When it comes to invasive species in beekeeping (not including Varroa mite which invaded Europe a long time ago), we think about small hive beetle, the yellow leg Asian hornet and the tropilelaelaps mite. Beekeepers spend a considerable amount of time and money to fight them, there is a huge economic impact of these invasions. Scientists try to develop new appropriate management approaches, but without knowing the exact current or future impact is not possible to determine or develop the level of mitigation measures needed.

    In this Apimondia webinar, scientists and experienced beekeepers present their knowledge and experience on their fight against these species. The webinar sheds light on invasion pathways, fills possible gaps on the biology and discusses coordinating actions for mitigation.


    Keynote: Invasive species in Europe, introduction pathways and control pathways РFran̤ois Diaz

    Vespa velutina – Noa Simon-Delso
    Epidemiology and data sharing – Quentin Rome
    Field situation of V. velutina in France – Alain Gulnik
    Field situation of V. orientalis in Spain – Lourdes Frías
    Field situation of V. velutina + V. orientalis in Italy – Laura Bortolotti & Antonio Felicioli
    Control measures and monitoring protocols and efforts against Asian hornets in UK – Nigel Semmence


    Aethina tumida – Giovanni Formato
    Overview of Aethina tumida – Marc Schäfer
    Adaptations of the beekeeping sector to living with a new notifiable parasite – Liliana Cirillo
    Protocols for management the spread of SHB in Italy – Franco Mutinelli
    Aethina management when well established everywhere in the world – Jamie Ellis


    Tropilaelaps spp – Jeff Pettis
    Overview and overwintering of Tropilaelaps – Jeff Pettis
    A Task Force in COLOSS – Geoffrey Williams
    Tropilaelaps in east Asia and possible invasion risk to Uzbekistan – Chuleui Jung
    Tropilaelaps in Russia and Kazakhstan – Victoria Soroker


    European projects – Robert Chlebo
    Future actions under Better-B – Dirk de Graaf
    Future actions under BeeGuards – Giles Budge
    Future actions under BeSafeBeeHoney – Ivana Tlak Gajger
    Future actions under B-THENET – Giovanni Formato
    EU Pollinator Hub and invasive species – Noa Simon

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