lets have a look about the barras market see how its changed in 2024

    Good morning there guys how’s everybody today well here we are uh in this video we’re going to go along the bars and we’ll let you see how how the bars is changed the famous Glasgow BS so way guys you can see here we’re on Cay Street to my left you got DL street

    So so you Ro work laying there and so we shortcut a lot of people use it why hope everybody’s keeping well coming up to Easter Easter Sunday this weekend coming so anyway guys we’ll through the BS the famous Glasgow bars big changes down here H the BS is dying

    Away so here we are guys the old Bri this part of the street is brigate and as you see here on the right hand side would be party’s Market the BR it through that Arch there to the right hand side I’ve just passed it So anyway guys in next video hope I can get things done uh just before the rain comes on cuz it it’s not looking too too promising so here we are guys we’re on the the bottom end of the salt market and up ahead there but L’s turning that

    Taxi is turning right there that is turnbill Street that’s where the old the old courts used to be so now the courts are over you got a Sher Court over the water and you’ve got the new high court it’s building so we end the video

    If we can get us done before the the rain comes on guys we we’ll end the video down here R about the high court but what we day we’ll take a a we trip up up the barers and see how things have changed up there a massive thanks to the new

    Subscribers to the channel and the viewers for Australia and Canada it’s amazing the migration that the Glasgow people have done uh Through The Years a lot of went to Australia to stay quite a lot of messages so here we are guys in the salt Market the fish place is still there on

    The right hand side here I don’t know if it was as busy as it was that was the old Court there Andrew Street that was your old Sheriff court on at District cour and here you are you’ve got the gate cross to the left you got the trongate

    To the right you’ve got the gagate and that’s be stet here that boys running with a bike oh that’s well the right hand side is London Road and that’s where London Road ends right here at a to to B Pub big changes here for how things have changed early

    Years so we’ll take a right up to galag and we’ll do we drive about the the bars I don’t know the future what’s going to happen to the to the bars I don’t know but I’ve heard a few rumors but who knows where it’s going to get pked

    Down but there’s a Reta T say that things have been moving is around the bars you’ll see new Pavements have been built so new Pavements have been put in you’ll see it I don’t know if the bars is is waiting an an order to come down and then you might see fancy

    Flats put up there so anyway guys to my left you got spout mouth Street and you’ve got Mo Street more Street to my right spout mouth street is that one in the left hand side a lot of people don’t know the name of that street but for some OD reason I Street

    Stuck in my head and then you’ve got little Dove Hill Street to the left hand side that one is we coming up so here we are guys we’re in the bars so at Great Dove ho Street to the left hand side there to right you’ve got Rush Street and now

    You’ve got the S heat pop to my left your bird’s bar which is no longer Birds anymore it’s 226 gate CIA 226 Johnny’s tattoo used to be around there to the left hand side which he is now moved around the corner here into Bane Street massive changes down here

    Guys it’s definitely not the same place as it was maybe back in the 60s 70 and ‘ 80s and we’ll take a we right in here pearcing are still there you can see guys look see the Pavements what I was talking about wonder why they’ve done the Pavements up and they’re going to pull it all down so you got piercings on the right hand

    Side cracking shot B used to go there years ago for my CBS here Gibson Street look at us as you can see lot of Pavements have all changed so is that a Telltale sign what’s going to happen in the future I don’t know he still got a store in the bars

    And I one to the right hand side there still got St on there for a 10 a day right so M’s Market got this one here electrical short bear pts squirrel bar for years out one turn here you B the bott’s Mark I dare say this video will bring

    Back a lot of memories for people especially the one it’s went uh went abroad went Australia to stay so this is Stenson Street this one here and we’re going to sopic street now the famous Glasgow BS so we’ll take a left eye as you can see guys these

    Pavements they’re right around the bars right around the bars so it makes you wonder why why all the Pavements were bu I don’t know if the baling are ready to come down at some point I don’t know so there the Heart of Gold the jeweler’s been there for

    Years so we’ll go back in guys we’re on London Road here we’ll take a left into Kent Street the New Market Cafe quite a busy view B there a swi the old beards so BS bars changed change names he cell Street there to my left bar

    67 been there for for a number of years now You’ got the Hoops spot and you got a rumbling Tom to my right hand sight in bills tool store so any way guys we’ll take her right here on the London Road so you got me teeth row yeah working straight through there

    Guys that that takes me f all I’ll go straight through I was going to take it right there but I’ll go straight through and you and I’ll take down to the people’s Palace there you’ve got a carnival taking shape in the distance there yet for Easter Easter weekend

    So anyway guys we’re on Monti row here quite busy with cars down here I’m forgetting there years used be bit great there but the block touch streight off well since I’ve been down here used to be a bit get right down there to the people’s Palace but so anyway guys we’ll head back

    Here she something another new there no TI a left here on in teeth place and there we’ll take a left on on London Road I need to wait here for the traffic lights to change stay that Bing yeah that be do you so you got a m Mt shop it’s still

    There brand new Flats on the left hand side so we’ll take a we right on to Charlotte Street so you got the Brar bar there on the right hand side I forget the name of this this bar uh the first one in the right hand side here forget your name

    It so anyway guys on Charlotte Street and this will take me back onto the gallate You The Untouchables direct flowing if you’re looking for a new flare new carpets wallpaper you’ve got liby shop there as well you’ve got the African hairdressers there your hand side get my we shout it so we’ll end the video guys doing it the end of assault Market

    Street uh I see we great up here we’ll let you see the how the the meat market lot of new BS up here so you’ve got Morrison Supermarket there to the right hand left hand side you got CL thn Street here clear Thor streets to my

    Left oh no to my right sorry it sure it is that’s barck Street I barck street barck street to the the left and now you’ve got an old po be to Healing Jesse I know they were finding it quite hard under the lockdown under the lockdown the co

    Lockdown years but it’s good to see that the still on operation so guys we’ll cross over Bar Street we’ll go up to the meat market we’ll come back down we’ll D you bar up there we head towards the salt market so look at the flats here they’re off for rent and they’re

    No they’re no boat hes they for rent new ones as I see in my last video guys there’s a lot of new Flats getting put up in Glasgow and the for rent which is a new thing Developers are done so we’ll take a left in here the old meat market look at

    That I used to remember I used to come down here and S out sideway used to buy and sell Motors as a younger boy and uh used to come down here and would sell would sell a few Motors and you would park your your motor outside put we sticker on it for

    Sale you’d buy them out the market in a Wednesday take them back down to Friday fresh M Tax you know putting them on you what it is the old Demo’s remember them so anyway guys we’ll tell right back down to the back down the galag and we’ll run along Bell Street

    And we’ll let you see how Bill Street’s turned it so that street to my right hand side is Milbourne street from Australian viewers and Sydney Street that’s MB stre there this one would be right here would be Sydney Street obviously Flats still there now so we take a right here up B Bar

    Street so you still get a Mot shop there it’s been there for years I do a lot of refra and I think they do motor bikes now mopeds of electric scoters ey I’m just looking here electric motorcycles of Glasgow oh I roof rocks tow bars no roof

    Boxes discount mot we shout out there we plug so we’ll take her right here guys and we’ll the garage is still there there since I was a boy so we’ll take a left into Hunter Street Got a fire station guys fireman din drugs so here we are guys on on Bell Street massive changes down here and uh to my left hand side you got East Campbell Street look at the flats Here massive changes lot of money been spent in this B part there you go there’s little Dove street coming off of Bell Street so we’ll take a left here want to spout Mouse Streight that’s more on Diner Street to the right hand side in there so we go straight ahead guys we’ll cross over and we’ll go through where the old District Court used to be so we’re back on the London Road here remember a big furniture shop it

    Used to sit there on the right hand side don’t know what it is now it’s a music shop I think so we’re on James Morrison Street guys so this is where you would find the high court The District Court nut and there you’ve got St Andrew Square so that would be

    The the cours in here and also you would find them S Andrew Street there so that there to the left hand side is D’s Lane and here is a bilding here in the left hand side and get one of the old oldest graveyards in Glasgow it could be the oldest

    Graveyard I don’t know if it’s a some sort of office Block it’s a mental health it’s a mental health bold in there but it’s got one of the oldest graveyards in Glasgow as you can see I can point the motor there see it so we’re sitting here on green D

    Street and we’ll just pull in guys and we’ll we’ll head back up up green D Street and we’ll come up here and we’ll do B and we’ll let you see how the the high court has changed over the years so there you’ve got the the green there the Glasgow

    Green on the left hand side remember the toilets used to sit there on the right right the toilets are away now and the old mchy that’s a m there well no it’s at the lost and found of police Scotland so if you lost anything any phones any whatever anything in the city center

    Probably going into that b in there right facing uh it’s Runway police Scotland but that used to be Mary and then up to the left hand side would be the high cour the old high court but that Bal in there right in front where that L is that is a new high

    Court and there you’ve got Billy bisland Cycles it’s been there since I was a we boy I remember my mother get in and buy me a bik there for Christmas I think I was only maybe 10 at a time I always remember get in there as

    A we boy with my mom my D in a Saturday afternoon and to pick my bik for Christmas so right so guys there the old high court there so we’ll take a right here on to C Street and this is where we’ll end the video I’ll end the video

    Here fact I’ll end it up a we bit because I want to show the the back end the back end of the the B so that would be the entrance or the back entrance I would call it either the BR would be can’s pointing out there right there that would be the back

    End of the Bri Market P’s Market is what we would call it but anyway guys thanks very much for watching my videos if you like what I’m doing share it to your meals it’s much appreciated and thanks for the all the lovely comments you’ve been getting me and it gives me

    Encouragement to today more videos and it’s good to be waking up and look at the view count on them uh the comments have been really nice and I’m much appreciated for everybody taking their time with their day so anyway I’ll leave this video uh I’ll post another one

    Shortly and I wish everybody a nice Easter weekend so till next one it’s AIO Fe me catch you later


    1. Thoroughly enjoyed this video, i recognised all of the streets you went around and wow the changes are unreal. I used to live above the Crystal Bell pub at the Gallowgate in 2002 and used to go to the Barras most weekends when it was still busy, loved the enclosed bits and the donut van. My dad used to have an outside stall at the Barras selling allsorts that he found at Carluke cowp, furniture, toys etc he used to polish em up and sell them for a few quid and made a small fortune on a Sunday. The Barras used to have a great atmosphere at the weekends in the late 70s and 80s, used to be a great day out. I can see what you mean with those new pavements, I can defo see them knocking the Barras down and building flats there. Its been ages since i've been to that area so really interesting to see all the changes. Your video has brought back so many great memories 👍it would be great to see you going to other parts of the city centre, the gorbals, west end etc, i really like your videos and i'm glad i found your channel 😎👍 Happy Easter guys.

    2. As a Bairn, I used to go to the Mussel shop beside the Barrowland with my Grandpa, and have a plate of mussels and whelks with a cup of Brae. My Grandpa used to run a stall in the Barrras for years, He used to live across the road at Millroad street.

    3. Wonderful to see The Barras. Thank you 🦋. If the pavements are being renewed, I don’t think the buildings will be demolished. They might be refurbishing (Hopefully)

    4. a lot of changes… i left glasow 20 years ago… watching your videos show me how much changes have been made… you made a video a while ago in parkhead lilybank area, you actually drove down the street i grew up and i didnt recognise it

    5. I remember the Barras when I was a kid !!! And the Brigget haha I lived in the gyto and dressed like a tramp but that was life I would never change it, good old 80s

      I left glesga 35 years ago i went to Aberdeen for a weekend and met my wife and been here since !! I miss glesga stayed in the drum then castlemilk then garthamlock ruff areas but i loved it

      See for the folks who would say if you came from garthamlock you would be nothings!!! Well i went on to work on the rigs 25 years and get married snd buy a house at 250k this isn't boasting in any way, my point is od nout in life but now have a good life ,everyone can charge there lifes

    6. Glasgow has become a Sterile City, you could be in any City in the UK. We have lost so much, Paddy's Market, Virginia St Market, the Barrows and so much more !!

    7. Find it sad that every place that brought people together like little communities with a special happy atmosphere they close down . It’s all replaced by modern retail parks that end up closing down because they are no atmosphere. It happened in Ayr which is now a dump and Kilmarnock which is also a dump . Councillors trying to justify there big wages by destroying local communities

    8. That was the best day out,I've being housebound for the last 4 years ,83 nearly and its been about 10 years since travelling around Glasgow with my late husband we were always out in the car coming from Gourock / -Greenock to the Barras and all around Glasgow and outskirts used the Rumbling Tum a few times and the other carry out shops for coffee and rolls it was great to travel up and down those streets again Bought many a roll of vinyl at the Barras , there was a wallpaper shop called Cappones and I could spend hours at the lace curtains stalls .I actually thought a couple of weeks ago that I'd never get to see the many places we travelled around but woke in the early hours and found your video so thanks for that unexpected and pleasurable trip .

    9. A forgot to say guys many a good night we had at gigs held at the Barras, seen The Smiths, Billy Idol, The Stranglers an The Cure there, brilliant nights and great atmosphere. When you were sat at the traffic lights at "12:27" just before London Road i didn't know they had built those new flats to the right side of the video. I can defo seeing them building more flats at that area. I just hope they don't knock down the Barrowlands Ballroom 😶you have a great knowledge for streets and the other good thing is folk can learn from your video tours like street names they never knew etc

    10. We better hope that the fkin Government's Muslims don't start fkin complaining about the Barras aswell coz the Government will have to do what there fkin told and cancel the Barras

    11. My god it hasnae half changed …I used to go up to the Barras every satuarday from around 1991 till 1999…I used to love wandering around the stalls ..you could spend hours there…I went back up in 2001 and it had started to go downhill ..it just wasn't the same place ..such a shame …brilliant video thanks 👍

    12. In the 1980/90 I used to go there every sat travel from Edinburgh and buy 1950/60 collectibles I loved it and still have lots of stuff that I bought there

    13. The last time that I was in the Barras , I bought my mother a Pat Boone record "Love Letters In the Sand" . That was in 1956 .It has changed a wee bit since then. Great Video as usual.😂

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