My opinion on a recent clip from X. Was it a non-event or a near miss?

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    1. HGV drivers often have to do some cycle training as a part of CPD to see things from the cycling perspective. I think cyclists should also spend a day at least as a passenger in lorry to understand that side of things also. It's clear from a small proportion of the comments, there is a massive lack of understanding.

    2. Why is it I suspect that you'll blame the cyclist again? Past form probably… Also it's just bizarre how many are criticising the cyclist etc. I have driven vehicles of this length and I would not take a left hand turn as fast as that one did.

    3. Poor road layout. The cyclist would have been safer on the road rather than the cycleway – more chance of being seen! I cannot imagine how the driver is expected to see the fast approaching cyclist at that angle from such an enclosed cab. Totally different situation for the m/cyclist who did stop. Little comfort for the bereaved relatives of the cyclist who knew he was in the right and wanted to make an issue.

    4. Someone makes an issue over nothing, becoming all too common.
      The driver of the fire engine can't possibly see the cyclist, the angle he's at and what appears to be a sign or panel limits the vision, unless there was a front passenger the cyclist was never going to be seen.
      Why do so many stupid people try and make situations over non events.
      Another Jeremy Vine drama queen.
      Not the best design for the truck

    5. Plenty of time to react here.
      If a large vehicle makes a right across my lane of traffic it's generally just a case of easing off for a moment and losing a couple of mph, then when its finished the turn speed up if clear. Occasionally i have to slow to a stop.

      It's only really an issue if they don't give much time to react and I'd have to fairly break hard. But to be honest althought this sometimes happens with cars and bicycles it's s rarity with large vehicles

    6. I blame the cyclist. He had plenty of time to slow. New Highway Code rules are a joke. As a vulnerable road user the cyclist would always come off worst.

    7. The cyclist is in the right here but he is making a mountain out of a mole hill. I don’t think the driver could see cyclist from his driving position.

    8. Quick question, I've never been to a big enough place to have cycle lanes like this, I would not have seen the Cyclist from my van window, and possibility I would have checking the right hand lane due to the swing needed to make that turn, the blind spot mirrors would have made him very small from that distance! , so my question is what sort of speed is a cyclist allowed to travel in this lane? and is it limited to pedal power only? I can see traffic lights coming ! cheers

    9. Absolutely ridiculous road layout made all the worse by incorporating planting, street furniture and of all things, a bus shelter where people will congregate and make the vision issues even worse.
      Also notice that zebra crossings of the cycle lane do not have beacons. Does that mean they are for guidance only and not enforceable?

    10. How in gods name could a professional driver do better when given the design of the truck there was no way to see the cyclist.
      Most commercial have little or no vision at certain angles. I drive a swb shogun commercial and at times I just have to feel my way out into traffic , most other road users get this but not all.
      Another cycling drama queen, pathetic.

    11. How to make a mountain out of a mole hill 🤦‍♂️ the cyclist had a much better field of view compared to the truck driver, You the cyclist should of just slowed down a tiny bit and then carry on as normal without any drama, give your head a wobble!!

    12. As non uniquely… a driver and a cyclist (like millions of others), naturally i hate myself ;). there is no excuses really to not know there is a parallel cycle path next to the main road, it goes as far back as to Tooley Street. and seeing the junction itself totally ignoring the give way markings , poor standards… Tribal motorists need to sit this one out. Driving standards are really poor in London so signage to point out the obvious is really needed that there is right of way for those cycling on the cycle path.

    13. Great clip. This demonstrates that rules cannot be interpreted as binary, especially not by more vulnerable road users. Coupled with a poor attitude to learn and manage risk, mixed with a sense of entitlement, is a recipe for disaster. Said cyclist couldn’t compute – or didn’t want to consider – that in this situation the fire truck driver would have struggled to see him. There will be legion cyclists and other road users who think the same. Respect and understanding required between all road users.

    14. Good video here, I dont believe the fault will lay directly with the cyclist. Could of taken better action? Certainly!

      But I feel these new road designs are a major role in causing problems and conflicts. Upon approach there are no clear markings or signs to alert or indicate cyclists there is an approaching junction.

      Assuming this cyclist is a regular commuter on this route and knows this junction is here, there is no indication on the roadway for cyclists to approach with caution. The cycle track here has been designed almost like a train line without signals.

      The fire truck knowing of the cycle track should have come to a complete stop looked both ways and then proceed once clear.

      But the design of the cycle track provided by the council should be better. In places like America and Netherlands they use small mini scale road signs for bicycles. Why does England fail to do this for our cycle lanes?

      This cycle track could have a mini warning triangle sign alerting of the cross road junction the cycle track goes through. You could also place a sign stating to cyclists "Cyclists Slow Down For Crossing Vehicles" OR "Cyclists Beware For Crossing Vehicles". This kind of road signage may help improve the awareness and the requirement to be more mindful of driver error. But with none of this on the cycle tracks it give you as a cyclist full 100% impression you have absolute right of way and I blame the design of these roads and cycle lanes. It gives a false impression on cyclists and drivers.

    15. Terrible cycling putting himself at risk! (I am a cyclist riding 5000 km per year, so reading the signs to make me safe requires give and take!)

    16. Just another over-reaction from a cyclist. When you analyse it in slow motion it’s much easier to clarify but clearly, the cyclist has a duty to observe what’s ahead and would have known exactly what he was going to do already.

    17. I will NEVER understand a cyclist putting himself in harms way on purpose…… it was mentioned here in the comments this guy even sped up to "meet" the fire engine "in-time"…… why would you do that with a sane mind?
      Because every other way of dealing with this is just insane……. some people obviously want a headstone with the inscription "I had the right of way"……

    18. Whoever redesigned the roads and gave priority to cyclists has blood on their hands. The French have this spot on. Two words on a sticker on every large vehicle ANGLES MORTS which translates into BLIND SPOTS. Other road users should always be aware of the blind spots on larger vehicles. It is practically impossible in this clip for the driver to see the prat on a bike.

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