Warner Bros Studios -Studio Tour Dr, Leavesden, Watford WD25 7LR

    Revisit after Auditing Britain visited, to test their NO DRONE signs !

    Google maps 360 degree drone photo – https://maps.app.goo.gl/dmeYyzpr4fw1JSPy5





    1. Private security by the police for warner brothers.. just says it all, Tax payer paying for business's private personnel security. They wonder why people find it deplorable to pay their council tax when things like this is going on and seems to be swept under the carpet when confronted. Typical tyrant police force!!

    2. Why do you keep going on like a parrot, over and over.
      Just go and fly the drone for Gods sake, you are just so annoying.
      You really make DJ look real good in comparison

    3. The police claim that they have no money, yet readily provide free security for private companies….corruption??? Is it me or are our new population lacking in general manners and civility??

    4. I bet the security guard didnt sleep cos he got a cross on your notepad. Mark him down on your clipboard , will the world keep turning. They seem to be getting wise to the frauditors and just blank them so content is minimal interest.

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