Hey Riders……..
    Well it was everything I wanted….a huge turnout with tons of people showing up to race an Official ra
    ce on a Tuesday. So many new faces and names, plus some of the more familiar ones thrown in for good measure. Such a wide range of cycling levels but with so many people you have lots of others to ride with when you are out there. Racing will push you past your normal limits so if you are looking to improve as a cyclist it’s definitely something that you should try at least once.

    Show Notes:
    The route: https://riders.rouvy.com/route/83577

    Become a member of the Team GRC Discord
    Lastly, who is Phil.Dorney????


    Hey Riders yeah I made it look at this 15 seconds to go we’re in the pipe 5x five from one of my favor favorite movies of all time let me know what that movie is in the comments and you’ll get a gold star We’re Off to the Races here folks

    Uh huge turnout for this one this is stage three laap Czech Republic 2023 look at this rocket start by SR71 what’s this character up to 910 watts per kilo getting out a huge start yes look at this SR71 pushing to the front going on a solo break right off the

    Rip uh yeah folks so this is uh Tuesday Morning uh what time we’re at 10:30 mountain standard time in Canada I live oo who’s coming here Stadler Tony Stadler coming to the front a level 76 Rider Carol susek here as well and here’s probably the man of the moment

    Who I want to have a good look at uh Canadian bird uh very powerful super strong Rider done just a little bit of reading about Canadian bird which is Bruce bird uh he’s just one of those guys that kind of like came to cycling late in

    Life uh and I don’t know his full background just read a couple little articles and he’s just a natural athlete like just naturally good at it um looks like he’s riding the Tre madone today which is interesting too got a fast bike so when I looked this morning

    Earlier uh I saw 130 something riders in this I’m sure that number went up from there not sure exactly how many that started let’s get our map loaded up you know we like to do this here over at inside cycling world uh this is your source for everything Ruby racing Ruby ramble

    Videos Ruby tutorial videos uh I love making videos on Ruby I love following the cycling action just getting to know everyone that’s on here uh huge spread of people here so what we’re going to do right now we’re going to try to get to the very back of this

    Course and see how many people started so just give me a second here I’m just going to bounce back uh so I just want to get a rider count how many people actually jumped in we’re well over 100 already take a look at this who says racing isn’t active on

    Ruby I mean come on look at this this is insane so this race so here’s the 165th Rider we got a People a couple people dead in the shoot uh but here we are 163rd Place three watts per kilo bee 22 working their way up through the field at the

    Moment probably a late starter I’m going to say putting out this kind of power and being kind of further back so they had a late start here we’re just going to bounce our way through the field I’m going to try to bounce up five people at a time just

    Having a little look around here so what we got here today uh you know we’re looking at about 29 km course 360 M of climbing roughly you know so it’s about 18 miles let’s say 1,000 ft of climbing so nothing too serious just a few little kickers this

    Is going to be one for probably the big Power hitters there’s a but there are a few little jumps here a few little blips where some of the lighter weights can get away uh but they’re going to have a real tough job today with some of the

    Names that are at the front going to slowly work our way up here so I do know there are some team GRC members in here as you know inside cycling world is the home of Team GRC uh Roger trainer is here Alex full is here uh paceline

    G is here as well I think paceline G is a GRC member uh they’re at least a Discord member you know I always mention the Discord and it’s great to be in these videos here’s Andy Lloyd uh Andy Lloyd is a Gem City ICC member great to

    See him here the rider that was at the front right at the beginning SR71 that’s John chady SR71 is a Gem City ICC member but also does a ton of stuff with the GRC crew so GRC we only really have one event right now it is the uh weekly

    Sunday short race you’ll find us uh under the official events slowly work our way up here there’s a lot of names I don’t know here uh so I will start calling them out pretty soon I’m looking for people that I do know uh so a lot of my race

    Coverage so far has been muckers G team GRC things like that so I’m expecting to see a lot of different Riders hey and we found him here’s Roger’s trainer right here so Roger is the r in the GRC name uh and just ahead of him here’s

    Another Rider that does a lot of riding with I guess John technically isn’t I think I think he puts Gem City icgc I believe I could be wrong with that um but yeah in the Discord every day probably spends too much time in there like me I like I do uh CLL Kevin

    Seen this name around a lot too I forget the background on this person at the moment hey here’s Dr Ferrari Dr M Ferrari and as I was saying hey this is funny uh here’s paceline G very strong Rider took part I believe in the uh Gem City team time tral that was very

    Successful and Alex is here as well look at Alex representing Alex full GRC 4 and2 watts per kilo here for Alex uh Kraken 71 this is pavl um yeah he’s on the false flat as we speak just a l 1 to 2% we have a running joke about that here’s a rider I

    Know well uh Regina L women’s Rider uh she’s always in the muckers events so representing muckers here slowly work our way up folks uh yeah you know what I’m going to do I’m going to get right to the front where is the big a I just saw Yaya REI

    We’re still on them Yaya REI in the blue jersey wearing the the the muckers blue jersey here I believe with because I think they have the orange socks too uh see this Rider lot Sil 30330 and I almost get the name mixed up here’s Bruce again so Bruce sitting in seventh

    Place at the be at the moment uh got Tony Stadler Carol Suk uh Dom Nick Stefan Martin yeah a lot of new names here for me apologize I don’t know everyone here we got Don mat Don Mateo 07 okay let’s go back to a little map

    Mode and see how the feels splitting out like so you can see the the big the big numbers Riders at the front here like you know the the four and a half to six W per kilo crew okay there’s P Jordy right here seen this Rider a lot as well

    Uh big watts per kilo extra low body weight Ultra lightweight we got a few of them out here today floating around but yeah you know I’m going to be a little biased here Canadian bird all the way prar one let’s have a little look see what so

    There’s yay REI and I love this name love saying it at races especially when they’re in the middle a Sprint ah here’s the one I know uh this Rider I think is in a lot of muckers maybe the girl races too uh yanuca peruta uh seen this Rider around a

    Lot we’re just going to slowly pan back warer and Orion now I’ve seen this name once before I’m going to say it’s at the amsell Gold race uh coverage I did probably about a month back I think I think it was I’m going to have to go

    Back and look at that video now and check it out if I correct just let me know in the comments moving back folks we’re just going to move back doen dardo masimo vhi isik homo ralons wonder is that a real name is that a real like designation Pines

    You okay let’s get back to the front see where the key moves are going to be here I might there might be some moves on these false Flats where they get a little bit steeper so Stefan Martin and I’m watching the numbers two because you know you might have some

    Pretenders here that you know something I would try to do I’d already be gone by now though get in with the big boys the big hitters up front hang on for dear life and slowly do the drift back um but a lot of these names are looking consistent here Stefan Martin uh Tony

    Stadler Robert 1976 Carol susek who I know very very well you know Carol’s every mucker race is a top five finisher unless something drastic happens P Jord is up here as well prar okay there’s a lot of riders here just trying to get all the names in

    Here in my brain here’s that Sil Rider I know Sil is an ultra lightweight Rider like barely 60 kilograms I believe uh pretty easy to figure that out you can do a little bit of mental arithmetic cuz you’re watching them so yeah 50 something kilog must be just a tiny little pesky

    Lightweight climber let’s just say that pesky is the my nice way way of saying it uh because they always destroy me on the Hills I never seem to be able to do enough damage to them on the flats okay uh Daniel FD I’m not really I you know I

    Like to make up names for these people too uh so it’s kind of something I do with every Rider I see let’s move back a bit cover a bit more of the field here Roman V Roman five maybe Frank ma KR bar coocha kachcha here’s back to

    Warford ory again who I’m positive I saw from the Amel gold race going to bounce back a little bit more Roman a Berle good 70 kilogram Rider here let’s get on Kraken for a little bit yep kraken’s just grinding along here just a little one 2% climb riding alongside bike 035 we got

    Argan Rider coming up from behind Dr Ferrari is not far either so look out folks uh CLL Kevin is right there as well uh we’re seeing some GRC action here paceline G Alex is right here as well let’s just zoom out a bit oh I wish I had some more map control

    Here folks I could zoom in on this like I wish right now I could like roll in on my mouse and just kind of like zoom in on these Riders Zoom right back out oh I’d love to see this in omnio too I could spin the camera around a little

    Bit so yeah nice groups of people here like some of these groups like you know you’re seen four five but other ones like take a look at this group here this bubble here has 22 riders in it uh actually it’s this one right here ganto 79 Tom I don’t know 100 bg24 vax

    88 calculate calculations SK or calculations K how about that I think I got that figured out penzy just a schwack over Riders here ah SR71 is broken down on the side of the road from the looks of it I see a a snap chain laying on the road there

    He’s going to have to wait for the team car to come up he’s actually he’s looking everywhere looking for his teammates to throw him a bike I think he’s been left out alone lordy’s coming up from behind what’s lyy going to do here is lordy G to help

    M lordy just blows right on by you know there’s a good 8 n inch height difference between these two so that’s probably why that went down like that uh yeah just having some fun here folks this is where the color comes from uh jpeg pushing along nicely here level 51

    Rider just uh pursuing wildchild a somal interesting this name here um you know it’s probably just coincidence I think I covered a rider just a couple days ago at the um it’s going to have to be oh might have been the GRC race I think there was a somal at that race but

    It was just s m o l so maybe that’s a common last name wherever they’re from not really sure what that okay we’re getting back to the front hey on the front Canadian bird pushing along heavy almost seven wats per kilo here attacking up this false

    Flat see I was kind of thinking that might happen some of these Riders might try to do some damage to some of the uh the weaker Riders although they’re not weak at in this group trying to put a little bit of herur into their legs by pushing on

    These steeper false Flats so we’re like at three and a half 4% here and it looks like there’s been some damage done so like there’s only five Riders together now in that front group and actually no it’s only four we got uh Bruce bird Carol susek pass Jordy 60 and

    Tony Stadler so theyve kind of pushed Silva off the back Dom Nick Stefan Martin Robert 76 uh I’m pretty sure Danielle was there as well and prar they’ve all been kind of blown out the back there uh that Push by Bruce Bur very impressive to see Bruce now just

    Digging in hard standing on those pedals building momentum on the downhills trying to get out of sight out of mind you know I always talk about that these people want to get away and look now we’re down to two just with that little push down that Hill there they’ve opened

    Up a 50 m gap on Tony Stadler and P Jordy so now the there once was four and now there’s two two sets of two here let’s just keep it ey on them for a second I got to grab something here quickly all right folks we’re all good at home

    Here so hopefully if you watch the whole video you can see how that part with no commentary was kind of a little bit H uh yeah that’s what happened when it’s- 25° C outside and someone puts the dogs outside and they forget about them and then the dogs are panicking to get back

    In the house uh they’re all in everyone’s safe everyone’s warm they’re all good they go outside we got a big Shack of snow last week they go outside they run around uh they love it but then when they want to come in they want to come

    In so Carol Suk Bruce bird one two we’re going to bounce back Tony Stadler is riding with Pas Jordy these two are going to have to do something to try to bridge back up there uh their next effort may be coming up so if I was in

    Their situation and I had their types of legs and their types of lungs and V2 Max stuff I’d be thinking that I need to bomb this hill to try to pull back to Bruce bird before the next climb starts um having said that though too

    That I think the hills are good for past jority here so we’re going to watch this one closely here uh so out of the original big bunch we’re going to have to J back another 300 met now got Stefan Martin here uh do I’m going I’m just going to

    Say do or maybe I’ll just say Nick we got Nick back here as well with Stefan Martin and Sil so we got a group of three there prar and Danielle are just 67 MERS 60 to 70 meters behind them they’ve also got uh looks like Robert 1976

    Here so we did have 11 Riders together and actually sorry 10 it looks like uh and that Push by Bruce just shattered the front 10 big hitters apart uh the damage was done right there so Bruce has set this up to be a one-two battle at this point uh he’s got a very

    Worthy opponent though and Carol here uh we’re going to see how this goes down there’s I it’s not really a climber’s course it’s kind of more of a Punchy rou a course so let’s just back up a little bit here okay we’re going to move our way back

    Here’s that waren Ryan doing quite well with yaa REI so got some great bunches here uh all bombing that Hill I want to get a little bit of a map mode here so you can see our groups now up here at the front uh the gray and the red that’s

    Uh Bruce and Carol then we’ve got the two Riders behind the green bubble here we’ve got another group of three another group of three and now we’re jumping all the way back to 20th Place Yaya REI uh War Orion uh who’s this writer we got David cap Hawk yazu 90 Massimo bouncing back again homo ralons riding with Lori 79 okay let’s have a little peek Lori 79 okay I thought this might have been our first ladies Rider uh it’s just the name could be just the spelling how they spell Lori met several lories in my

    Lifetime hey did you know uh first Canadian to climb Mount Everest first name was Lori and I just forget now uh their last name really cool because when I was super young uh Junior High School uh what’s his name anyways uh yeah he visited our junior high school and gave a little

    Lecture you know so that that was in the 80s at some point from what I remember I keep wanting to say skreslet for some reason Lori skreslet is that sound right I’m I’m actually holding my hands up talking to myself uh this is quite strange uh okay so we’re going to bounce

    Back a bit more oh yeah no we got to go to the front have to go to the front now because stuff’s going down Bruce bird has put the hit on Carol susak here he’s kind of smashed him a little bit uh 6 and a half 7 watts per kilo has opened

    Up 70 M between Bruce and Carol wow and take a look at this though py and PAs Jordy are coming back okay we’re going back to mat mode here uh these three need to get together if there’s any way gray is Bruce uh the Orange is Carol then we got Tony and

    Pass Jordy right here under this green bubble these three need to get together to pull Bruce back uh I didn’t know a lot about Bruce before I became a user of Ruby but um which one was it bad omberg I think Ruby put an official event on with with

    World tour pro riders in it and Bruce bird beat them sorry Bruce bird beat them um you know obviously there’s a difference between being a world tour pro Rider there’s a lot more skill sets with it than there is riding inside inside is all about you know your

    Aerobic power your you know spinning uh V2 Max stuff out in the real world you got to you know ride with other people uh I wouldn’t lost a second out there uh but yeah Bruce is just a total champ on a bike so he’s pulled away uh 250 M now

    On Carol so he’s attacking on the hills and then actually attacking on the downhills too to stay away just to keep growing that Gap you know probably doing a little bit of recovery here but I mean Bruce’s recovery is my top end it’s more than my top end it’s pretty incredible to watch

    This let’s just do a random jump back I can see a few Riders hanging out here we got Marson 1980 ah yeah just just pasted where SR71 broke down tomboy 1000 Yannis 007 here we go uh chilis spaz maybe and back but how impressive is this 173 Riders actually that’s 173

    There I can see boss P listed at the 176 but there are some breakdowns here like some rers have disconnected they’ve walked away type thing uh they quit the race uh they crashed they’re in the SAG wagon as we speak very unfortunate the C the gredo has been

    Blown out the back end in this one okay here’s Andy Lloyd working his way up some of the uh you know kind of the tougher false flatty stuff four and a half 5% starting to become a hill let’s just call it a false flat it’s just a harder false flat

    That’s how I justify these things to myself uh Ginger 01 Ash Jamie moving along quite nicely here Elena P okay so here’s a ladies right over here I can see the ponytail now I did see Regina l in this and I’ve watched her quite a bit at the

    Muckers races uh we got rura here so atanta just behind we got sento up ahead clarky 1903 Paula pin Ury perhaps that’s how you say that Herbert back to I don’t know 100 how Bruce doing up front so okay so put some damage into Carol and the

    Rest uh looks like Carol’s got it stabilized right now at around 250 m ERS holding off the other two as well so I’m kind of surprised Carol doesn’t want them to come up help and work but maybe he’s thinking he’s strong enough to ride by himself and at least

    Secure that second place on the podium uh this probably is a map mode time so you can see yeah so Bruce is just off the map here Carol’s the orange bubble just under the leaderboard here with my mouses uh jumping back to the two Riders behind Tony styler and pass Jordy and

    Then we’re back here to to Stefan Martin and Stefan is still with Sil and then we bounce back again to domnick bouncing back more to Robert okay let’s just uh get to the front and see what Bruce is up to here Bruce is uh you know a very

    Powerful Rider I’m guessing Bruce is around 80 kgrs maybe just over 80 kilos so not a lightweight climber just able to generate huge amounts of power yeah just a great Rider yeah and Bruce has won a bunch of stuff um you know I’ve seen him participate at lots of events in Canada

    At the highest level so great to see him out here representing yeah must be spot on around 80 kilos it’s my guess one or two kilos under uh let’s just bounce back folks so Bruce is now tackling let’s just see how he’s doing this yeah he’s tack tackling the next little climb

    There actually a little flat here a little downhill I’m we’re going to kick up again but yeah look at him just applying the pressure Carol’s doing a great job though like keeping the damage to a minimum ah look here Tony and PAs Jordy are coming now on Carol here’s the Gap

    Now Carol might get away on some of the yellower stuff here uh yep it’s happening right now he’s going to he’s going to grow it a little bit but I think they’re slowly going to pull him back that’s my guess I think they got the ability to do it let’s take a little

    Look back here we’re going to jump to this group of 10 right here clarky 1903 level 36 Rider pushing three watts per kilo at the moment doing a great job uh pursued by Ole LFR Paula pin everyone’s here Mig Mig 62 you know Migel enderin back in the day like what

    A cyclist like time trial Master right uh looks like amigo Pablo S is broken down we’re going to slowly work look at Elena P working up the hill here great job four Watts a kilo smashing her way up Yep this is a ladies Rider you always get I mean I’m looking

    For the ponytail every time uh and that’s not to say it is sometimes people name themselves different you use a different character on here sento 01 Fernando 1970 got so many riders here look at this just like 10 15 meters between each Rider there’s groups of ones and twos battling each other

    Helping each other moving forward through this course this is what it’s all about HR Beck 1970 just some some little coincidence I see here so I just started listening to a book this morning outside doing the chores minus 25 probably closer to – 27 out there just brutal uh just started

    Listening to the book about Beck Weathers so just funny that I see the name Beck like I’m never going to see that name again today um Beck weathers he’s the guy that survived that horrendous thing was it 1996 on Mount Everest where all those people died Beck weathers was left

    To die uh it’s in that Everest movie John kraar walk talks about it Into Thin Air fantastic book I read that quite a few years ago it’s probably worth a reread again but Beck weathers was left to die I think he was like blind uh and he took a he had severe uh

    Frost bite like he lost limbs parts of his face his nose he clawed his way back to camp and lived like just an incredible story uh so yeah it’s just kind of funny that I started to listen to that this morning and here we are looking at this character here HR Beck

    1970 nice to meet you jumping up pavl M 92 Leo Peter pomp bee I like the name bee how would this I like this name too bellish belish belish garanto 79 okay uh we’re going to take a little peek back up here gray bubble Bruce bird Canadian bird

    Representing being chased by Carol a little bit more damage done here Carol’s back uh to about 300 meters now but take a look at this carol has held off Tony and PAs Jordy who are working together to try to bring him back but they can’t they do not have the combined Firepower

    To bring back heral U so these little rollers are playing into this as well of course because there’s you know a lot of according effect going on here um just going to be honest with you as I’m saying according effect I’m using my hands like an accordion for some reason

    Yet no one can see me uh yeah so up the hills you’re going to lose that accordion it’s going to compress back down down the hills it’s going to open up on the Riders behind as they’re stuck on the uphill chasing you so again it goes back to get that little bump in

    Between you and them you’re always going to be going down as they’re going up all else else consider you know being equal okay so Stefan Martin is here with Sil so we’ve got two solo Riders at the front and then two groups of two bouncing back it

    Looks like we got two together here almost we got Nick and Dawn Martin very close together uh followed closely by Robert 1976 and ADR pass I’m just going to say it like that uh ju Luca peruto again uh maybe it was gur I seen them in no I know where I seen

    Him maybe peruto was peruta was at uh I think there’s a team there was a team time trial I believe as well at a Mamaki race and I and I need to cover some more Mamaki races it’s just it’s time it’s effort who do I focus on uh but this is

    A total winner race to watch uh we got Demetri grib here with darus argon Rider prar so proch Char’s slipped out probably pushing a little bit too hard with those big hitters at the front prar was in that top 10 at the beginning actually and so was Denny field Daniel FD I

    Should say uh for those of you who don’t know me I kind of make up names on the Fly sometimes we got P’s here uh I want to say Pez you know the kid the candy from when you were a kid very collectible now uh Yaya REI

    Great job looking strong top 20 Thomas 68 here CLL Kevin excellent work here Raman ER erle erber maybe KR bar lasage yes I like that waren or again and we got Massimo Lori 79 okay let’s see what kind of damage Bruce is doing at the front then we’re

    Going to take a little peek at the back again see who’s uh Racing for the Red Lantern at the back yeah so look at the hills coming into play here we’ve got a 600 meter Gap now between Bruce bird and Carol Bruce still pushing five Watts

    Four to five Watts a kilo on the false flat stuff all the time Carol doing you know very very much the same thing maybe a touch lower what I can see though is Bruce you know is just generating more absolute power don’t worry about watts per kilo

    It’s the absolute power number so it’s going to be generating more speed out of that so you can see here like kol’s numbers 250 240 you know 300 watts Bruce 400 watts so as long as it doesn’t get too steep uh puts the bigger absolute wattage numbers at an

    Advantage this is where I should have an advantage but it doesn’t seem to work that way for me uh one because I’m too heavy and two because I’m not generating that kind of power uh yeah so you know to be honest my power numbers are probably more like

    What Carol’s riding uh maybe not now I’d probably be under two like 280 something like that but Carol is a much higher uh far superior cyclist to me riding you know these kinds of numbers like five to six watts per kilo that’s just not even in my league uh just very impressive to

    Watch these two okay I said I do it I’m going to say the back is here right now okay 167th Place we’ve got tomboy 1000 and we still got more Riders a Carlo 73 chukos Giannis 007 boss P at 173 Place do we have anyone else left out there no we don’t

    Everyone else is broken down um you know there must have been like a pesky Spectators I think someone threw some TS on the road caused a lot of flats today Riders uh just very unfortunate when the fans do this probably all rooting for their own uh favorite

    Riders seen that happen at real races Andy Lloyd okay let’s start popping our way up the field here freed 1959 dude excellent job here Ginger 01 bro James yeah hey bro what’s up okay so we got bro out there Paula pin excellent I’m looking for Regina right now is who I’m looking

    For uh she always does well at the muckers races perucho wildchild vinchenzo yes emido 1976 are turo from the G team ah broken down as well that’s unfortunate I’ve seen a lot of the G Riders here uh let’s get off that we don’t to see that poor Rider being

    Passed over and over waiting for a wheel got Leo again fana 1970 uh yeah with this many riders there’s going to be names I’m going to miss today Jack Jacko I got to say that name right uh there’s and Bee I love saying that name 19 st55 I’ve seen this writer

    Before I know I have I think 19 Steve 55 might have been at a GRC race and I think it was just last weekend because I remember they were having a battle with someone uh I think it was like David 1951 and I remembered that they I’m just

    Assuming that Steve here was born in 1955 I have no idea if he is or not so I apologize but the other guy had 1951 so I thought they’re only four years apart it would make a great story though right uh Des veton dis veton okay I like that oh

    We got yesper Peterson here excellent just took a little uh sideline from the world tour come on over actually this is the one I was looking at it’s Matts Peterson here isn’t that the real name of the real writer mattz Peterson Matts it’s mads Peterson yes uh but there’s also is it

    Yes yesper stoven is that the other one uh when I see pson got to be Danish Riders am I correct about that so many good uh Danish Riders here ah I’ve seen this Rider before uh women’s Rider okay 86th Place women’s Rider excellent Harry Hirsch there’s a world tour pro Rider

    With the last name hirs isn’t there think rides for I think they ride for lead out Trek I believe M Simco okay let’s check out Bruce here look at the Gap he’s opened up now wow he’s just riding like five to six watts per kilo all the way time tral

    Mode absolute time trial mode here Carol 76 is over 750 meters back we’ve still got the Tony and PAs Jordy group working well together here Sil and Stefan Martin still together okay let’s go uh we’re going to go mid pack here okay yeah I’ve seen the names I

    Want to see here uh doand dardo here’s our one Zork zor Kaiser something like that alago but I did see Alex here this is what I’m looking for Alex in 40 first place three watts per kilo looking very strong here riding with Frank ma uh blat

    Anator is right there with Alex as well we’re going to bounce back here’s that Roman V character we saw earlier noan the’s at the muckers races all the time good to see out here battling it out on an official Ruby race uh a lator or something like that uh

    Riding right with paceline G here uh we’ve got yakob jlc CA I love these kinds of names CA uh yeah get a highlight every time Johnny Mack so yeah with lots of folks riding here so it looks at this point like Bruce has just gone on a massive solo

    Break uh and just pulling away the whole time globik that’s just how it’s going to be said we got tax here you know taxes I don’t even like that word uh seel 556 I love seeing all these names I try to guess where you’re from here’s Regina

    L excellent 61st Place really good job Regina uh trying you know looking at all these writer is Regina the highest ranked women’s Rider uh and that’s like names I know you could be using a totally different name and I would have no clue uh but Regina does a lot of riding with the

    Muckers okay we’re getting back to the front Bruce is coming to the Finish already uh he’s only uh 2 kilm out letting off a little bit I just saw some four watts per kilo stuff there but um yeah Bruce is just like just a Savage on the bike uh yeah very impressive

    Ride okay I see a bit of action going on back here check this out looks like Tony has put a bit of damage here on uh pass Jordy it’s been opened up and maybe Tony’s pull back a little on Carol maybe but definitely pass Jordy suffering here now pass Jordy suffering at this

    Point just not being able to hang with Tony on that uh false flatty stuff okay so they’re bombing downhill you know maybe that’s what it is uh that’s what’s going on there was a little bit of a gap there I think maybe a 50 m Gap and it looked worse than what

    It was actually going on because I think Tony was already over the top and P Jordy was still battling his way up the hill and that’s why that Gap grew so quick I would expect it to come back down a bit now uh having said that I’m

    Watching Tony now smash six watts per kilo here and Carol was there for a second and Bruce still is incredible stuff here let’s have a little look back in back to 157th Place we’ve got Tom cre here with Nico 80 everyone’s doing great rides here we got a person just with the

    Username I think I’ve seen this writer too uh yeah I’ve seen this writer the just even the number on the back end looks familiar to me very recently uh I might have to watch some of my own videos today which is something I never actually do uh you always hear that

    People I I don’t I don’t watch my own videos I just kind of make them and then they get put up and it’s all very seated your pants winging it uh maybe it’s a air quote a wing in a prayer these are one take videos sometimes I edit videos a little

    Bit if I want to put some stuff in beforehand some stuff afterwards uh or if I’m in the race I do an edit afterwards but for me the way I’ve got everything set up here the best way I can do it is what I’m doing right

    Now and that is to follow the race Direct directly let’s watch bro for a little bit here um so I can just Bounce Around cover everyone and to be honest it just makes the upload easier later because when I put stuff into the editing software it seems to magically grow in

    Size I don’t know why maybe some it Master here can tell me why it’s doing that so here’s Bruce coming to the Finish less than 100 me to go pushing over six watts per kilo wow impressive wow uh yeah I’m glad I was uh cheering on my fellow Canadian

    There I don’t know Bruce I know a lot of Bruce uh super strong Rider and you know I’ve only seen him race a couple times and that was pretty impressive to watch that go down so Carol’s going to finish second place by themselves actually you know Tony’s only 150 MERS back but we’re

    Running out of room yeah we’re running out room we’re like 6 700 meters to go uh then Tony’s going to finish in third solo made the that break earlier and did enough damage to pass Jordy that they fell back roughly 250 M they’re going to finish

    Alone there will be a Sprint here though between Stefan Martin and Sil Sil being more of a climber I don’t know what they’re going to have left in their legs here on this flat uh let’s see Stefan Martin Stefan Martin’s bigger but not a huge Rider by any means

    Stefon’s probably like 70 kilos Plus uh where Silve is that pesky lightweight climber Ultra lightweight climber I have uh you know I have a grading system for all Riders how pesky they are ultral light means super pesky let’s put it that way uh we got Nick Nick’s moving along quite

    Nicely here at six watts of Kil as well Don Mato nice work Yano peruta don’t ask me why I have to put a little slang on that argon ryer so what a fantastic turnout uh when we saw before actually I’m not going to miss this how far out are we we’re still a

    Kilometer out Okay so we’ve already had the top three finish pass Jordy excellent ride coming in for fourth place then we’ll be watching Stefan so I just want to have a little peek back again and see who we still got out there uh chukos how many people are still

    Here 168 people still here oh 172nd Place is boss p uh there are some breakdowns ahead I do not want to miss this sorry about that very close we’re going to stick here for now because people are going to make why didn’t you follow the

    Sprint uh yeah so you know it says 172 people on course that’s the last person I saw moving but there’s some people ahead that are broken down uh so but you know we’re going to have like in excess of 100 60 finishers here great turnout on a a Tuesday in Ruby world it’s

    Fantastic okay so yeah look at this here Stefan has pulled away from Sil it’s the numbers here and actually it looks like Sil is kind of like let off here now uh just rotting two watts per Kila they I don’t know if they’ve actually just completely blown up

    Here uh because they they’re not keeping up with Stefan now and and having said that looks like Stefan’s let off a little bit too here now riding downhill coming to the Finish Line Stefan made that move at the right moment there uh just able to put out more power than

    Silv was at the end there so Silva is just kind of coasting to the Finish now they’ve got a huge gap now there’s no point smashing themselves to Oblivion uh when the next rid is 300 meters back they can start their cool down early they’ve got their uh sixth position great job

    S we got Nick coming coming up being pursued seriously by Dawn Mato Nick pushing out three per kilo and Dawn’s in that five ring oh Dawn’s moving eight watts per kilo to Dawn he’s coming for the pass right now Dawn is carrying the momentum and I think might

    Get around Nick Nick’s reacting at seven watts per kilo and holds him off Yan Luka coming in right behind him I I think uh don Mato caught Nick sleeping there for a second and Nick reacted like a Beast to hold him off argon Ryder finishing uh pursued by Andre ah Andre

    Tapas that’s your name okay I got it got it figured out Robert 1976 coming in cllo Kevin uh moving along quite nicely here as well I think cell Kevin is Ren with G ridden with GRC I believe I should remember this folks but it’s so many names in my

    Brain I start to uh question myself do I know this person even uh yeah so cell Kevin’s doing quite nicely here he’s going to lock up that position 14th and 15th are riding side by side at the moment Thomas 68 Dimitri grib see kind of battle we’re going to have

    Here uh riding around 300 watts right now Thomas right up there two three and half to four watts per kilo around three and oh Demetri’s gone for it Demetri’s put in a kick 7 Thomas is countering with 10 watts per kilo can they’re both going for it

    Thomas just can’t get over the top there wow wow folks that was fun uh Darius coming solo being pursued by Roman uh we’ve got peas and Kurt side by side here Yaya REI I’ve seen Yaya REI do a huge Sprint before let’s watch this one are these both muckers they’re both

    Decked in the same exact kit okay Kurt’s going forward early Kurt’s going early Yaya re is gonna have to do something right now we’re less than 150 meters to the Finish Yaya recky winding it up eight watts per kilo moving up nicely should get past

    P’s well folks uh that will be a photo finish there I think Yaya REI got it uh got past Kurt maybe got past P there let’s check the standings on that afterwards I’ll request a photo finish right now we’ll have a look at it soon hom ruds coming in acceler from Dr

    Ferrari Enzo is not working today uh but Dr Ferrari finishes nicely there in the 23rd position Warren’s coming in with masimo KR bar wow just lots of people finishing we got uh kristov here KGB Jack Trek just ahead uh pinu so this this is a good way

    I can actually see all the names out so we got Lori 79 coming remember I was talking about the Canadian Everest uh climber first ever that showed up up by Junior High School back in oh whatever it was 1984 or something uh Sor Kaiser sorc I want to say Bor this moment yazu

    90 uh David Copa coming in so we’re going to get to see all the names at least here we got um CLA and 20 220 473 I’m not sure what that means hopefully it’s something really interesting you can let me know in the comments we got Le ofage being chased by

    Alex who with 250 Meers to go I think this is a bit too big of a gap for Alex to close on them they’re riding around the same power Alex is going to finish nicely in 37th Place I think that’s probably our top GRC finisher there I

    Believe noan coming in behind Alex great job Alex here back to Nan being pursued by doand dardo followed up with kunek okay here’s kunek coming in four Watts a kilo looking nice pushing hard level 76 Rider too impressive putting a lot of time in on the

    Bike okay not going to catch them we got battin nator coming up just 20 meters behind all finishing solo here cost to 72 uh being chased by Al sitter Frank Ma so what I’m doing here is I’m just bouncing back one because I don’t think anyone’s going to catch anyone here I’m

    Looking for groups that are very close together we got Daniel here here we go check this out have a little little looky at this folks we got Al wink here yakob jlc Johnny Mack let’s see how Ramy they’re going to get here pushing hard seven Watts a kilo

    Probably hard look at yakup Johnny Mack rolls up through the field pce line G coming in right behind them there so that was actually Johnny Mack that kind of I think split those two at the very finish there that might be interesting to look at the standings there as well Lucas cat Roman

    V Apple Max uh Koka it’s probably kotcha but I’m just going to say Koka for now it just amuses me when I say it uh this looks like it’s probably gonna be like Dirk Jagger I would imagine yeah you’re not tricking me Dirk I I I

    Got you all figured out here uh yeah so Dirk Jager coming in 54th Place uh being pursued by Billy Billy y I’m just going to say Billy oh and we got kek seo seo 56 chasing Billy four over four West wheel everyone’s here racy at the end take a

    Look this is 56th Place and Kiko is going for it we got uh mate V’s we got ta here coming in oh oh my I just missed Regina as well no she here she Regina just finished I couldn’t get to her folks I think Regina might have been the

    Top women’s finisher there going to check that out in the stats right afterwards bike 35 being chase hard by m linck 93 sure that’s an abbreviation for your name anyone going to jump here bike’s pushing hard almost six Watts a kilo uh should hold them off then we’re going

    Back to glob snik what I like to say lobnik it’s probably I know I’m not even pronouncing anywhere near what it should be uh ö one is chasing oh sorry folks uh we got bjan G okay I haven’t seen this name yet and Yuri BOS zik Mark 73

    220 and here’s the man of the arm s Kraken 71 coming to the Finish being pursued by Magic Dave 11 watch out Kraken doing nice here great workout representing nice finish too nice strong strong uh oxom Liam Scott o Liam Scott just comes onto the screen yes what what’s left here oh Liam

    Scott’s pushing hard seven watts of kilo there for a second oxom just takes is starting to take off now oh sorry folks that’s sorry we got Liam Scott here and it was MCO 99 I was looking at the names wrong so Liam Scott just took off on MCO

    Great job nice battles Fabo Papo here’s Roger coming in that’s ride Roger with rogi pogy 72 I love this name Roger and rogi Roger sprinting for the Finish there great job baboon or baban Roman mat fritzer yeah again we’re going to keep bouncing back till we see battles uh we

    Got Andy inise uh it’s something like that with pimin off right close by hey and we got bee coming in just because your name is bee I’m gonna focus on Bee so yeah we got bee here uh but we are going to jump back here folks because everyone gets a little Spotlight

    In one of my videos over inside cycling World hey if you like it just let me know subscribe that’s how people know you like the videos if you want more just help me out here give me a like a subscribe a comment the more people that watch it the more

    Exposure it gets the bigger it grows the more right videos I’m going to do pinov and okay it looks like an is walked away from pinov Harry Hirsch has got around bee what’s bee got left here bee is pushing strong here at seven Watts a

    Kilo okay Harry HS is just hold G to hold him off we got maraton biker seen this Rider before G member great job here Lucas 90 coming in ooh look at this uh gyz 6 9 just caught up with Mariton biker and uh is it maraton biker

    No maraton biker finish with Lucas 90 and Mariton oh this this is like an all out Sprint here now Lucas 90 kicking in uh nine watts per kilo here nice job drops maraton and GT y 59 this name I really struggle with we’re going to call him 62 for now

    Female cyclist excellent job I think that’s the next woman’s cyclist scene let coming in 88th Place Merill Simco not far behind yesper Peterson where’s mads mads is right behind come on mads I I need like a 25 watt per kilo Sprint out of someone here let’s do

    It uh wrong Ms sorry folks um backing up we got Babson here uh here’s that 19 st55 I’m going to check that video and like I said I don’t like to watch my own videos once they’re done they’re done garanto 79 we have another Yuri here I think we

    Saw a jiri maybe it’s yui is that how you say it Yuri how lava uh we had another Yuri earlier pitof 56 dtin bg24 Bernie 63 chasing after BG nicely yeah so like that’s what you’re going to notice in these races folks is that there’s always racis within the

    Race there’s going to be people battling at 6 and 7even watts per kilo 5 and six Watts a kilo four watts per kilo 32 there’s people battling at one W pilo I see people sprinting for like the most random position way back in a ride or a

    Race it kind of amazes me and I’m glad that I get to show it to you how it goes down how competitive it is uh I know a lot of people say things like here I’m going to jump back to the front folks I want to see people finishing uh we got

    Pet off here Yuri let’s watch this one here a lot of people say well it’s all about you it’s just why do you why are you concerned what other people say blah blah blah that kind of stuff it’s these other people that make you push harder um like Yuri here is chasing hard

    Thinking they can catch P off which they’re pulling them back but it’s it’s a little bit too far out but great job dis wetting I I find some people are a little bit negative about uh the racing um but it’s the racing that really makes you stronger because it’s so easy just

    To let off like you’re not going to I guess it’s hard to explain when you’re riding by yourself it’s so easy to say yeah I’m just riding when You’ got other people around you and people that you know and maybe people that you don’t know and maybe people from other teams

    You want to get a little bit as I call Ramy which means let’s turn it up half a wat a kilo that makes you stronger that makes you a better cyclist calculations K coming in chasing P coek we got Dre 73 right with him Elena P lady cyclist here great job uh Leo

    Coming around at the last second here Peter pomp for 106th Place look at this name here AZ from Paris I like that not sure what that means when I say AZ I want to say Arizona but that would just be really weird Arizona from Paris uh Steven

    Holmes coming in just behind a from Paris Jack Jacko nice finish here FR 1970 just behind Jack Jacko uh m123 TZ uh lady cyclist maybe put your head up I need I can’t tell uh maybe a ponytail there Flora 71 definitely a lady cyclist here just saw the ponytail chasing after

    M123 we’ve got vax 88 tsg on to Cento 01 followed up with gabog Vincenzo not that far behind either and we got a Medio 76 1976 chasing Vincenzo here here’s our back friend I got to get back to listen to that book today I love going outside

    Doing my chores I have my phone in my winter gear uh again it’s cold so when it’s cold out I go back to my olden days of my dog mushing dog sled racing I have the best gear you can buy I never get cold outside minus the coldest it got this winter was-

    47 windy one day too and I was outside in it doing everything all the animal chores checking the water well all those things good gear makes a difference uh sidlo 62 clarky 1903 we got uh pavl here so great to see this big mix of riders here M

    Ludy H Smiths g79 oo jpegs coming up hard now was it jpeg was the rider okay and again I don’t like watching my own videos but I’m pretty sure there was a rider that started late and I just remember the name jpeg for some reason and I think I said out

    Loud I think this is a rider started late I mean they’re just cruising up through the field here at 3 to four watts per kilo okay I’m I we’ll go back and take a look at that one uh they just passed penzy here we got Fred

    Palma so much good stuff I mean look at all these riters here still look at all these Riders here still there’s there’s going to be battles all the way to the Finish here’s that ere samal remember I was saying uh I saw a riter a couple days ago with the name Sall

    Luji uh Chiller Fernando 1970 chasing after Chiller just jumping back a little bit here to oh you could make your name any harder for me to say I’d love it uh we’re going to go with BB we got big BB here in 133rd place with that tieri

    Camping 19 uh 59 wanted to say uh 1959 there delicatess chasing after TI uh perucho and bro I just want to say bro just like that uh ureli ton cre we’re going to go down the field here quickly folks uh we will be wrapping this video up soon Wild

    Child did I say Tom cre yeah Tom’s Tom’s doing well here uh I don’t know 100 I love that uh I need a uh a name an origin story for your name in the comments later today please okay uh we got Herbert t1d here Marco 79w followed up with rura in the

    Skeleton suit okay we got a couple Riders together here we’ve got um we got M Pond and we’ve got zel K going up a little bit of the tougher stuff here the last little tough Hill Climb freed 1959 is passing Tom sorry okay we got Destro

    Here and freed 1959 okay so was there was a pass and a repass there I believe then we’ got tomboy 1000 doing well here uh Ana dos do I see a ponytail yes I do uh we got ponytails here lots of ladies Riders out here today we got Paula pin here’s

    Another one Ginger 01 Marson 1980 look nice speed here going through these Corners I love it little bit of a downhill here before that last kick up ask Jamie so we’re going to go back and find our last place Rider bringing in uh the Red Lantern

    Chil spaz Nico 80 just ahead chus okay so we got we got a breakdown here we got flax broken down Andy still out here too great job Andy just keep going little bit of climbing now and you’ll be done soon uh Ole uh Janice I think before this was

    Our last Rider on the course we got B no we got boss P Boss P now I don’t think there’s anyone left out here I think everyone’s walked away quit or disconnected had some issues at home boss called them in that type of thing yeah so that’s it there uh I’m just

    Going to bounce back up where did boss P go we’re going to close on Boss P here today folks so yeah you know you can see this is what ruby racing is all about huge turnout today so many big names uh I try to focus on everyone I’m

    Over at inside cycling world this will be posted in Facebook shortly uh once I get sorry once I do my YouTube thing and then it goes over on Facebook I’ll probably throw it on straa as well if you like what I’m doing just give me a like subscribe comment something maybe other people

    Will notice here down the road uh and I can make my channel grow even bigger and cover more Ruby racing uh I like doing the official stuff because we get a ton of big names out hitters people just starting out like I can see some very very lowl racing here uh level people

    Here and actually there was a guy little Side Story uh here we’re going to bounce back up and see some of the other Riders finishing let’s get back so yeah we got delicatess coming in for 133 place there was a guy you know cuz I’m trying to shout him out uh positive his

    Name was Phil Dorney and when he started our race I saw him and he went from it it might have been his first ride ever on Ruby because I when I saw him on the race I’m like he’s a level one and you level up very quick at the

    At the lowest levels you don’t need a lot of XP and during our short race our Sunday short race and these are short you know they all take like 20 minutes he went from level one to level two and we figured it takes about 15 minutes of

    Riding to actually do that so was that his first ride ever on Ruby I would love to know Phil if you’re listening you the man and you did it uh you came out and got into a pretty serious race uh for your first ride ever uh that takes guts

    So uh respect I hope you see the video and I hope you can comment on it because I’d love to know the story like did you just like sign into Ruby that morning so yeah this is Phil’s story I’m going to make a nice little story up here for

    Phil Phil’s uh you know he’s in pretty good shape but you know he’s not you know he wants to get better he wants to lose a few pounds he’s always watched cycling all all his life you know he’s probably more of the Marco pontani Lance Armstrong era yosea Baki you know the

    Floyd landis’s of the world uh that’s kind of my Glory Days of cycling I believe got a smart trainer got a bike then wondered what platforms he going to use that morning he signed up with Ruby and so then he opens up the app and he’s like

    What I don’t know what to do and then he just saw upcoming event and there it was the team GRC logo the official team GRC logo and he just clicked on it he just took a chance and he jumped head first into some crazy intense racing uh yeah so that was really cool

    To see because I know he started that race at level one it’s in the video I know I talked about it so if anyone knows Phil I’d love to know more about it anyway folks uh we’re already at uh we’re already over an hour here you know I like to make the world’s

    Longest videos just so you got something to listen to when uh maybe you’re bored to death or you need to fall asleep going to finish up here on tomboy 1000 uh yeah let’s call it a quit uh quits there I will uh get this video up shortly and thanks for supporting the

    Channel um the more support the more I can do thanks everyone


    1. Hey Colin, this was a race, at the end I just kept the distance with Sauvage, I was tired but happy with the result, the last climb I could run away from 2 riders trying to stay on my wheel.
      Every video you make is always better and better, keep going.

    2. Love the 'name as many riders as possible', I like that you notice ordinary people making an effort, totally agree on a zoomable map, it's fun back ground chat while I'm at the desk. Keep up the fun commentary I'll try to join a race…

    3. I drove a training route with Squalio on Friday, Stadler-Toni was there too, a great and comradely driver, he was waiting for us at the finish… Please say hello to him when you "see" him 😁👍Driver .Greets Slyfly🙋‍♂️

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