1. i'm always stunned how the general public greet each other. eg what are you doing? what are you looking at? manners have long since departed!!! and how the police talk to the public.. they forget that we paid for their 'services' 🙄

    2. "WHY" do the Police need all this land up and down the country ?

      They have all this land Fenced in and surrounded by high barbwire, its like a secret army, maybe getting ready for when we become a Police State makes you think ?????

    3. What brings you down here? Answer my legs, the reason they don’t identify is because they are doing illegal activities. That was definitely a call to say get out of there before you get sued.

    4. What a bunch of characters. Tried to flex her police muscles and failed. Absolute unprofessional !!! Starsky and Crutch comes to mind. 🤡 🤡

    5. Did someone pass a law allowing us to have a police state. Can't film, can't walk down an empty road, can't film hotels, can't fly our flag, facial recognition on us just for walking around a shopping centre in S. Wales and cameras watching everywhere. While they are watching us crime is soaring and not getting solved. God help us.

    6. “I am not being difficult with you” When that comes out of their mouth, it means even they know themselves that they are crossing the line.

    7. The conversation was starting to achieve an apogee that the young lady couldn't match…the "We got a call" from the driver was excellent strategy….

    8. Hi D J E, another interesting conversation with individuals who do not understand thew difference between their civic duties and their own concepts of right and wrong.
      This persistent desire to have members of the public provide personal details is an obvious expression of the frustration they feel because just because they are in the job they do not have any special powers, all they have is the same limited influence that any of us ever have and the reason they joined in the first place was because they think that power is not enough.
      Cheers, Richard.

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