I thought I would enjoy some cycling in the Shropshire countryside but things weren’t going to be quite as straightforward as I had first hoped.

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    1. Nice
      I like border crossings, especially if they are reduced to just signs like between England and Wales. Some of my typical trips from home are involving Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and during the larger summer trips I like to go to the Alps. I always enjoy to see what kind of use they make out of the old border and toll buildings that are often build directly on the border. I've seen kinder-gardens, restaurants, a smuggling-museum and family housing at borders where I had to stop and show my passport in the past.

    2. Welcome to my locality. I was in Knighton yesterday. I live about 8 miles north of Clun and in Powys. There are some cracking hills between Clun and Knighton on the 488, but I don't blame you for taking the easier route. It's lovely scenery to cycle round, and we're so lucky to live here.
      Hope you enjoyed your stay. If you come back anytime soon, drop me a pm through strava, and we'll have a ride out.

    3. Looked like an incredibly scenic ride, even with the threat of rain and fickle wind directions. Looks like spring has come a bit early to the UK than here in Canada. But, that's to be expected, I'm sure.

    4. Great to get a ride new from home I like how you challenged the stretch of water and got through I did recently but missed judged hit a rutt not only ankle deep but the rest of me Avery soggy ride home…

    5. Clunton and Clunbury,
      Clungunford and Clun,
      Are the quietest places
      Under the sun.

      In valleys of springs of rivers,
      By Ony and Teme and Clun,
      The country for easy livers,
      The quietest under the sun,

      We still had sorrows to lighten,
      One could not be always glad,
      And lads knew trouble at Knighton
      When I was a Knighton lad.

      By bridges that Thames runs under,
      In London, the town built ill,
      'Tis sure small matter for wonder
      If sorrow is with one still.

      And if as a lad grows older
      The troubles he bears are more,
      He carries his griefs on a shoulder
      That handselled them long before.

      Where shall one halt to deliver
      This luggage I'd lief set down?
      Not Thames, not Teme is the river,
      Nor London nor Knighton the town:

      'Tis a long way further than Knighton,
      A quieter place than Clun,
      Where doomsday may thunder and lighten
      And little 'twill matter to one.

      Houseman – A Shropshire Lad

    6. Great video … Like everyone says … beautiful countryside!

      We are so spoiled with the roads and bike paths we have in America. Not just the road conditions, but the width of roadside bike lanes and the majority of bike paths.

    7. Lenny: Did you say "80 mile-an-hour" winds or "18 mile-an-hour winds? One, not in metric as is your wont. and two, did you actually mean that high or just 18MPH? We've had borderline literally unsafe winds the last two days. Saturday on the road bike and today on the e-bike. Both days around 17-18 MPH with gusts much heavier. Had to kind of crab into the wind lots of the time, and hunker down on the low part of the bars much more than usual. Good rides for me when I'm obstinate and feeling like a nut. Much easier for me now than before last winter. That's definite. I'm much leaner than last summer.

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