#history #explore #alien #extraterrestrial #mysteries #mystery #god #mysterious #secret #anunnaki #bible #biblestudy #biblia #secrets
    The Secret of the Anunnaki Gods: Conspiracy and Alien Manipulation in the Bible and the Book of Enoch!
    In the depths of human history and the oldest mysteries of the world, there are stories that transcend the boundaries of our knowledge. What lies behind the myths of the Anunnaki, those ancient gods from the stars, spoken of in the Sumerian tablets? Did their visits to Earth shape the course of human evolution, leaving behind lost technologies and secrets waiting to be discovered? The Secret of the Anunnaki Gods: Conspiracy and Extraterrestrial Manipulation in the Bible and the Book of Enoch, invites us on a breathtaking journey through ancient ruins and sacred texts, from the pyramids of Egypt to the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, in search of the truth about these cosmic visitors.
    But how deep is this truth buried? Are world governments in possession of knowledge of aliens who have visited us in the past and who may be influencing us today? What is the relationship between the advanced technologies of antiquity and modern scientific knowledge? This documentary aims to answer the questions that have plagued us for millennia: Are we alone in the universe? Did the Anunnaki gods visit us, and if so, what legacy did they leave us?
    Exploring conspiracy theories, controversial archeological discoveries and the testimonies of the times, “Secret of the Anunnaki Gods” is more than just a documentary. It is an investigation into the hidden truth, a journey into the unknown that combines history, science and mystery. As we unravel the layers of this ancient story, we invite you to ask: what other secrets are waiting to be discovered? Is it possible that the answers to humanity’s biggest questions are written not just in our distant past, but in the stars?
    Join us on this expedition deep into the past, on the trail of the Anunnaki and their mysteries. Discover how this ancient story still affects us today, and how our search for truth can lead us to the most unexpected places. The Secret of the Anunnaki Gods: Conspiracy and Extraterrestrial Manipulation in the Bible and the Book of Enoch is not just a documentary, it is a key to understanding our place in the cosmos and the hidden history of mankind. Are you ready to open this gate to the unknown?
    This Planetary Conspiracy is thought by some extraterrestrials, but the real conspiracy is actually to induce us the idea that they don’t exist, everything being just a story. There is evidence in all ancient civilizations, they can no longer be considered science fiction or stories, Darwin’s evolutionism is now a great story. Most of the people, 90%, do not believe in such a thing, but still the evidence is very much.
    You think you know everything about reptiles, well you know nothing. What David Icke tells us in: The Supreme Secret:
    It doesn’t say anything about reptiles. You are ready? I wish I didn’t have to make an introduction to the following story, because it will only complicate it, exposing me to public opprobrium and general ridicule. But whatever! I have never backed down from such arguments. In my opinion, the Anunnaki and the white Martians that Brian Desborough talks about are not the same people, although it is not excluded that there was a genetic link between them. After putting together the evidence, points of view, studies and opinions that I have collected over the years on this topic, I have come to the conclusion that the Anunnaki are a race of reptilian genetic origin.


    1. "Not all the Reptilians have malevolent intentions". I wouldn't bank on that. They're going to emerge before the end and claim to have guided humanity throughout. They'll bring many marvels and answers but if they're hiding underground it's because God shut them there.

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