the history books are fit to burst with Tales of members of royalty so profoundly good-looking the common people would go to war just for a sweet glimpse of their Radiance matters I have no intention of discussing publicly I do not Grant private audiences to unidentified person good genetics or simply biased historians who knows but once upon a time queens and princesses were the stars of their day in this video we’ll reveal the women who could stop an Army in their tracks with little more than a bat of the eyelashes these are the 20 most beautiful princesses and queens in history

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    1. This video neglected to mention one of the most stylish, stunning women in the world who is also intelligent and works tirelessly for her country. She is actually often considered the most elegant woman in the world and she does all this as a member of the ultra conservative Muslim country, Qatar! Sheika Moza! At many international gathering of royals she manages to outshine them all. How was she not mentioned?
      And why the sarcasm throughout the video? Nothing wrong with showing up and looking good while doing it. Many of these wealthy royals work hard to bring good to the world.

    2. Why show the same scenes of Elizabeth Taylor for the Nefertiti and Cleopatra ones? I wonder how this list would have been if a woman was doing the countdown.

    3. I feel Catherine princess of wales is a beautiful woman, she is a source of inspiration to all , who happens to look gorgeous in anything she wears , her integrity and intellect make her a valued member of society as a should not tarnish women who have the ability to wear clothes well you sound petty

    4. Some pretty snide and sniping remarks from this video. And inaccurate, as somebody commented. What’s he got against Princess Catherine of Britain, for instance? And a couple of others? Imagine what he’d have said if these women didn’t dress well! They’d be letting their country down, as they go all over the world supporting their country and people.

    5. Loads of factual mistakes, wrong informations. But what is most annoying is the mis-pronounciations of many names, as well as wrong names (i.e. the Shah of Iran was not Pahlava but Pahlavi). That is a major disrespect towards the persons mentioned…

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