The Protestant Reformation, or simply ‘The Reformation’, was the religious movement that began in 16th century Western Europe that revolted against the Catholic Church. The movement led to the creation of Protestant Churches, which today make up nearly 40% of all Christians in the world. This video will analyze what caused the Reformation, how it occurred, and the figures involved. It will also ultimately make the case that this Reformation did more harm to Christianity than good. Listen in for a lesson about arguably the most important event in modern history!

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    0:00 Intro
    3:35 The Catholic Church Before the Reformation
    11:12 Political Causes of the Reformation
    14:54 The Protestant Reformation Begins
    18:42 Other Protestant Groups
    25:01 Consequences of the Reformation
    31:32 Conclusion


    ‘The Reformation’ by J.P. Kirsch

    ‘Causes and Consequences of the Reformation’ by Steven Pfaff, Jared Rubin, and Sascha O. Becker

    ‘Why The Reformation Was Necessary – But Protestantism Was Not’ by Mark Brumley

    ‘Not a Reformation but a Revolution’ by Karl Keating

    ‘Reformation’ – Encyclopedia Britannica

    ‘The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians’ By Maidhc Ó Cathail


    1. As a Catholic, I'm so glad to see some of my favourite youtubers comments under this video. You're going somewhere man, and its somewhere good. Also, fire video, keep up the good work.

    2. I think handing over interpretation to the Catholic church still makes it subjective. The only difference is now I just arbitrarily ignore what the plain reading of scripture says and just go with whatever they say. I’ll be subjective without them Thankyou very much.

    3. I agree that there were things in the catholic church that had to be changed but the catholic faith never needed any changing and it will never need any changing because it is the one true faith because the catholic church was foundet by Jesus Christ himself when he said " you are Peter and on this Rock I will build my church" Jesus hade Peter the first Pope and he gave Peter the highest authority in the church and when he said to Peter " feed my sheep" with that Jesus gave Peter the Task to care for the People in the church and to protect the people in the church.

    4. As an Evangelical, I have to say that this is a great analysis and explanation. A lot of my family is Protestant but there were certain issues with the reformation. Of course though, controversies are bound to exist within faith.

    5. Lloyd de Jongh is doing a Series on Martin Luther do check it out. He was quite a Bad charcter. His theology is the reason for many deaths, enlightenment and late ww ii wars etc.

    6. Mormons are not Protestant because we don’t protest any church and try to reform a corrupt church, instead we are restorationists who claim to have restored the original church that was lost following the death of the apostles.

    7. The true Christians were the Albagenses and Waldenses. The pagan Catholic Church persecuted them and started the Holy Inquisition. The Roman Catholic Church is Satan's counterfeit religion and the Pope is the Antichrist.
      Also…the term "red tape" comes from the time surrounding King Henry VIII, who exhausted all his legal avenues in trying to get his divorce approved, that he amounted a large collection of documents and letters, all with red waxed seals of their authors on them.

    8. this video commits the fallacy of believing there is such a thing as Christendom.

      If Jesus spoke truly when he said, "strait ( ie small) is the gate , narrow the way and FEW there are who find it" those few being those who fond him in personal one on one relationship, then there never was nor never ever could be such a thing as christendom.

      our righteousness is filthy rags. a moral life led by a religious community is worthless in God's sight.

      just read the Bible and see this is the case.

      BTW I regard the Reformation as an abomination which merely had a few scraps of sound doctrine that Rome lacked but which showed by its foul fruit that it believed none of them.

      but the feeling was mutual. The catholic church was as foul and as violent, and the religion of BOTH was worthless.

      again, read the Bible and see this is the case

    9. The Protestant Reformation makes more sense when examined through a political lens rather than a theological one. Think about it, who benefited from the power of the church being reduced?

    10. Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
      Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    11. The word Roman is not very accurate as it implies a geographic location. Most proper term is Latin Catholic as there are are rites within Catholicism that are different from the Latin Rite. Besides its a universal church so to call someone from another country Roman is simply inaccurate and ridiculous.

    12. I was interested in this guy’s arguments, flawed and misleading as they were, up until the end, where he lumps Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses in with Protestants. The author of this video isn’t stupid, he knows that neither of those religions is Christian, yet he chose to spit that lie in our faces. Both of those cults reject Jesus as equal with God, and thus reject the core tenant of Christianity itself, making them distinctly anti-Christian. Mormons seek to become equal to their conception of Jesus, who was a space alien, and Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in a completely different God. I’ve noticed a lot of Catholic YouTubers taking this bad faith approach to arguing with Protestants. If your church truly is sufficient to sustain your beliefs, why not let the facts speak for themselves? We both know why. Your church is a disgrace. Your pope is a disciple of satan who is actively leading millions of followers to hell, and you’re not allowed to criticize his behavior because his infallibility is part of your belief system. You worship the mother of Jesus as if she were divine in her own right, which is patently false.

    13. I don't like that Catholics will talk about Protestants and imply ugly buildings, contemporary style, like non-denominational megachurches. The reality is that Protestantism can look quite beautiful and similar to Catholicism (like Anglican or Lutheran churches).

    14. To be fair, someone saying that they are christian can just as well mean they are protestant or catholic in todays world and lack works just as much as the other. The easy world we live in has allowed for such secular ideas to infiltrate the church to create these ambiguous sects.

      Also I found it kinda funny but also a little unfair to speak of protestants and then show uber mega church leaders who preach prosperity gospel. Where were church leaders like Tony Evans or the late David Wilkerson to be included. Thats not my total argument but I dont think characterizing protestantism as left as California is too fair either.

      Like your vids though, keep it up man

    15. At about 15:30 you claim that the Roman church still teaches justification by faith and good works. How does this statement from the Pope in 2016 not nullify that?

      “And today Lutherans and Catholics, Protestants, all of us agree on the doctrine of justification. On this point, which is very important, he did not err.”

      Overall not a bad vid Pax, I side with Luther but likewise despise the anabaptist movement and reformed to a lesser degree.

    16. Showing kenneth copeland as an example of a protestant christian is an insult. You should be ashamed of ever thinking that this guy is even close to being a Christian.

    17. Pax please make a video on Second Vatican Council & the consequences of that which made the Church change the way it approached the World, stance on Israel & other religions, ecumenism etc.
      On how Catholic Church took a back seat due to this in becoming a guiding light of the morality of the world & also the internal division between the progressive & traditional sects where the progressive sect wants to go as much woke as possible with weaponized ambiguity & innovations & also the attack on traditional liturgy at the very heart of it for some reason.

      If possible please collaborate with the channel – "I miss Christendom" for this topic.

    18. Not pulling punches with the Jewish & Freemasonic angle.. I like that, very ballsy!
      The true enemies of the Church made us fight amongst each other through reformation & its subsequent consequences along with "Age of Enlightenment" because of weakened Church authority.
      All the major revolutions like the French & American revolution further weakened Church authority.
      All of it contributing to & laying ground works for separation of Church & State to make a supposedly secular utopia.
      The Church further weakened after the Second Vatican Council which was called without clear direction, but after the devastating periods of World Wars & Communist encroachment, to address something but led to serious consequences in the way the Church approached the World and which made Pope Paul VI to say – "through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God"

      A weakened Church led to fall of Christendom which led to serious implications on the morality of the World, though many won't like to entertain that thought.

    19. Even before seeing this video, I just rolled my eyes remembering the contractory and confusing shitshow that was Henry VIIIs half protestant/half catholic reformations.

    20. Good video. I do wonder what you think of the following question. Reformation is bench in catholic church. But catholic church itself seperated with orthodox half. So why is this different?

    21. Important to say that the first measure that countries who proclaimed themselves protestant in the 16th century was to seize catholic church's lands, buildings and money, and sell them through auction to rich people. Nothing is free in this heresy 🤑

    22. I love learning about religion in a historical context, but ive never been religious myself. I find it very interesting that the Renaissance "rebirth" was important to starting the reformation. Although, Hussites did start before the protestant reformation. I wonder why they werent mentioned.

    23. Okay where do we start from here. There was probably a lot of blood that got spent around that time especially when you take into account the reverse Reformation that was going on especially with the New Order set up by the pope to create these Guerrilla armies that you could not tell they were Catholic priests because they didn't dress like Catholic priests but they Carried with them the kind of things to be able and have the kinds of things set up for them to people who were catholic and living in places like Britain and in the German cities that were more Lutheran than they were catholic. The blood being lost between them one of those lies that I remember hearing a long time ago was saying that there was more people who were who died in religious wars and all other Wars combined. That's not true it's a lie. Because there were a lot of times just like in other times of warfare there were a lot of wars that occurred where they had situations of people who were the slaves of of a nation that they would put up to go to war with another country and the people fighting in that war would be the type to say you know what I'm not fighting you dropped their weapons and leave take off running to the forest how are those slave owners going to be able to go find them even if they've got kids and families in in the homes owned by those Lords what did they care? This happened and not just in places like Scotland or Ireland but many many places and not just in Western but also in Eastern Europe and so forth. Now with regards to the Catholic church at this time before Martin Luther put up his thesis with the problems he had with the Catholic Church prior to him doing that there were other groups like for example Erasmus who wrote books trying to get Martin Luther to not break away from the Catholic Church. But Erasmus when he wrote a book where he was trying to do the same thing that Martin Luther was doing the things that he had written she had to write them in such a way where it was like almost a joke it was like a black comedy. Because if he actually said what he was thinking then he would have went round up being burned in a Spanish Inquisition type ending. Now I'm sure there's a lot of people who have heard the stories about the different people who were Princess or Kings who would be for them in order to be heard by that Pope they would be standing in snow without shoes or socks for hours or until the pope would wake up. Well to me that doesn't show me the kind of a person as the person who washed his student's feet. That strikes me as somebody who doesn't have that type of Personality within themselves which then says that if that's the case then that person doesn't even know that person that they claim is the one who gave them that Authority. Now myself being a Jewish person, I've got a problem with all the Protestant religions including the Roman Catholic one for the way that they treated us through the years. It's not an issue of a holocaust it's an issue of Holocaust with many times many places whether it be Lutheran areas or Catholic areas or Protestant areas of any sort when it came close to the time of Easter that was the time when the people would get so riled up with Good Friday about how evil we Jews were to Jesus that the people get so incense they'd be jumping up and down almost hitting their head in the ceiling they'd be ready to get out and kill which was what they did when the priest would excuse them so they could do that sometimes it wasn't to kill sometimes it was just to destroy what little they had because in those areas they lived in ghettos and they were only allowed to do one form of employment or another but they did not ever become wealthy or Rich in their attempts to keep their family fed. But for most Christians the idea was that Jews were of the synagogue of Satan so they had they required no protection because God hated them. He was done with him he had divorced them and he had eradicated them and the new people of the creator was Christians. And I am oversimplifying for a good reason. But what both the Catholics and the Protestants didn't understand was that they weren't answering the right questions or asking the right questions or giving the right answers because if you go through and read all of the scriptures referring to Messiah they would understand that that person hasn't come up yet. They haven't come up because those things did not occur there's not world peace and there is not a kingdom in Jerusalem where everybody is going to Jerusalem to hear Messiah teach on Torah for the world to hear. Just that alone is enough to explain that no he hasn't arrived so regardless of how Martin Luther Pope believes that hasn't happened and no matter how they try to frame it they're still messing that important part especially when it comes to Isaiah 61

    24. Can someone expand on and explain the video’s ending point on Jews, Judaism, and Israel? I fail to see any reason from a Christian perspective to have anything against Jews, Judaism, or Israel.

    25. One thing Mormons (Latter-day Saints) and Jehovah Witnesses didn't do that all other Christian religions did was to create pools of innocent Jews' blood just because of assuming we killed Jesus.

    26. the secs of protestenism became more and more radical it got, to a clear point where they were using the bible to doctrinate ideas that encouraged their wordly behavior. descarding tradition in favor of personal opinion. if the catholic church really was as bad as they say then luthor could have spent his time fixing tthe church from within instead of abandoning it to create his own. he basically declared the church was too far gone. and am I the only one who thinks its strange that luthor didnt just…i dont know, become orthodox? besides roman catholicsm that was the only other denomonation (great schism) at the time that taught and upheld apostolic succession and most of luthor' and others reasons for reforming was the pope and his grip on the church.

      God has already deicided what the bible means, the bible had true meaning before you even read it why try to create your own? eisegesis is a sin

    27. You had me until you went anti-Semitic. That's like uprooting the tree you're sitting in. They kept the faith in the one true God alive through some 1500 years of exile, slavery, persecution, occupation, and demonic attack, without any help from the sacraments and graces we take for granted. There would be no Christianity without a faithful Jewish girl who said "Let it be done to me according to your word."

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