Did you know there are 5 different types of German Shepherd dog’s based on their breeding and origin?! They were all originally bred to herd sheep, work as guard and police dog’s, service dog’s and show dog’s but they’re type will help determine how good they will be at their job. To know what type is best for you, make sure to watch this video till the end!

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    1️⃣1) West-German Working Line (refering to west Germany)
    a. This is the most popular GSD with a shorter hair coat and are calmer and more friendly around new people and children and recommended for families. They are said to make the best family pets with the best temperament.

    2️⃣2) American Show Lines German Shepherds:
    a. These dog’s are bred for show purposes. They can have a shorter or long coat. They generally are not used as working dog’s or in guarding competitions. And mostly sold as companion pets.
    b. These are the most common German Shepherd available in America and Canada, They have a mixture of different bloodlines but do have a distinguished look.
    c. They have shorter muzzels, a slopping gait and longer hocks than other lines, they have thicker under bellies and thinner heads as well. When it comes to color this breed is usually black and tan and the color white is allowed.
    d. Make sure to get an American GSD with a pedigree to know what temperament your getting. There are a lot of backyard bred American GSDs that will have mystery personalities and temperaments.

    3️⃣3) West German show lines or European Show Line German shepherds –
    a. They are known for being the most good looking out of the 5 types of GSDS.
    b. They have a black and red fur color.
    c. Because of their gorgeous looks, they make great show dog’s.
    d. They are very similar to the American show lines but have alittle more of a guarding and protecting instinct to be a working dog.
    e. The European show line GSDs also make great pets and are better with children.

    4️⃣4) East German DDR Working Line (Dourche democratic republic – meaning east Germany)
    a. The East lines are on the bigger side when compared to the 4 other types. They have a thick double coat. They are strong working dog’s and often used as police dog’s, military dog’s and rescue dog’s. They have a high prey drive and are triggered easily and should be monitored around humans.
    b. They regularly come in black and have the darkest color among all the working lines.
    c. This type of german shepherd is very intelligent but can be aggressive towards strangers.
    d. They are often not recommended to have around children.
    e. The East German DDR have very strict breeding rules and can only breed if they are free of hip dysplasia and other diseases.

    5️⃣5) Czech Working line German Shepherds
    a. They are the smallest, leanest type of German shepherd, making them more agile and gracefull. They usually have smaller ears than other GSDs and have a short rough coat that’s easy to maintain and come in the sable color.
    b. They are calmer but are still labor intensive dog’s, with great protection drive for police work and guarding but are not as aggressive as the East German lines.
    c. They are better as pets around children, but monitoring any GSD around kids is recommended.
    d. And like the Eastern dog’s they have strick breeding rights and are generally very healthy dog’s.

    🐾So I hope you Enjoyed learning about all the different types of German Shepherds!!! They’re such beautiful dog’s, tireless workers, and great comapantions BUT since they are such an intense dog I hope you think 2-3x about if this dog is the right dog for you and your family. They require tons of training, attention and exercise.




    1. I hava an East Czech working line who is definitely high prey drive and I recommend extensive training with them. He’s very smart and well socialized and being trained for protection work. Great video. Thanks

    2. We have a GSD from a backyard breeder. She’s definitely interesting personality wise! She’s friendly but a wussy spoiled weirdo. She demands the lights off immediately upon putting her to bed. She also demands an audiobook read by Kevin Pierce only be playing! She doesn’t care which story it just has to be his voice lol. She will demand the lights go out and story on and not hush until everyone is in bed and quiet lol. She had other weird behaviors too
      Too many to list. We love her but she is unlike any dog I’ve ever had big or small. She’s def a challenge and I’m glad our kids are grown because she’s so demanding

    3. Shepherd from Germany in 1978. 145 lbs 24 inch head. Silver gray black sable. AKC. When the back was straight and back legs were even. Beron Van Ajax blood line. 17 years old . Love that dog . I was 16 when mom brought him from Germany for me . 24 months old. I still miss him. Dam good dog. Great livestock dog too. ❤

    4. I have a west German line. Rescued him when 6. After 2 years he adjusted well and well socialized but totally loyal and protective. Drops heaps of hair and looks like he’s got a permanent tan face mask.

    5. My grandma's family used to breed the ddr line. They were wonderful dogs that would have done anything to protect the people they love when sensing danger. Obviously my family and i are german

    6. I share my life with a ddr she’s a amazing partner but definitely not suitable for a novice person , they can be hard work and do need a huge amount of attention but when the bond is there you couldn’t have a better dog !,oh and unusually she’s white
      Don’t ever buy a GSD that has a sloped back it’s a abomination that comes with unnecessary health problems , a shepherd dogs back should be entirely flat

    7. My son got his German Shepherd from a friend, he absolutely beautiful and a sweet heart too smart for his own good. HOWEVER, it was then learned that his parents were litter mates! Yep he is severely inbred and he is very lucky that Koda has no side effects of that. He is a shed machine LOL Our German Shepherd does not play fetch – you play fetch. He throws his toys and will wait for you to fetch it. it is a shame what they did to their backs and hide legs. He is a West German Showline no doubt from seeing your video, he is black and red, but while he has that back slop, it isn't as bad as the one you showed. He is a sweet heart but he will let you know if anyone gets too close to our house.

    8. Some modification to your comments. Germany spilt into east and west in 1949 (West Democratic/East USSR puppet state). In 1961 the Berlin Wall went up, but the East German government had control over their breeding before those events with its own registry. After 1989 when the Wall fell, the strict government control of the breed went away. The German Sheperd in the US became official with the formation of the German Sheperd Dog Club in 1913. The breed was developed by Max von Stephanitz using various traditional German herding dogs from 1899. At 1:16 in the video you "5 breeds", but the correct terminology is "bloodline", "type" or "standards", not breeds.

    9. Did you do any research on any of these lines the DDR has less prey drive than the other working lines they work in defence drive the german working line is the smallest of the lines and the czech shepherd's are the biggest and are sought after for ipo igp and schuntzhund

    10. Hmm, I'm extremely surprised that a supposed vet wouldn't mention the fact that the "Show line" German Shepherds have problematic backs BECAUSE of selective breeding and that the sloped back causes problems for these German Shepherds later on in life.
      Basically, these things are bred to look good, then put down as soon as they start having back problems.

    11. I have a male European showline and a female Villano de las encartaciones. They make a great team protecting these 40 acres but both have a strong kill instinct so my livestock has to be separated

    12. I haven't seen a steep curving back gsd in more than a decade now. I think proper breeders finally learned, the hard way, that this type was riddled with health problems.

    13. Great video, I have 2 Czech GSD's and I love mine, they are funny has heck and can be very affectionate. They love to play and go with you everywhere. They also love long hikes in the woods. I have my pedigree and my dog's parents actually came from Czechoslovakia via Canada, but my male is actually 100 lbs my female is somewhat smaller than other GSD's, but they are high energy dogs, so exercise is key they aren't made for couch potatoes that's for sure. Keep up the good work

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