Are clubs right to be publicly critical of VAR? talkSPORT’s Jim White, Simon Jordan and Graeme Souness have their say!


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    1. Never really understood the outrage from Gary O’Neil over the incident. I personally thought it was offside and therefore the right decision.

    2. This is the problem with managers crying wolf; it creates a culture of over-analysing and panic over EVERY. BLOODY. DECISION.
      The Var system also props up this culture, searching for this utopia that will never exist. Referees make mistakes because they’re human, simple as that, the OTT noise created by the factors I’ve mentioned need to be sorted out.
      Solution 1: managers grow the F up, grow a pair and stop crying wolf over decisions. Solution 2: replace Var with an extra official behind each goal who can communicate with the ref live and spot anything in the the box he’s missed.

    3. I'm a no one Simon & I can live perfectly fine without any kind of mobile phone, never mind a bloody iPhone 15.
      Likewise, as an old fella, I lived just fine, enjoying football matches over many a year without VAR & its ruinous effect on that enjoyment. A referee's decision being final was simple & effective & it could still be…'cept, like the unnecessary gadget you compare it to, it's all about money these days of course.

    4. The referees are awful in the Premier League.
      6 games now this season decisions have gone against Wolves.
      The West Ham goalkeeper wouldn't have saved that goal he was beaten all hands out.

    5. I just dont believe it has to be an ex player that does var because 99% of the regular football fans know when the ref is making a howler of a desicion. The trouble also is that there seems to be no pragmatic or common sense decisions allowed by refs from the powers above that are making the rules

    6. Where was the outrage when West Ham were on the wrong end of var the past few weeks? I swear the media hate us purely because most of us want Moyes gone.

    7. To all the jealous refs and other teams i know nobody can believe that wolves are playing better football than all the clubs in the premier League they are the best English team ever come on wolves we can still obtain Europe

    8. Regardless of how you view the decision if this had been given against Liverpool at Anfield Souness would be losing his mind πŸ˜‚

    9. The next evolution of VAR should be having a separation of referees. Have referees exclusively for VAR and referees exclusively for on the pitch.

    10. The referee’s job is to reach decision having interpreted and applied rules, VAR is to provide support to this process. With the Wolves goal was the referee miles out in his interpretation? No, he wasn’t! Maybe some pundits and managers should referee a live game and see how their instant assessment and application of rules goes down.

    11. VAR or technology is not the issue. It’s that the rules are so subjective. Offside has become a matter of opinion, handball has become a matter of opinion, even fouls are subjective (has there been sufficient contact for a player to go down). When it comes down to a matter of opinion, there will always be disagreement. Fix the rules first.

    12. It was offside, the only people making a fuss as always are the team that had the correct decision given against them and MOTD. The rules show that any interference is offside and he was blocking the view and positioning of the goalkeeper, its offside. As for VAR, I think Souness is right and wrong, if you look at the stats provided by PGMOL it shows very high levels of correct decisions by referees, Souness is just saying things without substance – but he is right in that the issue isnt VAR its the rules, in the Wolves situation VAR wasnt the thing everyone should have been moaning at

    13. Ex Pros… any Football show or the Studio Pundits after a game, the ex Pros frequently disagree about Penalties, Red Cards and other major decisions. Most current and ex Players are biased either for their past Clubs or players they're friends with. No other Sport has this problem with ex players thinking they know the rules better than match Officials.

    14. β€œOwners make mistakes, players make mistakes, managers make mistakes β€œ yes because they get one chance in real time.

      Where refs have a back up and replay.

      Simon stop comparing the mistakes as though they are equivalent

    15. so Antonio backing into Jose sa and knocks him down stopping him being able to make the save from a corner which is hard enough to see without a huge striker knocking you over.. The wolves score form 5 yards away directly infront of Fab which he has no contact from a any player but that goal is disallowed?

    16. Graham is right. We need better referees because the standard today is awful. Also ex-footballers or at least people who truly understand the game to view the incidents. Var is a good idea but at the same time it's ruining the game. Something needs to change.

    17. Where Ai could be useful is offside…the advertising boards are all set to simply implant a small micro chip at the front and on the underside of every players boot…the foot should be the catalyst for offside, not a knee or elbow etc.

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