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    As an American I don’t know much about British history. Today I am very interested in learning about the biggest disaster in British history. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!


    1. Before this happened Britain was part of mainland Europe. This event caused the east of Britain to become seperate but could still be reached on land over what is now the English Channel. Sometime after this event the land in the south coast flooded creating the English Channel. After this Britain was an island.

    2. You will have your world turn upside down, when you here about the possibility of a mega Tsunami that would hit east side of America's, that would start from La palma

    3. Excellent. US. Education at its best. 🤦‍♂️. The UK has not always been island.
      Do you not learn Geography and Tectonic platetes (look it up).


    4. It's all real. North Sea fishermen still pull ancient megafauna tusks, bones, horns, etc. from Doggerland up in their nets. It's part of why bestiary creatures looked so odd: "There's giant fish-cows under the sea, and here are the bones to prove it."

    5. Doggerland is like the land that New Zealand once had until that itself went underwater. It was i believe recently discovered a few years ago as i remember them talking about the lost continent that was found. They called it Zealandia. Britain was actually once connected to Europe.

    6. This appears to be the same Socialist rubbish as Einstein, Marxism and the re writting of all history to conform to the dictates of our Socialist masters ……managed by the Fabian Society for the German Banking Cartel ( the living gods of socialism ) in a very loose partnership with Russia and China , but with Israel as the capital of the future one world order.

      If you believe that E = MC2 and in Einstein's Theory of False Mathematics ( Relativity ), then you believe in Black Holes , Dark Matter and Time Travel. lol

    7. Very occasionally a Trawler will pull up from the Sea bed artifacts from Doggerland. Every day on BBC Radio 4 the 'Shipping Forecast' is aired live, this is a weather forecast of storms, winds, tides for our fishing and commercial fleets. The sea is divided into regions and one of these is Doggerland keeping our memory alive of this once beautiful land lost to global warming.

    8. Not so fun fact: fully half of the volcano on Gran Canaria could collapse into the Atlantic at some point and send an even bigger tsunami than this to the Americas.
      The volcano in question shows worrying signs of splitting in two and a really big eruption could cause a collapse.

    9. You might enjoy Ask a Mortician's videos.

      I'd recomend her coverage of The Plague – In San Fransisco – in the 1900's.

      Its fucking facinating to see how much, and how little, the world has changed.

    10. Sorrry no insult is intended here but from what I remeber of my school days and teachers, I just bet that at least one of your teaches stoped things and said 'ok who is the damned duck at the back!' rofl

    11. A lot of places have broken off from some countries millions of years ago. Doggerlands was having a woof time at this time. I’m sorry to say this what did they teach at US SCHOOLS

    12. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧Before TV became into existence we only had the Radio. The shipping forecast always included the words Dogger Bank if I remember correctly. We in England have always known about this

    13. The thing is watching this video climate control has been working 8000 years ago. We are being told we are changing the Earth today, but really the Earth changes around us so we are being lied to Over us causing global warming when the Earth does it itself.

    14. Yes, they had a wonderful life. Depending on nature. Which is not the case now. We are well protected with concrete and stuff but in the end our lives are NO BETTER.

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