#cyclingtrip #storytellingmusic #istanbulturkey

    From Barcelona to Bosnia What Robin experienced interesting things on the way – ENG Subtitles

    Yee Linh ▸ Travel Vlog Series
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    Yeah for this time I just heard you’ve just been for cycling traveling right yeah so it is your first time for cycling traveling yes it’s the first time that I went such a long trip because we started in Portugal oh you flew from the Germany to Portugal yes I flew

    I was in Portugal okay no sorry I was in Germany for a little bit because I don’t live in Germany at the moment but I was visiting my family and I flew to Portugal because I knew I wanted to start there the reason was quite simple because I the idea of the trip

    Was to go from the most western point of europe to the most eastern point to the borders of asia of course and so so basically me and a friend we started preparing very little we weren’t breathing not that prepared we just bought a couple of bicycles

    Did a little bit of work on them packed our bags and left and over the last and over the last kind of 100 days we cycled through 12 different countries Wow 12 from now the turkey is the last one the turkey is the last one

    So from first Portugal and.. Portugal to Spain from Spain you enter you have to cross the pyrenees and you go into France we went through the south of France into crossing the alps into Italy oh Italy cool Italy to Slovenia slovidia I have to remember slovidia to Croatia

    And in Croatia we went kind of Croatia Bosnia on the border through the mountains ok going to.. let me get this right going through macedonia yes I think first montenegro albania macedonia Greece and then turkey so I think it’s like 11 or 12 countries

    Wow so this always a line of the europs yeah the width basically of europe yes wow that’s perfect so that why you make this choice for traveling by bicycle bicycle because so as I said the first trip I did was walking and what I realized walking in comparison to

    Other journeys that I’ve done other travels that I’ve done is that.. it’s kind.. you know it’s slow travel oh yeah oh yeah when you don’t drive with a bus from like Barcelona to Madrid and I’m from Madrid to sevisha and stuff you see everything in between yeah

    And also you get to places where most tourists usually don’t go you go through the interior through small villages and that’s really what interests me the most and on this bicycle trip it’s not quite as low as walking of course but you have a fairly easy slow speed

    And you can go through the interior of countries and still cover great lengths if you invest a little bit of time and we were able to go through small places where people especially towards the end of the trip in like the Balkans areas going through like small villages where no one

    No one really expect to see someone you know like little villages of where there’s maybe two or three houses and then although we didn’t speak the language often we would try and communicate and people have really curiousness where you’re from what are you doing here you know it’s a that’s really nice

    Because when someone is so used to tourism I mean when you start traveling it’s probably it’s obviously nice to go to places that where people are used to tourism where there’s a good infrastructure because then you feel maybe a bit safer or a bit more comfortable you have hostels and stuff

    This time around we wanted to go kind of as far away from that usual tourism you know and go camping in the wilderness and get to know people that usually don’t get to meet so many travelers because it’s very interesting there’s a different maybe it’s a little bit more

    It feels like there’s a great deal of authenticity you know and culture that is not culture that hasn’t been influenced so much by the outside world you know like you go through small villages small towns and it’s kind of let’s say you in Croatia and it’s so Croatian yeah like actually

    It’s not like you go there and you have all the businesses that you have in like the big cities so there’s just these tiny supermarkets or a small bar and people are really excited because you.. my friend is argentinian that I traveled with and when you’re like in the middle of the mountain

    somewhere in bosnia and you go through like into a little cafe and they’re surprised to see you they ask where you from and my friend says Argentina and they’re like Argentina from the other end of the world you know and so immediately you have a conversation yeah and

    And that’s really sweet that’s really nice you know people were really kind and it always for me traveling always restores a little bit my faith in humanity do you know because sometimes when you watch the news and when you only listen to what people are saying that also watch the news

    The world can seem like very negative yeah I see but when you you know put your phone down and you don’t watch like only watch the news and you just go out and you talk with people and you this so beautiful so friendly so kind the world is very wonderful and beautiful

    Don’t always become the homesick yeah play the games and watch TV yeah life is colorful and because sometimes you find you find people that are so they’re so kind and they don’t need to be you know they don’t need to be so nice to you and do

    It would be enough if they’re like polite and nice and stuff but they sometimes there’s people that go out of their way to be generous and to be kind and to and that’s it’s just beautiful and you find it everywhere in the world in every corner of the world and that

    For me is the majority of my experiences for like yeah almost a decade of traveling that’s the majority of people very rarely did I get into the situation where someone was like not that nice yeah I mean it can obviously happen obviously but it can also happen when you stay home

    You know it can happen everywhere yeah you’re right so you just talk about you yeah this time you just go with you Argentine the travel partner so how you.. what’s his name Martin Martin right so how you met him on the way we met we met almost a year ago in Portugal

    When we were in a hostel so before you’re traveling in cycling so you just.. exactly we met each other maybe half a year before and I said to him look I want to do this travel oh I think I was talking to another friend of mine

    And I was talking with him about the journey and martin heard it he went like you’re gonna do what you’re gonna go with a bicycle to Istanbul that sounds so nice I wanna go as well and I said yeah for sure come you know it will be nice you know yeah

    Of course when you travel sometimes is because it’s such an intense time you need to we all travel differently some people want to be very planned and organized other people want to be very spontaneous so we kind of had to figure out how we right for each other as travel partners

    Because when you do something like this is also more extreme so you want to be able to you want to know that the other person supports you you want to know that when you don’t feel so good maybe emotionally or mentally that for you yeah then because

    When you do something that is physically demanding like such a long cycling trip you need someone that can like motivate you when you have a day where you feel oh I don’t feel so good I don’t… that they can lift you up and and it turned out that martin

    For me was a person like this and I was able to be that person for him cool so that was really important because yeah we had some very interesting funny situations adventurous you know when you’re somewhere in the mountains and there’s no one else and it’s wilderness and wild animals

    And you sleep outside for a long time sometimes you feel like oh I’m cold you know I want the bed I want..but it’s really interesting and funny are you getting well with martin for traveling during the hundred day together I think we never really had a big argument

    Oh yeah you know in the traveling we have a very big problem just you have something problem with your traveling partners so you have to set it to separate or break up so you can in resolve for this yeah but we never really had a big argument I think we

    I don’t know like there was never anything that was there’s like little things not like everyday things because you’re so close with someone all the time wow yeah but it’s like at the same time because you’re traveling on the bike maybe he’s like 100m in front of me or 100m behind me

    And throughout the day you’re by yourself and you’re cycling so you’re very much it’s a little bit like meditation because you’re on the bicycle and we didn’t listen to music or anything like this sometimes it’s too dangerous when there’s traffic you know so we end up

    Basically thinking a lot and being in our head and moving obviously a lot and then by the end of the day or when we have a break we’re like oh what were you thinking about today what went through your head and at the beginning what was surprising to me was the

    Obviously the first two weeks physically you’re pushing your body but your body gets stronger quickly but psychologically emotionally it was much harder yeah of course because you’re so much by yourself and everything is silence and you don’t have you know internet and phone phone TV entertainment everything exactly exactly because you don’t exactly

    Yeah because you don’t have that you don’t you like that nowadays we’re obviously constantly we have a constant import stimulation now and when it gets silent and you’re just with you and your mind kind of sometimes you find for no reason or it seems like for no reason why I’m angry yeah

    And then you realize oh there must be something that makes me angry so you have to think about it you know and then you think oh maybe because I didn’t resolve that conversation with my friend or with my parent or with so you’re working a lot on on on you and

    And that’s also something why a good travel partner is so important because you can share and if you’re open you just say oh today I was feeling a bit sad I don’t know why but you know and then you talk about it and so together we did that a lot

    Just by the end of the day kind of talk about different things and that’s really nice that’s really cool it’s not just party yeah it’s the on the way just you two of partners but did you have lost by each other before sometimes your lost contact with him or somewhere

    Or you’re just together no we’re basically the entire trip we were together because we’re planning we didn’t plan that much the root we were quite spontaneous with where we were going but because we sometimes especially later on we didn’t have internet or signal sometimes in certain countries so we weren’t able to

    We wouldn’t have been able to contact each other so we were basically always together but yeah maybe sometimes he’s a little bit ahead and I’m a little bit back but we always… yes just catch up together that’s perfect you know you’re just during this the traveling it is the covid-19 period

    So whether it is difficult for you or sometimes the people is avoid to touch you or keep distance with you yeah do you know I think it’s a it’s a it’s a difficult one because people want to be kind and people want to be generous and some people want to invite you

    Into their house often or to to be like have that you know closeness I mean we that’s humans right we love that you know we need that contact and so now maybe people are a little bit more careful but they’re still trying to be as kind as they can and like and

    Sometimes you maybe go somewhere and people are a bit more scared but in general I find that people especially now very aware of helping each other oh cool you know like it’s it’s again if you watch the news you watch media and you watch what’s being said it feels like

    The world is terrible right now but if you’re out there and you see people how they interact with you with each other and how kind they are we are I don’t know I have a lot of hope I’m very positive you know I’m very optimistic about people because they do try

    And help each other where they can for the most part of course there’s always an exception that’s great

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