Torn between East and West since time immemorial, often battered by fate, Poland has always overcome adversity.

    Pierre Brouwers and his cameras set off to discover the sumptuous witnesses to a fascinating history, but also the many facets of a country that is full of surprises.

    This captivating report reveals a Poland in the throes of change and meets a population eager to make up for lost time.

    Documentary: Discover the World – Poland: Paths to Renewal (2009)
    Directed by: Pierre Brouwers
    Production: Media 9


    We fully own the rights to the use of the published content.
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    #documentary #wide #fulldocumentary #freedocumentary #travel #voyage #worldwide #discoveries #trip #journey #nature #ecology #ecoguide #poland #malbork #gdansk #amber #slovini #sopot #mazury #pomerania #baltic #hanseaticleague #amberroute

    In the northwest of the country lies a vast stretch of flat green land Missouri apart from the thousands of lakes there’s practically nothing to interrupt the plane many consider it the most beautiful part of Poland it’s surely one of the most [Applause] [Applause] rural 34s of Poland lies in the vast European plane that stretches from the southwest of France all the way to Russia in Missouri we run into the ordinary Barnyard animals that gaze at the passing trains and other species that come and visit the region during the summer months such as the stalk

    This migrating waiter is a welcome guest the inhabitants even provide special poles to encourage nesting for Barbara doska the stalks are almost part of the family the STS arrive very early in the springtime the end of March beginning of April and that’s how it is every year

    There’s never a year they don’t come the male arrives first and prepares The Nest a few days later the female arrives in Missouri the white stalk is part of the Landscape in the Middle Ages a vast Forest covered the region it was home to the European bison among other animals the European bison one of the largest land mammals on the continent is a cousin of the American Bison they nearly vanished on account of deforestation here the boret Skai Forest

    Is a favorable habitat for the Bison Kristoff Z is a park ranger here in Poland there are about 1,000 bison and here in the boret forest 300 of which 80 roam freely there are three in this pen up until the first world war bison could be found living in several

    Regions in Poland during the war there was a severe drop in the Bison pop and then their numbers increased once the war Ended The many lakes of Missouri are the traces of glacial erosion the migrating Glacier carved out Hollows that then filled up with water the region counts 4,000 Lakes some of them are linked by canals On the El black Canal the difference in water levels is too great for normal locks so they came up with an original solution like a water mill hydraulic Wheels Supply The energy needed to pull the boat out of the water and haul it up the slope the boat is cradled on a wide

    Carriage on Rails this ingenious system was invented Ed in the early 19th Century here on land that was long fought over by Prussia and Poland stands the malor castle an impressive brick Fortress built in the 13th century it is the largest medieval construction of this type in all of Europe the whole complex is in fact made up of three castles nested in one

    Another mbor was used as headquarters for the famous tonic Knights when they returned from the Crusades in the Holy Land in the 14th century The Fearsome Soldier monks ruled over a large part of the north of present day Poland one century later the kingdom of Poland had

    To step in to put an end to the domination of the famous males cross heading for the coast the leafy trees give way to conifers a sign that the soil is becoming more acid and then suddenly there’s sand it almost completely covers these trees that it has

    Killed huge shifting Dunes up to 40 m in height are found throughout the slovinsky national park these Dunes pushed by the wind can move up to 10 m a Year the dunes shift so much that in the 16th century the neighboring town of liba was engulfed by sand the inhabitants had had to move and build a new community that is now a small fishing Town on the coast of the Baltic Sea soot is Poland’s summer Capital this town with its many cultural events is a favorite vacation Spot These pompous buildings that have been dozing since they were built at the beginning of the 20th century must have been quite startled by the work of the architect zaleski who designed the Crooked house in 2003 it looks like it’s straight so to speak out of a Walt Disney cartoon it is

    Poland’s most photographed house Foree [Applause] the seaside resort of soot is quite close to the large Port of Gdansk Poland’s main port and one of the most active on the Baltic Sea the port of Gdansk has existed for over a thousand years thanks to the port the city has enjoyed complimentary names down through

    The centuries Gans has been called Poland’s Golden Gate and even the pearl of the Baltic in the middle of the 14th century Gdansk was a member of a commercial Association the htic league it was first composed of German cities then it expanded to include northern Europe and finally all of

    Europe the member cities of the htic league enjoyed immense prosperity richly decorated Gates announce the affluence of the town the htic cities often adopted the same style of architecture the influence of Flemish architecture is quite evident here in these tow houses with their ornate facades the discovery of America modified the

    Major trade routes and sounded the death nail of the htic League the power and Independence of the antic League eventually gave rise to a good deal of Envy even among the League’s own trading ports the league was disbanded in the 17th century and as a result Gdansk suffered Economically Amber was used as a currency for trading in Gdansk and it was a very old currency for the Amber route from the Baltic to the Mediterranean dates back to remote ancient times Amber is is the fossilized resin of conifers Amber is mysteriously washed up on the shores of the Baltic Sea also

    Known as the Amber Coast the resin came from a vast Forest of conifers that was covered by the Sea the crafting of amber glass and silver is a tradition here in the cities on the Baltic Le we finish up by polishing the stone which gives it its final

    Shape the next step is placing it into the silver or gold setting and depending on the shape we got after polishing we decide whether we’ll use it to make a pendant a ring or a bracelet this one here will be a pendant the ancient Greeks discovered that rubbing Amber with cloth would

    Charge it with static electricity they called it electron meaning made by the sun the sun being the most powerful source of energy Amber varies in color from yellow to Brown it’s more or less translucent depending on the amount of air trapped Inside


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