Robert Greene is a New York Times bestselling author, whose books include, ‘The 48 Laws of Power’, ’The Art of Seduction’, and ’The 33 Strategies of War’.

    00:00 Intro
    02:35 Why did you write a book about human nature?
    04:34 How do we reverse a lack of self-awareness?
    07:01 How to get rid of qualities we don’t like about ourselves
    11:55 Where does our dark side come from?
    15:29 How to pursue that thing you’ve always wanted to do
    27:54 The unseen importance of creating a sense of urgency
    29:47 How to know if you’re following a false purpose
    36:17 Should a young person just be saying yes to everything?
    40:14 How to manage other people that get in the way of what we want to do
    43:06 Do we have to lie to be successful?
    51:51 How to read someone’s body language
    54:32 A smile says loads about how someone feels about you
    56:51 People’s personalities are contagious
    57:18 Frenemies, what they mean and how to spot one
    01:06:42 What’s the most controversial point from your book?
    01:09:25 Does equality exist when we all strive for power?
    01:12:29 Becoming the best, what it really means
    01:18:11 Is death a motivator for you?
    01:24:49 The importance of relationships
    01:27:01 How to deal with dark thoughts
    01:29:09 Advice for people going through self-doubt & hard moments
    01:33:17 Why did you write this book, The Sublime?
    01:37:43 What would be your parting message to the world?
    01:43:34 How can we rise above our emotional reactions?
    01:45:15 How has your research influenced how you view politics?
    01:52:38 The last guest’s question

    You can purchase the special 25th anniversary edition Robert’s book, ‘The 48 Laws of Power’, here:

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    1. I have suffered many things in life… Nothing more than relationships is as hard for me. I have a problem with getting close to anyone. But even God?

      I'm not sure if I'll ever be close enough to God himself. It's hard to trust, it's hard to get ready for higher level relationships, and yet I can't stay away from God. I love others… But I don't know how to do much with a relationship with them.

      I have more in common with the computer programs and applications on a console, you can play with me, but I'm across the screen from you. Like was said;

      Television, is the retina, the mind's eye.

    2. The Host of DOAC measures success by how he compares to others who are famous with a lot of money and a lot of fans. You’re basically indicating that mastery is determined by how much money and people you can have on your side, which ultimately determines a person's greatness, mastery, and worth. The fact that attention was drawn stating that enough is never enough in its particular context and at the specific point in the interview, demonstrates that mastery for the host is being a famous billionaire. If you’re not, then you’re not a master. The world we live in today compares everything by how financially gainful you are. We must learn to recognize these people who respect nothing but money and stay far away because it only aims to trap us in a world where we measure ourselves by cash instead of natural, organic, Devine, authentic beings that we are. We should all measure ourselves by how free we are to live and experience life according to us and not according to an artificially corrupted and imprisoned system of money.

    3. 10:40 around here I said out loud – this is where I'm stuck. Aware, very self aware and self accountable yet taking these realisations and changing the things I know i need to evolve is the hard part. So im stuck in this limbo of being angry at myself and sitting between awareness and constant self analysis.

    4. I loved the jabb at the podcast, that was a classic interview challenge for the interviewer! This is one of the best interviews I've seen on this channel.
      Very, very authentic. Nice work (1h 15min to 1h 22min)

    5. I went to the closest bookstore here in Lisbon today, and I was so lucky that there was one last copy of the book “Power”… I can’t wait to read it! Starting it today📕❤

    6. I dont relate to not being able to read people or walking around being inauthentic because you see I grew up with Cerebral Palsy and spent a lot of time observing the human nature of the seemingly able-bodied while they were busy developing themselves physically I spent time honing my interpersonal skills and knowledge of inner self……also because there will never be physical perfection in my life and I have seen people die in their youth I do not wear a mask…..I know when people are being disingenuous I have honed these skills since toddlerhood it's just that people underestimate me……..I see everything that everyone is doing my problem is I get emotionally lazy about it because it is exhausting to always be tuned into this differing lens of life people have often mischaracterized me as arrogant or they get mad at me because I can read them so well what they don't understand is this is not arrogance it is simply born out of needing to survive on several levels in a world that was not hospitable to a kid on crutches

    7. the difference is that men and women have different standards and different roles and different goals in life. to pretend that woman acting like a man will get anything other than her treated like a smaller weaker man is absurd. lmao its all common sense. if a small monkey acts agressive with a big monkey, small monkey gets clobbered. if a small monkey acts feminine with a big monkey, feminine monkey gets protected. to pretend that we can all act the same while getting specific and different outcomes is ridiculous

    8. When he said, I hate you, lol I felt that. I'm in my 30s and that made me feel like I'm in the right place in my life. I don't think of myself as a lover. I'm not a millionaire, still working, but I have so much time a head of me, purpose and intention. But also, I only have so much time. I need to move with more urgency

    9. Wow! This is probably the best video I’ve encountered till date. I learned so much and the topics spoken about in this video resonated with me on a deep level. Thank you !❤

    10. I have absolutely no passion for “making” it in this world we live in and its systems, I wish to live by a natural flow and that requires no money systems and games being played with my basic needs. Hopefully we as a human species are moving towards a free world where any type/individual can live their lives how they want to without having to earn money for it. Its ridiculous! Give me any problem in the world and I’ll show you how the money system is directly or indirectly connected to it, its the head of the beast and why so many people are fake and narcissistic! Loved this podcast a lot, despite not resonating with everything 💜🔥

    11. When you confront your faults you can become a better person. A better version of yourself can do so much more than someone who's still stuck in self-unawareness, therefore has little direction and living in the dark like he said, when navigating life, interacting with others, you'll keep missing the mark and your goals. It can also keep you in a state of spite or false image of yourself and perhaps others.

    12. Content and contempt two very different meanings. 1:16 You are putting a P at the end where there is no P.
      You really need to work on that pronunciation as you said many times wrong. Just an observation showing I listened and was listening. I enjoyed this podcast and did not think I would.
      Robert Greene MARRY that woman who saved your life that you refer to as ‘partner’ that gets upset when you mention the years you have been together. For me the stroke left you with the best of you, your brain and your ability to speak to be an orator. I am sad for your physical loss. Thank you for this 2 hours. 🙏

    13. ConteNt Vs ContemPt – I'm not usually such a grammar N*zi but it annoys me nearly as much as Pacific Vs specific 😂😂 come on, Steven! Hehe, yet another great interview thankyou 💗 x

    14. There are two major problems here for me.

      A- I know who I am, yet I suffer more than when I knew less.

      Yet, as I am not religious, nor is it important to have the actual events happen. However, did Buddha or Yusef(Gesù) not know who they were and how they suffered?

      Or was it that they knew who they were, and were living among misfits, thus suffered and excessively

      Robert, talks about negativity and negative energy and hate. I did not hear how to know people hate you! 

      I look at a few matters very differently in my philosophy. My philosophy is not opinions, nor is only a theory. There are elements of thought, not thinking.

      And that i also disagree with his sayings that some people blame others for their problems. It may be the case, and it may not be the case, or a combination or something. Does he think presidents who cause wars and manipulate themselves to have war are not drama queens!?
      Bill Gates is not drama queen!?

      They are presidents, so how do these idiots get vots? Do idiots vote for idiots? Pretty much yes.

      Fine Art Painter

    15. Yes because African Americans and pretty much authentic whereas Caucasian has a high ratio of being inauthentic. Authenticity if frowned upon in certain cultures

    16. Ouch! We are all actors consistently deceiving. (Lol) Geez. This is true. I enjoyed LISTENING to this. I am convicted. This has me doing self-inventory and looking at those that are around me. Yep. We learn something new everyday. I am teachable even if it hurts. One more thing. Our parents and society have some us feeling as though we are not enough. WE ARE ALL ENOUGH. We just need the right support system and sad to say some of us do not have that. But, find a community of people that share the same interests as yourself. You will find your tribe. We are not islands by ourselves. You need to be around others. I am not saying all the time. But, at time. Everyone has to feel as though they belong and we do belong. In our own unique way. No matter where you are in life, contribute. You never know who is watching :0) Salute to you Robert Greene!

    17. Not everyone wins the career lottery ticket. I find it offensive when he makes statements like, “I had so many jobs. I was kind of a failure.” We all have to work and not all of get to pick and choose.

    18. What is wrong with your guest mate? He looks ill..he got to.. eat more veggies..his eyes are red..pale… good following a guy who tells you how to live and looks so not ok..

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