Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke react to Ben Shapiro’s comments on the controversy surrounding Candace Owens. #BenShapiro #candaceowens

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    1. He is a wimp for not having the courage to defend someone who was clearly in the “right”. I personally don’t ever want to hear his voice again and will go out of my way not to.

    2. Matt Walsh is on DW and he also doesn’t agree with money being poured into Israel either. He still works for them. Ben Shapiro said there were other reasons they parted ways that he can’t talk about. Candace Owens has already said now she’s free. So it could be she pushed the certain things too far possibly beyond the contract. Though I do like her podcasts, I think there may be more to their separation than the Israel issue.

    3. Candace was getting more and more unhinged. She even went to radical f3w p1ll channels which is so beneath her level. She targeted Taylor Swift for no reason. The latest was her controversial take on the Middle East.

    4. DW talks about freedom of speech, cancel culture, and cancels Candace Owens; and then they do the very thing that they are against. I gave them the Bud Light treatment. FDW

    5. "Shapiro Speaks out for the first time" lol
      Hes been making the rounds dissing Candace to whoever will listen. Next week hes coming to address our book club

    6. Jesús was a jew. He also said that salvation come from the Jews. We need as Christians to understand that we’re not better than Jews. We are brother and sisters adopted.

    7. so much for the Daily Wire being "supporters of free speech and anti-cancel culture" – footnote..unless you're critical of Israel then you're fired…. just ridiculous and so racist …. SEMITISM is rampant and needs to stop this is the USA not ISRAEL

    8. Maybe they heard her say on another platform that she can’t be fired. I don’t know but I do hope they work it out because this country needs them both to defend the Constitution and the Truth. Candace has her own show where she can continue to bring Truth to a population who’s brainwashed against it. I believe in Ben and Candace to reach a consensus 🙏

    9. Of course she's planning a lawsuit. It seems she orchestrated her leaving or being fired from, the Daily Wire. It's pretty obvious she was deliberately poking the bear.

    10. Sorry but if you can't see that the real problem in Israel is that there are terrorists who are attacking Israel and who want it demolished from sea to shining sea…then I guess you don't understand why Candice was fired.
      This is not about "cancel culture". This is about a culture that wants to cancel the ENTIRE State of Israel.

    11. BTW, I have far more respect for Owens than Shapiro. Owens whoops Shapiro in real world coping. Shapiro as a man that has sacrificed no military service or true hardships receives no cred from this veteran.

    12. I like Ben. Ben is just way out over his skis on the Candace issue. The emotion generated by the Hamas attack on Jews seems to have clouded Ben's ability to reason. He is a smart man, and I predict that he will apologize to Candace someday.

    13. Hey, you’re really twisting the narrative and why should he employ and pay someone he doesn’t like?? He has NOT cancelled her! Firing her from a job is NOT the same as cancel culture and you know it!!

    14. He did in fact talk about it. Candace Owens put out a tweet saying, "Really, Ben! I thought we agreed not to talk about this." She also stated that, "I guess I am going to have to go on @joerogan and talk about not talking about it.."He said that he was not going to talk about this while talking about it. I am sorry Ben you are a coward, and a deceiver of words!

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