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    ——————— ——————– ——————– ——————– ——————– —————

    Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Ph.D., has a reputation for being perhaps the most unorthodox rabbi you’ve ever met! Growing up, his mother thought he might be the Messiah, while his father was convinced he was a luftmensch (air head). Air head, indeed! He earned rabbinical ordination from Hebrew Union College in order to preach his ideas in synagogues, and a PhD in contemporary Judaism from Union Graduate School in order to teach his ideas in universities.

    Along the way, he’s taken Bodhisattva vows in Zen Buddhism, become a 32Β° Mason in the Scottish Rite, been initiated into the Ramakrishna Order of Vedanta Hinduism, joined the Theosophical Society, published three dozen books, has had his poems included in prayer books and hymnals around the English speaking world, and has walked the 12 Steps of Overeaters Anonymous more times than he can count.

    His award-winning bestselling books fall into three categories: Biblical translations that make the Bible say what he wishes it would say; spiritual explorations that make spirituality all about practice rather than feelings; and recovery that reveals the central addiction of all humansβ€”playing Godβ€” and the way to free oneself from it: realize God is playing you.

    Well known for his quality scholarship and sacred spirit, he served for 20 years as the founder of Miami’s Temple Beth Or, where he experimented with new forms of Jewish liturgy and practice, combining his experiences with Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

    Rabbi Rami currently co-directs the One River Foundation (www.oneriverfoundation.org), is a contributing editor at Spirituality & Health magazine, where he writes the β€œRoadside Musings” column, and hosts the magazine’s β€œSpirituality & Health” podcasts (www.spiritualityhealth.com).

    0:00 – Episode Teaser
    0:54 – Rabbi Rami Shapiro’s spiritual journey
    3:26 – Becoming a Rabbi
    6:42 – What is a Holy Rascal?
    13:53 – How important is meditation to a Rabbi?
    18:28 – The power of sound and spirituality
    25:20 – Where is the shift of humanity heading?
    35:13 – The effects of the pandemic
    38:40 – Rabbi’s advice to find our purpose
    42:08 – Can we shift our path?
    46:11 – How can we break through fear?
    52:21 – What is consciousness?
    56:15 – How can we get past toxic tribalism?
    1:02:24 – How can we break the walls and find unity?
    1:05:16 – What is truth?
    1:10:24 – Mission in life
    1:11:27 – Ultimate purpose of life
    1:13:15 – Rabbi’s work

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    ——————— ——————– ——————– ——————– ——————– —————

    The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, it’s subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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    1. One of the biggest lessons I learned after my dark night of the soul which ended in an NDE was to love myself above everything and as love grows for me it grows for others and everything around me. We are all One!

    2. I love you Alex for the knowledge you are sharing. I will do the same and I faith I'll be doing the same thing you do after I learn and apply what I learn

    3. And I believe we've been in the dark 2000 yrs of the cycle and we are going toward the free, prosperous, loving 2000 years of our future with love being the word.
      All peoples who are not here will return to the countries in order to live the prosperity and love.
      Statistics say that the USA will lose 25 million peoples before 2025.
      I'm on the side that hears my intuition and this is what it's telling me

    4. There is only one God. Jesus is his son, and the only path to salvation. All others are an abomination.
      Just because your Kin believes you and themselves to be of the tribe of Judah does not necessarily make it so.

    5. Your emotions are entities which call to thoughts which are entities as well. Everything is made of the Consciousness of the Creator.

    6. Worship is an intellectual pursuit, contrary to what people are told. When you worship something, you create suffering for yourself due to the sub-conscious expectations you create around it and for yourself.

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