Much debate has arisen over the shared cycleway and whether the verdict of manslaughter was justified. There will be many views, here is an objective discussion.

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    1. what what a load of nonsense ,if some one is bombing along on a bike on a path i will shout at them happens in town centers loads ,funny how police said to me years ago it was ok for a grown women to slap my child in the face a stranger for no reason as no injury left ,bet if i did that they would arrest me ,i also had a angry neighbour who 3 times speed up when i was trying to get in our car or out and i have a bad back and heart and she laughed and the police just spoke to her ,she did it when my grown up daughter was trying to get in our car too with me so i had another witness this women had argued with me over children fallouts in the past .

    2. Everyone has the right to free speech there was no fiscal interaction with the cyclist and as 14 year old I was charged with riding on a pedestrian way and rightly so. Cycles should not be no footways.

    3. My question on this is .. you saw the cycle 🚲 lane signs at the pedestrian crossing but were they repeated further up and down that lane or not ?
      The sentence was unduly harsh considering all the circumstances. I have been knocked off my feet by two separate cyclists in the last five years both were on the footpath. Furthermore, my friend was knocked of her feet by a cyclist 4 weeks ago in Belfast by a cyclist on the footpath. She suffered a fractured cheekbone.. cracked ribs and bruising in multiple areas of her body. The £500 fine for cycling on the footpath is too lenient and therefore compounds the issue.
      I would make an exception for young kids but no one ☝️ else .. in my friends case, the cyclist 🚴‍♀️ speed off and the lack of cctv in that spot means he not only gets off but is likely to repeat this again.
      Footpath as in feet 🦶 cyclists shouldn’t be on the footpath except in exceptional circumstances .. directed a police officer.. emergency services etc ..

    4. In the footage you can see Auriol Grey's hand on the cyclists for a split second. This means she was pushed and did not just lose the balance. Using slowed footage you can also see the clothes bends around Auriol's hand which confirms she made physical contact with the cyclist before the incident

    5. Pushed not gestured at. U missed out on a very vital and the most important observation u could have made. U put so much effort to sound articulate yet zero effort of being accurate.

    6. All so very sad but noway should someone get a jai sentence for this, I do not believe any adult cyclist should be on a footpath, but if they are they should stop or give way to pedestrians.

    7. Everyone examines the pedestrians actions but not the cyclists.

      Both wanted right of way and neither was willing to yeild.

      If the cyclist was a young male who didnt fall off i imagine lots of people would have a different opinion.

      I also remember seeing a lamppost in the video or on google maps where this happened and it would have narrowed the path even more.

      In the same way cars have a responsibility towards cyclists, cyclists have a responsibility pedestrians. The lady on the bike shown no regard for the pedestrian. That doesnt justify the end result but sje help to create this situation.

    8. The fat fcuk deserves life with no parole. Clearly this was murder, marching at the old woman, shouting and gesticulating aggressively. Whether she pushed her or not is totally irrelevant. She saw the oncoming traffic and knew the old woman would fall into the road. The final proof is she casually went shopping afterwards, in full knowledge she’d caused someone’s death. Unbelievable ‘justice’ system. The judge needs to do time for that insulting sentence.

    9. The problem is that everyone thiks they are in the right. I've lost count of the number of cyclists who reguluarly attempt to mow down pedestrians as 'they are in their way', no warning given, and often with headphones. I've also seen cyclists totally ignore council provided cycle lanes and ride on the road, as well as taking over shared pathways in the assumption that they are bike only. Having said which, I've seen cars, lorries and buses nearly kill a cyclist through lack of observation, as well as pededstrians walking in a cycle lane that is not a shared lane. In short, all three are equally in nocent and/or guilty. What's the answer, I'm not sure, but all of us need to be a bit more thoughtful and courteous, pedestrians, cyclists and vehicluar traffic

    10. "get off the f$$ing pavement " is a perfectly acceptable thing to say. She didn't push her off and clearly the old teacher could've run over a feather and taken a tumble. There are people getting lesser sentences for rape or GBH. Ridiculous

    11. The summary by Mark Dollard may be neat but it is incorrect. Grey's response to the presence of Celia on a pedal cycle was proportionate (it is unreasonable to expect her to simply do nothing when faced with a hazard). It was only found to be unlawful because the jury did not think hard enough about how the pedestrian and cyclist were supposed to pass each other (if at all) and the total unsuitableness of the narrow pavement as an (unsigned at the time) shared cycleway. There are very fine margins in this case rather than anything being clear. Road users make gestures and raise their voices all of the time. Cycling on the pavement may be OK in the absence of pedestrians but it is not OK to cycle close to someone and/or force them to move out of the way. The cyclist makes several errors including being on the wrong side of the pavement, is careless even reckless, inconsiderate, and it is not clear that she is has good control of her bicycle.

      The cyclist invades the pedestrian's space by getting far too close which is an aggressive act in itself. The pedestrian does little other than continue walking. I don't see a significant swipe. Any contact is incidental, largely the fault of the cyclist, and not the cause of the cyclist losing control

    12. Did you check check the google earth for the time of the incident to see if the shared cycleway signs were present then? The signs have been added since the incident which is a fact that should be made clear. The should also be a warning sign concerning the lamp posts.

    13. It is a tragic accident. That pavement is not suitable for pedestrians and bikes. They report it is 2.4m wide that is not true in practice, the pavement is cluttered by signs and lamp posts. The council are more culpable of man slaughter than Grey.

    14. I understand the confusion regarding the pathway but if it was against the law,the pedestrian took the law into her own hands which in itself can be an offence. I believe that if she had stopped and tried to help the cyclist (not at all saying this could save her) but it would have at the very least shown this was an accident and shown remorse. The lady then lied in her interview. Its clear shes not a nice woman and her actions were disgusting.

    15. Fact is. This woman often went around town lecturing people for cycling even when on joint use paths.

      It was a matter of time b4 an incident like this happened.

      She got of lightly for having caused the death of an elderly lady .

      She didnt get convicted for murder .
      Manslaughter was the only possible outcome .

      Some one died from a direct result from this lady's actions .
      Simple. 3 yrs is nothing for the loss of a life.

    16. Cyclists should stay on the roads and pedestrians should have the freedom to walk unhindered and without danger from cyclists.

      I've been run over twice by cyclists whilst walking on footpaths in my town. I was hit from behind and the scond time I turned a corner onto a narrow pavement and was hit by a cyclist who was oblivious to my safety. Both occasions I suffered injury! I had no recourse to any justice or compensation. In effect, I had to accept the injury and the indignation of being assaulted with indifference from one cyclist and an effusive, though inneffective apology from the other. I'm an adult, if I had been a child, the potential injury to the child could have been much greater. Let's be sensible – keep adults riding bikes on the road!

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