
    Strongest earthquake in 25 years hits Taiwan
    29 killed in Istanbul fire
    Global condemnation over killing of aid workers
    Biden-Xi hold first discussion since November

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    We live from New Delhi you’re watching DD India news India’s voice to the world I’m leak shikura coming up in the next hour huge landslides in Wan after Taiwan hit by strongest quake in 25 years leaves over 87,000 people without power Japan Philippines war residents to evacuate to higher level

    Areas world leaders condemn Israeli a strike on Aid workers calls for a transparent investigation is well admits Convoy hit unintentionally promises independent investigation US President Joe Biden speaks to Chinese counterpart Shi Jinping on phone talks focus on Taiwan Ai and Tech issues and in turkey at least 29 people

    Killed during daytime renovation work at a nightclub in Istanbul Onto the details now an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 hit Tha the capital of Taiwan on Wednesday morning killing one person injuring dozens the Taiwan Central weather Administration said the epicenter of the Quake was in waters of the Eastern Coastline of Taiwan Island the Quake knocked out bar in several

    Parts of the city the Quake was also felt in Shanghai meanwhile taii city government said it has not yet received any reports of major damage the Chinese State media stated it was felt in fuzia Shaman guano and ning in China’s fijan Province who thae residents were rattled after the qu Taiwan Central weather

    Administration said that aftershocks could still be felt in thae more than 25 aftershocks were also registered in the region the Tremors also caused massive landslides in the Eastern mountaineous County of huin taiwan’s fire department said one person is suspected to have been crushed to death by Falling Rocks

    In huan the area was the epicenter of the Quake well following the tsunami warnings triggered after a powerful earthquake Japan has issued an evacuation advisory for the coastal areas of the Southern prefecture of okav Japan’s weather department has said that tsunami waves of up to 3 met were

    Expected to reach large areas of Japan’s Southwestern Coast while Philippines have also issued a tsunami warning following a strong Taiwan quake well in view of the earthquake India thap Association has set up emergency helpline for assistance guidance or clarification to all IND Nationals living in Taiwan India thap Association

    Has also provided a phone number 0952 47906 and email a add. me.gov doin and it indas Laura Westbrook joins us from Hong Kong for more on the earthquake well Laura after the powerful earthquake uh there has been a massive tsunami warning uh what is the current status there right

    Now yes you’re right Japan’s Southern prefecture of Okinawa issued a tsunami warning that’s now being downgraded to advisory and no damage has been reported in Japan in Taiwan though it’s a very different story that powerful earthquake was felt um in Taiwan all the way into the capital Taipei it it occurred about

    2 minutes before 8:00 a.m. local time and it was felt uh in qualan as well which was about 18 about 18 kilometers away sorry from juen and that is where the eastern part of the city that is where uh the eastern part of Taiwan that

    Is where most of the damage uh is being reported we’re getting reports of buildings that have collapsed um we’re getting reports that dozens of people have been injured at least one person has died and there have been massive landslides reported there as well Rescuers are now assessing the damage

    And uh the government has said that the aftershocks continue to be felt in Taipei and in hualian the eastern part of Taiwan um but major infrastructure remains uh undamaged uh the uh the uh Railway system in the city in the country has been has be has been halted

    But both nuclear power plants are unaffected all right also as you say the Earth uh the aftershocks are still coming uh what are the precautions being uh taken yes uh in the [ __ ] Taiwanese authorities have uh opened up some evacuation centers in hualian which is

    Uh one of the areas which has been most affected so uh that’s for residents who are there who um who are continuing to feel the effects of aftershocks uh in that part of uh that part of Taiwan um Rescuers are assessing the damaged they

    Also have to get there um as well and so uh we are uh we are monitoring uh what’s happening and um and but as I said there there the major infrastructure in the in the country appears to be um undamaged although we are hearing that there are multiple uh building

    Collapses all right thank you so much Laura for that update from there and moving on leaders worldwide to condemn the deaths of 78 workers in an Israeli air strike in Gaza British Australian polish US Canadian dual Citizen and Palestinian Nationals were killed when their Convoy was attacked on

    Monday night the world Central Kitchen had immediately paused its operations in the region and the White House said it was outraged by an Israeli air strike in Gaza that killed seven people working for World Central Kitchen US National Security Council coordinator for strategic Communications John Kirby said that President Joe Biden called the

    Charity Aid group’s founder to share his condolences we were outraged to learn of an IDF strike that killed a number of Civilian humanitarian workers yesterday from the world Central Kitchen which has been Relentless in working to get food to those who are hungry in Gaza and quite frankly around the world we send

    Our deepest condolences to their families and loved ones we expect the broader investigation to be be conducted and to be done so in a Swift and comprehensive manner we hope that those findings will be made public and that there is appropriate accountability held and Australian prime minister Anthony Alban said on Wednesday his

    Country was outraged by the completely unacceptable death of an Australian Aid worker in Gaza from an Israeli air strike Albany said he spoke with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu and conveyed Australia’s anger and concern at the death of eight worker Zi Frank uh I spoke with uh prime minister

    Netanyahu this morning with a phone call uh that was organized uh overnight uh I expressed uh Australia’s anger and concern at the death of zomie frankcom this is completely unacceptable uh the Israeli government has accepted uh responsibility uh for this and prime minister Netanyahu uh conveyed uh his

    Condolences uh to the family of zomi uh frankum and to Australia as a result of this tragedy and Britain on Tuesday summoned the Israeli Ambassador over the deaths of Aid workers in Gaza foreign secretary David Cameron posted on social media platform X that he had spoken with his

    Israeli counterpart Israel cats to to underline that the debts were completely unacceptable he added Israel must urgently explain how this happened and make major changes to ensure safety of Aid workers on the ground also the United Nations Secretary General Antonio gutus said that Israeli strikes in World Central Kitchen Aid

    Workers was devastating speaking at a session in United Nations General Assembly the UN Chief said that the attack on Aid workers in Gaza one un uncontable the devastating Israeli air strikes that killed World Central Kitchen Personnel yesterday bring the number of Aid workers killed in this conflict to

    196 including more than 175 members of our own un staff this is unconscionable but it is an inevitable result of the way the war is being conducted it demonstrates yet again the urgent need for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire the unconditional release of all hostages and the expansion of

    Humanitarian Aid into Gaza as the security Council demanded in its resolution last week the resolution must be implemented without delay and Israeli Chief of Staff hary halav apologized on Wednesday for the unintentional harm to the members of the world Central kit in G AA he said an independent body will carry out a

    Thorough investigation he added that the findings of the investigation will be shared with the world Central Kitchen and other relevant International organizations this incident was a grave mistake Israel is at a war with Hamas not with the people of Gaza we are sorry for the unintentional harm to the members of

    Wck we share in the grief of their families as well as the entire world Central Kitchen organization from the bottom of our hearts an independent body will investigate the incident thoroughly we will complete it in the next coming days we will learn from the conclusions and Implement them

    Immediately we will share in full transparency the findings of the investigation with the world Central Kitchen and other International relevant organization we see great importance in the continued delivery of humanitarian Aid and we will keep working to facilitate this vital effort and prime minister Benjamin nanu too described the incident as tragic and

    Unintended he said such accidents happen in war time unfortunately in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip this happens in wartime we are thoroughly looking into it are in contact with the governments and will do everything to ensure it does

    Not happen again well the US Secretary of State has held talks with the French President as out of a trip to France and Belgium the Middle East and Ukraine were the top issues on the agenda did India Ross scullen reports for more well Anthony blinkin and Emanuel

    Macron met on Tuesday earlier in the day Anthony blinken had met his French counterparts the French foreign minister Stefan seon and Mr seon updated Mr blinkin on his recent trip to China where he pressed Beijing to use its influence with Moscow to try to bring about an end to the conflict in Ukraine

    Earlier on Tuesday Mr blink to a weapons Factory here in France with the French defense minister saying it was crucial for Western allies to keep up the support for Kiev particularly providing ammunition to the Ukrainian Armed Forces now the Middle East was the other major issue for Mr blinkin and Mr macron to

    Discuss on Tuesday particularly given the ongoing pressure from countries like the United States and France on Israel not to go ahead with its planned offensive in the south of the Gaza Strip around the city of Rafa also the talks between uh the French President and the United States sec SEC of State coming

    After the killing of Iranian Generals in an air strike believed to have been carried out by Israel inside Syria and also those talks coming after the deaths of several Aid workers after Israeli Jets mistakenly targeted the group Distributing Aid in the Gaza Strip France has twice this year hosted talks

    Between the United States katar Egypt and Israel to try to find a deal to release the hostages still being held by Hamas and also to secure an end to the conflict and discussions of two-state solution going forward now those talks were held on Tuesday on Wednesday the next destination for Mr blinken was

    Brussels where he will be attending the meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Paris Ross Cullen reporting for DD India and still to come on DD India news now ahead of the 75th anniversary of founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies foreign ministers will meet in Brussels US Open second Channel enabling smaller

    Vessels to navigate the Port of Baltimore and one of the oldest books in existence the crossby Shen codex written around 250 to 35080 heads for the Auction India that invents India that innovates India that excites India that invites land of possibility teaming with opportunities watch India ideas each Thursday 8:00 p.m. only on DD India Welcome back you’re watching DD India news I’m leak shikan and moving on US President Joe Biden and China’s president xiin ping had their first conversation since November both the leaders spoke about Taiwan Ai and regular communication they also reportedly engaged in tough issues is a way to manage their often rocky

    Relationship nicka reports for more from Washington well the White House says it was a candid and constructive discussion lasting about an hour and 45 minutes and it was an opportunity to build on some of the issues the two leaders discussed when they last spoke back in November at a face-to-face meeting in California

    Things like collaboration on climate change counternarcotics cooperation how to counter the spread of fenel and ongoing military to military communication but the White House also made it clear C that President Joe Biden raised a number of major concerns that the US has with Beijing in particular we’re told that Biden pushed

    Washington’s concern about any attempts by Beijing to bring Taiwan under its influence and control also concerns about Chinese military buildup in the South China Sea and perceived aggression towards us allies like the Philippines and Washington’s worries about China’s support of Russia in its war against

    Ukraine this was a chance to try and de fused tensions between the two countries that have been Rocky for many months both leaders were told underscored the value that they see in frequent engagements and the attempt to return to regular phone calls however there was no

    Agreement out the back of this call for the two men to meet again face to face while the White House said it was possible there was no firm commitment from either side or a firm date however in the coming weeks there will be a series of highlevel engagements with the

    US Treasury secret Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Anthony blinken due to travel to Beijing in the coming weeks in Washington Nick Harper reporting for DD India well during the conversation Biden stressed support for Taiwan but she called a US interference in the South China see a red line did ind’s

    Laura Westbrook reports from Hong Kong for more yes this was the first call between the two presidents since they met in San San Francisco last November where TI is partly stabilized uh there have been tensions between the two countries and this call was really seen as another attempt to try and stabilize those

    Tensions and create more dialogue the two leaders discussed a range of issues from artificial intelligence to military Communications Mr Biden wrote on Twitter following the call that he looked forward to responsibly managing the relationship in the weeks and months ahead while President president Xin ping that he hoped to strengthen dialogue in

    A mutually respectful way but the US did push its view it stressed that the importance of Peace in the Taiwan Strait as well as the rule of law um and uh navigation in the South China Sea the sh xiin ping in China said the South CH us

    Interference in the South China Sea was a red line and analysts are really saying that this call was a way to show the world that the two leaders of the two world’s biggest economies are speaking and then there is dialogue but there is still significant tensions between the two countries not least over

    Taiwan as well as over trade and as well in Hong Kong Hong Kong uh passed a domestic National Security Law and the US state department has said that it will impose visa restrictions on some Hong Kong officials that in it deemed uh responsible for for a Crackdown on freedoms

    Here well NATO foreign ministers will meet on Wednesday to discuss how to put military support for Ukraine on a long-term footing including a proposal for $ 107 billion US fund the plans will be discussed during a two-day meeting in Brussels that will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the North

    Atlantic Treaty Organization the aim is to have an eight package finalized in time for a NATO Summit which will be held in Washington in July the proposals by NATO Secretary General Jen stonberg would give the Western Alliance a more direct role in coordinating the supply of arms ammunition and equipment to Ukraine

    Ministers are also expected to discuss the race to replace tolon Burg NATO is celebrating the 75th anniversary of NATO’s founding on Thursday the defense Alliance was established in 1949 in the aftermath of World War II with just 12 members and today now has 32 too well the United States has warned

    Iran not to retaliate against it fore an attack on Iran’s Embassy compound in Syria on Tuesday stating it had no prior warning un Ambassador US ambassador to the UN Robert Wood said we will not hesitate to defend our personnel and repeat our prior warnings to Iran and

    Its proxies not to take advantage of the situation we will not hesitate to defend our personnel and repeat our prior warnings to Iran and its proxies not to take advantage of the situation again an attack in which we had no involvement or Advanced knowledge to resume their attacks on us

    Personnel even as we continue to learn more about this incident it seems clear that every member of this Council should reiterate that all States including Iran and Syria have a responsibility to avoid the path of escalation to stop arming and Advising terrorist groups and to re in the actions of proxies who threaten

    Regional peace and security and satellite imagery released by Maxa Technologies showed an overview of Damascus after the attack while moving on North Korea successfully test fired a new MID wrong range solid fuel Hypersonic missile on Wednesday the state run television KT released a video of States leader King

    John un overseeing the launch and Laing it as a strategic weapon that demonstrates the absolute superiority of North Korea’s defense technology as per the state media Kim said North Korea has fully turned all tactical operational and strategic grade missiles at different ranges into solid fuel with Warhead control and capable of

    Nuclearization North Korea fired a suspected intermediate range ballistic missile into the sea drawing Swift condemnation from South Korea Japan and the United States a fire at an estanbul nightclub during Renovations on Tuesday has left at least 29 people dead the night club which was closed for renovations was on the ground floor of a 16-story residential building in the BK town District on the European side of the city the stanbul governor’s office said

    A further eight people were injured with seven of those in serious condition arrest warrants were issued for five people including the management of the club and the person responsible for the renovations well Donald Trump has posted a $175 million Bond tied to his civil fraud case this comes a week after in a

    Sad substantially reduced the amount the former president needed to pay William Densel reports for more from New York in a series of social media posts Donald Trump accused the legal system of being corrupt and P sized and railed against the fact he had to pay a bond before the appeals process is concluded

    Donald Trump was ordered to pay roughly $450 million after a New York judge found that he’d inflated the value of his asset assets for favorable terms from lenders but just last week an appeals court lowered that figure to $175 million As Trump continues to fight the judges ruling in a statement a

    Lawyer for Trump said he made the payment as promised and looks forward to vindicating his rights on appeal the bond was secured through Knight’s speciality insurance company the chairman of the group that owns the insurance firm is said to be a trump supporter but speaking to us broadcast

    Master ABC News Don Hani said it was more of a business decision than personal Allegiance the bomb payment has dampened speculation that Trump may have Bank assets Frozen or assets seized to cover his legal penalties but if his appeal is rejected he’ll be forced to pay the full figure to the tune of

    $464 million the former president’s du back in court later this month for the start of a criminal trial here in Manhattan he’s accused of paying hush money to a porn star ahead of the 2016 presidential election he denies wrongdoing and says all his various legal battles are politically motivated William deno in

    New York reporting for DD India and it’s been a whole week since a major bridge in the US city of Baltimore collapsed after a container ship lost par and crashed into it killing six construction workers The Vessel the Dal is still stuck in the Patapsco River and

    The unnamed 21 man crew all but one of whom are Indian citizens remain on board till probe completes D Benji hire reports for more less than 2 kilm from this giant cargo ship lodged in wreckage sits Andrew Middleton texting the Indian seaf farers on board he’s been checking in

    With the crew several times a day since the Collision the interactions I’ve had with with the two crew members that I have contact with uh you know I’ve I’ve kind of limited my questions to just how they’re doing and if there’s any any need on board the responses have ranged

    From we’re we’re we’re very busy to everyone is great I’m trying not to be too intrusive um but you know they’re they’re doing sure they’re doing the best that they can to occupy themselves given the circumstances reping Andrew’s program apostleship of the provides comfort and assistance to those coming through

    Baltimore’s Port just the weekend before the DAR set sail on its weeks long planned Voyage to Sri Lanka he taken some of the crew out shopping there’s a ship approaching it just lost their steering days later they were sending a Mayday message as they helplessly watch their boat strike and

    Take down the Francis Scott Key bridge through the whole Bridge just fell down when you’re on a ship and things go quiet it’s the worst sound you’ve ever heard it really is it it’s horrifying because you know you’ve lost control there’s nothing you can do I mean you’re

    Literally at the at the mercy of inertia and currents and winds for now there’s no plan to change out the crew they’re unlikely to be allowed to disembark until the ship itself is moved but that can’t happen yet as debris from the accident has to First be cleared to free the vessel from

    The bridge some of the crew though not necessarily all have the documentation required to set foot Stateside they may need medical assessments following the ordeal they could be repatriated or forc to wait here until the ship is repaired senior ranks may be kept even longer to partake in a formal investigation all

    This could take days weeks even months there’s no exact timeline on extraction until then the sailors among the hundreds of thousands of Indians employed in the global Maritime industry have ample supplies of food water and internet as they manage and maintain the vessel my Center along with the Baltimore International seafare Center

    And the ITF have worked uh together as partners to get uh Wi-Fi hotspots out to them um sim cards for their phones so that they can continue to have that that ability to communicate back home Andrew’s praying they’ll be able to see loved ones again in person soon benaya

    In Baltimore reporting for DD India and now let’s take a look at other stories making news around the world Peru’s president Dina bulat has been accused of amassing $56,000 in jewelry in her possession and money transactions from Unknown Origin bulard is already under investigation over her possession of pricey Rolex

    Watches six Primary School students were killed in four others were injured when a refrigerator truck weared into a group of children in the southern Iraqi city of Basra on Tuesday Iraqi prime minister Muhammad Shia at Sudani ordered an immediate investigation into the fatal accident one of the oldest books in

    Existence is heading to the auction The Cross by shaen codex from itep was written around 250 to 350 ad at a time before the Bible as we know it was assembled it consists of 104 pages and was written by one scribe over a period of 40 years in one of the very first

    Christian monasteries in Upper Egypt founded by St pamus and still to come on DD India news now India’s permanent representative to the United Nations in New York highlights ache Patra initiative at United Nations campaigning hits up for the upcoming general elections leaders to hold rallies to to woo

    Voters and India’s Health Ministry of welfare will share a meeting with various stakeholder agencies to review preparedness to tackle heat related Illness as a cycle of accountability Returns the time has come when the biggest democracy chooses to write another chapter in its glorious history development Justice regionalism a big political canvas everything will be put to test in this mega battle for Glory D India dissects what makes elections 2024 the Battle Royale in Indian

    Politics data and Analysis free from bias to help you understand why India matters the Great Indian election on week this at 8:30 p.m. only on DV India welcome back you’re watching DD India news I’m leak shikan and time now for a quick recap of the headlines huge landslides in huan after Taiwan hit the strongest quake in 25 years leaves over 87,000 people without par Japan Philippines warn residents to evacuate to higher level area

    World leaders condemn Israeli a strike on eight workers calls for a transparent investigation Israel admits Convoy hit unintentionally promises independent Investigation US President Joe Biden speaks to Chinese counterpart Shi Jinping on phone talks about Taiwan Ai and Tech issues and in turkey at least 29 people killed during daytime renovation work at a night club in Istanbul and now we are joined by Dr op Mishra director National Center for

    Seismology in India’s Ministry of Earth Sciences with us on the earthquake in Taiwan uh well welcome to the welcome to DD India sir good morning sir welcome to DD India good morning so as we know that a major earthquake hit Taiwan in 25 years the Tremors was strong and injuring seever

    Injured several several people tsunami warning has also been issued what do you think what factors contribute to the high sismic activity uh especially in the Taiwan belt um it is purely the sasmo teonic setting of the Taiwan you know the Taiwan is located in between the Eurasian plate and the pH Philippine SE

    Plate and they have the different converging rates so the Philippine SE plate is moving at 8 cm per year and and and the lesser than the uran plate so it was actually the plate convergence uh causing the stress built up in the entire is equal to territory of the

    Taiwan Islands but if you see this earthquake after 25 years Chichi earthquake you found that this is the coastal eastern coast of the Eastern Taiwan it is sub Oceanic earthquake means it was occurred within the ocean but in the coast bu so it was already not a puzzle because there are many

    Earthquakes occuring a Hine like you can see that in the year 2018 6 February the magnitude uh was measured in 6.2 again in the 19 also the magnitude 18th April just in April 2019 there was the magnitude 6.3 so the sasic city is dictated by the F fault system tectonics and several

    Cative factors that is leading to the Genesis of the earthquake so it is not a puzzle if you see the many earthquakes also of the lower magnitude are occurring in around the in in the uine all right also uh Taiwan Central weather Administration said that the earthquake registered the second highest

    Intensity of an upper six in huan County can you pleas please explain what the upper six thing means uh actually you see if the earthquake magnitude you take means it is the level of the magnitude it was the energy content so if the magnitude six is there whatever the

    Energy they have the seven magnitude earthquake will be the 33 times of the six so six was called a strongest earthquake and and and and as we go on the upper and upper six above means this magnitude recorded initially 7.4 but revised to 7.2 by the Taiwan the weather

    V forecast it was the it was the the 7.2 so 7.2 comes the strongly strong earthquake that means they have capability to high PGA Value to shing to too much energy generation but if it was the lesser than the six then it was just a moderate to strong earthquake

    Depending that how the sesmic wave is getting attenuated so upper six wave magnitude earthquake means the more energy content falling in the destructive Earth category all right uh also sir what are the major risks and challenges uh which are posed by the earthquake especially if you talk about this particular

    Belt actually Taiwan and even the Japan philippin Philippine all countries they have taken a very impressive measures of doing that but the problem is that AR is not forecasted well well before the occurrence of uh of the the event so the thing is that only precautionary measure

    Is that we have the history of the earthquake we know that how much energy is generating in these earthquake prone areas like Taiwan Japan and the Philippine area in Philippine area then in this case the measure is that you have to earthquake R resilient structure and you can see that the whatever the

    Damage pattern seeing in Taiwan most of the buildings are the earthquake R resilient they registed the earthquake shaking most of the sismic energy or sismic wave get attenuated but the foundation was not up to the of so strong to withand all the Shing that’s why there is a damages and collapse of

    Building taking place so here the the the the area has been demarcated already that this is the earthquake of more than six magnet earthquake Coastal built structures uh whatever building it should be the earthquake Isis resilient some structures are earthquake proof of the past earthquakes so there should be

    A retrofitting whatever the buildings damages taking place and there is the precautionary measures that whatever the the building courts they have made there is a dynamic revision each and every time for the coastal areas so the alertness uh to the earthquake occurrences and what was its impact already they have been assessed and

    Following of the new building design Cod Bo that is the most important aspect for here because Earth is not predicted or forecasted with present state of knowledge but they have demarcated the zone that which Jone is going to impend what category of the earthquake it was destruct destructive or a strong or two

    A strong earthquakes so these all the all the precautions should be taken and I think Taiwan has taken enough otherwise if such type of occur in coastal belt massive massive disasters might have happened so buildings are actually the testimony that they have a most earthqu resilient buildings they

    Have been buil up but only you know 25 to 30 buildings so the the the impact of the earthqu taking on there maybe the foundational design was not up to the mar Mark to attenuate the sesmic waves so these are the actually the cases all right also sir you just said that

    Prediction is not possible uh but do you think uh there is any way where the scientist can monitor the earthquakes in the region yeah science is monitoring earthquake around the corner by the cograph an accelerograph called a strong motion and prediction means they have the four stages of prediction so entire

    World has earthquake prediction they cross the three stages that means they have the the the knowing the expectation where the earthquake happened they have the scientific justification why it is going to happen and but but you know anticipation we anticipate that this is demarcated Zone but these expectation anticipation and justification are with

    Without the reference of time space size so now the third step is authentication that what the world is working that if the authenticate this type of the of the of the informations then you can predict the earthquake but the same time research is going on to understand the earthquake generating mechanism what

    Type of the source faults is there so that’s why in order to monitor the behavior of the source Zone behavior of the source fault we have to have around the corner monitoring of the entire world you might have seen that there is the Irish station all over the world in

    Taiwan has its own s cosmographic accelerograph stations Japan has a dense cosmographic Network to monitor the earthquake of a smaller magnitude to the bigger magnitude a smaller earthquake is important to say that where the earthquake is releasing where the stess is releasing where the stess is accumulating where the stess is too much

    Uh quence there there is no stress release so all these monitoring scientific factors can be used in the robotic earthquake prediction and forecasting model maybe we understand the mechanism then by that way monitoring is going on but at the same time science has given the also the

    Parameters to a structure or build the infrastructure earthquake risk resilient so that maximum seing can be attenuated not damaging the building so two research is going on in cosmological research one is the earthquake risk resilient structure or infrastructure using the All cosmological and geotechnical parameters and second is

    The monitoring around the corner to understand the behavior of the earthquake ssog Genesis as well as the positive faults so I think these all the are doing to develop a model but the the problem is that the the same earthquake occurring in the same Zone actually behave differently because it was most

    Unpredictable in the behavior so there is no thumb rule that if particular Earth a particular magnitude is detected on particular fault the other Earth behave similarly so that was actually the challenges all right thank you so much sir for joining us and giving us that information and moving on India

    Permanent representative to the United Nations ruchira kambo appraised the commendable work done by AKA Patra foundation in ensuring food security and nutrition to the millions of children Cambo was speaking at the United Nations session titled achievements in food security India strides towards sustainable development goals the aat foundation’s Relentless

    Efforts in serving billions of meals celebrate and carry forward these cherished Traditions Akshay Patra has served meals to countless children ensuring the makers of the world’s future are well-nourished well Cambo further emphasized India’s progress in tackling poverty with over 415 million people stepping out of it significantly ahead of the 2030

    Target we taking bold steps especially in eradicating poverty over 4 15 million people in India have stepped out of poverty among the 25 countries that hared their multi-dimensional poverty within 15 years much ahead of 2030 and now let’s get you the latest on the world’s largest democratic election in India ahead of the general elections 2024 India’s Union Minister and Bara janata party leader Amit sha will hold a public rally in northern city of muzafar nagar in utar Pradesh today later on Sha will also meet the Lo SAA Core Group in muradabad discussions on Election strategy and key priorities for the

    State will likely take the center stage during the meet Indian leaders are leaving no stone unturned to campaign for the upcoming elections Union defense minister and BJP leader rajat sing will also hold a public meeting at Northern City of gaziabad in utar Pradesh today he will also attend the nomination filing event

    Of Party’s candidate Atul gar BJP president JP nadda will address two public rallies in utarak today following his campaign he will meet with the Saints Society in the city of haridwar on Thursday thatas r comes a day after prime minister Narendra modi’s visit to the state BJP candidate and lower house

    Speaker om bah will file his nominations today he’s contesting from Northwestern State of rajasthan’s parliamentary constituency Kota wndi also congress party leader Rahul Gandhi will file his nomination papers for viard lokha seat in southern state of Kerala today seeking reelection before filing off his nomin ntion the

    Congress leader will hold a road show in his constituency where is Communist Party of India’s Annie Raja will also file nomination from the same seat today and India correspondent sunit sukumar joins us from bayad in Cara well sunit Rahul Gandhi got massive votes last time here what’s the trend showing

    This time leachi definitely it is certain that Rahul Gandhi will have to face a tough competition this time because things are uh not as same as in 2019 uh this time like he is facing uh bgp state chief as his opponent and also like another candidate from ldf and

    Another candidate from ldf and also like in 2019 things were very favorable to Rahul Gandhi uh which pav the way for a massive margin of more than uh four LS vs so uh but like uh like at that time like Congress was mainly focusing on one uh publicity it’s like Rahul Gandhi

    Would be the next prime minister that was the main campaign of the Congress and that has resulted um you know like um s that have resulted in uh marking around 90 seals for the UDF party in Kerala in 2019 but things have changed recently because like w has been

    Witnessing a lot of issues in the very recent years especially with the wild animal attack and also like they are there are some lack of infrastructure developments and also like broad connectivity like like why not is facing a lot of prises and U especially with the tourism and many other Industries

    Are suffering so um according to the people in V like there there is no one to address all their issues in the parliament so definitely there is uh a kind of uh like things are not very favorable to Rahul Gandhi at this time all right also there are many minority

    Ities in that area what do you think what role will they play during the elections well minori plays an important role in W election because um like here minority minority people is the majority here uh like in vat itself uh we can say like um Vach calik malapuram these are

    The places which comes under why not consistency so definitely in these areas minority people like they plays a major role uh mostly Muslim people so minority issues always have impact in these areas for example like uh if you’re considering this um CAA and these kind of issues are being taken by the

    Opposition parties like like ldf and Congress parties like they are campaigning against the BJP and you know like and so definitely uh these minority areas are in favor of Congress so uh like in the like since 2019 since 2009 onwards when the V consy was formed these minority people are um you know

    Like they’re keeping their stance always in favor of Congress and CPM so definitely they are also playing an important role in this election but at the same time we have to consider the local issues and the local development issues as well all right thank you so much sunit

    For that information and update from Kerala and moving on conducting polls in India which has over 968 million voters is no mean feat our next report tells you more about the logistics behind the world’s largest Election 968 million that’s the number of registered voters in India it is more than the combined population of the United States and the European Union in 2024 nearly 50 countries including the US and Mexico are going to polls more than 2 billion voters will cast their ballot and nearly half of

    Them will be in India alone the more you delve into numbers you realize that conducting general elections in India is a mammoth exercise India is the world’s seventh largest country by land area comprising 28 States and eight eight union territories the election commission will conduct the 2024 general elections to

    Elect 543 lowerhouse members in seven phases from April 19th to June 1st the results will be out on June 4th over 15 million election officials will be deployed across a million polling stations throughout the country over 5.5 million electronic voting machines will be used for the exercise of the total 968 million voters

    497 million are male 471 million are female while about 48,000 belong to the third gender also nearly 18 million voters will exercise their franchise for the first time ever let’s also take a look at the key statistics of the last Indian general elections that were held in 2019 there were over 900 million

    Eligible voters out of which 600 million people cast their ballots the final turnout stood at over 67% the highest ever for any general elections to date nearly 4 million electronic voting machines were deployed across a million polling stations and over 8,000 candidates and 670 parties were in The Fray that’s not

    All the polls which cost 600 billion rupees are the world’s second most expensive elections after the 2020 US presidential election well India’s minister of Health and Family welfare manuk mandava will chair a meeting with various stakeholder agencies on Wednesday to review preparedness to tackle heat related illness due to heat waves the meeting

    Will be attended by several officials from Niti AOG Indian Council of medical research all India Institute of Medical Sciences for the action plan for upcoming summer season India’s meteorological Department said that most parts of the country are likely to witness above normal maximum temperatures during April to June with

    10 to 20 days of heat waves expected in different parts of the country and coming up next in sports lakau super Giants registered their second win of IPL 2024 season beating Royal Challengers bangaluru by 28 runs we’ll tell you more ahead and special Arrangements have been made for elephants in India’s Southern

    State of tamado to cope with the Heat [Applause] Welcome back you’re watching DD India news I’m leak shik Kuran and moving on the United Kingdom and the United States are working together on testing artificial intelligence models after signing The First Agreement of its kind on AI safety the partnership is aimed at ensuring the technology is developed

    Safely and in a way that harnesses its potential Julia Chapman reports for more from London US Secretary of Commerce Gina Rondo called artificial intelligence the defining technology of Our Generation she was speaking at a sign ing ceremony in Washington alongside UK technology secretary Michelle donellan the UK and

    The US have agreed to share capabilities and risks and carry out at least one joint test on a publicly available AI model they also plan to deepen cooperation between government institutes established in each country to tackle the challenges and opportunities presented by AI Rondo says the deal will help address National

    Security risks and other concerns concerns across Society fears surrounding AI range from the technology replacing jobs to being used for biot terrorism the UK has so far taken a fairly light approach to regulating the AI sector in the US President Joe Biden has signed an executive order mandating

    That results of safety tests for the most advanced models of AI must be shared with the government British prime minister Richie sunak has worked to position the UK as a major player in the the field of AI he hosted a summit on AI safety late last year bringing together International governments and Industry

    Leaders including representatives from India the UK and the US say AI safety is a global issue and they will be looking to deepen cooperation with other countries as well as each other Julia Chapman in London reporting for DD India Moving On the World Bank has revised its growth projection for the Indian economy

    Uh so foreseeing a robust expansion of 7.5% in the fiscal year 2024 the World Bank forecast India’s output growth to reach 7.5% in financial year 2324 driven by resilient activity in services and Industry however growth is expected to moderate to 6.6% over the medium term the World Bank said in its latest South

    Asia development update that overall growth in South Asia is expected to be strong at 6.0% in 2024 driven mainly by robust growth in India and recoveries in Pakistan and Sri Lanka according to the reports s Asia is expected to remain the fastest growing region in the world for

    The next two years with growth projected to be 6.1% in 20125 while you’re watching D India news are time now for some sports news LNO super Champs on Tuesday registered their second win of the IPL 2024 season beating Royal Challengers B bangaluru by 28 runs at the chinos Swami stadium in

    Bangaluru LSD put up a total of 181 for5 before RCB Quinton Den Knox 81 and Nicholas purin unbeat in 40 run before youngster mayank yadav’s three-wicket Hall helped a bundle RCP out for 153 19.4 overs M yadav left one and All Amazed bowling the fastest delivery of the Season following Tuesday’s Victory

    LSD ascended to Fourth position in the St ings meanwhile bengaluru’s defeat saw them plumber down to ninth position meanwhile Delhi capitals will take on Kolkata Night Riders in the match 16 of IPL 2024 season at the bdca international stadium in vishakapatnam today Delhi will be aiming to add a

    Second straight win in the 2024 when they host a highflying Kolkata Night Riders DC broke their two game losing streak by producing a fantastic performance against reigning Champions ch Super Kings on Sunday night the victory certainly gave the Risha pun leet side a truckload of confidence on

    The other hand a KKR Boer 100% win record in IPL 2024 so far they have won both of the games against Sr by four runs and RCB by five wickets and amid the sudden increase in temperatures the elephant rescue and Rehabilitation Center in India Southern State of Tamil Nadu has made a special

    Arrangements for the elephants to cope with the heat the animals can be seen enjoying Shar baths mud baths and even swimming Pools Well that’s all for this edition of DD India news app let us know your thoughts on the news of the day you can connect with us on Facebook xly known as Twitter and Instagram we’ll be back with more news as it breaks here on DD India I’m

    Leak shikura from all of us here in Delhi thanks for watching DD India news out





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