Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Conor McGregor and more, Road House hits Prime Video March 21.

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    About Road House: In this adrenaline-fueled reimagining of the 80s cult classic, ex-UFC fighter Dalton (Jake Gyllenhaal) takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida Keys roadhouse, only to discover that this paradise is not all it seems.

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    Dalton’s First Fight at the Road House | Road House | Prime Video

    Prime Video

    #PrimeVideo #JakeGyllenhaal #RoadHouse

    Nice place you got here. Peaceful. [Singing] Wow, it’s like a morgue here. Hey. Clean up. Aisle 4. Hey -, you’ve been playing long enough. Give me a turn. Give me a turn. Oh, hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hey, give me a drink. Give me a drink. Let go!

    I’m not holding you. Hey! Come on. Chill out, chill out. Oh, Billy. You that stupid? Stop. You didn’t learn, did you? You didn’t learn? You want another black eye? No I don’t. [Arguing] Billy, right? Yeah. There’s some thirsty customers waiting for you. I can handle these gents.

    Well, who the – are you, Mr. Smiley? Mr. Smiley? Yeah. You had this idiot grin since I walked in. So, are you happy? Are you stupid? Or you been punched in the face too many times. Honestly, it’s probably the punching thing. Can I talk to you guys outside for a second? Nah.

    I got some work to do. There’s another one. Those are your bikes out there, right? Yeah. Mine’s a red one on the right. Oh, wait. What? Oh, wait. Hey – , stop right there. Okay, I just wanted to get you outside so I could ask you and your friends, respectfully,

    To leave the premises. Oh, we’ll leave after I – kill you. Sure. Uh, before we start, do you have insurance? What? Your medical insurance. Your coverage good? Like, you have dental? Oh. Ha ha. Yeah. I’m not the one that’s gonna – need it. Okay. Sure. Hey, Frankie? Yeah. Is there a hospital nearby?

    Literally who gives a – ? Shut the – up at fight – . Is there a hospital nearby? Is it, like, too far or is it close? Oh, like 25 minutes I’d say. Like, depending on the traffic. What time of day. Moe? Shut the – up. Hey, what’s your name? Dale.

    Dale, you don’t have to do this, man. You don’t. You don’t have to lose. You’re going to lose in front of all your friends. In front of? Oh, they’re not here to just watch. Oh, well, that’s hardly fair. Life’s not fair. Oh, I just slapped you. Are you all right? What?

    Ow ow ow! Damn! Damn! – him up. Let’s call this a draw. The – is a draw? It’s kind of like a win, man. Like I win? It’s a tie, Dale. Yeah. Like we win together, you know? – you. – man. I’m gonna kill you!


    1. Gyllenhaal is such a talented guy, and he obviously doesn't need money, I don't understand why he is wasting his life on garbage movies like this…

    2. Its actually sad that the kids of the past producers cant create new shows and movies as their parents.
      The kids now just remake old movies and shows, and comic book characters.
      True display of no talent from the offspring.

    3. I watched the film last night…… was “ok” up until the point Connor McGregor appeared…..what were they thinking? It turned a reasonable film into a disaster of epic, unwatchable proportions. I like McGregor as a fighter but as an actor? Stick to your day job mate….😂😂😂😂

    4. I've been in afew bars back in the day, don't remember a single fight breaking out.
      Everyone was just trying to get a girl, or get drunk.
      btw, don't marry anyone you met at a bar.
      Kung Fu wisdom

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