10 Beautiful Places to visit in Denmark 🇩🇰 | Denmark Travel Video. Some of the best places to visit in Denmark are right here in this Denmark travel guide. Featuring Denmark tourist attractions such as the Skagen, rubjerg knude, Copenhagen, aalborg, Ribe, hvide sande, Frederiksborg castle, Bornholm and many more! So if its your first time visiting Denmark then try some of these Danish towns instead of the popular cities!

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    Music by Juan Sánchez – Now The Silence – https://thmatc.co/?l=36083B3F Music by – Chasing Daylight by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Clarion by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Life in Silicon by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Light in Dark Places by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Adrift Amongst Infinite Stars by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – A New Year by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Midsummer by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Edge of Remorse by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Undertow by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Falling Together by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Passage of Time by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – Bring me the Sky by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au
    Music by – The Illusionist by Scott Buckley – released under CC BY 4.0 www.scottbuckey.com.au

    [Laughter] welcome back folks to a brand new video denmark may not be a large country but it will surprise you with its varied scenery landscapes castles and of course old towns so let’s take a brief look into some of the places that you can visit so here are 10

    Beautiful places to visit in denmark now before you even watch this video don’t forget to hit that like button obviously for the youtube algorithm number one e-school slots romantic e-school slots is a living castle with a fun path for families museums and beautiful gardens all located on the island near owenza in denmark It’s no ordinary castle and it’s one of europe’s finest renaissance buildings e-school castle will take visitors on a walk through history to the time when kings and queens ruled the country built in 1554 for defence purposes the majestic castle has hosted various noble families over the years and since 1959

    It’s been welcoming thousands of locals and tourists every year it stands in the middle of an outstanding park which has won several awards such as the european garden award or the european garden heritage network but it’s picturesque and over-remote so it’s worth visiting and number two the most ridiculously

    Difficult word ever to be mentioned on the lifestyle how channeled to date Is a danish town in southwest chatland with a population of well over 8 it is the oldest town not only in denmark but in scandinavia the medieval town is extremely well preserved and the town history is also very unique the local people are very proud of their town

    And do a lot to preserve the unique atmosphere and architecture Creep craba is located near the vadden sea national park which is denmark’s biggest national park and was inscribed on the unesco world heritage list in 2014 other highlights are the cathedral a trip to the communist tower which is 52 metres high medieval town center the viking museum

    And of course the art museum it’s well worth visiting just for the name alone Number three bon hong the fact that bonhomme holds the title of the sunniest place in denmark with the longest hours of daylight might just be the main reason why this tiny island was a hub for artists during the 1920s and a true magnet for travellers nowadays but not the only one

    One home is a danish island in the baltic sea of the south coast of sweden the diverse landscape with white sandy beaches vast forests and rocky hills in combination with the unspoiled surroundings make a trip to bonhoen difficult to resist and one of the summer spots that you should visit is called gulen

    Picturesque holiday town and yes they have their own dish it’s got herring in it so check that out plenty of towns for you to visit and i have to say probably one of my favorites on this list Number four skating skating is a port town at the north end of denmark’s jutland peninsula as a northernmost destination in denmark scale is a renowned town with amazing light combined with a unique nature and white sandy beaches It’s home to a vast number of entertainment activities such as the teddy bear display at skaten’s museum the first and only teddy bear museum in scandinavia now who wouldn’t want to miss that But another popular place is great skating and great what uh what a wonderful combination it hosts a unique natural phenomenon here two seas meet and the collision of waves is visible to the naked eye and that is something you should not miss So Number five combo castle crombo is a castle and stronghold in the town of helsingue denmark the actual castle that Copenhagen Split by lakes and surrounded by sea an energetic and hip waterside vibe spreads across copenhagen One of europe’s most user-friendly and trendy capitals it’s a welcoming compact city with a center largely given over to pedestrians You can check out cafe culture and the top museums by day and live music bars and the club scene by night copenhagen is also expensive however there are plenty of free things to do Number seven Is one of north jutland’s major tourist attraction right on the edge of the impressive sand dune stands the lighthouse from the top of the lighthouse you will find one of the most impressive views of the north sea but the lighthouse was close to falling into the sea the untamed nature of autumn storms

    Eats away at the cliff which the lighthouse is standing on and it has gradually moved dangerously to the edge and the danish builder and his team succeeded in moving Which now has maybe 30 more years to live so if i was you i would get out there take a look and enjoy Number eight albo albo is a city in the jutland region of denmark and it’s known for its revitalized waterfront on the lymph field the body of water that cuts through the jet land an ancient city where viking ships once sailed past on the limb field alba has evolved to a vibrant cultural

    Hotspot with a spectacular waterfront of iconic architectural buildings so for those of you who like that kind of thing you can explore all the nordic designs at the utzon or artzon center the dramatic house of music along the waterfront or try some of the street food at the old furniture factory

    Other highlights are to wander the cozy streaks of the old town where you’ll find a lot of crooked houses still from the 1600s Number nine frederick’s bowl castle Frederick’s bowl castle is one of the most famous castles in denmark and for good reason it’s situated on three islands surrounded by a lake and beautiful gardens The castle was built in the early decades of the 17th century by king christian iv and it’s the largest renaissance castle in scandinavia and incorporates the very best of renaissance architecture and craftsmanship back then the castle was often used as a royal residence and to this day danish

    Kings and queens are anointed in the chapel so after you’ve explored the castle stroll around in the baroque gardens and you should definitely take a walk around the castle lake so many angles so many opportunities for you to take wonderful pictures At the south beach in veal sun you’ll find miles and miles of sandy beach here you can enjoy the north sea or take a walk on the pier previously elected as the best beach in denmark it’s also a great place for surfing and there are classes available during

    The summer there’s a lifeguard tower on the beach plenty of shower facilities and a cafe so if you come by for an afternoon or you have several days in this area you can always find great adventure and experiences right here And that was denmark a very picturesque country comment below and let me know if you have been to any of these locations the next two videos as you can see on the screen will be sweden and finland subscribe if you want to see more videos and thanks for listening to my wonderful

    Danish as always be good be kind and be careful peace


    1. Rebels ! Firstly the danish language is clearly so easy!!! And secondly … this video was made before the dolphin killings and I was not present for this wild tradition in an autonomous danish territory

    2. Wonderful danish? How about her downstairs her keyboard is not wanted.
      Do you know how to make a video, as in going to business curricula school – with subjects as your theme?

    3. 12 And when the time of the fulfillment of this prophecy came, the entire world knew that God was going to destroy the earth with water. And all the religious systems agreed to work this way according to their understanding of the prophecy. All of them expected a rapture as God did it with Enoch of whom all were claiming to be after his rapture. And when the time of the fulfillment of that prophecy came, the earth had reached seven to eight billion people. There were a few more churches than now. Every cinema had become a church and there were more powerful "men of God" than Tommy Osborn, Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke and Yonggi Cho. Famous pastoral schools such as the "Lemech Theological Institute", after the name of Lemech, grand-son of Cain and ancestor of theologians, were strewn all over the world.

      13 At the time of Noah, the son of Cain could gladly say, "The gospel has now reached the ends of the earth by the grace of God, love, tolerance and brotherhood prevail among us! All the religious barriers have been broken. And even, by the grace of God, a Methodist can go and have the holy communion with Baptists". You say, Brother Philippe, you mean that the time will come when this happens? Yes brethren, they will have the holy communion with one another! And that's what they were doing and just in that time, unfortunately for them, as in a nightmare, God aroused Noah. That will happen. Even Christians and Muslims and politicians will sit together on the same bench in the same rooms to discuss and talk easily.

      14 Noah did not do theology, he did not have a good vocabulary, he was not educated as the other pastors of his time were. And I that speak to you, I did not even know that I would be sent to school. The grace of God had prevailed over the poverty of my parents. And by that grace of God, I can read and write. You see?

    4. 34 The enemies of God on earth are religions and their leaders. Islam and Christianity and Judaism, it is the fullness of Satanism. They are the three attributes of Satan. Judaism is Father Satan above you. Islam is Satan in your midst and Christianity, it is the spirit of Satan in you performing miracles and wonders. The fact that after the vision I went to Christians is a sin. It was Satan who pushed me towards Christianity. Nevertheless, when in the churches, verses of the Bible were read, I did not stand up, just as today I do not have anyone stand up when I read a verse from the Bible. Christian leaders are demons.

      35 In a vision, I saw the priests, the prophets, the apostles, the evangelists and the pastors of the earth. Their bodies were human bodies but their heads were heads of different animals. They were in a procession and each of them had a big crucifix in both hands raised in front of him and they were moving with it as in Catholic liturgies and the smoke of the incense went up from the altar. They were moving very slowly and their heads were heads of different animals. Before them, it was written: "Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords and the King of kings". After that, I had an awful dream: I looked up and, behold, a large pope was in the sky facing East. He wanted to hit me with a crucifix that he was holding in his hand and I woke up. They are all demons. And when a Catholic, a Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist prays on some food, I do not eat it, even if he prayed in the name of Jesus Christ. [Kc.123v27]

    5. 40 No matter the sincerity of a Catholic, the greatest sin, it is the fact that he is a Catholic. No matter the sincerity of a Protestant, evangelical, mission or ministry or Branhamist, his greatest sin, it is the fact that he is a member of those churches. Read this passage well and you will see that they are not prophets of Baal but they are prophets of Jehovah, and they are about four hundred Jewish prophets and they prophesied sincerely under inspiration but the Bible says that it is an evil spirit that had inspired them that day and they did not know it themselves. But everything that happened, it was to Prophet Micah that God revealed it. God always has one mouth on earth. You see? God is free to reveal that to whom He wants. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

      41 And one of the greatest dangers of Christianity, they are the books and treaties in those so-called Christian bookstores, to which is now added the Internet, where people of whom we do not know either the calls, or commissions, or the lives, and animated by some holy spirits that I do not know, can expose truths. If television is bad, know that the Internet is ten times worse! …

    6. 1 … When we have discovered the indisputable truth promised for our time, what remains to us is to carry this truth everywhere a child of God can be, whether he is rich or poor, far or near. God who is just will not allow that we enter into the Paradise without asking us for their blood. If the human is sacred as men’s law says, the soul is even more sacred. A great obligation is imposed on us. The order of Matthew 28:19 is not to treaties or books but to some people, us. A book cannot answer a question. You see?  [Kc.16v1-3] [Kc.72v18] [Kc.115v1]

    7. 1 I, Kacou Philippe, slave of Jesus Christ,I do not cease to invite you to wisdom. Do not commit the same sins of Israel against the prophets, of Rome against the saints. By cursing me, by calling me a demon, an antichrist, and what I preach a nivaquine preaching … know that it is to God that you do it. I was pagan and on April 24, 1993, by a vision, I received the commission and the next day while I was sitting with my family, I was transported in vision into a totally desert country and I received the commission to preach the judgment. And it is after these two visions that I went to church for the very first time. And if you cannot, at least, take the Bible to contradict what I preach, stay quiet! Do not load yourselves with curses! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. I have never been in a seminary or in a bible training, I do not read the books of your so-called Christian bookstores, for He who sent me is with me. God is sovereign! He can use whom He wants and if you are a child of God, you are bound to recognize this. At the beginning of the church, He leaves the apostles and the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit and goes and chooses Saul of Tarsus, a persecutor of the Christians to speak to the whole earth. And on April 24, 1993, this same God chose a pagan that I was for the Salvation of mankind. If you are a child of God, what will you say if not: "Oh God, may your will be done." [Kc.2v26] [Kc.3v27] [Kc.6v16]

    8. 2 And on this side, in this end of times, since this last decade, we are witnessing gigantic unions and federations of churches in all the countries. And this is the fulfillment of Matthew 13: 24 to 30. And this Message comes for the gathering of the elect. Refusing it, it is to choose to plead "not guilty" at the judgment rather than choosing grace.

    9. If you say, "oh Brother Philippe, it is such a relative or person who is the cause of failures in my life" then you have lost the battle of the mind. You must acknowledge that God created you in His image, God has blessed you! But you walked in some ways God did not trace and this is what led you in your current situation. You must acknowledge that you are responsible for your situation. If you say, "oh Brother Philippe, I saw him in a dream…" or "there is a prophet who said it to me in our church", then you are defeated in the battle of the mind. You must know that the devil can give you revelations to raise you against your parents, in order to increase your curses. And the devil can go through the prophet of your church, through the pastor of your church, through a woman or a man of your church to give you a revelation to set you far from your parents or to raise you against your parents. But God cannot do that.

      6 You must acknowledge that the author of your sufferings is you. For instance, you are a woman and you live with a man who has not endowed you. Then, you must know that you are in a position contrary to the will of God. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. [Kc.18v8] [Kc.51v36]

      7 You who have diplomas and who have no social situation, nobody is at the root of your sufferings. When you had sexual intercourses like Adam and Eve outside the marriage, didn’t you know that you were preparing your own curses and sufferings on earth? Was somebody at the root of that? According to Deuteronomy 28, you are under the curse. You say, "Oh prophet, he did not endow me but we are legally married." I say onto you that you are under the curse if the mayor is not your father. You are outside the will of God and you are accusing poor old people. And inspired by demons and false prophets and liars, you accuse your parents, exposing them to shame.


    10. 6 A child of God cannot go against what God has established; even without the Holy Spirit, he will be disturbed. The Bible cannot contradict itself. If Jesus had established a woman apostle or disciple, then he would have not been the Messiah. If Paul allowed woman to preach then Paul would be false. No matter his miracles, they would be miracles of seduction.

      Prophet kacou Philippe

    11. 14 I am aware that everyone hates me but there are people on the earth who have loved my day and who rejoice in my Light. I will travel only once to each nation. The hour has now come for me to give all the people of the earth the opportunity to see with their own eyes a true prophet of God. They did not see Isaiah, Jeremiah but they will see Kacou Philippe.

    12. I grew up close to the rubjergknude lighthouse, in Lønstrup which is close by, which is definitely also worth a visit, in fact I would say that the whole coast from Skagen to Blåvand, a little further down from hvidesande is worth a look if you want to go to the west coast in Denmark, I now live by the Limfjord, which also has this special Danish west coast nature, harsh and beautiful at the same time, but it is not the North Sea that I grew up near, I live about 60 miles from the lighthouse,

    13. First castle and first error!!!! Egeskov castle is not located on the island near Odense???!!! It IS onthe same island and the name is Fyn (Fuen)!!!!!
      What happened to the narrating of Helsingør (Helsingor) that should be an easy on??!!!
      The home of Hamlet!!!
      It is such a shame You do not mention Århus (Aarhus) where the finest prehistory museum lies, called Mosgaard Museum!
      It have the finest Viking exhibition and have the countries most knowledgable peoples of Viking age and prehistory of Denmark!

      Kind regards the Danish Viking

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