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    Let’s have a look at the uh VTA catalunia and look at some bik fits here now I don’t claim to be a bik fit expert I am a nutrition weight loss performance expert with but with bike fit this is just my personal interest here uh definitely not an expert but I like to

    Look at patterns what patterns what bike setup do Pros have and I see a lot of pro riders these days seat slammed all the way forward that’s something I’ve been using for last 10 years myself uh because of Steve h influence now what you’ll see that some

    People just slam their seat forward but if they’ve got a heavy upper body then they’re going to have more neck issues so I’ve noticed since using anabolics over 5 milligrams a week my up my muscles have just exploded and so I find it harder to have a full sland forward

    Setup it just Cranks My my neck a lot too much so let’s have a look at the setup here so you what what thing in common that all these pro riders have is they all have a very very skinny uh psychop upper body which means you know very very minimal lean body

    Mass and you’ll see it in Cy clean people oh you got to have protein to retain lean body mass to gain lean body mass and it’s like no pro riders are trying to gain lean body mass mate all right look at look at the shoulders here of POG all

    Right look at the shoulders his shoulders shoulders match his elbows there’s basically you can’t even see you can sort of see my deltoids have popped since the trend Etc but you can’t even see the lateral you know the shoulders just basically dissolved by the uh the

    Scapula there okay and that’s how it is when you are wanting to ride your fastest and say this Rider here looks like mass mass who doesn’t have any shoulder mass and you can see the the forearms are bigger than the biceps which gives a bit of an illusion this

    Guy is quite muscular but he’s not he’s very very very skinny and amazingly fit like I mean unless you’re ridden with these guys you don’t really understand what seven watts per kilo six watts per kilo upper climb really looks like feels like so eggan beral there on the road up

    After his crash oo seat slammed all the way forward you know uh as I’ve been rating for many many years but I really understand it now if you have a a big upper body if you’re quite muscular if you’re running high testosterone levels then yeah your seat slam forward it’s

    Probably going to give you some neck issues cuz you’re going to a lot more weight over the front and you’re going to be supporting a lot more weight okay an example of this is put a 10 kilo backpack on or 20 kilo backpack and go ride your bike and go try riding the

    Drops and just feel how much your neck and traps and that start to crank okay but then you take your bag off you can go so look at this here you can sort of see POG his back is quite flat and uh there’s not much run off to his neck

    There you can look at his pelvis here look at that whoosh look at that whoosh letters there’s not much left right he is bobbing a bit out in the rain style um but uh he’s running 165 165 cranks look at the seat the seat’s not that high is it really obviously it’s high

    Enough but we can see here he’s got a solid Bend in his elbows he hasn’t have that much weight on the front of his bike he’s sort of gripping the bars a bit because he’s trying to pull on him as well but in terms of weight on the

    Bars is not that much you can see enrik Mass getting a drink rle here and you can sort of see his arm is still bent uh having a drink so not much weight on the bars there uh despite having the seat slam forward again not much upper body mass

    Means less weight through the hands Etc and their seat angle uh they have their seat angle we’ll get to that in a second also Chris Harper give shout to Chris Harper Adelaide boy I remember yeah Chris Harper used to steal some of my comms back in the day and now he ising

    The world to at the front great adade you know sugar for the wind Cadence the wind stra a power meter data for the wind there if you know you know and so again look at the physiology look at the upper body all these guys look the same

    The only difference is the Jersey color and the helmets all right they all have that sarcopenic upper body with basically minimal tricep minimal deltoid minimal bicep minimal forearm muscles there you know look at the elbow man look at the elbows the elbows stick out more the elbows have a wider diameter a

    Wider circumference at the elbow than the bicep tricep okay and that’s how it has to be to be your best watts per kilo the upper body B his hand in the air the motorbikes will hold him up that’s how that’s how fast he’s going the motorbikes are caught up there the

    Motorbike drivers are like hang a what’s this what oh the bikes oh what and so POG has to give a bit of a slap and tickle on that motorbike fairing there that little paner to let the police officer know hey I’m passing on the left coming through bro come through all

    Right and again you can see his left elbow there his arm is quite bent meaning he doesn’t have that much weight on the bars even though he’s took so he’s going to pog is going to pass the Steve hog balance test which is what you

    Do is you get in the ideally the drops but also the tops even and you take your hands off the bar and you slap the police officer’s motorik so he’s passing the oh did he get r a push off then did PA gave r a

    Push off then of the peny or the CAU by it’s 5sec penalty uh can see see his heels there his heels dropped down a decent amount now he’s going to get out the saddle you so see he’s still got the arm Bend going on there and he’s just pulling on the bars a

    Bit okay and that seat you know D style left right it’s amazing how many it’s amazing how many new cyclists can’t ride out the saddle probably it’s amazing the best way to learn how to ride ride out the saddle is take the seat post out of

    Your bike okay and just got a climb for 5K and you will learn how to ride out the saddle in in one day arms in the air easy doing it let’s now let’s go to uh what we’re going to see here we’ll see some all right let’s

    Go look at his upper body here again so you can sort of see there the petral muscles you know awall deltoids awall bicep tricep minimal Okay aw we’re talking minimal uh so that’s that’s what it takes okay that’s what it takes to be at your maximum watts per kilo you won’t be

    Really cold approaching many chicks unless they know you’re famous and Rich but otherwise that is what it takes to be your best cyclist and Runner performances totally dissolving 95% of your upper body muscle that is the What It Takes and I’d say POG looks leaner than ever before doesn’t he he looks

    Sugared up he looks like he’s following a very very low protein diet to be this lean lightweight you have I should say lightweight because lean you can be 120 kilos lean or you can be POG for me he looks like he’s what is about 175 176 he

    Looks for me in this picture about 60 kilos 61 kilos okay maybe even lighter but for me I’m going to say cuz his legs are a little bit more muscular I’m going to say about 60 61 that’s what he looks like the um you know the go goic label

    There gnik from the train station look um L lightweight I shouldn’t say link I should say lightweight lightweight all right so to be that lightweight you have to follow lowfat low protein high carb because how can you do the training if you’re not having enough carbohydrate how can you push the Watts without

    Enough sugar all right how can you recover without refin sugar you can’t okay if you know you know now let’s jump on some bikes here let’s go to Chris Harper here this is this is a cool picture this is a bike that was stolen

    From him back in the day um so you see see I’ll scroll up here you can sort of see the seat angle there all right so there’s like a maybe a 2° very slight dip in the front there The Settle so basically have your settle level line up

    Up and he’s got his settle mostly on the back there with a zero with a 20° offset post as well so Chris is running a bit of a setback back not sure what he’s doing today we have maybe get an update on that so seat flat with a slight very

    Very slight tilt down okay urgen beral again we’re going to run uh as you can see see his bikes UPS changed looks like with his team Sky bike he was running and this is this is the actual bike he’s riding so 20 offset post slammed forward okay slammed almost all the way forward

    There’s probably another 2 mil there could go forward that’s on his 20 was it 291 the tour and then we’re going to go to the Pinella here where he is running a zero offset post slam forward so this is more of a a Duran Rider spec or I

    Should say Steve hog spec because that’s who inspired us all to do that Steve hog um but I’ve been ranting and raving on the YouTube benefits of slamming feet forward but again it’s all about how light your upper body is okay Egan manal 175 60 kilos so you know I think it even

    Be less than 60 kilos cuz I’ve been I’ve been 59 kilos before and I’m 6 foot all right POG car uh Bim brakes obviously better okay but sponsors all right so look at this look at the setup here so we’ve got seat slam forward on this setup let’s Zoom it in

    Here okay so we got braks all right and we have the hit POG saddle here uh again flat that’s slightly running off the front there okay so slightly pointing down very slightly if we look at the rail this metal fence here all right so you can see the back here

    Probably got like you know 8 mil and then obviously the seat tip dips down but you know so we got maybe 3 mil runoff from the back like so like a drop off back to front offset 3 mil maybe is it four M okay so obviously going to

    Vary on the saddle shape and your personal preferences but that’s why it’s good to have a bicycle with a very easy to adjust seat post so you can really dial in your seat angle because to be honest your seat angle will change race to race day to day if you do more

    Climbing you probably going to have your seat tip down a little bit more if you’re doing more flat stuff you’re going to want to have your seat more flat flat because when you start to climb your pelvic rotates forward obviously and you’re going to that saddle angle is going to be grinding

    Your way out so won’t be as comfortable won’t feel as powerful so there we go we can sort of see a compact bar what I’ve been recommending again Steve hog taught me at that one so your compact bar position just works well he’s got that one piece bar stem combo which is you

    Know okay if you’re a pro Rider and you have mechanics to do that for you but uh and back in the day when they’re running ring brakes it’s easy to run but now you got to do all the cables through there it’s just an absolute nightmare to do

    Fine tuning bike fit so there we go that’s the bike fit what they all have in common isn’t it the uh actually let’s try and find Chris Harper’s Bike the new one let’s see if he’s changing his setup there well we found uh Luke plat where’s

    This one rid Rob uh got this photo here so zoom in on this is Luke plat B again SE slam forward and we can see that Luke has lost a lot of upper body weight this year looks like looking on that low protein High carat diet there which is

    What’s going to make you a lot lot lighter better if you likey career so again seat slam forward let’s find Chris Harper B see if it’s changed from the lotto days okay so we’re over here on Rob’s page and we can see that boom look at that so that’s Chris Harper’s Bike okay

    That’s Chris Harper’s giant Propel uh that is C is slammed all that way forward isn’t it there you go zooming a bit more we can’t but there they go that’s so that’s his deal okay so yeah positions do change versus the uh this one here this Lotto bike Lotto

    Jumbo bike uh seat you know more F further back but now we can’t measure it but uh can sort of see the longest stem looks like yeah there we go boom so bike position does change over over the uh you over the days over the years make

    Sure you just learn how to change your bike position you know play your SLE angles Etc so you can make sure that you’re dialed in there um otherwise you will be missing out there we go Chris Harper so you saw that little flash there interesting stuff interesting stuff


    1. Tadej full natty brah, doing 69 watts/kg attacks. Just cant believe how good Tadej is even if he is full natural clean asf. If only he takes epo like the other greats he would double his watt/kg. If you know, you know. Full natty brahhh Tadej "Full natty brah" Pogacar

    2. there are bird people, and cow people, bug people, rat people… that why there are so many diets. these efficient physical-moving birds to some other people are just crazy cant-digest-food-properly sick patients.

    3. Great Analysis! I noticed some Riders Face look like they came fresh from the NorthKorean Concentration Camp, can they still use Kenacort and Asthma Puffers with a Tue?

    4. I noticed Pog is on the purple drink right when done a stage too like the yellow team. Do we know what they are drinking exactly? Obviously sugar of some sort, just curious what it is.

    5. Your comments fly in the face of your hero Lance A. The guy had quite a bit of upper body muscle and cranked out the wins. The phenotype has more to do with a genetic response to the stimulus. Protein plays crucial and multiple roles in the body, eliminating or severely reducing the quality and quantity of it would be performance limiting. Preach balance rather than vilifying a specific macro. Cmon mate you're better than this.

    6. Bro, it's the industry that wants the pro to use their so-called ideal frame length instead of using the smaller size frame, which is predominantly favorite anywhere, So the pro slammed it forward because they need to follow the industry. just an input from working inside the industry.

    7. Well spotted, I've been obsessing about Pog's bike position for a while. We used to set riders up with the ischial tuberosity in line with the middle of the pedal at 3 o'clock, I reckon he's about 2-3cm forward. What you missed was as lean as he is, his secret is also glute engagement, watch his attack against Pidcock in the Amstel last Year. His whole body pushing through the saddle Cancellara style, then revert to Pidcock, immediately out of the saddle body as a pendulum and loses seconds.

    8. Saddle fore-aft also greatly depends on your power output. The more power you put out, the lighter your upper body becomes. That's why pro's get away with such positions

    9. Daily reminder to the cycling community. 100% of the pro peleton are doping some more than others.

      Second daily reminder .. doping is now making its way into domestic Amateur cycling also.

      You can sit here and tell yourself that “they were good at the age of 10/11” but that won’t change the reality of what’s happening.

      Make it legal UCI

    10. Hey DR—if you were needing to change out tubular tyres on a 6.5 kilo rim brake bike this summer (North America) what would you buy, money no object?

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