1. Has anyone's tried taking jar of honey on hiking trip in bear country?
      Maybe something sweet can throw at them or freshly frozen rabbit. Running won't help neither climbing a tree, so maybe feeding it😂

    2. クマのテリトリーに入っているのは彼等だ。勿論自分の身を守ろうとするのは大事だが、クマや自然の動植物に対するリスペクトも忘れないようにしたい。😊

    3. If it's a black bear usually they just walk by but if you need to make yourself look big and tell loud
      If it's a grizzly and you have anything like a backpack, food etc throw it curl up into a ball and put your hands on your neck and if you have a gun kill it
      If it's a polar bear the only way to survive is to kill it

    4. Looking up bear safety before camping.
      "This tip could save your life!!!!"
      10 secs later
      Jumps over the bear doing a toe loop triple sowcow with a lutz.
      frantically writes down the trick
      Goes camping, encounters bears, executes trick…
      Bears huddle up and agree, "he's in".
      I have officially been invited to their cave for some berries and salmon.

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