1. That horrible version of the usually lovely Welsh accent is almost always a sign that the person using it is an arsehole. As that bloke confirmed of course.

      Great work as always DJE, thank you.

    2. I was more concerned about the amount of slaughterhouse trucks going by in this video.
      They are oblivious to most folk.
      But thats just how they are meant to be I suppose.
      Cant upset the consumers can they.
      The right for ALL to live outways the right to film in my opinion.
      Sorry if its off tooic.
      Just how i feel.

    3. Where is the proof he was fired? That woman could have been lieing. Went inside quickly. — maybe to tell him to hide.maybe she was telling the truth, but he left of his own accord, or maybe he just transferred to another location

    4. You must be gutted that he was sacked but not for your video. And then you harass a member of the public when he repeatedly asked you to desist. The lady did not say he was sacked because of a video as you said to the police, nor did you tell them how you were harassing a gentleman in the street. And then you insinuated the police were there to trump up a charge against you, pathetic as usual.

    5. Guy might have been off but come on his probably got a family that he provides for and in such hard time you might of just really put a family on it’s ass. Bet you’re feeling really proud. Karma always comes back around

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