This full length cycle touring trip video was a long time in the making! putting it all together was no easy task, firstly I had a lot of footage from my recent cycle trip to Northern France, I had three cameras to film with; a 4k action camera, a point & shoot travel camera and a new bit of kit, a 360 camera which actually was second hand with some lens scratches but I got it at a very discounted price – beggars can’t be choosers! then it took a month to edit the thing, my 2015 mac desktop is a wonderful machine but it’s not built for high end video editing with such huge files sizes! (the amount of times I had to move stuff around between external drives was enough to give up on this!) as the kids say ‘it’s a potato’! and render times??? 99% CPU overloads??? – I’m not even gonna start 😉 well it’s done now and what a amazing trip! full of up’s and down’s with the weather and the hills – the video tells the story so I’ll leave that there! enjoy!


    1. Yeah good work on the edit and a nice journey too 🙂 I like the selection of music you put in 🙂 I'm wondering, what 360 camera did you use? Thats a nifty idea

    2. enjoyed that 👍🏻done well editing this too,lots of off road cycle paths,Paris looked amazing with the architecture …what model was your Sony camera ? 🙂👍🏻

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