Hello friends!

    These places in Germany are absolutely beautiful! I can’t wait to get back!

    What do you think of the new format? Let me know in the comments.

    Thank you for watching!

    Original Video — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sMHKKf-2Ow

    Hello friends and welcome to another reaction video I’m Nate and I want to thank you for joining me today now if you didn’t know already I’ve been to Germany I lived in Germany for 5 years I’m married a German and I’ve been back numerous times to visit I’ve also

    Traveled around a little bit in Germany but by no means have I even scratched the surface of visiting all the really cool little towns and Villages throughout Germany I thought it would be fun to watch today’s video and react to it the 15 most beautiful small towns to

    Visit in Germany the one thing I hope I get out of this video is that they don’t show all the same towns and Villages that you typically see in these types of videos we all know the heidleberg we all know the nurs we all know the Munich so I’m really hoping that they

    Show the obscure little Villages and towns uh because the landscape in Germany is just incredible so let’s just get into the Video a lot of these places already look like they’re straight out of a fairy tale um which could be quite literally um if you know the brothers Grim um a lot of fairy tales you know the they were German Brothers uh that that wrote those and from Germany so yeah literally fairy

    Tale places and I love the half timber frame uh buildings I think those are Wonderful welcome to the journey to the 15 pretty small towns in Germany Germany has a bounty of pretty historic and attractive small towns dating back to the Middle Ages these pretty small towns lie in the outstanding Landscapes that spread from from the stunning vistas of the breathtaking Bavarian Alps to the

    Gorgeous Rin River whether you prefer picturesque fishing villages fairy tale towns on the river bank or OT Mountain settlements Germany has everything these cute towns have enchanting castles Meandering Rivers Evergreen forests Mountain Meadows pretty red roofed houses and outstanding Traditions what they don’t have is sprawling

    Deserts which is where I live right now in Arizona beautiful in its own right just not my thing I I I enjoy the desert but I’d rather have Green and trees and grass and mountains not just brown dirt everywhere you can visit these Charming spots all year round when spring arrives

    These towns are filled with colorful flowers and lush green surroundings and also when winter comes medieval cities look like fairy tales surrounding Landscapes are blanketed in snow and VI I’m not a big fan of snow per se I don’t like cold like cold uh but coming from Wyoming I’ve

    Been in a lot of snow and cold but there’s something special about a fresh blanket of snow on the ground everything is quiet it’s crisp uh clean I guess um there something I’m going to have to get used to I guess when we move back

    There next year um and I kind of miss it a little bit um I don’t miss driving in it and I don’t miss shoveling it but it’s a pretty landscape in itself fairy tales surrounding Landscapes are blanket Ed in snow and vibrant Christmas markets fill the central squares therefore you can pick your

    Favorite season to explore these tiny and pretty destinations so come join us this is Scenic Hunter’s fascinating journey to visit 15 small towns in Germany number 15 hiter all right we’re starting off in a good foot because I’ve never heard of hit sacker hit sacka right

    Um so maybe this is a trend that I won’t know about a lot of these and I’ll have to map them out for when we go back um this fall and maybe I can hit some of these places up and see them for myself in real life but just this town right

    Here seems like a peaceful quiet I love the river right there I’m sure they’ll tell us what river that is um but then you have the the boat docks um man this would be a cool place to explore the only thing that would make this better I think is if they had

    Some mountains right there in the back but um I’m sure we’re getting to that tucked I on the Tranquil banks of the Alba River hitaka is a captivating small town that Whispers Tales of history and nature intertwined here time flows gently allowing you to imass yourself in a

    Landscape where the river’s Embrace is just the beginning of the enchantment wander through the cobblestone streets of the old town where half timbered houses stand as silent witnesses to centuries gone by the town’s medieval character remains intact offering a sense of timelessness as you explore its winding alleys

    Okay let’s just go back here this is kind of different um down here in the lower left it looks like an RV park almost uh I’m not sure how much I like that um is that where you can go and Camp I guess um if you have an RV you

    Can get a spot and camp overnight I’m not sure that just seems a little at a place uh with the rest of the town here but I don’t know I mean it’s kind of cool that they have that it’s just kind of takes away from the overall beauty of

    The place explore its winding alleys discover the St John’s Church a towering Gothic Masterpiece dating back to the 13th century its Spire reaches for the heavens symbolizing the town’s spiritual Heritage and providing a Serene backdrop to your visit nature enthusiasts will find solace in hitsac Scenic Riverside walks and the nearby hitsac nature

    Reserve a Haven for bird watchers with diverse Aven inhabitants in hits Acer history and nature unite in a harmonious Symphony inviting you to write your chapter in this enchanting small town Story number 14 V time am mine V time am mine a picturesque town at the Confluence of the tour and main rivers I haven’t heard of this one either um it looks quite a bit larger which is kind of cool cuz you you have areas on the outskirts you know

    You don’t have to be right there in the middle of everything you can kind of Escape uh but still be within reasonable distance so you can take a walk down by the river or it looks like they have um River cruises that would be pretty cool um so

    Another beautiful little town beckin you to embark on a journey where Nature’s Beauty intertwines with a rich tapestry of History This Charming Bavarian gem promises an unforgettable blend of Scenic land Landscapes and Timeless Treasures begin your exploration at Via time castle majestically perched a top a hill commanding panoramic views of the

    Rivers below as you venture further the alstat Old Town unfors a captivating Labyrinth of quaint streets adorned with half timbered houses and inviting shops while V time’s historical sites paint a vivid portrait of the past its natural surroundings provide ample opportunities for outdoor enthus iasts take a leisurely walk along the

    River banks or hike through the Lush forests of the sper mountains in the evenings saor traditional Fran Conan cuisine at local taverns and embrace the warm Hospitality of the locals viim amain is a Haven where the waters converge and history gracefully unfolds a perfect destination for those

    Seeking a harmonious blend of the past and the present explore indig and immerse yourself in the beauty of this Bavarian town and you got to love these little towns um on the river with their big castle right there on the hill overlooking like you know the town and

    The surrounding areas um that seems to be kind of the quintessential little German Village you know you have your little Old Town alot and then a castle that sits up on a hill that kind of overlooks everything um kind of in a protective way you know it’s really cool number 13 bakarak

    Bakarak did I say that right another one I haven’t heard of embark on a journey to bakarak a town that feels like a page torn from a fairy tale This Charming Wine Valley gem invites you to step back and immerse yourself in its Rich medieval history begin your adventure

    With a visit to the commanding stolic Castle perched high above the town as you Ascent panoramic views of the Rin River and the surrounding Vineyard covered Hills unfold creating a picture perfect backdrop for memorable photographs wander through barak’s narrow Cobblestone Lanes where half timbered houses lean inwards as if sharing their centuries old

    Stories the historic St Peter’s Church with its distinc Twin Towers is our most visit landmark in Bak time seems to slow down allowing you to savor the Tranquil flow of the rine and silk in the medieval charm that envelopes this picturesque Town whether you’re exploring its historic Treasures or

    Simply relaxing by the river baharak offers a captivating journey into Germany’s Past that’s one view that I miss the changing of of the colors in the trees meaning you know Winter’s coming it’s fall leaves start to turn I think that’s just absolutely beautiful and I can smell this you know the crisp air uh Sweater Weather um the foliage you know this is gorgeous

    Number 12 marok haven’t heard of this one either I’m just going to if I come across one I have heard of then I’ll stop and tell you yes I’ve heard of this one because so far I haven’t heard of any of these marok a picturesque town in Hessa effortlessly marries the past and

    Present as you Traverse its winding streets you’ll encounter a fascinating blend of medieval architecture and vibrant contemporary Life Begin your journey at marbar Castle perch to topa Hill offering panoramic views of the town and the land River below Meandering through the alt stat is like navigating a Charming mace fil with half timbered

    Houses quaint cafes and boutique shops mok’s historical significance comes to life at St Elizabeth’s Church where the relics of St Elizabeth are preserve it to taste academic culture visit Philip’s University one of Germany’s oldest universities the bustling student population infuses the town with useful energy nature enthusiasts can explore

    The nearby maog Galant a region of Rolling Hills and dense forests and for a delightful culinary experience Savor local Specialties at traditional taverns maok u a lice in its ability to seamlessly Bridge the past and present making it a captivating destination for history Buffs nature lovers and curious

    Travelers I also think it’s a wonderful thing that they don’t build all these massive modern buildings re you know like skyscrapers and I know that these are Villages and you know not massive cities but I know in a a lot of places if not all correct me if I I’m wrong but

    Most places I think it’s it’s against the law you can only build um newer structures so tall so that they don’t block the view of the um older you know areas the castle and you know these churches and Cathedrals and stuff like that so you you’re always going to have

    That view of these things and not just a view of a steel ugly skyscraper I think that’s great number 11 mpor nestled on the Serene shores of Lake constant Mia spor welcomes you to its idilic embrace with its cobbled streets and half timbered houses this picturesque Town feels like a journey

    Back in time begin your exploration by strolling along the prominade where the Tranquil Waters of the lake stretch as far as the eye can see MB castle perched at top a hill offers breathtaking panoramic views and a glimpse into the town’s Rich history take the chance to explore the medieval old town where

    Charming boutiques and cozy cafes await to taste local culture visit the Dy Museum dedicated to the famous poet aneta fof mbook also boasts excellent wineries you can Savor the finest Regional wines while overlooking The Vineyards outdoor enthusiasts will love the hiking and cycling opportunities in the surrounding country site mok’s charm is undeniable

    Making it a perfect destination for a peaceful retreat by the lake immerse yourself in the beauty of mburg where history nature and culture converge in harmony it’s just gorgeous it’s one thing I haven’t done and that is to live um near a large body of water now there are you know larger

    Bodies of water within driving distance but not you know where you could just take a few minutes and you know go park down by the bank and take a stroll along um the banks of lakes or Rivers um I feel like that would be a wonderful

    Wonderful place to to be I might have to get a boat though if I lived somewhere like this to to be out on the water number 10 amamas in the heart of the enchanting Black Forest amamas a town that beckons with its rustic charm in tranquil natural beauty this quaint Haven adorned

    With half timbered houses and embraced by Lush foliage promises an enchanting German experience your journey unfolds as you step into the past wandering through the historic Center cobblestone streets Meander past structures that have stood the test of time their timeworn facades bearing witness to centuries of stories take a moment to appreciate the

    A inspiring Church of St lenus a masterpiece blending intricate Fresco with graceful Gothic architecture for adventure SS SEL amamas Bak is a gateway to outdoor Paradise the surrounding landscape reveals a tapestry of hiking trails each promising unique Adventure through the heart of nature whether you seek a challenging

    Ascent or a leisurely Woodland stroll there’s a trail here to suit your fancy s amamas is more than just a destination it’s a portal to a bygone era an immersion in Nature’s Embrace and an invitation to save her life’s Simple Pleasures again it’s just so beautiful you got the rolling mountains surrounding it

    And I can’t wait to get back there number nine es lingan nestled along the Tranquil banks of the necer river es lingan beckons travelers to a peaceful retreat in the heart of Germany this picturesque town is a harmonious blend of History nature and vibrant culture waiting to be explored

    Commence your journey at esling and’s Majestic castle where time stands still amidst its medieval walls Meander through the alt stat a Labyrinth of narrow cobblestone streets adorned with charming half-timbered houses each hiding a story within es Lan’s Essence isn’t just about its Heritage it’s a place where the Arts and Crafts Thrive

    The town’s Artisan workshops and buling markets offer a glimpse into its creative Spirit saver suian Specialties at Quin taverns for a taste of the local as the sun sets the town comes alive with cultural events and festivals adding a modern vibrancy to its historical backdrop es lingan is a

    Hidden Gem a Riverside Haven where the past and present harmonize beautifully promising an unforgettable journey through Germany’s Soul these are all all so far just spectacular little towns I seriously miss this so much number eight bat viin bat viin a Hidden Gem in Germany invites you on a Timeless Journey where history and

    Contemporary charm harmoniously coexist this quaint town along the necer river promises an enchanting escape from the hustle and bustle of Modern Life Begin your Odyssey at the kaisa fights an impressive Fortress that once hosted royalty as you Meander through the cobblestone streets admire the remarkably preserved half- timbered

    Houses each Whispering stories of the past the town’s mineral Rich thermal baths are a rejuvenating Sanctuary for those yearning for relaxation and remember to explore exp the delightful local cuisine at traditional German restaurants where flavors transport You Through Time bat viin beckons you to step back in time

    While enjoying modern Comforts A Perfect Blend of Old World charm and contemporary relaxation making it a unique destination for travelers seeking a Timeless experience discover unint and Savor The Best of Both Worlds in this captivating corner of Germany one thing that’s it comes up again excuse me again and again in these

    Small towns and a lot of places even the larger cities is that it doesn’t seem like there’s a straight road anywhere it doesn’t there’s no grid system see here in the Phoenix area everything is straight east west north south straight lines it’s easy to navigate but it’s not very fun to drive

    Because you’re just going straight for miles and miles and one thing I love about driving around in Germany is the small little roads that just twist and turn through the trees and through towns um easier to get lost or turned around and you know you can’t always get back

    To where you started by just going around the block um which takes them getting used to but I would much prefer that than just a straight Road everywhere for Miles so I I really enjoy these little roads you know winding around these little towns kind of follows the rivers you know it’s there’s

    No straight Lines Number seven at the southern edge of Lake tedan SE Lian a Bavarian treasure waiting to be explored embraced by the stunning Alpine scenery and the serenity of the lake This Charming Town promises an idyllic Escape begin your adventure by indulging in the beauty of Lake Tony itself rent a

    Paddle board or take a leisurely boat ride on its Christine Waters surrounded by The Majestic peaks of the Bavarian IES the Tranquil Ambiance is perfect for relaxation and reflection for those seeking a taste of local culture explore the town’s Charming streets and discover traditional Bavarian architecture rakan is also renowned for

    Its worldclass dining where you can save our regional Delights and electable Bavarian Cuisine remember to visit the nearby by wallberg Mountain where a cable car right will reward you with panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscape the area transforms into a snowy Wonderland in Winter offering excellent skiing and winter sports

    Opportunities H tahan offers a delightful blend of natural beauty outdoor activities and Bavarian Hospitality making it a Hidden Gem in German’s Bavarian ipes some of these places just don’t seem real it’s like AI created some of them granted we’re watching this all in like perfect weather um but still just absolutely

    Gorgeous number six bambach bambach a Bavarian jewel is a town where history pettes gracefully through cobal streets and charm waltzes with every half timbered house this UNESCO world heritage site promises a symphony of experiences begin your journey at the Old Town Hall an architectural Marvel on

    An island in the middle of the regnet river the town switch past comes alive as you cross Bridges and wind through medieval Alleyways bmag Al isn’t limited to its history it’s a place where culture and culinary Delights flourish don’t miss the chance to savor the local smoked beer and explore the town night

    Breweries smoked beer I’m going to have to uh try one of those I know I smoke my old-fashioneds uh but I don’t believe I’ve ever had a smoked beer and she just said that bber has nine breweries this could be the place where I find myself for a taste of History visit B

    Bber Cathedral a masterpiece of romanesca architecture with its Timeless Beauty and harmonious blend of old and new Bamberg invites you to join in its dance where every step unveils a new facet of Bavarian Splendor explore and embrace the magic of this extraordinary town I also like the fact that it’s

    Colorful you have different colored buildings next to each other you have a blue kind of a coral green maybe white um blue Peach turquoise it’s just so colorful we don’t have colors here in Arizona it’s 13 different shades of brown here beige tan khaki Brown everything the buildings the houses the ground

    The I miss color it’s almost like I went color blind when we moved down here to Phoenix because everything’s just monotone I I just I love and then that the half Timber um it looks it doesn’t look real a lot of these places just don’t look real um

    They’re like little model sets it’s just absolutely Great number five ramza nestled amidst the Bavarian Alps ramza is a picturesque Jewel waiting to be discovered it seems like there’s quite a few of these that are in Bavaria now I I don’t think she’s mentioned um where they’re all from but I know the last few

    Have all been in Bavaria and that view right there is spectacular with the massive mountain range in the background a river running through that’s I love the color um I just just blows my mind it’s the beauty in these towns with its quaint charm and stunning natural beauty this small Bavarian town

    Is a delightful Escape for nature enthusiasts and history Buffs begin your journey by strolling through the enchanting Town Center where Timber framed houses and colorful flower boxes create a postcard perfect scene this reminds me a lot of Switzerland when my wife and I went to Switzerland the landscape was very

    Similar these bright green Rolling Hills and the massive mountain peaks in the background uh very similar ramza’s proximity to the iconic wsman Mountain guarantees breathtaking hikes and photo opport opportunities for the adventur Embark on a journey to Lake hinter sea a Serene Oasis surrounded by Lush forests history

    Buffs will Revel in the town’s Rich past especially at the 17th century Parish Church of zank Sebastian known for its unique onion Tower the nearby ramza River adds to the town Serene Ambiance perfect for picnicking or simply soaking in the natural beauty in ramso every season offers Magic from Winter’s snowy

    Wonderland to Summer’s Lush Greenery embrace the beauty and you’ll discover why ramso is a Hidden Gem in the heart of Germany can anybody tell me why the the river is that color I believe it’s more to do with like um glacier water uh I’m not entirely sure I know that the rivers in Switzerland they were that kind of pastel turquoise color really pretty um but I I’m not sure what creates that is

    It glacier water um minerals in the water I’m not sure if you do know please let me know in the Comments Number four hi it’s it’s got to be there right I mean you can’t talk um most beautiful towns in Germany without having hi highberg in there back venture into the past in the enchanting town of haybeach where history comes to life against a backdrop of medieval charm and stunning VIs

    Perched along the necer river haybeck effortlessly marries old world Ela with vibrant Student Life Begin exploring the iconic hderbar Castle a magnificent structure that has stood for centuries wander through its Courtyards and take advantage of the panoramic views from the castle Terrace descent into the Charming old town where cobblestone streets lead to

    The bustling marked plats home to the heidleberg Church of the Holy Spirit and its famous Renaissance facade stroll across the Romantic Old Bridge which offers enchanting views of the town and the necer river to connect deeper to heidelberg’s history visit the student prison where graffiti cover walls tell

    Tales of mischievous Scholars as the sunsets embrace the Lively ATM did she just say student prison did they have a prison specifically for students H let’s back up a little bit I want to hear that part again to heidelberg’s history visit the student prison wear graffiti cover walls

    Tell Tales of mischievous Scholars as the sun sets embrace the Lively atmosphere along hopasa one of Europe’s longest pedestrian streets sa her Regional delights at local taverns or indulge in worldclass cuisine at Haack restaurant with its blend of History culture and useful energy Haider captures the hearts

    Of all who visit making it a mustsee destination in Germany it is beautiful in hi highberg actually the last time we went to Germany I met some of you in hi highberg unfortunately I was at the wrong spot so took some time to get together and I apologize again for that

    But um great number three koham nestled within the Romantic Moselle River Valley koham beckons with its unique blend of Old World charm in natural Splendor this Hidden Gem cradled by Rolling Vineyards and graced by the stately Rexburg Castle offers a Journey Through Time and Tranquility your adventure commences with a visit to the

    Commanding rburg castle perched regally at top a hill explore its ancient walls and captivating Interiors where the Echoes of History resonate with each step and where sweeping vistas of the Moselle River below will leave you Spellbound wander down into the heart of town where centuries old cobblestone streets wind their way through a

    Tapestry of half timbered houses discover quaint shops inviting cafes and the vibrant atmosphere of the marked plats as you try local Delicacies and Regional wines you’ll find that this beautiful town is not just a destination but a Timeless experience waiting to be taken Stunning number two roten book roten book a fairy tale like Town nestled in the heart of Bavaria transports you to a world where time seems to stand still this enchanting destination is a living postcard brimming with medieval charm and storybook Landscapes embark on your journey in the

    Heart of the town at the market square where the town hall Graces the scene with its stunning architecture the cobblestone streets lead you to half timbered houses adorned with colorful blooms creating a picture perfect setting reminiscent of story books Horton book’s elure extends Beyond its picturesque streets step into

    History at the fascinating medieval Crime and Punishment Museum which offers a glimpse into the town’s darker past uh we did go to a castle it was a number of years ago when we went back to Germany and and they had um in some of the rooms the old ancient like torture

    Devices uh and some of those that’s brutal stuff I it it hurts just things thinking about what these poor people went through that had to endure um and die basically uh being tortured on some of these devices that would be a pretty cool um little Museum

    To go to I’m fascinated by the old ancient ways of doing things so that would be pretty mment Museum which offers a glimpse into the town’s darker past and when evening descends join the night watchman’s tour for Tales of Legends and lore under the moonlight Rothenberg is more than a destination

    It’s a magical Journey Through Time and fantasy where the stories of old come to life in every corner explore IMA and let your imagination run wild in this captivating Bavarian Town that’s just wonderful right I Just Number one F in the heart of bavia fen beckons with its Timeless Allure wander through its cobblestone streets each one a chapter in the town’s Rich history at the center of this charming tale stands the hor schoss a medieval Marvel that transports you to a bygone era fussen

    Isn’t just about history it’s a place where nature and culture intertwine set against the stunning backdrop of the Bavarian Alps outdoor enthusiasts can explore hiking trails Crystal Clear lakes and the breathtaking nanin Castle an architectural Masterpiece Foodies will Delight in Bavarian cuisine at local eateries while music lovers can Revel in the town’s

    Classical music Heritage remember to sample the famous Bavarian beer in one of the Cozy pups in Fen every corner reveals a new facet of its charm whether you’re seeking history natural beauty or cultural experiences Fen has it all making it a must visit destination in Germany Stunning We do hope you enjoyed our journey to the 15 pretty small towns in Germany find us on Facebook Instagram Pinterest Tik Tok and trads visit our website for more details don’t forget to subscribe to the scenic Hunter for another exciting Adventure until then it’s goodbye from us now that was just absolutely

    Wonderful there are so many hidden gems in every country in the world that aren’t always at the Forefront of people’s minds when they think about said country take Germany for example like I said at the beginning we all know the heidleberg we all know the Munich we

    All know the the berlins and you know the larger cities and they are beautiful in their own right but there’s so many of these tiny little Villages and you know places off the Beaten Track next to rivers or lakes that you just don’t think of when you think of that country

    But they are spectacular as well and I’m so glad this video covered a lot of those um not so well-known places granted heidleberg was in there like I kind of suspected from the beginning um that it might be and I did hear or have heard of maybe four of

    Those towns that um they had mentioned in the video but the others I hadn’t heard of before and I’m going to go back through the video and make a list of those Towns now granted a lot of them seem to be in Bavaria and depending on how far into

    Bavaria they are um I’m not sure if I’d be able to hit any of those towns uh when we go back but I will definitely you know keep track of these and map them out to see if it’s within driving distance um from Ryland faults where

    We’re going to be uh to see if I can make a day trip out of it or you know something like that cuz I would love to see more of these little known places for one it’s just good to explore unknown or you know unvisited places

    That you haven’t been um second for me and for us we are moving back to Germany next next year and we haven’t quite pinpointed where exactly we want to live granted we want to be relatively close to my wife’s family and again that’s in Ryland faults um but not necessarily

    Right there now as you can tell I’m wearing a Kaiser Slaton uh Red Devils cap um that’s our soccer team that’s our favorite soccer team soccer team football team um so that would be cool somewhere in that vicinity but not necessary if we’re within you know maybe

    2 to 3 hours from her parents that’s fine with us um that takes out a lot of you know northern eastern and you know extreme Southeastern parts of Germany but there’s so many other places around that are just as beautiful just as historic uh with things to do you know um

    So this will give me a starting point to kind of map out these little places to see granted jobs um is going to be a big factor in that but this I really enjoyed you know this video there’s so many beautiful places in Germany uh but I’m

    Curious to know um did they of course they can’t list all the little small towns of villages but are there any they didn’t mention that you’ve seen or been into that uh you recommend that I check out um I can do a Google search on those or if there’s videos on those specific

    Places I’d love to watch you know specific videos on these areas so let me know down in the comments uh if there’s any other places that I should check out and you know if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button subscribe button if you want

    To see more of this type of video and as always thank you so much for watching and I will will catch you next time bye


    1. Would like to go Germany but have always decided to go Greek islands as there warmer and I'm English so I still have that bit of stigma against them. 😂😂😂 Cyprus feels better for me then most places as we have the British base there n know a couple locals so I feel safer and the food is so good. I'd move to Cyprus.

    2. If you ever come to Meersburg on Lake Constance, let me know and I'll show you around. Meersburg Castle, hence the name of the town, is the oldest inhabited castle in Germany.

      Constance, Radolfzell, Überlingen and Lindau are just as beautiful.

    3. Most cities in Germany have local laws that limits the way how new houses can be build. In Hamburg e. g. it was not allowed to alter the view of the city that includes seven towers of churches.
      If you like to go with a boat by yourself: you can rent a "Hausboot" in different regions of Central Europe, where you can live with two to eight poeple (or more, if you like). You can "drive" these boats by yourself after a short lessen. Where and how far you can go depends on the region you book the boat.
      With the number of 15 little towns they were not able to show all pretty little towns. I miss Lüneburg and Lübeck, maybe they don´t look nice enough because there are no mountains in the back 🤣

    4. Oh Nein guter Film aber um Gottes Willen seid wann ist der Frankfurter Römer in Füssen? Da hat aber wer schwer geschlampt beim schneiden dieses teils.

    5. Nur noch eines bevor ich richtig loslege
      Suche mal auf Wikipedia Liste von Foltermuseen
      Ein kleines hat fast jede Burg die man besuchen kann und in schlagreichweite dürfte das foltermuseum in Rüdesheim am Rhein sein .

    6. Ich habe faktisch von jedem Ort gehört leider aber nur die Hälfte besucht . Asche über mein Haupt.
      Weinheim , Marburg Rothenburg dürften ca im 3std. Radius sein
      So bei Weinheim und Rothenburg ziemlich nah beieinander liegen. Gut für einen Wochenend Ausflug. Es gibt viel dieser Orte
      In Deutschland Speyer fehlt mir auf der Liste ist auch nicht soweit weg von seinen Schwiegereltern in RLP bzw Baden-Württemberg
      Da sind aber ziemlich grösse Städte auf der Liste Immerhin hat Heidelberg so 160 000 Einwohner.
      Nur ein kleiner Rat wenn du die Chance hast fahr nicht in den Sommermonaten in die Highlights da wirst Du vor lauter Leuten nicht die ganze Athmosphäre geniessen können. Wenn du dein Motorrad hast hast du in der Eifel sowieso schon ein Traumzeil
      Vor der Haustüre. Wenn du die Möglichkeit hast empfehle ich eigentlich sich ein paar Tage für einzelne Regionen Zeit zu nehmen. Schwarzwald oder die Lüneburger Heide. Sächsische Schweiz, das Voralpenland Nord – und Ostsee
      Oh soviel zu sehen und sowenig Zeit. Achja Kassel nicht gerade eine Kleinstadt aber mächtig viel zu sehen idealer Weise wenn die Wasserspiele stattfinden Nachteil du musst früh da sein und man muss Treppen steigen aber das lohnt sich wirklich !
      Sorry für das durcheinander.

    7. Hi from Heidelberg. About the Student prison:

      The Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg is the oldest university in Germany and was founded in the 14th century, 3.in place after the Charlemagne University Prague, Czech Republic (1348), Vienna, Austria (1365) and Heidelberg (1386) in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
      At that time, universities had the privilege of their own jurisdiction and special prisons for students were common. The student prison in Heidelberg was established in 1778 and was in operation until the beginning of the First World War in 1914. Typical student life at the time was largely characterized by the various fraternities such as corps, country societies and fraternities. In order to avoid turmoil and quarrels in the dungeons, the inmates were always housed separately according to their affiliation to these associations. During the last 100 years before the closure, the offenses punished with a stay in these rooms were only trivial offenses and disciplinary proceedings. Disturbing the peace or causing a public nuisance were often punished in this way. Depending on the severity of the offense, the responsible bailiff usually imposed an arrest for a period of at least three days up to a maximum of four weeks. The students, most of whom had carried out relatively harmless pranks while drunk, were still allowed to attend their lectures at the university. Afterwards, they had to return to their cells.

      The Heidelberg Studentenkarzer is one of the most popular sights for visitors to Heidelberg's Old Town. The entrance to the Studentenkarzer is located at Augustinergasse 2, not far from the University Square in Heidelberg's Old Town. It can be visited together with the University Museum, which is also accessible via Augustinergasse 2.

      Look also for Burg Eltz. DW Travel has a good Video called Eltz Castle in Germany: Would you like to live here?

    8. There was even one town that I've never heard of before – and I'm German. All the towns of this video were in southern Germany and there are a lot of pittoresque towns in the North and East too.
      I can recommend Speyer, Neustadt/Wstr., Weißenburg (Wissembourg, It's French but just beyond the border), Meisenheim am Glan, Prüm, Bad Mümstereifel, Dietz and Limburg/Lahn, Naumburg, Quedlinburg, Göttingen, Goslar, Lübeck.

    9. Heidelberg and Rothenburg aren't hidden gems. They are very touristy.

      And also Füssen. Without the Römer. That's the townhall of Frankfurt am Main. (if you are there, go send visit Höchst)

    10. It´s like a fast forward dia-show arranged in a rhythmic pattern, i don´t like these. Those towns are beautiful, but one can´t see nothing, thanks to cuts to another place in less than 2 seconds.
      But away with the moaning, thank you for your reaction from Germany

    11. As a German, I have one piece of advice for you: visit places with the word “Bad” in the name. "Bad" doesn't mean bad, but "bath". These are all very nice places for relaxation. They are healthy spa towns and they are so beautiful. There are several “Bath”-Towns around my hometown. There are old salt springs and salt mines there. And there are huge Gradierwerke (graduation towers), you can walk through a park and the salt water ripples down the walls from above. This ensures that it is very pleasant in summer and you breathe super healthy, fresh, salty air. It's like the salty air of the North Sea, but without the North Sea. It is wunderbar! There are beautiful rose gardens and lots of flowers in the parks. There are deck chairs for two people, where you can lie down together in the summer and enjoy the surroundings of nature and the fresh salty air. You also can go up on the gradiation tower, enjoying a nice view or you can also go under the graduation towers through an old salt mine. There are nice little cafes everywhere where you can enjoy delicious German cake or you can go out to eat in one of the many restaurants and enjoy real traditional German food together with German beer or a wonderful glass of German wine. Everything is so peaceful and relaxing there. Or you go in one of these spa´s, maybee also open air direct in the nature and having a bath in salty healty water. You are surronded by arts and flowers everywere. I´ll would like to show you an video of Bad Rothenburg in North-Rhine Westfalia in the north-west of Germany near the Teutoburger Wald (Teutoburg Forrest), where Herman the Great, also called Arminius, destroyed the huge and powerful Roman legions in ancient times only with a horde of wild Germans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjlFUaMxEcs – I´ll invite you to come here, we Germans are very friendly and hospitable and will be happy if you like it. You're always "sehr herzlich willkommen" (very warm welcome).

    12. As you've seen: it's mostly about bavaria. And I'm from the far north. (btw: I'm pretty sure this was an AI voice. Proof: it said the name "Füssen" in crystal clear german a few times. But misspelled it @ min 38:39.) Try look up the "Hanse". Cities, that where major trading centres. Some still carry it in the name.
      I.e.: Lemgo does not. Just the Hanse should make a great topic and places to explore.
      You haven't lived, until you've tasted the marzipan icecream at the Niederegger house in Lübeck! (Just jokin')
      Near Schleswig was the viking city of Haithabu, some 1000yrs ago. Did you know that the largest vessel they built (the Knutt) was a transporter, carrying 40to of load? 1000yrs ago? Trading goods from the vikings have been found deep into asia.
      Just a few ideas.

    13. Northern and especially eastern Germany should be more represented here. Flensburg, Eutin, Friedrichstadt, Lüneburg, Stade, Celle, Salzwedel, Stendal, Havelberg, Perleberg, Schwerin, Wismar (UNESCO world heritage), Güstrow, Bad Doberan, Stralsund, Sassnitz, Binz, Greifswald, Neustrelitz, Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Werder, Bad Belzig, Wittenberg, Köthen, Bernburg, Aschersleben, Wernigerode, QUEDLINBURG (UNESCO world heritage!), Goslar, Wolfenbüttel, Duderstadt. Hann. Münden, Hameln, Freudenberg, Soest, Monschau,… in Sachsen & Thüringen: GÖRLITZ, Bautzen, Zittau, Pirna, Meißen, Zwickau, Altenburg, Gera, Saalfeld, Schmalkalden, Meiningen, Eisenach, Bad Langensalza, Mühlhausen, WEIMAR,…

    14. Zell am Harmersbach was in HRE era a Reichsstadt/ Imperial Town. At one side, where the Harmersbach ( a little river) reaches the town, there was one of the last microstaes , created in HRE : Reichstal/ Imperial Valley Oberharmersbach.

    15. Cool reaction:) But I agree, there are nice places in the north and east as well! Weimar, Wernigerode, Lüneburg, Stade, Flensburg,… so much to see 😉

    16. Many old city center are many centuries old and the car was not invented at that time. So there is often no parking opportunity and even the inhabitants or people who work there have to park their car outside.

    17. "Usually winding roads" = many cities and towns in Germany and Europe existed 1300+ years ago.

      Originally, the houses, churches, town hall or seat of the former "Landvogt"/governor (sometimes regionally called Droste) were built around the market square. The streets lead out of the city from this market square.

      As the towns grew larger over the centuries, there are often other "market squares" in the districts of larger cities from which streets lead towards the city (now city center) or to the next town (now district).

    18. Where is the oldest half-timbered house in Lower Saxony?
      Built in 1420, the half-timbered house, one of the oldest in Lower Saxony and the oldest half-timbered building in Northeim, was restored in 1997 and now houses the museum's exhibition rooms, the town marketing office and the tourist information office.

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