Bike thief steals a bike in SECONDS with an angle grinder in East London
#shorts #thief #bike #london
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Gleich umkloppen solche Typen!!!
I wonder if he knows the law of karma.
Lawyer must steal the bike?
The ace spades colour
Tous ces gens qui se servent comme ça c'est dégueulasse
He's stealing it to feed his family I am sure of it 😂
Thanks to Americaaans model of society where most jews escaped and… just see Gaza and open your eyes. A people without a country trying to transform all others, but history repeats itself. Do you know how many times jews were banned in past from everwhere?! Several time, many several times and maybe I am wrong, but a reason has to be 🤔
Plastik in den Rahmen und fertig Kollege
and you’re too much of a coward too stop him 😂😂😂
И все улыбаются и спрашивают "как дела" 😆👍
Is it a RYOBI
The doctor needs a bike to get to the hospital
Very talented black man…..?????
Ha I'm sure this is not middle East.
Ah more cultural enrichment we are supposed to be proud of….
British culture at its best stealing stuff of others
Non muslims countries. Criminal every where. Pity with them.
Usual suspects
Oh look Regina sk.
Cywilizacja idzie z zachodu 😂
While this fool records him. Ok
Camera man seems a complete whopper.
Black always black
You got Democrats in charge there too.
Why the camera-man doesn’t stop thet gay ?
Ist das die neue Fachkraft für Deutschland?
Another fine upstanding Brit
That lock was soft mild steel , hardened steel sparks dull red when ground and takes a lot longer to get through ….buy cheap locks = lose your bike 👍🏼
Silly sausage obviously lost his keys. Hope he got home safe and sound.
That's why we love bimbo's
Jeli ovo srbin? Koji isporučuje polovne biciklove u Srbiju?
As the times goes by so many people don't have the slightest idea of (of taking things that don't belong to them) what we see here is 100% their parents fall didn't have the time to educated them we living in a world of selfishness at the max
Somebody should lock some job applications out there 😂
What's mine is mine, And what's yours is mine!
Mièrt nem lehet egyből lelőni az ilyen ge-iket? Iratok nèlkül, zöldhatàron sàskahadkènt euròpàra zùdolò migrànsokat deportàlni kell ha maguktòl nem hagyjàk el euròpàt! Brüsszeli vezetőket akik ezt a nèpvàndorlàst elősegìtettèk, èletfogytig tartò börtönre kell itèlni.. van der lejebb ringyòval kezdeni..
Se é no Brasil mundo todo estava atacando 😊😊