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    As an architect of 32 million pound projects  and Design Technology teacher of electronics   engineering Graphics designed to the scale  of an average ADHD child’s attention span my 3 000 square foot 280 meters squared   to those of us in the 20th century 21st century  well keep me occupied and not out of trouble [Music]  

    Oh if you think you might perhaps like a train  wreck of a podcast this shows every likelihood   of being a slow-motion car crash of a channel  there’s no trickery all about thumbnails have   some poetic quick link to humorous Parts within  any of the particular videos in general relevant  

    Content a lot of it’s gossip type stories dilemmas  giving you a window on a niche in life that you   wouldn’t necessarily just of it topographic  pinchpoint feudal gatekeeper power times [Music] where I live it’s like  a gateway to Play Grind the Alps  

    And if you were to expand that a little  bit you could say that Tennessee is a   bit like a Gateway an intersection  to the Western Alps more generally Valley and then another turning  to the Terence Hayes Valley the thing is though that this  makes Odyssey a bit of a huge  

    Not so attractive in places Spaghetti  Junction of motorways highways   whatever you want to call them but they’re  all quite Urban so it’s all quite tight   easily overshoot Your Mark and it’s not the  case of doing another circuit you just lost them  

    But once you get down into well let’s see there’s  a fair few streets that look quite similar it’s   nice genteel tone and when you get to the old  tone it’s just pricelessly beautiful there’s   this new development on the waterfront just  near the hotel the police for a couple of years

    With a huge handmade escope consider these good examples Prefecture demands there’s International money  comes to us it’s a beautiful location and it is   a privilege to drive around either coast of coast  of the lake sort of like a camping Coast on the   far side and then even in the rain when you can’t  see for the Mist the mountains that rise apart  

    Of the lake it’s a privilege not to take that  pillage slow down and get a view of them shut   down the Pinnacle Peninsula jumping out onto the  lake after you’ve stopped at the most precious   local produce Spa shop just before it thanks  to the church [Music] that has been reminisce Finances scrounging materials stretches resources  living costs minimal but increasing with   little luxuries brexit means I have to have a  bank account bank account to pay for in France   it also means in order to have the cart to say  sure I have to pay some sort of property taxes  

    Healthcare that’s another one Healthcare  you part pay for you have to have insurance   leverage to avoid all these things before brexit  but the things we do the jobs we have done the   temporary agency work to get the funds in to get  back to where you feel you belong okay I’d like  

    To have a moment but I do know how lucky I am  oh yes the build so the three floors are in and   there’s an extra just in case beam and there’s  the mezzanine level in as well the two beams and  

    The all the closed space joists are in with the  nice little collables cables that I did is that   a lamb’s tongue shape then there’s acoustic plus  pulled on top of the joists multi-foil insulation   and then the floorboards on top of that so early  on I bought lots and lots of ply intending using  

    The floorboards quality ply but I’m always trying  to improve the quality I’ve got really quite a lot   of inch and a half thick windy edged rustic floor  boards wall boards jail boards that I want to have  

    As features in a all-white floor generally but  the play is an inch and a half thick obviously I’m   starting to think there needs to be more rustic  boards than white the oak floorboards of them as  

    Long time yet but they will tie together with The  Rustic know how to do the skirting on each level   the level below is the um diamond  button diagonal approximity [Music] um playing thanks would it be overkill on the skirting  to have plain skirting as well  

    Um I think tall white skirting there that  I’ve managed to salvage from somewhere   um white skirting on The Rustic and white floor  as well perhaps I’ll tie it in a little bit   together but then on the lowest floor then the  mezzanine floor won’t have any skirting really  

    They’re on the lowest floor there’s like a beige  concrete slab pleased with this 55 meter squared   of floor drowning and traveling to a Polish  next day wet soak and polish again and again   um you get it and I don’t know what type  of skirting they should have think that  

    Might end up with these um tall plain punished  skirting board so I’m Salvage from somewhere   but I’m just a bit worried at the moment I might  be kidding myself that this is all going to tie in  

    There is a sort of a theme to it but the sobering  reality is that I’ve played all this knowing that   I’m going to freak just jack up a couple of  three or four of the beams steel beams that the  

    Joyce are sitting in because I want to improve  the quality again rustic level I’m no longer   satisfied with I want laser accurate level getting  steel beams into the well often existing holes   in Granite walls it’s either up the size of  a block or down the size of them yeah brick  

    A stone you can’t cut Granite to get it exactly  where you want it that’s going to be my grandad’s   old carjack that’s going to do the trick for me  foreign friends welcome family by appointment so it’s no secret any more [Music]

    We’re on a road trip to Savoy awful it’s  about a thousand miles we’re missing out   their nighttime bits you won’t see a soul  in France on the roads after nine o’clock   at night so you can put your foot down you don’t  really need the payage we could take the route  

    Of Titans to and see worth doing but would you  really only see the real France of champagne   Zone River Region the Jorah Regional so that’ll  feature strongly Lane before Geneva and Savoy Crossroads and see the confess I always call  it the sea because if I think of the music

    It’s more of a cultural journey  through France though really at the other end is like a Crossroads between  12 years ago it was a border simply it’s   a turing savoying area the Habsburg  dominated burgundy and Netherlands no   and that France before it was a pentagon and  there’s a frontier Crossroads it changed hands  

    Did it ever and these days in full summer tourist  season it’s really the place to pull like I said   the olden days goes on to feeding the character  four but we need to thank the period when German   killed him dominated Geneva and so the  Arpin poor speaking region a little bit  

    Of divorce Italian a little bit of French French  a little bit of German Dutch influence possibly   sainsbury sing song The Way That Swiss German  sounds or Italian sounding French might sound   term you and I I’m digressing already but  I paired this road trip with a liquid Bell  

    Nicole Bell is a red wine from  the Rome Valley being kissed by   one of the vineyard owner and it’s got  Vines up and down the valley all right basically taste Place The Taste but  to finish my three minute instruction   I’ll be covering your religious Refuge  Scandal and Exiles journey to a Homeland

    ADHD rich kid describes it all hope you find  it amusing the jokes at the end sorry punchline burgundy region is like big bucks money over the  past French comp is sort of where the rebels would   have retreated to the mountains where gorillas  would have descended from there’s the table  

    Endura and the folded Jura these physical  maintenance might be vertical and mountains   are across one of the top higher pentagons sides  of France where it joins the top of Switzerland   Switzerland has cantons and several of them  open out onto the Jura mountains of France  

    The Jura mountains take a bit of a wave  form a couple of them rolling up against   the northern Alps of Switzerland they’re cantons  and they’re they’re sort of elongated like groins   on a beach or hotel sunbeds but remember  England and allergies didn’t really work  

    There’s a clock making Tale in the French Jorah  and that’s a hensland of a [ __ ] making Swift   on top ain’t it that proverbial sea as these  ripples of mountains wash up onto Switzerland   interestingly the Rhine River goes northwards  and the Rhone river goes southwards into France  

    Two different directions on two  different ripples there are a few   good roads through but as you might expect  these ridges it’s not it’s not easily passed   very worthwhile especially if you’ve got if you’ve  got that cargo motorbike you know the root of The  

    Titans with the fire ducks that carrying modern  tarmac is safe of all this just Mac on to Geneva   and you’d miss all of this much of the history  of the jurora you’ll often start with hundreds   of meters of it’s not called a brontosaurus  anymore apparently it’s called a sauropod it’s  

    Huge two meter wide steps of sauropod going on  for hundreds and hundreds of meters from France that’s cool Foreign then turn right Always driving past him anymore shuttle Pearl is template racism oh Mysteries come outside Roland convent from Italian Romaine De La  Roche bomb is messiers romance restaurant In just a few of them to get started has a huge ninth Century Abbey with a doom with an  Epitaph reading there’s a religious honest priest   in there but he was French he was Yonder whatville  of the 1700 fantasy Claire swashbuckle times   and why did he form that  Sunny Lothian School for Girls  

    Born in these same Frontier lands between  Barons his mother was from Malone’s dad   disappeared after Spain leaving them so  the ADHD teenager joined the Savoy Army   14 years after being born his grandparents  ancestral home in Switzerland breast uncle  

    I know it’s French name the Milan senator’s  daughter fought in Italy for the Spanish habsburgs   that controlled the north at the time and the  Netherlands and the north against the French   but you know quarrel the Hot Head killed the  Spanish officer he run away to the other side  

    Of the Borderlands to a carthusian monastery near  panaris though he struggled with the burden of   Chastity climbing over the walls for a night out  in time whenever we got the opportunity one night   he was discovered climbing over the monastery  wall and killed a prior this time with his  

    Pistol and made his Escape the very next day he  killed another man in a bra and so fled to Spain   um popping him I know it’s French then his  host in papinian has a daughter that he seduced  

    Likely betrothed to the son of a Spanish Grande  at the time fighting a jewel with a gentleman he   killed him again and was on the Run once more  running out of options his problems in the   Spanish realm had grown in ponds and the French  Catholic Church wouldn’t be welcoming him [Music] Wow I tell them all the old  things [Music] up under the snow the first boat out of the Mustang took him to  the Ottoman Empire to Turkey where he converted   to Islam and it became a pressure obviously  bright and skilled there’s a mercenary at least  

    He took all the trappings of a pressure of the  Ottoman Empire with slaves and a harem of girls   he was there for 20 years he obviously enjoyed  him whether he was trusted with or he just took   his knowledge of several ottoman fortresses to the  venetians when they were wanting to attack can’t  

    Be too clear but he defected to the Phoenicians  in return for a PayPal guarantee that he would be   pardoned and could return to the priesthood return  a loose term because he’d hardly started in Paris   with various Rich benefactors he returned to  burgundy no plotting to overthrow Spanish ball and  

    Replace it with that of Louis the 14th difference  it’s always the ambitious Champion wants to become   Archbishop of Brussels but the pope reminded him  about the double murder breaking of those apostasy   and consoled himself with a nearby Abby but it  was partly in dental work performance he’s been  

    Interested to represent France at a peace treaty  but he ended up getting accused of treason by the   French and had to flee to Paris and he criticized  for not being able to prevent French compt   being kept as inspirational being raised to the  French why you’d run to the capital of the country  

    That’s accusing you a treason I’m not too sure  but it was another treaty and it was all sorted   out France they wanted always forgiven included  into his Rich Abbey in the provinces [Music] 20 years in the Genesis the Ottoman Empire  of the Philippines we’ve all forgotten them   behind him at all were they navigated their  political machinations of doll and gray   nearby Baron hosted peace settlements with his  property and dignity and restority combined a  

    Couple of local governments reserved for the  daughters of noble families of the province   and combined all the nobleman’s daughters  schools of the area all under his control   he rarely came to the king’s court but was  received there with consideration whenever   he did he was little chastised  in his morals you’ve mystically  

    He was a quibbler and an authoritarian he made a  reputation for extreme attachment to his rights as   a abidabone at the same time he was described as  a pleasure Seeker there is even a mention of the  

    Installation of a horrend and his castle of Saint  Lothian under the guise of the House of Education   he currently transformed the buildings of the  Abbey particularly his Abbott’s dwelling the north   transectum interior Recreation of the church  and had a staircase cut at the bottom of the  

    Recess to reach uh Crown Court dramatic by today’s  standards but I can’t help but feeling was very   fairly typical of a baron of the time adopting the  veil of religion whichever suited him financially   personally I find it difficult to describe him  as a romantic figure but that’s how the French do

    Yeah foreign [Music] [Music]   there’s a 45 to 75 ABV drink that comes from  pontelia from France or covert and Switzerland   it’s made of predominantly wormwood together  with green anise sweet vanilla another medicinal   and parallel and rehabs flowers and leaves not  bottled with any sugar this is added afterwards  

    When it was given to French troops as  a malaria preventative the trips got a   taste for it in the colonies and brought  it home with them became very popular in   indeed why the clock became them there’s  the green hour the wealthy bourgeoisie to  

    Poor artistic normally working-class people must  consumed it mass production made it much cheaper   36 million liters were being consumed in 1910  compared to 5 billion liters of wine in France   Penny was put around the tip of the glass for  children and it was sort of known as a women’s  

    Drink considering the dates and location of  its first production in France it’s tempting to   to think that the convent sisters that  produced it weren’t given the recipe by   our Nursing From the Ottoman Empire Albert  discussed earlier rather than Dr ordinair  

    Which even sounds like a John Smith name  considering it’s Persian and Syrian and   Greek Roots even a woman drink was produced  in Egypt the plant was often burned as a   protective offering the name of the bitter  herb and getting its name from undrinkable  

    If you guessed the name of the drink that we’re  talking about here in New Orleans in America   it was used in the Sazerac cocktail Edward Degas  painting in the news epitomize the popular view of   absinthe addicts as Sodom and binand it does Focus  the attention onto the central field of vision

    But the sharp and bitter herbal aspects uplift  someone which does give it a different effect   to the alcohols but wormwood essential oils  were added to some Brands and they have a   much stronger effect and also added upwards  like the sugar pumpkin sensation of having  

    Tulips brush against my legs after leaving  a bar at closing time quoted Oscar Wilde but   Nouveau graphics and exaggerations then it’s Mass  affordability so mainly absence fame or inFAMOUS   the chemical constituent in Wynwood  essential oil and Trace elements of absinthe So many places to visit in the weird and wonderful  place of Jura shall I recount the names [Music] there should be so it’s built over the convent of  the Sepulcher except we’ll close the Tomb of Jesus   was buried in and presumably was resurrected from  there is however in museum in Tennessee sculpture  

    Or alter piece of Jesus lying down with his crane  of thorns and a Mary over him but which Mary   there’s bound to be an element of revert shell  is a common symbol of rebirth but the photo of  

    The sculpture that I’ve enclosed looks for all the  world like her mother with her teeth out for her   adult child to rejuvenate the dad alternatively  it could be Magdalene to trying to revive them   it was Mary Magdalene possibly a goat the 12  disciples took around with them everywhere on  

    Tour and that doctor anyway it’s a nice thing for  a company but the convent did get closed [Music] would have had a benefactor but what Baron or  whatever would have been so arrogant as to have  

    The tomb of Christ as his own resting place and  unlikely at him it was a very early church in   the last [Music] Roman’s abandoning time for  the security of caves like the settlement of   2500 USB until a medieval Lord came along and  enclosed things with Rembert At All by the 12th  

    Century Prosperity perhaps the locals have given  up by then worshiping the bonus aventus statue   the kings of Geneva transferred their Capital  to NFC and built a castle which became [Music]   a royal residence and the dynasty  came to an end the death of Robert  

    Robert I think Bob yeah we were rubber bands with  me honestly it’s evolved to survive oh so innocent   sprays but the adventures [Music] speaking  region it’s experienced a period of decline [ __ ] well there wasn’t devastating fires it destroyed a  lot of the time um Amadeus renovated the town and  

    The castle grants blends to his son and she Rose  From the Ashes and resumed its title as a person   a golden age of a series of brilliant princes  and I read into the French royal family and   received duchy or two from the king with  Calvinism converting people’s minds across  

    Germany and Switzerland the bishop of Geneva  and a number of other monastic institutions   were expelled from Geneva refusing let me see the golden overflow River was let me  see Lakers gorgeous but it’s not Jamila   even in this golden age for Geneva with  colleges and academies several religious  

    Public orders relocating here with that  Triumph of protestant calvinisms [Music]   the cathedral then the maccabean  chapter than the bishop himself [Laughter]   um [Music] staying at the new hotel in  Leisure and residential complexes On them right thanks but I let it pass me by  such as my dedication to you but the warm welcome   extended by The Franciscan monks in honesty around  1535 to the bishop gave way to some disagreements   arising from cohabitation and sharing to the  point the separation had to be envisaged that  

    Could only be to The Bishop’s Advantage the  latter gained the support of Rome in remember Interesting The Francesco franciscans  and obtaining sole use of the church   and the convent on Whose site the new  Bishops Palace was built in much later   Francis the hosts the church  cathedral in just before artists used for its Renovations of course   people or composite orders of those 12  columns ranged in pairs Savannah flamboyant  

    Check out the pump there more you feel for them  by Francesca they don’t even met someone new   invited them to move in they invited their friend  to me again and then then to invited their boss to  

    Come around who took over slide Lane down the  law and then got the ultimate law on his side   got rid of Francesca all the flamboyant  Geneva Catholic orders parading around like   peacocks I hope they hope is going to be their  holiday home Under The Bishop’s watchful eye  

    Having an Episcopal time  all the way to the peninsula you could probably take the footpath  up to Chappelle so as your room lived   in the 10th Century so such a popular opponent foreign with all the restaurants under and Beyond follows  the line of the cliff that the castle was built on  

    But there are a couple of antiquated Alleyways  through a lot of the time would have been   four-story Timber buildings though with balconies  and fairly narrow streets I did make it up to the   castle at the top there’s not really anywhere  to park at the top and while it is a nice sort  

    Of sunset type of a thing to do with a loved one  there aren’t really any expensive views that you   can see sunsets from it’s a pleasant square but  I couldn’t go inside at that time come the time   of the French Revolution roofie had some big  Ideas the French Revolutionary Army opened  

    Up vines really disrupting the established order  they wanted to Define what France was industrial   techniques were driven by the hydraulic power  of those attractive rivers and canals exiting   that they play a craft Lake tomdom roof his urban  development plan to take him to perform created photos

    Of this Crossroads big plans that the sardinians  appreciated in 1915 Customs protection and one   unit of measurement and money and weight  was a revolution to this Frontier time   and all of France for which it was  rather fun but like introducing the  

    Euro the whole of Europe every town in Duke  had its own very valid weights and measures   they’re treating the nightmare 1.1 like the  beginning that survived in all of them British   decimalization similar but different  what do you think you’ve got a bargain  

    1.1 to 0.9 revolutionary stability if that  doesn’t sound too much of an oxymoron enabled   early tourism and this is for it’s the second  largest natural lake plot and blooms in some   mittens there is in temperature from 40  degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to 75  

    Degrees Fahrenheit in the summer rod and line  brings in 30 tons of fish [Music] thank you like anything you might not be  able to tell us like Hennessy   uh modest but highly photographed Palace of  the island the 12th century Lord that wanted  

    To be positioned like he was parting the  very Waters themselves we did a bit [Music] [Applause] mint archives and a seat of Chief  Justice of the alternative capital   naturally attracting lawyers attorneys and  notaries the cop work buildings were built  

    Nearby the house of Savoy transferred its  capital to Turin and it survived the Golden   Age I mean cezanne’s time much later it had to be  saved from Demolition became a trade Union Center   in a philanthropic Society I always thought  it was an early church idlisa Maurice was the  

    Dominican Convent 12th century First Church near  the castle built over in savoying flamboyant again   the aisles still have irregularities that  show that it was built in stage [Music] foreign seasons do get to the other side of the lake   and even if only to enjoy the  views from on high in summers

    Certainly the old town is very much a wealthy  party place it’s a reasonable size tone and   people come in from all the villages so you can  speak to a local just the same as well there was  

    These two guys on the bridge as you go over to  the one of the two most characterful bars cafes   in the old time sheltered by the 12th century  flat iron building you have to squeeze past and   they these two blonde girls are you from Belgium  the guy said in French they started chuckling  

    And they were away there were all four of them  from the same time but it’s a big enough time   that people don’t know everyone I think they  were looking to pick up the tourists myself   because I’ve got to bring it home I haven’t  mentioned civilia and the cloche the Bell  

    Factory Museum thing it’s uh the biggest was the  biggest Bell Foundry and made the savoyard Bell   that’s in Notre Dame biggest and oldest but much  newer than Gloucester Bell Foundry that made the   Bell that signaled the American Revolution  victory over the British [Music] [Applause]  

    Where’s Waldo I’d have thought the absence  guessing game was a very easy one but who knows   the answer is Piedmont the French Italian  border America and South America just so   you know there’s a happy ending to this  next story because it gets a bit dark   who’s ever heard of Peter Waldo Valdez yeah

    1170 I know so trendy in my finger  on the pulse of current affairs   Peter Waldo awoke to a deeper sense of  Reality by the sudden death of a friend   and sold all his goods and started to feed the  poor and Brotherhood of poor man and solidarity  

    And all that he had the bible translated into  Provencal and he took a triple vow of Chastity   which has nothing to do with a number of orifices  of the human body like our architectural Cambridge   graduate lecturer who might have had us believe  includes poverty and obedience wondering and  

    Preaching and Justin Francis of Assisi had  similarity it is a similar sort of time but   he was embraced by the church while Walder and  his disciples police were sanctioned by Beau   panics III but to preach he had to get permission  from the local Authority the Archbishop of Leon

    Denounced them as Heretics and expelled  them from his diocese that meant the   movement once spread that Biden condemned  the heresy in one breath and burned alive thank you also set up a home in the sparsely populated  Piedmont valleys periodically they enjoyed  

    The protection of the accounts and related  Dukes of Savoy the exchangements for payment   of taxes for their labor was more unusual at  the time for paying taxes they were separate   from the Roman Church they liked it there it was  their Garden lead when they stayed for centuries  

    From 1200 to 1550 they have no churches of their  own holding their assemblies in fields and caves   you mentioned Calvinism earlier when news of  Martin Luther’s Defiance of paper Authority   started the Reformation reached the valleys  Protestant reformers and Switzerland invited  

    Some of Team Waldo who are Synod of  party type thing for church leaders   but this got these reclusive team Waldo drawing  attention to themselves putting their head above   the parapet so to speak they’ve been Protestant  for centuries before this new protestantism 13  

    Years later they were being persecuted France  and a secret treaty to vigorously exterminate   everything which did take 100 years to get  going but Piedmont Easter was a terrible   massacre in the developing in 1659 Puritan  poet John Milton helped create horror amongst

    Influence them into resisting and trying to stay  in their centuries settled value relying on Divine   protection which are French and soyad Prince  of movement was able to overcome ten thousand   of the 14 000 inhabitants of the valley were  killed or taken prisoner and sold into slavery  

    Venetian Traders what demographic vertical  Catholicism May kill me survivors were escorted   into Exile by Swiss and savoying guards across  Monson East passing January we’re heading back   through Jorah but this is all going on where I  usually travel on further from anise South to  

    Provost there’s the route Napoleon you can take if  you’re a glutton for extensive hard work but while   those Hermits took a slightly different route from  Piedmont but no less arduously even in a car they   didn’t have cars in the 15th century only 2 500 of  them survived to reach the destination of Geneva  

    Oh no I’m having such a 21st century Moon first  world problem when there is Third World Europe of   course brexit we’re heading for a third world  Britain on arrivals of one of those Hermits   scattered to the Protestant Known World the most  zealous resisted their Fuji camps and under the  

    Persuasive oratory and Military skills of them  spiritual leader recruited some locals and 900 men   went back to resist a glorious return reclaimed  their Piedmont Homeland the lost cause they’ll do   you may be thinking William of Orange had been  forming an alliance of protestant States at this  

    Time however Britain had quietly been invaded by  the Dutch an almost bloodless coup the Glorious   return was a guerrilla Commando Ray by Waldo’s  Wanderers but also a proxy war like we know today   by greater powers and certainly a cold war as  far as Louis France was concerned no women and  

    Children for the Glorious return from Lake Limo  diesel and Monson East to reach bobio police   skirmishes had them down to 300 men but it was the  Savoy Duke that wasn’t really committed and didn’t   think he should be doing all the hard work for  Louis in France and Catholic Savoy joined them  

    Protestant Grand the Lions and let all Waldo’s  followers go back to their valleys ironically   Arnold the leader of Waldo’s Warriors was actually  born French in the treaty giving the peace said   that all French in the valley had to return home  Arnold was born just inside France had to leave  

    Which had taken him 10 to 14 days from giniver to  Falcons they moved away but they took hostages the   Richer the better to act as guides though Waldo’s  Wanderers could get through a town and over a   bridge then sell the hostage this worked well  in solangeev getting around egg Crush in heavy  

    Rain laughing Western Mont Blanc they got to the  tricky burgers and some points who tried to lure   the Glorious return with copious hospitality but  it was only a delaying tactic until the militia   arrived but news had spread and The Villages  were all empty along their route so there was  

    No one to pay for the provisions that they took  called us mountaineering for them balconese is   long and they got lost separated and some never  rejoined sliding steep slopes on the bottoms   Against All Odds they overcame 250 000 French  troops like Stamford Bridge reached the whole  

    Germanaska by the morning while those Warriors  started to get a bit brutal and cruel though   their Shadow their pursuers that had hemmed men  into fighting the French they’d slaughtered at the   next Bridge after capture they were splitting up  and fighting for their individual valleys podio is  

    Perched in a spectacular location amongst Orchards  and postures the dispersing brutal Bunch had their   eyes on their individual prizes no you can get  a very warm reception in Forest Area Valdez   they do use the Italian mistake but they are quite  independent from it oh no it’s a story of survival  

    Rather than a happy ending but anyway we’re  heading north back through Jorah towards Britain   a short Channel Crossing and the police aren’t  usually military trained like the French yondon   you found something to like And subscribe about [Music]   take a swears After so many garages tell me the motel is Mot and cutting action on  their throat and then mutilate a bit further   and getting it back getting it repaired and  back back to England and sorted out once it’s   in England from the half-baked job that the  French garageist overconfident underskilled  

    And ha fitted out work on the motel after that  I’ve delivered my next load down to my barn   and an empty and I’m heading north back to England I’ve done a lot of I got out of the Habit a long time ago  now really of putting three liters of  

    Vegetable oil in my diesel tank making  sure that I had a 50 50 mix with what   was already diesel that was already there  um it came to parity with the price of   vegetable oil and the price of diesel the seams  to be coming round again though especially in  

    France there’s a vegetable oil shortage don’t know  especially when it comes to two for one or third shelves are empty almost immediately I’m working out for yourself people aren’t  daft two Euros 10 for one liter of Gasol diesel   for your vehicle um you can take  advantage of the who for one offered

    For markets in France aren’t that great on their  special offers um three Euros 50 for three liters   once again two Euros 10 for one liter even without  any special offers on if they’re off the shelf   straight away two Euros 50 for two liters yeah  it’s fairly commonplace fairly straightforward why  

    Is there a vegetable oil shortage we all know why  but no one’s writing it in a paper up again there for ethical reasons and for health and safety  reasons uh Renewables hydroelectric power   needs to be accelerated more than governments  say that it needs to excel be accelerated  

    Because nuclear is the option the other option   nuclear isn’t an option it’s a potential disaster  Fail-Safe to put in place of course [Music]   it’s the ethics of oil from Russia  that’s always going to be a problem type hello [Applause]

    Here in the valley beautifully over designed it’s  over designed in the thickness of the rusty steel   that’s been used but so utility functional  building and it’s designed and detailed   better than so much in Britain well that’s not  that’s supposed to be art that’s not just utility

    Is that the architect is  that the financial setting setups don’t need to focus on making  money so much perhaps it’s all   reputation because there isn’t  so much work about [Music] a method statement is usually a written way of  doing something safely they are all in my head  

    But uh I’m very aware of my method statements  and I can consider them very safe you can remove   a hazard you can replace a hazard it can  isolate a hazard or you can protect from uh   that’s from most effective to least effective  so like PPE that protects you that’s like the  

    Least effective measure you can’t don’t need to  protect something that you’ve removed as a risk   so it is something that is used only one trade in  an area of a building site at any time that is a  

    Method statement method um for me I’m only ever  going to be the only trade in the bar that is an   elimination of um that slapstick type humor  that you get in building site sometimes not   really so much one-upmanship just a sort of  arrogance of a big fish in a small sea or um

    I’m the most important person for me for my price um I have eliminated trying to eliminate  I’ve replaced um temporary foreign to get   to a level as much as possible you have to erect  these structures and that’s a risk scaffolding  

    I’m talking about really there aren’t I um you  can isolate things with administrative Controls   and Engineering controls just change things how  things are done you won’t see me with gloves on   um you will see me with masks on I’m  just emphasizing this because you will  

    Probably get instructional videos at  some point in time of how to scribe a   how to describe a piece of material to irregular  shaped surface like skating board or something while creating a lot of mess or the  not creating a lot of waste method It’s like skiing an empty ski slope there’s no   one for you to crush into no one’s  Crush into you no mixed abilities to some of you have been skiing recently  and you will know that beauty of covered heaven for Currys smuggle your own patex packet  because it’s rare that you’ll find a good  

    French Curry and those patex packets are rare  in little or rather else [Music] [Applause]   Continental shovels shall I  call them I just can’t use them   it’s all about their grippy hand thing on the  shaft balance is perfect for scooping yeah working to UK regulations on their  electrics which are quite different

    My minor actor of rebellion in that respect was  um using double insulated British cables but   with a French single inch slated Earth  one of the biggest um tricks is that   um the Earth on the Three core on Earth on  the British regs the Earth isn’t insulated  

    So it doesn’t pass the French regs what have I  done with the British uninsulated Earth that’s   doing nothing I’m thinking about tying it to the  multi-foil insulation so that any Earth build up   in the multi-foil insulation gets  transferred to ground blocked in again  

    I do feel cheated um is harassment but  do I want to take my neighbor to court   and log in the instance or do I want to have  a Vichy tantrum me neither so my preference on  

    The night before I go home is to sleep out  in the van down the road a pleasant enough   little spot let’s see the jogger go by in the  morning when I wake through the steamy windows   concrete come in did work once for a little  while but it’s like the neighbors it’s  

    Like a kids wind-up game trying to get  reaction so don’t give a proof reaction like food Cuisine tourism and Boots tourism  used to be a thing for people coming to Britain   um Bioshock tourism by the  looks things must surely be   a big thing um similar Brands but different  um different brands different obsessions

    But three in one small town three bio shops fully  stocked like this the population can’t support him [Music]   brexit gives duty free shops a little bit  more of a focus but what do I bring back   oh there’s the regulations and perfume bio  stuff you even allowed a set of perfume and

    Scented things um alcohol Summit too much choice  three panel lock then that’s what I’d like to   bring back but um it’s the covert thing they’re  not on special offer it was holding me back again It’s a Long Way North to think what I’m  going to do when I get to pay to Calais

    When I get to the former coal mining region  do I go nuclear to get my van deposit back   from the supermarket that I rented it  from do I try and recover the engine   code reset 200 Euros by famines or foul I  didn’t come up with an answer [Music] you

    [Music] looking at the price of a liter of one  it’s not a liter that was at 750 milliliters   the price of a bottle of wine  perfectly drinkable bottle of   wine can be as low as one Euros 50.  but you’re usually one two euros same  

    Price as diesel now I’m not recommending  into your into your gas tank   um it’s just you can choose your route through  France by what Hawaiian regions you go through   so I’m very mine from the burgundy region through  the juror sometimes through the Civil War region  

    And then chambray it sort of Peters out strictly  speaking before you get to the heights of his air   but then you can vary that  with burgundy region Beaujolais um valderram wines and pick some up along  the way quite often you’ll go into a  

    Wine shop off license it’s not  enough license it’s wine shop   and be able to put wine in your own container from  a pump very similar to a petrol pump but slightly and back to the three process grind  living the dream Living in a Dream  

    Which is worse Dental drills or the working  the making of them I’m asking myself was an engine fuel injection third  pins the tapered and Polished pins what were they engine fuel injection  pins double tapered and Polished pins   ah I must tell you about  inadvertently covering for the  

    Uh check woman I think she was a young young  skinny chat woman that ain’t nothing but sweet and   her skipping out at midnight on the night  shift and um covering that by covering   in animal breeding terms the uh shift supervisor  uh I’ve got to tell you about that sometime

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