1. Longest day ive done was 142 km and it rained non stop, lucky for me it was a tropical climate. Yes everything needs to be organised in your panniers, i tour with two 12L panniers and am always digging to find something. Good Video

    2. Like they say in Suomi, "Saatana, saatana, aina sataa!" When I cycled the Olympic Peninsula in Washington it rained every day and night, and I gave up and went home since I was yet to come to the rain forest. And for no reason I will tell you that my grandparents on my father's side came from Malmö.

    3. Thanks for the video Mikael. ..Barcelona is a beautiful city, hope you enjoyed it between the rain drops…interesting new bike path, that you pointed out…thanks again and stay safe.

    4. That's sad; Barcelona develops specified bike lanes and hardly any bike riders…seems kind of similar from what I witness here in San Diego as well; beautiful bike lanes all throughout the county and small quantity of bike riders on them. Cycling, such as swimming, is one of the safer sports as for wear and tear on the body. I wish there were more cyclists here in San Diego. However I believe a lot of roadies ride up and down the Pacific Coast. I remember when I had a road bike, this is where a lot of them were; on the Coast of San Diego.

    5. Hi Mikael, I ve just discovered this great video and going to watch some more
      can I please ask…what camera are you using and what editing software, it all looks great quality…just like your video content..good luck, Tom

    6. I planned a bike trip from Wales to Barcelona for the middle fortnight September 2006. Then I changed my mind for lack of funds and Catalunya experienced floods and gale force winds. I went in Oct instead on a regular cheap holiday and the weather was perfect. Theres always a risk with the weather, even in Spain!

    7. So familiar Mike…a place for everything and everything in its place… never so true as on a bicycle tour. I've many times taken 30 hour flights from New Zealand to Europe and packed the bag in Auckland for 3 months of camping in the Alpes and Dolomiti, and found when unpacking I'd left some part behind at home. Believe me i learned the value of comprehensive lists and checking things off saved much time and frustration at the point of arrival when bone tired and wanting to sleep or eat and get back into normality on the road. Thanks for filming the way you do. So good

    8. Thanks for letting me know about this bike tour! So great. My grandparents are from Brattfors Broken Sweden. I’ve never been but hope to see my dad’s people one day! 💕

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