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    Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back to the blank KX YouTube channel so if you’re watching this video you’re here for one reason you want to learn how to ride a dirt bike how to ride a dirt bike we will start with the basics we’ll work our way

    Up so y’all stay tuned we’ll go over the bike real quick go over the different parts what they do and then we’ll go from there so every bike is going to be different obviously this is a Kawasaki 140g it does not have a Kickstart it only has

    Electric start which if you don’t know electric start is push a button and it starts all right so right here you have your shift lever which is going to be one down so if you go down you’re in first halfway up is neutral and then the rest of the way up is two

    Three four five I’ll put a little picture up on the screen kind of showing you that as well okay so you got your shifter you got your foot break so this right here is going to be your rear brake so this is going to be what you push down

    With your foot hopping on the bike now a couple different things like I said every bike is going to be different you have your throttle you have your front brake you have your clutch got your kill switch electric start and then right here I have a choke everybody’s gonna be different some

    Chokes are down here on the side some bikes have a key these do not have a key unfortunately I really wish they did but my keys might kill switch so it’s a little bit on light turns on so to start the bike you’re going to want to make sure you’re in neutral

    Now easiest way to do that grab your clutch press down all the way until it won’t go anymore to make sure you’re getting the first and then up a half a click if you did it right your bike should start with no clutch needed now I mean if

    You’re in if you’re in gear and you hit your switch to start it and it won’t start that means you’re in gear so you can either pull your clutch in and start it that way or easiest way especially for starting is just get it in neutral practice getting in neutral

    So kill switch on start bike all right we’re running how to ride so I remember when I first started riding dirt bike I really struggled with the taking off part everything else was pretty easy to me all right clutch in first gear okay now I want you to listen here I don’t

    Know if you can hear in the mic or not because it’s in my helmet but listen hear that the bike’s kind of light almost pairing a little bit different than what just idling like right now and it starts to want to roll forward hear that see that hear that sound so

    When you hear that sound you’re going to want to give it just a little bit of throttle you don’t have to slam it and you don’t want to get not enough you’ll find The Sweet Spot the more you practice with it if it’s your first time ever riding it’s definitely going to

    Take you a couple tries to actually get a hang of it so we’re gonna go back to nature which is a half click up a lot of people you know when you start out you might either not give it enough throttle which is going to kill it like that

    Or they might give it too much throttle which is gonna pop that front end up wait so two things you don’t want to do especially if you’re new you don’t want to pop the front end up so back we’re back in neutral and you’re just gonna really want to just practice first gear

    Letting out the clutch while giving it just a little bit of gas that’s all it takes to get going so right around the area this first gear get used to the balance slower speeds you can turn the wheel to steer it’s not really recommended or you’re gonna fall over

    But how you steer a dirt bike is you’re actually going to lean your body weight so along with turning the wheel a little bit so like I need a turn all I’m doing is just leaning my weight to one side or the other and you’ll find like handlebars are

    Going to turn with you on it so we got how to take off we got how to turn so next thing next important thing for once you get taken off you know just put it around for a bit get the feel of riding you don’t have to floor it

    Just you know you just get a little bit of throttle you can get moving as you hear the engine revving up and getting closer and louder You’re Gonna Want to shift so to shift you’re going to pull your clutch in use your foot to pull up there you go second gear

    Every time that you shift you want to make sure you pull that clutch in especially starting out you can shift by rev matching a bike like that that’s way above what we’re doing now so we’re in second gear now get it you know setting goes a little

    Bit faster don’t go more than you’re comfortable right now we’re in second gear now all right we’re getting closer to that rep limiter clutch in shift up you see people like on YouTube and whatnot people have been riding longer they’re gonna be fascism like this they’re gonna be flying through the gears

    Starting out you don’t really want to do that just nice and slow get the feel for the bike downshifting is the same concept of shifting get your down slower in that gear that you’re in clutch in downshift and let out if you are going let me show you here

    I’m going fast in second gear right if I try to downshift the first as I’m hitting the rev limiter your bike’s gonna slow you down so that second or to that first gear speed so it’s gonna jerk you don’t want to do that And then finally stopping so stopping is what a lot of people actually struggle with oh my gosh chill oh you don’t want to grab your front you don’t just want to grab your front brake or you’re going to lock up that front wheel and you’re gonna go flying

    You don’t want to do that easiest way to stop for me at least if you’re running a slower speed kick it down to neutral you’ll know in neutral if you let off the clutch and you don’t you just tell by the engine noise and then your foot brake

    Either you can come to a rolling stop or you can gradually just slowly use that foot brake come to a stop as you get more experience and you get more comfortable riding the bike you’ll notice people stopping with both brakes so gradually using the foot break gradually using the front brake works

    Break the stop you can just gradually pull it just enough to stop you but like I said if you watch if you just grab it that front end nose Dives and you’re either gonna wreck you’re gonna flip and it’s just not gonna be a good day for

    You if you stop like that by just grabbing see as you can see ready roll and grab the front brake jerky forward don’t want to do that so bike in neutral if you have a kickstand make sure you use that yeah I hope this video was helpful leave

    In the comments if you have any more questions about how to ride a bike if you want me to do a more in-depth video on different components what they do everything from the front tire to the back all in between so I could definitely make a video explaining

    Everything too if you don’t know already anyways hope you enjoyed the video hope you learned a lot you all take care be sure to check out some more of my other riding content if you’re new to the channel I have a bunch of videos up I’ll be doing different stuff I’m almost

    Falling at a pawn to chasing them dirt bikers the whole ordeal exploring y’all take care have a great night


    1. You are now my favorite youtuber.. 👍tysm. I just bought a 2024 ttr230 at 14. 6ft it's the only bike my size for my price.. when I brought it home I knew nothing. The guy at the dealership taught me how to start it.. but this video showed me alot… very well explained 👏 👌

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