Hate crime reports in Scotland are on course to outnumber all other offences put together, figures show, as front-line officers warned they “can’t cope” with the surge.

    Around 8,000 hate crime reports have been made in the first week of the new Scottish legislation coming into force, which, if replicated through the year, would surpass the entire annual total of 416,000 crimes reported to police, according to an analysis of official data by The Telegraph.

    This would mean that hate crime reports would overtake overall crime within 36 weeks, or at least by the autumn, and dwarf the annual 58,000 reported assaults, the most common offence in Scotland, by a factor of 10.

    David Threadgold, Chairman of the Scottish Police Federation, which represents front-line officers, told the BBC: “Police Scotland have gone public and said that on every occasion, reports of hate crime will be investigated.

    TalkTV’s Mike Graham is joined by nightclub owner Donald Macleod, who says the new laws are ‘mental’ and ‘a disgrace’.

    #scotland #hatecrime #freespeech #police

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    1. With thousands of spurious allegations swamping the system they are missing the obvious one that is blatant. JK Rowling speaks the truth about biology and thousands of hateful idiots viciously attack her in writing and verbally, including threats. They are all committing hate crimes by definition but can't see the irony. They should be prosecuted under their own inspired legislation.

    2. So did this law have a 'Grandfather Clause"? I'm actually shocked that it may have been passed without limitations; that it could be used retroactively. No one had the foresight to imagine this law could go back into infinity? Most crimes have some sort of statute of limitations. Unless I'm wrong on my assumption, what were these legislators thinking???

    3. I got misgendered today. Tomorrow I go to the police. This is a hate crime. And then there is that date who didn't get my they/them pronouns. When I arrived she had multiple plates on the table. This is very disturbing.

    4. 8000 crimes reported, 16,000 police? It's important that voters research the origins and core ideology of the greens and the SNP of the SNP. Then they will under stand their greed for control. Scotland is the most beautiful country in the world, really and I've been everywhere.

    5. Big gov cant stay alive in a decline so it will feed to stay alive. Everyone' and thier cousin has to work there ya know? 9 police have to pull grandma over for running a stop sign ya know? Because all of the make believe crimes that they are needed for exist. Plain and simple a government should be there to protect the citizens not control them. In my local area all the officials gave them selves raises during this decline because they cant afford their life styles anymore. Perfect example.

    6. scottish police been a joke for least past 3yrs? school age kids commit serious crimes ppl phone them if they do turn up police walk past them then question who phoned them as if there guilty? scottish gov jail anyone for hate talk , from now on am changing words instead of hate a will declare my love for? just got to love the SNP gov also police scotland but in my eyes top of my love thoughts go to hamsa 1st minister read somewhere he aims to bring as many palestinians to scotland? just wondering ihow they would get on with scottish gays? as well as the transvestites here? feel the love hehe

    7. "There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?

      Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror." V for Vendetta. (What's funny is that in the movie, a fascist government was in power. Now, a communist government is in charge. Funny how they both use the same techniques to try and control people, huh?)

    8. From a political point of view it's not "crackers"

      This law is not about stopping "hate" but to protect politicians from public criticism.

      I HATE!!!…
      Macaroni and Cheese.

      Oh! No!!!

      Seven years in the black hole of Culcutta. PS.

      For the more uninformed, and to prove l…"Hate"…
      not ONE person out of the seven billion on the planet

      Culcutta = kolkata, West Bungal, India.

      But, I still "hate"…Yes!
      Wait for it…….


      What a stark raving mad time we live in!

    9. So when I was studying climatology in uni, burning wood was deemed carbon neutral. Even when a tree falls in the forest it releases carbon back into the environment that trees use to grow bigger and stronger. Macro greenhouse farming techniques also pump in co2 to get better bigger crops. Trees and plants rely on this. Heating your room with a modern efficient wood stove is not a problem. Just stop the crap.

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