1. Got to be honest, I love joey and wish him all the best in the future, but his assessment of British and American politics in 78 is awful, and obviously a product of consuming too much msm, and not enough reading or listening to the most learned economic Professors on earth( ivy league economic Professors), like professor Sachs, Blithe, Wolff etc.

      Capitalism has worked out great for Joey, and I'm genuinely pleased, as an ex City season ticket holder when joey was a player(and under rated player)there.
      But it's crushed the working class, crippled the economy for us, flat lined pay rises( whilst productivity has increased) since 1980(Reagan/Thatcher), hiked prices, and then it's sold off all our crown jewels to the "lowest" bidder, allowing them( billion dollar companies) to leach all the profits, rather than have it go back into the Treasury.
      So Joey, America in 78 was under Jimmy Carter, who was the most left wing President (along with FDR) in the last 100 years.
      America was booming.
      FDR btw is the closest America got to socialism, and it's unquestioned as the golden era in American prosperity.
      Then came Reagan and Thatcher, in 79 and 80, and people were taken in by these corporately captured stoogies because the media was owned by the very barons who benefited from this systematic shafting of workers.
      And of course, people actually thought( back then) the media told us the truth. Laughably some people still do.
      And we were told that predatory capitalism was in our best interest.

      So lets break a few things down.
      My mum and dad were born in late 49(mum) and early 1950(dad).
      I have almost the same job as my dad(telecommunications), my wife has exactly the same job as my mum(nhs manager).
      My parents started work in 1966, in a Keynesian economic era.
      They both got final salary pensions, bought a house, while my dad was the sole provider(which is now worth over£500,000) retired at 55, getting their state pensions at 60 and 65.
      They now get over £1700/£1800 each a month( including state pension).
      They grew up able to see a doctor, a dentist( which is impossible now), had the option of a free University education, they had around 2900 hospitals nationwide( there's now only 1200 hospitals), with 480,000 hospital beds(there's now only 120,000 beds), and so on, and so on. That was what so called left wingism did for them.
      Now they get to go abroad 3 times a year on their £3500+ a month combined pension.
      Not bad, I'd say for left wing dystopia.
      So let's see what (media pushed) capitalism done for me and my generation in comparison.
      Well Thatcher stopped Final salary pensions for me at the same job my dad got a final salary pension in.
      Instead of retiring at 55, like my dad. I've dropped into the group who now retires at 68(if I'm still alive).
      I'm forecast to get a private pension almost 3 times smaller than my dads, even though we work for exactly the same company and paid more into it., (now it's privatized).
      I couldn't even get a mortgage on my dad garage, let alone his house, in today's capitalistic economic climate.
      I'd have to pay to get a university education, i can't get an nhs dentist, so have to pay fortunes to now see a dentist, and it's been over 3 years since I managed to see my GP face to face, because capitalism has funneled all our nhi contributions into the hands of political donors at billion dollar medical companies, rather than into a criminally under funded nhs.

      I could go on.
      Just look at rise of food banks, people riding on buses all day to keep warm, because they can't afford heating bills.
      This is capitalism 101.
      Propped up by the media, who obviously tell you how great it is, as the country crumbles.
      Back in the 1940's we were in the top 3 countries in the world regarding GDP per capita, were now in the process of dropping out of the top 30, whilst southern Ireland is number 2 behind Luxembourg( in the world), and the European union, who we're told brought us down, soars pasts us on the way to the top.
      Capitalism is really the dystopian system, that sees over 40% of Americans unable to cover a $400 emergency (£316), it sees 40% of the homeless in America, actually having jobs.
      It see almost 90% of Americans "un" or "under" medically insured.
      Only 10% of Americans are actually fully health insured, and
      over 500,000 lose their homes, becoming homeless, due to medical debts.
      Yet Joey glorifies this system that's propped up a billionaire owned manufacturing consent media, as it's screwing over workers.
      You can do better then this joey.
      Are you really going along with the msm narrative?

    2. Worked at walley mental hospital ,you will love this, one joeyof the nurses was a 6foot 5 bloke with the biggest Adams apple I ever saw in full uniform ,always thought ,wow,this must be confusing

    3. What a guy and what an interview. I was amazed by this humble man who obviously loves football. I wish there was more like him in football today. Look after your hero's city, from a Liverpool fan.

    4. Cracking up at the NASL stories. There is such an untapped passion for the sport in America, even with MLS. It all starts with the youth set up, where families have to pay a lot for their kids to play on travel teams. Our national team can play with anyone, but the gulf in class between players who play overseas and MLS players is huge.

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