Here is the link of the fundraiser I created for those who want to help Gamer:

    I go to see my friend Gamer, in old Kampala, in Uganda, in Africa.
    After our adventures together, in Khartoum, in Sudan, Gamer moved to Uganda for his studies. Soon after he left Khartoum, a war broke out in Sudan, making him a refugee in Kampala, as now, he cannot go back to Sudan because of the war.
    He tells me the funny and sad stories of his life, as a refugee and as a poor student, in Kampala.

    My book (in English and in French): also

    Support the channel:

    Follow my journey:

    #africa #refugee #uganda


    1. Hello ladies and gentlemen.
      I'm Gamer. I'm so happy and so glad for what you did to me it's really appreciate.
      I want to thank God who gave you that power to help me. And I want to thank KINO Yves for his a good idea and his love to me. I really also love him so much . And I want to thank everyone who sent any single coin 🪙 to me and also thank those who wished to helped me . I told mama yesterday Kino Yves made fundraising on his YouTube to me and many people helped I got around 3000 dollars she smiled and she laughed so much thank all of you for making my Mama so happy.

    2. I must say, you are a remarkable man from Darfur. I empathize with all the challenges you have faced while living as a refugee.
      Your courage and determination are truly admirable. I also have great respect for the people of Uganda, who have shown themselves to be true friends to black people. They have demonstrated that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
      With love from Ethiopia.

    3. Me alegro de que aquí puedas caminar por la calle con tranquilidad.
      Tendré que escucharte con más detenimiento porque tengo la dificultad del idioma.
      Lo que si que he visto clarísimo es que el pan que has cortado tiene un aspecto delicioso.
      Que tengas un buen día 🐳🦈🐬💧🫧

    4. Si que estoy entendiendo tu deseo de que se instalen placas solares para dotar de energía y electricidad a las personas que no la tienen y me parece realmente ESTUPENDO.
      Allí tiene que haber muchísima posibilidad de generarla porque la energía solar es enorme.☀️

    5. It's very interesting. There is no order in this city. People and transportation are running all over each order everwhere. Completely chaotic😮
      You can't differentiate between a footpath and a road for vehicles and motorbikes.

    6. For those you you reading "ibet", it is the word "abed" ( pronounced a — bed ) abeed ( Abid ) both mean slave or servant status it's a common racial slur for those with dark skin and Africans.

    7. Qamar’s words are not true about Saudi Arabia, and also, with your ignorance, you are delving into things you do not know, so it is better to focus on your journey, which has begun to lose its splendor.

    8. Sudan was never an Arab country, but entirely African. Just because Arabic is spoken and it has been Arabised is another story. Sudan means the land of the Blacks, so he is right. Just listen to Sudanese and Ethiopian music, basically no difference except for the language. Egyptians are usually quite racist.

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