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    🌟 Welcome to the webinar recording: “Study Electrical Engineering and Communications in Germany !” 🌟

    Dive into our webinar recording, “Study Electrical Engineering and Communications in Germany,” and start your journey to academic excellence. Germany, known for its world-leading #universities and diverse programs, offers unparalleled opportunities in Electrical Engineering and Communications. πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ“˜

    What you’ll discover:

    πŸ“˜Essentials Simplified: Learn about the structure of Electrical Engineering and Communications programs in Germany, from admissions to curriculum details.

    🏫🌐 Explore Programs: Navigate through Germany’s wide range of Electrical Engineering and Communications programs to find your perfect match.

    πŸŽ“πŸŒŸπŸ” Career Insights: Understand the job market and career opportunities post-graduation, and get inspired by the potential paths ahead.

    πŸ—¨οΈπŸŽ€ Expert Q&A: Benefit from a live Q&A with university program representatives for direct insights.

    βœˆοΈπŸŽ“ Begin Your Journey: Whether you’re a prospective student or exploring options, this recording is your gateway to starting your Electrical Engineering and Communications adventure in Germany.

    Watch now to equip yourself with the knowledge needed for informed academic decisions.

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    #electricalengineering #communicationskills #studyabroad #highereducation #careerprospects #germanuniversities #webinarrecording

    This thanks for joining us uh for today’s webinar which is called studying electrical engineering and Communications in Germany sorry for being a bit late there were some technical issues that we had to deal with but now we are here let me very quickly share with you my screen I will

    Make a very brief presentation and then we’ll move to our speakers so for the GU for the agenda for today we will start with Hen book and we have Ria shinder with us who will talk about master of science level program in communication media engineering then we will move to Rens wi

    Garten un University of applied sciences we have Professor Dr L bega who will talk about also Master’s level program in electrical engineering and embedded systems and also from the same University we have guest Professor Dr RAF Ruth and he will talk about master of science level program in mechatronics

    So uh dear attendees each presentation each program will be for uh 15 minutes after all the programs all three programs are done with their present ation we will have a Live question Q&A question answer section where your questions will be answered live now where you can send your questions it is

    Just next to the chat there’s a button Q&A button and you can use this button and then we’ll monitor it and we’ll make sure that all your questions are are answered so uh yeah I will skip this part because of the we we’re late let me

    Tell you some some basic things so when you’re searching for English toght study programs make sure to visit our website Myer University and uh make good use of our study finder with all of its filters which will make your life easier in terms of finding the programs quickly

    And more efficiently we have for example regarding electrical engineering and communication we have lots of uh degree programs on Bachelor and Master’s level as well and most of them are taught in English which means that you not need any knowledge of German uh to get into

    Those programs and to in most cases to successfully complete them also we have various subject Pages where you can find the general information regarding studying in Germany for example regarding these uh particular disciplines and what you should expect from them what are the rankings of universities that are

    Offering disciplines and so on and so forth um yeah um our tip don’t be guided by Soul aspects only when you’re searching for the programs take into account fees rankings name cities and much more your individual interests your individual background and professional aspirations of course and yeah let I’m

    I’m doing it very briefly and we are moving now to the key part of our presentation we are moving to uh ofen Book University of appli Sciences beautiful location you can see it where it’s located very close to France and Switzerland Lydia will tell us more

    About that and she will also of course mostly focus on the study program communication and media engineering this a Master Level program Lydia the floor is yours well thank you very much geie for this short uh and nice introduction um I my name is Lydia working here at the gradate school of offenberg

    University and it’s great to be here and and I’m having you to uh tell me tell you a little bit more about our program here uh it’s communication and media engineering at The Graduate School of offenberg University and I want to invite you to study here in English at at offenberg

    University and live in German or Germany at the same time uh so you will have a complete uh program completely taught in English here which is very interesting combination uh of communication and media engineering as you already as the name already says but at first I want to

    Give you a brief overview of the university in general uh so that you know what to expect from Offenburg and then uh get go a little bit more into detail uh into about the prog itself and then also uh tell you about our services and what to expect uh

    What you can expect from us so as T you already said we are here in the southwest of Germany H you see that here on the map that we are close to France and to Switzerland a beautiful region right in the Black Forest that’s how it’s called

    So it’s a very touristic region at the same time you see here a picture just right next to the university actually very close about 5 Kil kilometers from here and on the bottom you also see that it’s a um picture of strer already because we’re as I said very close to

    The Border uh you’re here in one of Germany strongest economic regions the southwest of Germany uh it’s cross National metropolitan area with Strasburg where we have European Parliament and France basil only in our way is in Switzerland already and it’s a very Dynamic region with high employment

    Prospects so this is something our uh students and and especially uh future graduates um profit a lot from that fact also in in sense of uh when they’re looking for um Master thesis places in companies practical trainings and so on and I personally just enjoy this beautiful surrounding here in the

    External art living standard that we have so but looking at the University itself you we are a University of Technology business and media so this means uh these are the three areas we focus on and that these are the areas we’re good in h we do not have everything here like sociology

    Psychology and all these other um subjects um but only these yeah different subjects in one of these three areas uh right now we offer around 25 Bachelor degrees and 22 master degree programs in these areas and we’re one of the oldest universities of applied sciences here in southwest of Germany

    And were already founded in 1964 with prais oriented studies as the name already says applied sciences um so we have its emphasis in in hands on in in Practical um yeah to not to learn only uh in theory but actually try out what you learn in practice also in Practical um

    Laboratories for example and so on right now we are have around 4,000 students enrolled about 12% are international students and many cooperations uh with universities in worldwide um guarantee that we have a very International um campus here especially in The Graduate School and that’s where this um program

    Is situated in we have a very high percentage of international students as these programs are taught in English so you can definitely count with an international atmosphere here and you also profit from the spacious Enterprise Network uh that the university has here in this region and also in the three

    Different countries around and the two different countries around so the three uh countries Germany Switzerland and France close by and I personally again enjoy uh a lot this safe and friendly environment here I feel uh very safe even walking in the night uh in the streets here of Offenburg so if you come

    From a big city somewhere around the world this is definitely some something you will enjoy here too as we are rather small uh um university and and it’s also very small uh city of about 60,000 inhabitants it’s a very family yeah familiar atmosphere here and at the same time you have all the

    Infrastructure and everything that you need uh very close by um so we have at often University very well equipped Labor uh equipped Laboratories and Facilities that you can count with there is a this close connection to Industry um with the possibilities for practical trainings as I already mentioned and a

    Small to student teacher ratio with personal attention from professors so if I would uh think about where to study if you’re in this situation right now I would definitely have a look at that um if you want to have the possibility to get interact with the professor a small

    Student teacher ratio is very important and we can guarantee you that here in The Graduate School in in this program communication and media engineering uh we only admit between 15 to 25 students per batch um so you can definitely have this close contact and profit from the experience

    That the professors have and from and be able to ask questions directly and so on work together in in with the team in on different aspect different um yeah uh works that you do Teamworks that you’re doing and so on and these professors all have experience of at

    Least three years in private uh companies outside of the academic area uh so this is also part of the fact that we are University of applied sciences and we have this practical emphasis you can count on that fact that the the professors are able to bring this

    Experience into the class and share it with you nevertheless we also offer the possibility to pursue a doctoral degree here at offenberg University we have several professors who have the possibility to Brand a PhD and we also work together with other universities comprehensive universities here around

    In this region so there are around um 45 um doctoral degree students here at offenberg University right now but now let me go a little bit more into detail uh about the program communication and media engineering if you’re interested in that program uh you should definitely if um you should have

    A a back ground either in electrical engineering or uh computer science or uh also media technology but it’s yeah it’s it’s great if you have an interest in all these three areas because it’s a very unique combination and it’s a very interdisciplinary master’s degree program so it’s tailored to me the

    Challenges of the multimedia age and it’s been very successful in that for over 20 years uh nevertheless we always adapt it and make it you know adapted to the newest developments in in the market uh and it’s it’s very successful until today therefore you can gain practical experience in internships or research

    Projects within the University or in the industry dur during this program and the study program combines essential elements of communication with Innovative multimedia issues and you’re once you graduate from this program um you’re very well prepared for the mark for the professional market and there’s

    A great demand and uh for in yeah for graduate to have these kind of skills as combination going a little bit into detail and even more into the modules you see that there are different uh models and it’s a combination of communication media software engineering non-technical um courses and the

    Projects I won’t list all the details and courses that you have have a look at the slide here you see um that it’s a very interesting and unique combination especially if you want to work as an engineer year in the area of media after your graduation so that’s what the

    Program prepares you perfectly for you can also have a closer look at the modules at our website where you will also find the link to our application portal so we do the whole um application process here at offenberg University therefore it’s if you’re interested uh

    You have a look at the website and if you want to apply just go to the application portal leave your personal data there and especially your transcript of records and you will get a first feedback of the coordinator of the program if your profile fits to the program or

    Not the application deadline is March 31st although the lectures only start in October but as we know that the Visa process sometimes takes time uh we need we have that early application deadline so you have enough time to um yeah to get get go into the Visa process and prepare yourself for

    For your um stay here at at offenberg and in Germany what’s the requirements um for this what what are the requirements for this program as I already mentioned you have to have a bachelor degrees uh that fits to the program so either electrical engineering um computer computer science

    With interest in media so these are usually the typical um backgrounds uh of students who Who start uh this program um if you’re not sure about it um you can always turn to the coordinator of the program if your program fits or not or just yeah do the

    First application step and you will get a feedback anyhow the fees um for this program are for non European citizens 3810 um there this includes the state tuition fees of ,500 and we are able to exempt 5% of our students from these tuition fees however I have to admit this is only possible

    For students who are already inscribed because then they will um the the selection committee will evaluate your progress in the first semester and therefore it’s only possible to get uh this exemption for the second or third semester once you already study here you can apply for it

    So you cannot count on it for the first semester anyhow you cannot count on it because there only 5% of students Exempted but that’s a scholarship that we can offer and there are also some small partial scholarships you can apply for but they’re only uh small help uh in

    Financing the your studies and again only from the second semester on so if you need a scholarship from the beginning uh I would recommend you to have a look at the scholarship database of the dad for example and see if they have a fitting program um with which

    They can fund you or this institution can fund you and then you can uh come to our uh University in order to study the program additionally I can offer you a lot of Support Services here at offenberg University so um we’re very proud to to

    See to yeah to be able to say that some years ago we participated in a survey for which was also organized by the dad German academic exchange uh service and many other universities participated in that too and our student at that time raed Us number one in the arrival

    Assistance for international students so we were very proud to get that feedback but nevertheless we always try to improve that even more and uh we can offer you therefore assistance sorry assistance in finding uh accommodation we have a senior body program which means that some experienced student and experienced

    Student will get in contact with you before your arrival and you can ask your questions he will pick you up at the train station help you around and uh show the the most important things during the first few days of your stay here so you that you arrive here and

    Have a nice welcome and and get to know everything you need to know additionally there is always the individual support and advice of our coordinators and there’s one coordinator for each of these International master degree programs of our graduate school which are seven alog together uh and communication and media engineering is

    One of them and you will have a coordinator that will accompany you during the whole study program we also offer terman summer Language School um so in September you’re well welcome to uh attend the language uh courses the Intensive language courses for a whole month in order to learn some German although it’s

    Not necessary for the broker and we also always advise that this is a great uh start into your program and it’s always very helpful to know German especially if you think if you um yeah think about maybe staying in Germany for for trap afterwards so after your graduation so

    In in case you you think about that we recommend you to study German even before you arrive already and then improve your German during the uh course and therefore we also have ongoing language courses during the lecture period but we also want you to have a good time here in offen board certainly

    The success in your studies is very important but it’s also important that you uh feel welcome here that you have the possibility to integrate that you get to know other people and therefore we also want you to have a yeah good time here at Offenburg and in Offenburg

    The city of Offenburg and the region and we off there for cultural and social program with excursions and get togethers there are also Sports offered as for example next by we have a lake with a boat and you can go sailing with the um s our sailing um club or you can

    Go mountain biking dancing and so on as we have this beautiful black forest surrounding there are many outdoor possibilities and a very special program is also our senior service which is an initiative bringing together senior citizens and international students and it’s just great possibility to get to know people here from the the

    City who are volunteering just because they want you to feel welcome here in Offenburg and they just want to get to know a little bit from your culture and share the ter or this Regional culture here with you and therefore it’s a great uh possibility to yeah to get to know uh

    People from here get to know the culture meet other people from outside of the university and many students have benefited a lot from this initiative and it just shows the open atmosphere that you have here in offenberg in general and and the people who are used to um this International interaction because

    Of the the borders very close to often Borg anyhow certainly getting to the end of your um program you you can also benefit from our chop application trainings and the recruiting event we have once a year here at the University and it’s yeah I always say

    It’s amazing to see how that has grown in the last years we had even to go to a fair ground last time because there was not enough space here anymore at the University and it just reflects the great interest of companies uh in our graduates uh and it’s it’s a great sign

    And it’s you can really take advantage of that and last but not least we also have an international Alumni network of the graduate schools so we are happy to stay in contact with you after your graduation and certainly want to give you the possibility to network among

    Each other in this uh Alumni network too and yeah just participate in the events that we offer for you and so on oh I’m sorry I forgot to go on with my slide but anyhow once what again what can you expect from Offenburg um at the if you study here

    Communication and media engineering at The Graduate School you can count on an English taught program with a very high quality level with this taught in small groups you will definitely have a a very Intercultural experience here and you can count on comprehensive Individual Services and I’m sure once you finish

    Your studies you will also have excellent career opportunities so thank you very much for your attention uh and I hope I could give you a little bit of an Insight of our program communication and media engineering and interest you for it so uh if you think that could be something

    For you have a look at our website and I’m sure it’s definitely offenberg University is definitely a place for you to build your future so I will be looking forward to your questions afterwards and thank you once again for your attention great thank you very much Lydia is always very nice presentation

    Very informative one and yeah there are some questions you can already uh deal with if you would like to but before that let me uh meanwhile let us move our next speaker so let me introduce once again Professor Dr L bega and he is from rensburg vineard and University of app

    Sciences so you can see we are not moving that far away location is still very good and yeah so we are talking now about Master’s level program in electrical engineering and um embedded systems and ravensburg vinearden University for applied sciences and our Master course in electrical engineering and embedded systems next slide please

    Yes so this is the location of Germany certainly on the world map in the heart of Europe next slide please then here you can see some pictures of rensburg and Vine Garten surroundings in southern Germany Lake Constance the mountains the old city of Ravensburg next slide please then this is our a photo of our main compus in summer of course next slide please this is a photo from one of our lecture rooms next slide please and from one of our Labs the automotive and autonomous driving lab which follows a Hands-On approach in teaching and

    Research next slide please so this is our campus map so I’m not sure if my mouse pointer is visible most likely not no I’m not presenter then I just say that uh on the top H this is our main lab building J is an additional lab ABC are lecture buildings

    LT additional labs and VM also additional lecture buildings and NF labs for the basic Sciences so it’s quite a big compus but everything is in walking distance next slide please so this is the these are the international firms which we have collaborations and where also student

    Jobs are offered so in the you can see our University logo and close are the headquarters of setf which is a automotive supplier Roy Ro but this is not the car company but the Aerospace engine company um size is an optical company Airbus of course builds planes

    And uh little bit farther away Bosch Mercedes uh semens and Audi next slide please so this is now the master of Engineering in electrical engineering and systems so you can reach our homepage by the link below and then you see this um photo and uh there are the

    Most important information so it’s three semester period um the degree the master in engineering we have 30 places is in Winter and very important the application deeline is 15th of April and there is an apply button on this web page this will lead you to a form which

    Has a FAQ that means all the questions that you may have should be properly answered next slide please okay this is our um um study program so on the left you can see in blue the block for the embedded systems related courses embedded Computing One deals with embedded Linux embedded Computing to

    With realtime operating systems embedded control with the implementation of control algorithms and Automation in microcontrollers the um Violet block are the common subjects uh communication one and two near field and wireless including Von signal processing One sensor and actuator signals then the green block these are the profile

    Modules there are two study profiles or specializations one is system on chip modeling and design plus system on chip operation and Test Plus computer AR architecture and the other one to choose is computer Vision Plus leader and radar systems plus signal processing tool which is digital filters the orange

    Block are the basic subjects Applied Mathematics is basically a repetition of the bachelor mathematics which is important for the other subjects numerical methods these deals mainly with programming um mathematical methods for uh dealing with issues in the signal processing embedded Computing embedded control and advanced Control Systems is control engineering that means the

    Advanced methods that are necessary for the other subjects and especially for embedded control and in yellow uh the elective module which can be taken from any other Master course for example mechatronics or mechanical engineering or computer science or you can do a research project in one of our Labs next slide

    Please so this is the first study profile system on chip this deals with ASC design mixed signal IC fpga and HDL the focus is mainly on Hardware Dev development next slide please then the study profile sensor data processing this is intended towards autonomous driving machine learning and Industry

    4.0 and the focus is mainly on software uh for embedded systems next slide please then the possible research projects so our main research areas are our e-mobility that means electric drives energy storage um so you can do a research project here in Hardware or software next slide please and uh the

    Other big research area is control and process engineering so here you can do research projects in electrical Heating and Cooling plants applications both in hard and soft so on the left you can see here some experiment for heating and cooling and some simulation of it next slide please

    And the other uh important research of our control and process engineering is for Semiconductor manufacturing plants in hard and software development so on the top you can see a wafer which is used for fabricating comp computer chips and a photo mask which is used to project the circuits on the computer

    Chips by lithography and on the bottom you can see the installation of a stepper that is a machine which does this lithography with the photo mask and wafer and this just to give an imagination costs about2 200 million per machine and as said we do not um fabricate

    Devices but we um do research in the processes and Machinery control that is used to fabricate these devices next slide please okay after completing your um Master course you can do additional research uh there is a PhD program and for the research areas you can look add these four links on our

    Homepage next slide please and of course very important for you the admission so you need a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or Electronics or computer science or if you have another bachelor degree you can contact us if it is sufficient for admission the the final grade must be minimum

    2.5 in the German rating system you should have good mathematics skills as shown in your bachelor’s transcript 210 ects are usually required however if you only have 180 ects in your Bachelor course you can make this up by adding 30 ects elective uh modules to your Master’s

    Studies at our University and you have to have proven skills in English so documented either by the tuffle minimum 70 or elts with minimum six next slide Please and there is an admission bonus your overall grade can be improved if you show uh gr exam with minimum 161 and quantitative reasoning uh or if you can provide uh programming certificates in C C++ C or Java or Julia or mlab or python or rust

    And if you never heard of these so Julia is basically an possible open source successor to mudlab I’m rust is a possible successor to see but it remains to be seen if this works out or not yeah then also proven relevant work experience with a minimum of one year in

    A company after your Bachelor and also a published research paper depending on the quality of this publication next slide please yeah the there is a semester on tuition fee of € 1,685 this is quite small in comparison to the US but it’s still some amount of

    Money um but you get several benefits so for example we have a student dormatory that means if you are an enrolled student then for a very small uh accommodation fee you can get accommodation in this dormitory now if you have further questions which are not answered on our homepage or in the

    Online admission form then please contact this email address application emm and your questions will then be forwarded to me I’m L Berger and I’m the program coordinator and also the um head of the control and process engineering in research and if you live in India you may also contact let’s Bridget it miss

    Iris Becca which is located in Pune and there is a office phone and a mobile phone which is shown here next slide please okay and finally greetings from our lab cat which has their own um Instagram account with the link provided here and if you have any

    Further questions in the end of this webinar there is a chance to answer them thank You great thank you Professor burer I think it was nice collaboration let us move now to uh our next guest so again we are staying in the same University which means same location and Professor Dr Ru now will talk about different study program also Master’s level but in mechatronics so Professor

    Um good afternoon once more uh my name is Rafa rof and I’m going to talk about um the the second master program uh at rensburg Bart University which is the master mechatronics so the outline of my talk will be first uh I will talk a little bit about the University itself then

    About the study program admission criteria application process and yeah at the end we will have an Q&A session as well so regarding the university so my colleagues have mentioned a lot so by now I think you know where Germany is located on the globe um here and this is

    Germany consisting of 16 federal states and um yeah we are located in B bber here in the very south of it where this little Red Cross is located here so better have a view of it so this is um yeah Vine Garden when you look uh

    Southward so you see City and then you see the lake constant and further back you see um the Alps so Lake of constant is approximately uh 30 to 40 kilomet away uh from our location and yeah beginning of Alps I would say like 60 kilomet so all within

    Reach yeah this is uh the main building of our University uh Professor Berger has shown you that already and the campus plan was there as well so yeah we have a quite concentrated campus plan everything is reachable on on foot and some uh facts about the university So currently we have

    Approximately uh 3,600 students enrolled we have 110 professors and four departments or faculties which are social work care and health technology and management mechanical engineering and um electrical engineering and computer science and this is a department where we two guys are from um study cses we have 25 Bachelor

    Courses and 12 Master courses and the two courses which are presented today are from um the scope of these 12 Master courses some web links um top down approach first yeah this is the uh side of the whole university then next this is uh the the homepage of the electrical engineering

    Department this is the website for the course from Mr berer Electrical Engineering and embedded systems and this is uh from my call mechatronics so these uh last two addresses are pretty useful because there you will also find uh important um documents like the module handbook for the study programs

    As well as uh study uh regulations so many more informations beyond that what we are able to tell you now within the 15 minutes that we have all right next let’s talk uh about the study program and yeah this time I will focus only on mechatronics because uh electrical

    Engineering has already been uh done so but the courses are quite similar uh mechatronics seeks uh as a final degree a master of science we have a study period of three semesters we always start in the winter term and as um my colleague already mentioned the

    Most important date is the 15th of April because that will be the closing date for the following winter semester admission requirements uh there will be another slide with some more details but it’s a bachelor degree in mechanical or electrical engineering or computer science or a similar subject so it’s

    Quite uh a big pool of uh preliminary Bachelor courses that uh are accepted here uh what you need is a final grade of at least 2.5 in the German grading system and um 210 ects credits or which is equivalent to a 4year uh education in The Bachelor and you need uh some English

    Certificate as well so this is the curriculum of mechatronics but but I would rather focus on the next two slides which give you an overview over um compulsory subjects first so as you probably know um mechatronics is a mixture of the three disciplines mechanical engineering electrical engineering and computer

    Science and this is uh where our study program uh revolves around so what we are trying to do is to to educate you in all three Fields or that when you leave our University that you have um sound knowledge in all three Fields um for

    That reason we have a a kind of a a versatile curriculum so depending on your prior knowledge you will get um different subjects focusing on the fields where you are probably still lacking uh some knowledge so as an example most of our students come from the field of

    Mechanical engineering so they have um a degree in mechanical engineering so we are trying to educate them more in the fields of computer science and electrical engineering and what you see besides these three pillars is uh the compulsory subjects which I tried to Loosely allocate uh to the respective disciplines so for example

    When we take automation lecture it is um has to do with computer science mostly but also a little bit with electrical engineer and U yeah so on not going to uh into detail of all of them however there are some subjects which cannot be allocated here one of them is our

    Mathematics course which is two lectures actually and yeah the um intention of this is math obviously and this belongs to all of the uh three pillars what we also have in second semester is a compulsory scientific project this is uh some um project with a specific topic that you have to work

    Work on so every Professor has different approaches on this if you’re doing this with me for example it’s likely to do uh with integrating a sensor um to make it communicate with a microcontroller for example um so this is to to Foster some practical knowledge and also working in

    The lab and of course since we are talking about a master program there is also the master pieces at the uh very end of the course um maybe let’s go back here so um usually what you have in each of the three semesters you can see that here

    There is one elective module here and there uh so that means this these are modules where you have the freedom to choose something that is of interest and in this slide I have um comp small excert on courses that are usually offered so what you also will find here

    Some courses from Professor Burger study program but not limited to that so here you can um focus on on your own interests and yeah choose something that um is interesting for yeah now I have just picked two lectures where I’m going to tell you a little bit more about the contents and

    Um it’s no surprise these are the two lectures that uh are taught by me the first one is the automation lecture which we had in the previous slide already so this is dealing with microcontrollers and we are using modern arm cortex mcus from stdm we also um

    Developed some uh platform that we are Distributing to the students so everyone gets their own um microcontroller board with some uh additional features and you can uh do handson work with this so uh in this course we are using C programming language which is uh quite of a standard in microcontroller

    Programming and we are going to discuss all the peripherals available in modern microcontrollers like I’m not going into too much detail here timer communication peripherals and stuff like that uh what’s also important in this lecture I’m not only teaching you this Hardware things but also patterns for developing uh embedded software so this

    Is kind of um a plan that is uh taught so how to get started you have some certain problem to solve and the best approach is not to just sit there and start coding but um have some thoughts about how to approach the respective problem um for example you could use a

    Finite State machine or um an real time operating system this is also a major part of this lecture second lecture I want to present is uh process interface equipment which is kind of the electrical equivalent of uh the automation lecture so here you’re are basically learning how to connect

    Things to the microcontroller not only the microcontroller also industrial control systems like uh plcs so here we are talking about um interfacing measurement amplifier different signals how to adapt and convert them uh sensors is a big topics so we are talking about the most often used sensors that are uh object

    Detection pressure and temperature and also about actuators so relays Motors um and inductive loads in general now this is just a brief overview of the two uh lectures if you are interested in the contents of the other lectures as well I would recommend you to go to our web page and download

    The module handbook there you will find like for every module two pages uh in the PDF describing contents um prary knowledge and things like that how many credit points how does the exam look like and like that okay uh some of this stuff I told you already so depending on your

    Bachelor education we will assign you to one of four different sets of compulsory Subs if you’re interested in how these um tables look like again go to our homepage download uh the SPO document um there you will find these tables and which of those subjects that we have

    Seen before will be compulsory for your um for your background yeah as I said usually we will have one optional course per semester which you can choose freely from some list of subjects yeah one thing that is um sometimes asked for but unfortunately not allowed you cannot choose a bachelor

    Subjects uh as optional courses The Only Exception is what professor Professor Berger also mentioned so if you’re coming with a 180 ects um bachelor degree then you have to pet up 30 credits and regarding those 30 credits you may choose subjects from The Bachelor coures as well but in

    My experience this doesn’t happen too often but just to let you know so in total since we have uh three semesters we are seeking 90s so that’s the goal of the study program um to successfully complete and this includes the master thesis which is located in the third

    Semester and has a value of 25 okay let’s move on to the admission criteria also um very similar to embedded um Computing program so what you need is a completed bachelor degree in mechanical or electrical engineering or computer science or a similar subject for example um in recent times uh people

    Have shown up with a degree in mechatronics which makes obviously sense as well to then further study uh um the master mechatronics you need 2.5 um final grade converted to the German grading system and 210s which usually corresponds to a fouryear full-time study program um if

    You want to to look up whether your uh prior University is on the list of recognized University there is this homepage available from anabin where you can um go to and search for your University and if it’s listed there then it’s um a recognized University English skills is uh the same

    Uh as well so you can either have a perer test result which should be then at least 70 out of 120 or ants test with an overall band score of 6.0 yeah we have some uh crate Point bonuses so you can uh improve your Crate by having one of these things here

    Available um and I have also added the amount of uh gr Improvement that is attainable so for example if you have professional experience you have already worked um in the industry as uh one of those engineer Fields mentioned above then you will be awarded one uh .1 uh grade point per

    Year with a maximum of 02 so um the maximum um time that is considered is two years right if you had any research activity in the relevant Fields then you will get um up to additional point two great Improvement yeah obviously depending on the quality of your research

    Paper um another possibility is to have an gr test where you where we only consider the quantitative reasoning part of this test and if you have at least 161 points you will get another point2 Improvement and um this has been taken also from electrical engineering so yeah this is also valid for master

    Mechatronics if you have verified programming SK skills you may gain another point2 maximum um there is also a restriction on the absolute total maximum points that you can reach so if you have all of that then you will still get only six but this is substantial so

    For example you may have a grade um over a grade of 3.1 and by getting all these bonuses you will improve to 2.5 and still be uh able to um get admission probably to the course okay finally let’s move on to the application process which is quite simple Professor Burger actually had a

    Slide regarding this so it boils down to going to the course homepage and click some icon here okay what I can add is that usually our um our web pages are in English but there is always some button where you can switch the language to to English which makes

    Sense what I have also included is is some uh list of contact persons so first of all the the the two um study teams so me and Professor fos you can directly reach us by these emails it’s generally like um given name. family name at RW um or the application emails that

    Have been shown by Professor par as well um we have one person responsible for the carea service this is bilg De and I think I have seen her in the chat as well before we have an international office um Rona Herman International office is responsible for things like yeah we have

    A welcome week so if you are coming to Bine Garten to to study then study programs for lectures will usually start in October but you will be uh asked to come uh earlier um yeah to get some we call that a welcome week where you get um to know things like

    Accommodation arriving in Germany how to get uh insurances set up and things like that and this is what um Ramona Herman does so once you get admission it’s probably a good idea to contact there uh regarding admission itself uh Fabian damash is uh responsible for that and um

    I’m a little bit sad that she is not here today because if she’s here she is our most knowledgeable person for all kinds of um admission related questions so if you have questions like that uh of course we are trying to ask them as well but

    Um word of ction we are not as good as tamash regarding this all right and that’s it thanks for listening and that’s the end of my talk and now I think we can have questions great thank you very much Professor very comprehensive presentation yeah we can

    Now move to the live Q&A session we have just five minutes left so that that us used for briefly to shake up the Q&A session let me start uh with Professor begger and Professor rof for rwu the general question one student wanted to just to double double check uh for sure

    That if the student with an automative engineering ground qualify for the study programs for your study programs let’s start with Professor beer maybe um that depends on the on the contents if there is sufficient electrical engineering inside it then of course it will qualify just send it and you will get a reply

    And for the mechatronics it should qualify because usually it should have enough mechanical related stuff inside that also can be checked you can also apply for both that means you can apply for mechatronics and then choose as a second option if you don’t get admitted the electrical engineering

    Okay but do not apply separ possible for mechatronics uhhuh all right great thank you both of you thanks a lot Lydia that was very first question which I think good to make students sure that there will be no problem with a degree could you once again just to ensure them that that

    Totally is fine with what so the question was is not a classical University should might there be any problems with recognizing the degree no offenberg University is this State uh University uh and it’s uh you will get an internationally recognized uh degree in master of science if you study communication and uh media

    Engineering so all our degrees are um internationally recognized and this one is especially very um yeah it’s a it’s a program with that has a lot of recognition anyhow and uh all of our programs um are are certified and uh recognized so you don’t need to be

    Worried about that at all okay perfect thanks Leia uh Professor rof a question for you uh is there any is there a direct application or via any intermediary well uh both things are possible um you can apply directly via the hom page but we also have lots of

    Students uh who apply via any intermediate institution so that’s completely up to you okay great uh Professor Berger uh question for you good mathematical skills you mean also 2.5 grade in mathematical subjects or what you mean exactly so you have to have a good overall grade 2.5 and in addition it

    Will be checked if in your Bachelor transcript you also have an average of 2.5 in your m matical subject M thank you very much lyia this one student also wanted to check out with you whether there is any flexibility in terms of English language requirement could you once again outline this like

    Whe the the the numbers that you mentioned for is and tol are the final ones right those are the final ones yeah I have to admit that we are very strict in that uh we you need to present either tle 79 uh inter based or I 6.0 in each um

    Each field of the test each band okay great and because of the time I would like to ask one more general question for three of you there was a question regarding the so let me leave it out first are all of these programs free of admission restrictions I think

    In German it is called NC fry so the question question is let me paraphrase it so if I meet all the requirements that you mentioned will there be any chance that I will still not be able to get into the program because for example there were more applications than the

    Spots and there were some better applications than I had so this is the question Lydia let me start with you yeah we do not have an NC um but we do have a selection process so we do have more application than uh students that we can admit and therefore there is a

    University own selection process for each program and for communication and media engineering uh the final decision is taken by a selection committee and the selection committee well and and the first step uh even in the first step of the selection process they will definitely look at your grade your

    Average grade and they will compare it with the other uh applications but it’s not the only criteria for the select so um you definitely you have a better chance the better your grade is but even if your grade is not uh among the the first third of your class for example uh

    You may still have a chance because they also look um well it depends on the the competitors anyhow the other applications and it depends on other criteria too for example uh depending on the grades you have in specific courses which are especially important for this uh course uh of communication and meter

    Engineering and also uh your motivation letter your practical experience and so all this is taken into account uh and when they do the final uh selection at the end okay great thank you very much lyia for a very comprehensive and clear answer as always um yeah now Professor

    Berer would you what would you say from your from your program side yeah so first of all you have to have overall 2.5 grade then the bonus is applied which improves your grade that means you can get on a better position on the list and if there are too many

    Applications the um limit is increased that means it could have happen that for example 2.3 is needed in the end for for admission okay that’s good to know thank you thank you very much and Professor rof from your side yeah basically the same thing but in mechatronics it’s like we have uh

    Quite a lot of applications so you likely need to be need to have a um yeah much better grade than 2.5 to get admitted but it depends on from year to year how many uh applications we receive okay great thank thank you thank you very much there was there are some

    Questions regarding GPA and I also put the GPA calculator dear attendees in the chat you can see there that in Germany it’s not like an American System it’s on the contrary so 1.0 is the highest one so 2.5 would be good so to say a good uh

    Great but you can check out more in the GBA calculators there was some question that’s why I put it in the chat so yeah great with that being said uh dear guests thank you very much for your presentations thank you very much for answering the questions dear attend this

    Thank you for your questions and your interest hopefully you’ll be able to get into one of those programs the desired one if you have more questions to them get in touch with them and they will help you out to clarify your doubts if you have any general questions like GPA

    German GPA like they had lots of questions regarding application procedures also Visa issues or whatever it is you can get also in touch with us you can read our articles and you can attend also our general webinars where we talk about these kind of General issues when it comes to starting in

    Germany we will be happy to help you as well uh that being said for now thank you very much once again and I hope to see you on our future webinars as well take care and byebye thank you bye

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