HUNDREDS of revellers had gathered for the music rave near Kibbutz Re’im, close to the Gaza Strip, to celebrate the end of the Sukkot religious holiday.

    The festival soon turned to chaos as Palestinian terrorists fired rockets and gunshots into the crowd of unsuspecting festival-goers.

    Footage circulated on social media showed hundreds of people screaming and crying as they tried to flee.

    Footage circulated online shows the harrowing moment a young woman is snatched by Hamas terrorists and dragged away as she pleads for her life.

    The woman was at a festival in the desert when the militants dragged her away on a motorcycle as she begged “Don’t kill me”.

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    1. Müminlerin velisi Allah sübhanu ve Teala'dir
      Kâfirlerin velisi ise şeytan iblis dir
      Kâfirler kâfirlerin dostudur
      müminler müminlerin başka söze gerek yok

    2. 0:19 The girl at the left, with khaki pants and black bra top, is Noam Shallom, 25 years old. She died. She was a paramedic and in her last video message, sent to her family, she was crying and sheltering in an ambulance after having gone to help the wounded. Her friend Bar Tomer, also 25, can be seen at 0:19 dancing behind Noam. She is wearing a dark lilac top and dark skirt and she is holding a bottle. She died too. Noam went to the festival with two friends. The third is alive and at home.

    3. There is a lot of mis information being spread on the media and news channels by the Zionists Israelis about hamas.
      The lies of the Israeli Zionists have been shown on multiple news channels.

      If this is how the hamas have murdered this innocent girl then no doubt these criminals will face the wrath of Allah,
      Allah says in the holy Book – the Qur'an – to take one life, it's as though u have killed himanity, and to Save one life it's as though u have saved humanity.
      The main root of this evil killings is because of the fact that Israel with the backing of some Western ( deceitful driven by prejudice)
      countries , is occupying Palestinians land, turned their land into an apartheid state. Inhumanely killing civilians, has put their country under military rule, and blockade, controlling every moves of what enters and leaves, treating every civilians as prisoners in Palestine. This the Zionists have been doing for more than
      70 years. Unless this stops and
      Unless Israel agrees to the 2 state solution as agreed by the UN, and unless Israel allow the Palestinians to live like a normal people on their land in peace, how can Israel expect peace ?
      Hamas is fighting back the oppression of Zionists jews.

      The Zionists jews have murdered thousands of Palestinians.

      Not all jewish people are Zionists, majority of Israeli people disagree with the far right Zionists jewish organization who is anti- Palestine.
      However I agree killing innocent civilians is totally unacceptable whoever is committing the attrocities.

    4. How Israel youth has separated from God and dancing with this music and the big statue of Buddha as their idol .????
      Have they forgot God(YHWH) and praise idols and other gods !!!
      I hear they have also their first transgender school?!!
      So what we expect?!!
      Review the Bible and read it and find some answer about what happen all the time with the people of Israel in desobediente and obedience!!!
      Not justifying any violence at all but we all are focusing in the attach which is wrong but we are not even taking about what’s about this festival with this image!! Something to think about also

    5. Can anybody notice what the hell is wrong with this video?! Can anybody here at least think for themselves?!
      Where is the part where they shoot the civilians?! Why do you keep calling them terrorists if we can't verify them firing into civilians?!

      Oh God, you are so stupid.

    6. This is not at all surprising. The slaughter of Palestinian innocents has been omnipresent for decades. Zionism is a very modern Nationalist movement, true Judaism has existed 3000 years much of which, it has coexisted, with Islam, and there's no problems whatsoever. Zionists have hijacked the star of David and land of Israel. Rogue apartheid state, and…….they know it

    7. n can you imagine how her soul must have gone express to he'll, after getting high of Extacy and drunk in the middle of the dessert for 2-3days in a row, while their is a concentration camp and a Genocide going on 5 miles down the road. I wonder why God Just left them there to Die. Unfortunately you can't go to heaven when your tripping on E, and you support Genocide, no matter how chosen you think you are.. you go straight down with the God of Hate, and sacking, deception and war and of blood sacrifice, like the babies sacrifice in Gaza

    8. n can you imagine how her soul must have gone express to he'll, after getting high of Extacy and drunk in the middle of the dessert for 2-3days in a row, while their is a concentration camp and a Genocide going on 5 miles down the road. I wonder why God Just left them there to Die. Unfortunately you can't go to heaven when your tripping on E, and you support Genocide, no matter how chosen you think you are.. you go straight down with the God of Hate, and sacking, deception and war and of blood sacrifice, like the babies sacrifice in Gaza

    9. After all the bloodshed, will the Israelis live in peace and quietude? They are a prisoner of geography and will remain so for several years to come. Will Israelis in Israel smile after this is over? Will they put their feet up and fall in to a deep sleep? Or will they and theirs and their generations to come keep fighting and remain on hyper vigil only to avoid being bombed to death or ambushed from above. How determined are the Gen Z Jews to continue this belligerence? Will they want to live in the "promised land" for the rest of their lives and fight, sharing the vision of Gold Meir and Ben Gurion, or will they seek for themselves more a little more peace elsewhere? I have not experienced a war in my lifetime but if I were an Israeli living in Israel , I will have lost hope seeing the battles that have unfolded in the last 30 years and give up on geo-politics and human greed – Jewish or otherwise – and slipped away to give myself and my family little more peace.

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