can police other road users to move out or of the way of a police car, what a kiss ass. Mind your own business and concentrate on the road in front of you.

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