1. v_perjorative on

      It looks like the two sets of racks are in the correct orientation, it’s just that one needs to be offset from the other.

      There’s a small segment with a crosspiece on the outside. This should be where the wheel goes.

      The second segment, which is higher and has a crosspiece at each side, should be where the bottom bracket/pedals rest, and where a lock should go.

      If the two racks were offset by 6 or 9 inches, it looks like it’d be workable.

      Given what I’ve just said… It’s a fucking awful design. No fat tires, no non standard frames, no trikes, no recumbants etc.

      I’ve never understood why Sheffield (or equivalent) stands aren’t used everywhere.

    2. The amount of these style locks I see with just the one wheel locked to it is why I opt for a lamppost or fence rather than this shit.

    3. You are supposed to lift your front wheel over the higher part and lock your wheel and frame

    4. Many cities require bike racks to be installed but developers often hate doing so. They think bikes look bad and/or block the sidewalk. So, they install them poorly to maliciously comply. Then, they can lobby the city to legally remove them when no one uses them. 

      However, incompetence is more likely.

    5. sandtrooper73 on

      Are they supposed to have the back wheel in one rack and the front wheel in the other? 
      Otherwise I think as some have said, maybe they are supposed to support the middle of your bike with a wheel on each side of the rack. But then they are definitely placed too close together, because you can’t have two wheels from two separate bikes occupying the same space in the middle of the racks.

      Again, as some others have said, probably designed and/or installed by someone who’s never ridden a bicycle.

    6. pseudonym-161 on

      Terrible design, PLUS those types of racks aren’t even as strong as the lock you use on them. Just cut the rack itself…

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