A major Tory donor and four MPs have been awarded honours on the recommendation of Rishi Sunak.

    Businessman Mohamed Mansour, who gave £5 million to the Tories in 2023 and is a senior treasurer at the party, was knighted for business, charity and political service.

    Labour Party chairwoman Anneliese Dodds hit out at the Prime Minister for recommending the honour.

    Senior No 10 sources pointed to Sir Mohamed’s charitable work and record of public service, including support for The Prince’s Foundation – now The King’s Foundation – and a major contributor to St Paul’s Cathedral’s Remember Me project, which raised money for a physical memorial to those who died of Covid-19 in the UK.

    The timing of the announcement, while Parliament is in recess and on the eve of the Easter bank holiday weekend, has also raised eyebrows – although sources said the timing of the honours was linked to the need to make appointments to the Privy Council, including the new First Minister of Wales Vaughan Gething.

    TalkTV’s Jake Berry discusses the story with conservative commentator Chloe Dobbs and broadcaster Matthew Stadlen.

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    1. Its seems like rich foreigners can buy themselves into the House of Lords to make decisions for our Christian country, and why did our grandfathers etc fight two world wars for this treachery, the Tories have truly lost their way now in our corrupt UK country.

    2. I'm an ex Serviceman and retired AnE nurse…..
      My services I gave my country…..
      I expect nothing and am proud….
      What is a Knighthood?
      Antiquated and outdated piece of ego boosting….
      It's all bollix.😂

    3. It really doesn't matter what it's called or what is done about the leader of the House because it has now gone way beyond redemption and clawback time. God forbid that Labour gets in by default because they will leave us in a worse state. I'm voting for Reform or one other like party to give a reasonable debate in the chamber. We will need a good opposition.

    4. Honours should not be given to people who do their jobs. To give them to political donors is disgusting. Why are they donating to political parties? It's definitely not out of the goodness of their heart.

    5. its alright for labour to do it with their luvvies and doners, but when it comes to the tories oh no can't have that, if this is the case why are there so many labour lords?

    6. tell me what did you invent etc, the combustion engine, electro magnification, like faraday, chart the coasts like james cook, he's a fool couldn't even tie the lasses of my shoes

    7. I was unofficially named online as a mentor and the top contributor to the University in Greenwich and Business School, I deserve an honour as I helped the university and students to fulfil their potentials since 2014 – I deserve recognition 🌍

    8. Levelling up i think you lied about that aint been no levelling up under the Tories only people leveled up under then is the ruch the rest if us are far worse of than we have ever been call an election its basically money for rewards it getting annoying weve had enough of this crap

    9. Sunak should go now and take Hunt, i.e., Mr, Austerity, and your 350-plus mps with you. Tories have trashed Britain, and the electorate wants to know why they want to carry on governing a country that has no future under their policies. They have depressed their electorate and have given them no hope for the future. The only power the many have is their vote. The tories have given the majority of the electorate nothing. They have looked after the few themselves, the rich and big business, but there are not enough of them to keep tories in power. They dont deserve the vote of the many, i.e., working people, so use your vote to kick this failed government out. Tories have trashed Britain. MONEY NOT MORALS STOP THE TORIES STOP THE LIES STOP MONES BOAT

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