The Price of the American Dream | ENDEVR Documentary

    Watch’ The Broken American Dream’ here:

    Since the economic crisis of 2009, over nine million jobs have been created in America. Officially, the recession is over. But American workers have come out of the crisis more vulnerable and even poorer than ever. 46.7 million Americans live in poverty with around 15% of the US population living below the poverty line. But they aren’t unemployed – most of them have at least two jobs. They’re ‘the working poor’. Meet the people behind America’s economic recovery.

    Germania has two minimum wage jobs, working 18 hours a day. Three quarters of a her salary go on paying for the 15m square motel room she shares with her two children and her mother-in-law. But even with two jobs, she struggles to buy food for her family. In the past four months, they have stayed in five motels, moving every few weeks to ever cheaper rooms as their money runs out.

    Joe and Chelsie live with their two young daughters in a tent in a church carpark. Their bathroom is a porta-potty they share with 50 other people. Around 500 families in Seattle live in these temporary camps. Like Germania, Chelsie works full time but she can no longer afford to live in the city she works in.

    Trade Union leader, Scott Slawson, has worked for General Electric for 13 years. But a few days ago, he was told his job will be re-located to a state with no wages and 50% lower salaries. He doesn’t know if he will be able to find another job.

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    1. 46.7 million Americans live in poverty with around 15% of the US population living below the poverty line. But they aren’t unemployed – most of them have at least two jobs. They’re ‘the working poor’. Meet the people behind America’s economic recovery.

    2. What I don’t understand is how multi billion dollar companies keep getting away with firing employees who worked their for years or even decades just out of the blue. No notice, no financial compensation, nothing. In The Netherlands this is absolutely not allowed, hm no there is an exception and that’s when the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. If a company decides to move their business to another country that’s fine, but they will have to give notice so employees can start searching for another job. Besides that they will have to pay every employee with tenure a pretty amount of money, in the line of thousands sometimes in the tens of thousands of Euro’s. My dad had cancer, was already 2 years home sick and than he got into early retirement, his boss had to pay him €32.000. My dad was a truck driver so no he didn’t have some management position or something like that.

    3. This problem for Americans will be made a lot worse because of the millions of people who've entered America illegally who are taking the jobs and benefits.

    4. Opportunistic animals have "success" in that illusion of reality. The system promote garbage value.

      We must refuse this system, modern slavery.

    5. The 99% of people should turn towards the 1% taking away from the 1 % which belongs to the 99%. As long as this does not happen, people will be exploited like shown in the documentary.

    6. The documentary tries to put the blame for unemployment and poverty on companies, but forgets to show where the real problem comes from: politicians, increased taxation. The United States is turning into Brazil.

    7. I’ve literally just lost my part time job. How? Because I’ve been replaced by a self-checkout machine. This was a second job I took to help make ends meet. I’ve been told that I can stay on, but that my hours would have to shift from 9-1 to 11-3, or later, which is impossible because that interrupts my primary job hours. Technology was supposed to make our lives BETTER—but corporations just use it to eliminate positions thereby increasing their profits. Thanks Michael’s craft stores. You POS.

    8. Big company don’t care about the workers anymore. They don’t value the work that people do and it’s not like back in the 70s and 80s where they would praise someone for staying at a company over 10 years. If they can move to another country or state and hire someone to do your job for less they will. It is sad.

    9. Poor people are not necessarily lazy, from what I’ve seen, The most common problem is having children without being married, not finishing school, Having an expensive habit. Like smoking, drinking, and drugs.

    10. Self Induced Poverty: 1. Drop out of high school/or do not get a profession and have 3 kids by the age of 25. 2. Have THREE kids while working minimum wage with no father around for financial support. 3. Fast food employment was meant for high school/college kids for pocket money, not for “single moms” with a bunch of kids with no father to support her. She does not mention she gets welfare, WIC, Medicaid. The “American Dream” does not work, will never work for a woman at age 25 already, and has 3 kids right now with no father around and is working minimum wage. This is Germania’s American dream, by choice.

    11. If you’re not rich, stop having kids! Your child will have a much tougher go of it than you did. It’s selfish of you to have children if you’re not rich. Your child will be a “slave” to the rich. That’s why some states don’t allow abortions. They need people to work at McDonald’s, to join their military…. I mean it’s your life and all, but your child will suffer.

    12. Where is the job of the government?
      Why do we have millionaires, billionaires , and trillionaires ?
      Why we are giving millions to Ukraine and Israel?
      Where is justice?

    13. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE owes you a living. You cannot work low skilled jobs and expect to earn a proper living. Your labor is ONLY worth what someone else is willing to pay for it.

      You want to make more money?
      Increase the value of your labor.

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