1. 9:10 All public rights of way are on private land. That doesn't change the fact that that part of the owner's land is usable by anyone and everyone to do what ever is socially acceptable and lawful. And there is nothing the owner can do about interfering with people using it.

    2. 9:55 Next time something like this crops up, you can tell them that they can call the police if they feel that it is a criminal matter. Remind them that they cannot call the police for a civil matter or to use the police to move on you. Remind them that they better check the legality of their actions before they call the police because if they have it wrong, and remind them that you know they are wrong, that the consequences can be severe. It can be from negative press about the company to public embarrassment or shaming of the people involved to civil action which could cost the company thousands. Possibly even criminal charges if they use force unlawfully. All for a few minutes of checking on Google or phoning their legal department.

    3. 13:10 If someone asks what you are recording, then it's only fair to ask them if they have kids or what kind of car they drive. They're prying into your private affairs, so it must be acceptable to pry into their private affairs. The fact that they work for a company does not give them extra rights. Nor authority. It actually lessens the rights they have. For instance, they cannot speak freely as their contract of employments limits what they can say about the company whilst you are free to voice any opinion about the company.

    4. 17:10 He thinks a camera can look through walls and zoom in 2000 times to see the tiny text on some computer monitor or somehow look at a piece of paper on a desk even though you are on the ground and the desk is two floors up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. A point about filming when on private property. Its still lawful. Hardly any company has a policy that says no filming. All they might have is about keeping confidential stuff confidential. So unless they can show a documented written policy they are just gaslighting or actually lying. And even then the most they can do is ask you to leave, they can't stop the filming. The reason is that the camera is your property to do with as you wish, not theirs. Also the the recorded video is your property and your copyright. Another fact that makes any request to stop filming a legal matter is that because of the interaction, you will be recording evidence (even if you publish it) that could be used in a civil or even criminal case – you just don't know what will happen in the near future and to provide proper context the recording must start before anything happens. Article 6 of the HRA.

    6. i watch a couple of these female auditors and i can't help wondering if that guy's demeanor and attitude would have been different if you had been a man? i have seen at least 3 female auditors now not seen hands laid on any of them. wonder if they are actually scared of fronting out a woman? obviously i haven't seen every auditing vid uploaded but my observations just from what i have seen.

    7. All this proves are 2 things; the first is how awful UK education has been for 60 odd years, and secondly, how incredibly thick so many people were to start with. They still have the vote and can sit on juries- scary.

    8. The one way sign does not apply to pedestrians. No pedestrian has ever been given a ticket for walking the wrong way in a one way street. And since there are no markings that the public path ends there, everyone can walk down that path even without the consent of the idiot in charge.

    9. Interested to know the purpose of the video to begin with .
      Have people got nothing better to do than film a carpark and roof!!
      The security guard has enough to do without trying to babysit idiots who think they have the right to film anything!!
      Get a life!
      Or maybe a job!

    10. Fully agree with your rights to film from public footpaths but even the Ordnance Survey,who make the best maps in the world ,but they always add a disclaimer that the public footpath markings are not evidence that they are still in place ..Thats because even ancientb footpaths do get diverted or ended quite often. local Councils do change them..An internet map is not the final arbiter. I hope you are right but i bet Lyreco will look into it and get signs up

    11. Good audit and you've done your homework which keeps you safe of breaking any laws, well done. In time you'll soon become a well established member of the audit community ☺

    12. What worries me is, What he said. 1:52 "It used to be" "When these took over it was all fenced off" is this another company, that have built on top of a Public Footpath, without gaining permission to re-direct said path and without informing the Local council, that they have stolen land, owned by the local council tax payers. (ie) the public.

    13. I've only just come across your channel, Miss Audits, but I was so impressed with the way that you stood your ground and asserted your Right to use that footpath, that you've just gained your latest subscriber. (I've requested to be notified each and every time you upload a video.)

      Long may you continue your crusade to keep publicly accesible routes usable. ♥ Your son has a good teacher in you, ma'am. ♥

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