A Sunny Day out in Manchester turns Sour as Palestine Protesters take over the streets of the City Centre, We planned to film the Testing of the Printworks Buildings Massive Ceiling Screen and the sights around my favourite City but ended up following a protest through the streets, on a good note I got to meet one of my favourite YouTubers, one that infact helped inspire me to do YouTube myself.😃

    Jamie’s Adventure Vlogs – https://youtube.com/@JamiesAdventureVlogs?si=cLdr7SeCsS0yFYwG

    Charlie Veitch – https://youtube.com/@CharlesVeitch?si=Y2R2f55ZLs1-NKhr

    Content Filmed on – 16/03/24
    Filmed in 4K 60fps on iPhone 15 Pro Max with a Zhiyun Crane M3 gimbal.
    Copyright © 2024 AT Media, Copyright owned by Aidan Taylor for AT Media.

    Show Meen hello everyone welcome to at media so we’re not in Blackpool today uh I say we am out out with Jamie’s Adventure Vlogs uh of course I’ll leave a link in the description below for his channel but yeah as the title says we’re in Manchester today uh just taking a look

    By Manchester of course we’re just at padil Gardens padil Gardens is just over there going to head there in a minute uh going to on Market Street as well and give you the live action from Manchester we are padilly Gardens in Manchester all the magic happens of course all this all these

    Friends hang out around here or enemies should have said there’s already uh someone over there preaching as well think within within about 2 minutes of sitting down in Picadilly Gardens early on we got offered weed so that’s Manchester for you yeah Manchester tra there quite busy it’s a Saturday

    Today it’s quite a busy uh busy afternoon in Manchester about half 11 midday yeah there preachers over there one take Clos Love For Love Will Never Force you that is why God is free giv he gives fre the Bible says he opens up the heavens

    And but he says that maret over as well when I look over at the market Believe lots of lots of nice tasty food over here what for earlier on it’s not really nice all the food markets here they had them in Black pool you know and potato they had them in but Pool there’s a mar Food Markets here at padilly Gardens and you could smell the food amazing cool them lots of lovely food on show smells awesome as well down here all right oh yeah Picadilly Gardens course got McDonald’s just around the corner some guy dropping a load of gas

    Off there most dangerous McDonald’s in the Western Hemisphere so Charlie says completely agree with him after watching his videos here in Manchester show you padil gardens around here very very busy nice Lely Saturday nice the weather as well blue skies in Manchester looking good been a while since I’ve been to

    Manchester been uh good couple of years course been busy filming in Blackpool went up to Preston the other day as well didn’t really enjoy that was quite boring to be fair yeah Manchester’s a lot better look at the size of the buildings compared to Blackpool field War come in here let

    Just do it a little so so busy as well Manchester TR there look at that lovely almost decorated with the Bees buildings look gorgeous in 4k we basically just walk around in a circle aren’t we then yeah we got Market Street in anything going to check out ult Trafford later on as well that’s going to be a separate video of course though cuz can understand that not everyone’s a man

    United fan it’s quite a personal video that will be having a look around Old Trafford so I’ll upload that separately but yeah show you bits of Manchester today so we’re going to stick around here for a bit there’s a lot of police around and of course we have Charlie

    Reach just over and there’s uh setting up for a protest as well the man himself is just around the corner there just shaking his hand absolutely great to see been watching his channel for about two or three years now he’s buzzing I am yeah Jamie yeah as Jamie just said then I’m absolutely

    Buzzing yeah something’s going down there also a lot of place around the uh around the back there beautiful buildings in the sunshine not used as all buildings being from Blackpool it’s good to see I love being in Manchester I really do s home to me and i’ uh if I didn’t live in

    Blackpool I think I’ve moved to Manchester definitely on my wish list this love the atmosphere love the people met a couple of people from Manchester um not fans of but most people I’ve met from Manchester great people going to go over there and see what that police man’s doing over there

    We’re going to take a walk up Market Street while it’s nice and calm down here how busy it is today got hair in the morning quite early it’s quite empty down here well quickly fills up didn’t it everyone going about doing the shopping busy Saturday in

    Manchester give him a like give him a subscribe there no wor get his social in it is I’m preaching there as Well a lot of preaching in Manchester is they a lot of Preaching stop there I some looks like he’s dropped his suitcase te About head to the bottom and then head back up and see what the protesters are Doing there’s Place everywhere in Manchester at the moment on every Corner way they got the old with the uh with the new Skyline in Manchester of course is changing all the time going have a look at this St over Here oh it’s Gandy yeah there is gandhy himself feel like he been in the circle it’s where the drama happens though hey it’s where the drama happens yeah you might have seen me a couple of people like recent videos pal and go these [ __ ] dangerous YouTubers causing [ __ ] look at this filming people

    Oh my God you’re behind me [ __ ] know can live or you just doing a video I’m just doing a video look at him the main man there look at that Mar street main man watch this guy all the time on YouTube subscribe to his video i’ only

    Got 3,000 subscribers but oh you you got to start somewhere I started with zero like oh yeah we all do don’t we I think Jamie’s on like 1,000 something like that yeah the main man there Charly Beach going over to the protest up there exactly where we’re heading he’s Funny it’s nice like content comes to us is yeah in Blackpool I got nothing nothing just cck oh yeah the odd one I try and kick him yeah yeah kicking K yeah got preach over there of course police there blues and twos the main man himself Charlie V there typical

    Manchester is he that is the 24 week munning and the Palestinians have been bombed and named and displaced and star for every hour every day of those 24 weeks to sh we [Applause] can’t please start to walk in that direction if you just like to turn

    Around Behind the B now start to walk in that direction and make sure that everybody is holding the banner on the floor here pleas St Israel Isel St Israel Israel stop Bing Israel stop Bing Israel stop boming Gaz stoping Gaza stop bombing Gaza he saw we were filming so he was

    Unsure subscribe to AC Media okay you mate don’t be idiot you don’t like being fil these these guys you can’t stand it look at all the I’m getting exactly tough [ __ ] I’ll just get even more involved if you start doing stuff like that like you did yeah exactly yeah just going to a stay longer

    Take go that way I don’t want to be part of it I’m just filming It can do if I want Mate gen The [Applause] Terror [Applause] protest Over t no no I’m I’m medium I don’t really have a I don’t really have a Side hey look at that you 4K as well oh my oh that wasn’t nice was it oh my God sir oh bless him oh my God sir [Applause] fantastic man Charlie be here the master [Applause] [Applause] Himself the dark Lights wow dude now be careful what you say in terms of slander my friend you can’t just go up to people anyway go support Hamas go support now you got to be careful you got to be careful you got to be very careful you disgusting piz take your Having to go poor Charlie hey Hey Yeah okay bye honey bye honey take care to too bye mate bye-bye bye-bye byebye get out of the space get out of the space out of the space please are there out of the space bye-bye too take care love you too Mate sometimes the drama just comes to you you didn’t even know this um no I kind of guessed that they might be protesting but I didn’t know there’d be a full on March but it’s a Saturday is it so another the time to do stuff is He there we are they’re having to go barleys now Changing the today know There you are Come on Happ Sor house that has a psychopath who best SP for you this lady here took a phot me bless her think she’s going to Subscribe yeah he’s he’s trying to get his F oh you’re finder living under this equipment is manufacted right here in at this very Mo right under our noses This Is is bad anyway I support Side we are all Are Down [Applause] down [Applause] The H Now in the Pass La Pap We Oh [Applause] Up Sub [Applause] on the road again I can’t wait to get on the road Again Computation [Applause] No [Applause] [Applause] On What a good mon to me what a good moner I could do you one now how minute is that three oh thank you oh thank you got a free drink as well nice [Applause] [Applause] One Going [Applause] [Applause] AC [Applause] That guy Guy by [Applause] [Applause] Insurance facilitators many of which private professions the profits from dispossession and reposession we are here to say that a insurance is one of those that Navy Israeli Colonial happened on the Palestinian bodies homes Andes and and that will not go that not work without the support of the Zionist

    Colonial establishment under our watch C have vowed to never forget nor forgive we will make this vow we will never forget that AA takes part in construction of legal settlements and providing Financial Services to these settlements that strict Palestinian of their lands their lives their dreams their

    Homes the three major Banks uh are Bank palomi Lumi bank and Bank of is Israel discount Bank these banks have been financially backbone uh have been a financial backbone for desig this project one drive around the street of Palestine and you will see all the equipment bu in Palestinian home entire

    Buildings tents and Ms you will also see p in construction sites in the settlement Brick by Brick the want to return they will children in [Applause] 2015 in a village called I was in just last week a 13year old boy was shot in their head by an isra

    Checkpoint shot in the head The Village H picking a position the people at the top [ __ ] on the people at the bottom they say that war is a poor man fighting a rich man’s War and all the people that are benefiting from the genocide in Gaza are people like AA and [Applause] El

    Weit and to complicity and it is time that after being five months of proessing but we keep going we keep going they think where our numbers are going to dwindle are we’re going to forget about Palestine to try pling the news out about editing some photos we’re

    Not going to be buffed by that Stand up 46 times [Applause] To me people One 2 3 4 5 [Applause] 6 The The [Applause] they’re home now they’re home this is where they belong maybe a couple of bins around here but for now they’re home is [Applause] Is Fre in the West Bank the West in the [Applause] World that’s why we get a close don’t forget bers before finish the most important voice that we’ve got here today not even the youth front for Palestine the even younger than you from Palestine who is going aside to [Applause] us Well everyone hope you enjoyed this video it’s been a great great day filming a great day out in Manchester as usual um we actually came here to film The Print Works they’ve got a new LED screen turning on on the roof uh the apps are going to test it today but uh

    Unfortunately that didn’t happen meend filming all that protest in saids um of course I’ll leave a link to Charlie Rich’s channel in the description below check out his videos absolutely great YouTuber I’ll also leave a link to Jamie’s uh channel in the description below as well so I hope you’ve enjoyed

    This one if you have give it a big big thumbs up and of course if you are new to the channel make sure you are subscribed I’ll see you again on the next one


    1. Notice no British flags AND IF YOU WAS TO WAVE ONE the police with arrest you I cant believe I am saying this but its the truth. The police will actively ignore chants of hatred its clear the police have been captured by the woke ideology so they are corrupted as hell.

    2. Any sensible guy would ask why u need to do self defence against some peacefully protesting the murder of children?? Do u mke a living from this "supporting yr kids"

      Ur children are not worth any more then theyre children open yr eyes, open ur heart. Dont follow like sheep i see the wolf in ur herd nicely dressed cant tool us

    3. Thinking outside the box it’s a little bit like the protest against war like the golf war and the Falkland law 🤔 but with a sidekick of supporting terrorism at the same time 🤔

    4. I bet the Israeli leadership are quaking in their boots after seeing a protest taking place in Manchester … That’ll teach them!

      These protests will have absolutely no effect on Israel, and the war in Gaza because they are taking place here in the UK. The only way to make an effective statement would be outside the Israeli embassy or in Israel itself. Otherwise it’s a waste of time.

      Also, if you believe these protests work then why aren’t you also protesting against the war in Ukraine?

    5. Both the UN and PALWATCH published reports on how hamas indoctrinate children to be martyrs in the propaganda war against israel, meaning that they value the deaths of their children, not their lives. Both organisations describe this as the worst form of child abuse imaginable. Muslims are aware of this and say nothing.


    7. The Famous Promotion of Islamist Terrorism Pro-Hamas Idiocracy who "dressed" as "Pro-Palestine" Protesters Duped by Islamists Brainwash Propaganda.
      Hamas,The Deceiftul Best Seller of Deceiftul Iran Dealer, Who is extremely Exploiting and Killing Palestinian Human Beings and Using "Palestine Name" in the Most Horrific Anti-Israel, Neo-nazi Propaganda and as Strategic Military Defense and Shield System Against Israel, Demonizing Israel with intent of Brainwash as much People they can in Several Social/News Media Propaganda at all Costs and Destabilizing Western Civilized Secular Nations.

    8. Very good video, I would not have the chance to see such things close up and at length. Credit to the protesters for remembering what is going on. I'd feel intimidated if I was anywhere near. Not actually that many people for a city the size of Manchester. You protest to be seen, and yet they're not all that happy about being on camera. Interesting covid masks being worn – because of hygiene or to hide – contrast with demos in the time of covid.

    9. Can someone put a timestamp on anywhere where it gets violent or so? I scrolled through the vid and only saw people asking for a ceasefire.

      (Right wing people seem really scared for peace?)

    10. But you are happy with the British government being directed by Tory Friends of IsNotReal, and Labour Friends of IsNotReal?
      And tax payers money being sent in military aid to IsNotReal?

    11. I imagine Hamas leaders and the Ayatollah watching this video and thinking "Wow British citizens are more stupid that what we previously thought!" How has the UK gone so wrong? Was it the education? I see people from very different ages and backgrounds…

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