Taunton Police and Probation office – The Deane House, Belvedere Rd, Taunton TA1 1HE

    Police leave us alone mostly but probation kick off and we spot some data breaches.

    360 drone Google maps photo – https://maps.app.goo.gl/V49HkQiCRpAgyWJk6


    1. the very boring probation officer talks about not being judgemental then goes on with a crazy conspiracy theory alleging extreme malice aforethought from the auditor! This guy will say anything to get his deluded way, I feel sorry for the ones on probation with liars like this in charge.

    2. How is that the gentleman at the end of the video has no grasp on how society funds their escapades? I like that there are those out there that show me that administration cannot be trusted with societies data. How is it possible, with his apparent complete lack of knowledge of the simple workings of our society, he managed to get a job (which I presume demands responsibility, understanding and logic) with the probation service. He came across as a compliant (yes, compliant not complete) idiot!

    3. Why lately have you changed? Another one you said was alright. He was not alright, he tried to stop you and tell you that you shouldn't be doing it even as he was walking away. This is a movement to make people realise filming is like golf or basketball or train watching. It is lawful and leave people alone.

    4. Mate! Whilst your down this way you need to come do some auditing around bodmin way! I’d even come and meet you to make an edit! πŸŽ‰

    5. The probation officer didn’t get it despite your clear explanation. The location was the perfect example of chinks in the office CCTV armour. Maybe he will reflect on it but, then again, maybe not! πŸ˜‚

    6. Gent at the end needs to understand that we are watching them and holding them accountable, this isn't North Korea or China. Tough if he doesn't like it

    7. good video but a bit creepy that you say β€˜she’s a good looking police officer’ and then say your going to talk to her – having ignored all the others – you then say β€˜the lads were all pleased to see you’. Definitely getting close to crossing the line there my friend!!

    8. service users are dealing with narcisist in these probation centres for the most part probation officers will twist your comments and thus
      gaslight you upon it if you say something along the lines of i know thyself there gaslight you with a cock and bull story and attempt to convince you other wise that your lacking self awareness they basically polarize your own personel truth
      and everything you say with gaslighted falsehoods they try to dupe your perception of self and how others perceive you what there trying to do is brain train you in to not trusting your own sense of self and what is and isnt real there trying to make you self doubt your self

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