Holiday Inn Sheffield, security guard here makes up lies right in front of me and goes hands on.

    Mate I’m going to push you away from me yeah you still come move your hand away from me thank you don’t touch yeah it’s basically filing inside where is it now cuz you’ve got to line the sight aren’t you I have you yeah Adam do you want to go inside

    Please yes then the people we’re here in Sheffield today and we’re looking at the holiday in express down here next on the list down here on the water look River very nice yep holidan Express coming up uh rented out to the home office contract quite a nice location really City

    Center lots of people at this one going to put the zoom camera away you never know what’s going to happen these places What yeah hello Hi how are you I’ll make the video of what yeah F you can’t the hotel yeah um oh mate I thought you were a guest when you first walked in so you’re recording now yes always on got a drone in my bag I want to fly over examine the

    Building from above and R the side you can’t I’m simple if you come any closer mate I’m going to push you away from me yeah you still come move your hand away from me thank you don’t touch yeah that’s in my personal space I can move

    It you’re in a personal space of being in here so it’s private it’s private it’s yeah that’s fine get your hand away from me I won’t get my hand away now you will I’ll keep moving it yeah cuz that hand is in my personal space if I step

    There to you sorry I turn off turn that off you’ve admitted to me you’ve got it off turn it off right why why would I turn it give me a reason then I turn it off right go on got got your word got what sorry no

    Give me a reason to turn off I got your word no of course of course not I want to know why first why wasted my time you put your hand on my camera right really close right which I don’t appreciate and you’re saying now oh turn it off if I

    Turn that off I will you stand here if I have to right simple let’s talk move your hand away from me why why recording what’s wrong with this guy here are you mate I’m going to be reporting you can I see your license please can I take your number off there

    Please you’re escalating the situation mate at a minute if you keep doing this I’m going to defend myself what’s wrong with him mate you recording are you are you are you in charge you went against your word I never agreed to turn it off I said why should I turn it

    Off Give Me A Reason did he or did he not what you what what you are you are you thick mate you said turn it off and I said give me a reason to and you said give me your word I said no give me a reason to you said yes no I

    Never anyway don’t waste your time why would you want the the camera off so you can’t be seen doing what you shouldn’t be doing right oh it’s about me is it well it is right now yeah being in here sorry it’s about you being in

    Here right how long how long we go you take a step back I don’t talk have I took a step back I said you take a step back at my personal space and I’ll happily talk to you I close the camera I no no no no no don’t don’t close the

    Camera especially when people behave like this do you want to take my place and I’ll call please yeah please take his place but don’t don’t put your hand in the camera mate thank you right how can I help how can I help you what’s wrong with this guy mate how can I help

    You I’ve not got time do you know your your your um Your Role is security right I’m not sure what you do you I can’t see the budge your security your Saia you should deescalate situations right I’ve walked in calmly with a camera me to get your word and you’re a liar

    At on camera can you talk have you heard yourself you said turn it off and I said give me a reason to and I will can you talk yes yeah he is a problem I’m here to take a video of the property today no you can’t come and sa I know that right

    I always come you to yourself you’re a liar I’m not going to speak to you anymore theid I come to highlight problems or good or bad so I do like AIT okay make sure the staff are following the rules the video goes on social media viewers

    Watch it okay not good mate I and you know it you know it you should you should you should tell him because I’m a calm guy right and I don’t want to have a physical or anything like that right but another person who comes in doing what I do some of them are

    Quite aggressive and that would that would that would have escalated not for saying what he said as well yeah yeah um who is he cuz I need to make a complaint about him so is he security security yeah my name my name is what was his name is I didn’t get his name normally what I do I walk in I explain what I do and I I go back out there and I crack on i’ the guide is actually i’ would already be out by now how do you not S1 2 a had you not um escalated it you

    Know what can you do you still lucky today mate or say that again it is no problem is 074 yeah so in a minute I’ll go back out there and I’m going to crack on I’ve got a drone so fly the drone over the top do

    Like a little video from above and then I’ll go that’s what I do the reason you follow yourself to highlight people like him to expose people that shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing basically you you’re no problem you’ve been polite are you sa you have a bdge on you can I can

    I is it on display or is it hidden I got my so you should on display right yeah yeah but we check everyone’s following the rules okay so when people behave like that that’s exactly why I’m here all he had to do is do what you’ve

    Done and go yep go back outside no problem this is the issue we he’s basically F inside all right guys yes do they want to speak to me I don’t know ask if they want to speak to me I’m just just do you want to speak to

    Him all it’s okay yeah I’ve got I’ve got to jump here he wasting his time here he is you basically just assaulted me so I’ll wait for the police to arrive show them the video and we’ll report that you also he is 5 six uh medium build blue shirt uh pop belly black

    Jacket bom type jacket black jeans black TR you did realize there’s no crime committed so you can call the police you’re wasting your time he’s got sort of Blondie dark Blondie Brown shaped it size yeah yeah of course what’s the problem mate I don’t know what problem sorry I don’t know

    What this problem why are you recording I make videos on hotels no not just hotels other places too yeah when I do hotels I come to highlight good or bad to check whether they’re following the rules a lot of security guards at these hotels not don’t follow the

    Rules this is not the worst I’ve experienced I’ve experienced worst but but the reason I do it is to try and find people like that and show the show the you know goes on the internet lots of people see it show people that’s all M you’ve been fine no

    Problem at all but um this guy it’s a problem I’m going to hang around a little bit um I’ve no idea he’ll come out and speak to me in a minute but just I can wait here yeah what am I waiting for I’m trying to talk with him I don’t

    Know maybe going to come out I don’t know what they going to do yeah yeah come wait here yeah yeah yeah no worries you’re all right yeah good man yeah good let’s do a little video on the hotel today yeah this guy’s a problem the security guy not good yeah he called the

    Police a problem is it this guy here no problem this guy here is a problem oh we got a taxi arriving cool man it’s that good of course it’s good all right we’re going to help you ah another security guard are you going to follow the rules siia BG is on display

    Good why you have mask on my friend yeah why the mask problem inside yeah sorry okay you help inside you see this guy not letting me inside it’s like okay I’ll stay outside yeah man it’s okay oh it’s cold in here Shield today a little walk around car park oh

    We got food Lori arriving food waste Lori Car par Here nice bike that isn’t it nice Bike and I cannot put on seats you know just here and I cannot block also this one Lots of movement at this hotel isn’t there see if we can see anything through these windows oh restaurant right the police are coming the police are coming I don’t know oh wasting their time man yeah but then you’re recording for no reason it’s not legal though yeah but

    Anyway he I’ve got my reason but it’s not illegal to record you know he you know he committed assault by doing that technically technically because I didn’t want him that close yeah but you shouldn’t record first of all but but recording is not breaking the law assault is

    Anyway if the police arrive I am going to report him just just let him know [Applause] You right well there’s loads going on in there Bit a data breach there going on the laptop screen plenty of bikes here well not plenty but quite a few Guest coming down here what’s this for mate the hotel yeah my what is it food waste from the hotel yeah and you guys take it away cool all right guys good thanks brand new shoes 160 quid are they 180 quid those shoes Nik tn’s walk can hear sirens guys is that for

    Me you know for a fact that that guy has lied on the police phone call you know for a fact probably going to say that I’ve assaulted him but he kept putting his hand on the camera so that’s invading my personal space and I did warn him so it’s definitely not

    Assault I wonder if the police will actually arrive on this one I don’t want to hang around here too long hello hi been shopping yeah yeah yeah my girlfriend’s shopping for me for ah very good mate very good brand new shoes and those shoes are expensive are they like 200 quid 8200

    Quid they’re expensive anyway put it that way got another taxi coming in I think coming in here think we should go around the side and launch the Drone because then it will be in full view of the stuff Oh this guy’s back Out did you want to speak to me did he want me no no oh I’m going to float the Drone now so I’m taking the Drone up you’re Right nice and friendly try to keep it friendly with them because they’re going to just presume that I’m just some racist person because they always do and there’s a lot more of them than me so it’s better to keep it on a friendly level look at the size of the Place Security guard is looking at me he likes it security guy is happy with what I’m doing there yeah we got the river over here there’s some more guys walking over the bridge got another one walking over the bridge There holiday and Express in Sheffield don’t trust that security guard let’s be nosy and have a little look if they’re out no two workers there leaving I think they’re Workers but yeah there we go holidan Express Sheffield City Center and from here we’ll be able to see the police arriving as well he came out a minute ago like he’s expecting them to just arrive but you never know what he’s told them on the phone do you you’re

    Right depends what it is the film front path yeah or film from other side of river okay we are on private land right sorry all right um are you recording I’m droning at a minute mate you recording on that that’s on always on yeah all right cool you had on private property

    Yeah yeah what is cuz I’ve already taken my drone up I I’m going to land it here when I’ve landed it here as long as you got as long where is it now cuz you’ve got to land a sight hav’t you I have yeah yeah if you fet you down like I

    Said if you want to stand on path over there you can is M but my flight’s nearly finished so I’ll land it here in a minute right and then I’ll crack on with the rest of my video the rest of my video pretty much going to be just

    Finding out if the police have been called or not and then what is it film if you don’t let me ask you to check that people like this guy here following the rules which he is to be fair he was very civil very polite f and he de-escalated the situation whereas his

    Colleague with the blue shirt on escalated it okay that’s fine in fact assaulted me technically okay not good mate so I come along to find out what’s going on document it and obviously I’ve got a drone so it makes it interesting to show the viewer the full property from above right okay that’s

    It which sensitivity we’ve got which contract we’ve got yeah I can’t ask you to film anything face wise I’ll publish anything face wise for everything I’ve got today y as long as it’s building that’s fine but I mean well obviously this guy here spoke to me he spoke to me

    Disappear it looks like we’re all ganging up no it’s fine it’s fine they can stay I don’t care yeah yeah this guy’s been nice to me um and he’s just very uh very cut with a beard and nice hair mate but your colleague your colleague not good not

    Good mate you need to educate him a little bit and how to deal with the public anyway right there trying to catch me out no no don’t obviously I know you’ve got to L the side that’s all so so if you if you suspect I’m committed a drone offense

    That’s a police matter you know but um right there at the moment it’s a very touchy subject is it what here or drone in general which one drone F right if you watch it can be DJ a all YouTube oh you watch them do you oh ah so you know

    The score mate this is it this is why I’m saying same type of video but Hotel yeah but all I’m all I’m going to ask is how I I’m finished droning mate I I’ll land that here in a minute cuz I’m finished that’s fine and then I’ll crack

    On with the rest of my video which is not going to be a lot right I can’t allow you to film anything building wise on that when you say building wise well obviously I can’t do all about that yeah get that down go car but with GoPro

    Obviously there is no filing on here yeah good nature yeah so what is I want to know if the police have been called and whether they’re going to attend because I don’t know if they’re been called it’s going to be a couple of hours before we get here not come on Blues

    From what your colleague said on the phone honestly mate he’s a liar he said to me turn the camera off a second I said give me a good reason to and I might and then he said oh you’ve gone back on your word you’re a liar I’ve

    Never agreed to turn it off I would never turn it off because when you turn it off anything could happen this is it and um so yeah he he he was quite aggressive mate and that’s not good if mobes come I’ll get rid of him yeah you

    Get them we’ve got to go real EST please you obviously do they attend a fit or yeah you’ve obv landed it you’re going to go away your own business I didn’t do that for you no that’s fine I was genuinely done my little bit with the

    Drone no that’s fine I wanted to go back in before you came out to check what the score is with the police because I don’t want to go and they attend 2 minutes later to waste of their time I’ll find out better not I speak to them you know

    I’ll speak to whoever yeah to be honest mate I could do with an apology off that guy this blue he overstepped the mark and I at that point I hadn’t done anything just walked in and said guys I’m going to do a video today boom straight over hand on the camera can’t

    Do that no had I been somebody else that does videos like this it could easily have kicked off and it didn’t because I stayed calm here we go let’s see if he uh it is can grab the Drone wasting your time wasting everybody else I was just saying I was

    Just saying if you apologize no then I won’t report you could because what you did is technically an assault technically I I claim assault from you when you’re not my armor way pushing you out of my space enough yeah Adam do want to go inside

    Please no but I was saying to him if I have an apology off this guy you just walked out you was actually inside that doesn’t give you the right to assault me you meant to deescalate the situation see what I mean you can’t speak to this kind of people mate that’s fine

    Unfortunately security come they not oh wanted to wait for the police because I would have reported what he did cuz what he did is an assault he touched my camera and pushed it out and I said to him if you keep doing that I am going to

    Move you and I moved him and I moved him again and the other guy the the respectful guy the white guy with the beard he calmed it down thank God but um like said that was his opportunity to come out and go you know what let’s just

    Call it a day shake my hand or something and i’ have moved on right the drones in the bag I finish my flight now um like I said I can’t allow you to film any building or you say allow me to film the building can you be

    More specific because I can stand on that bridge and film the building right stand on on bridge and so what you mean is you don’t be on the land yeah if you don’t mind where is is this car park part of the hotel land so the White Bridge this side of yeah

    Yeah up to main road so the perimeter where I now is a hotel is it this is private property yeah it’s not shared it’s just purely hotel hotel and then in line with NCP from there hours I’m going to be pretty much done mate I just feel that that

    Guy yeah I’m here to make content right he is good content because he doesn’t behave professionally so if there’s more of him there’s more video and he keeps coming out it’s the third time he’s came out to me I know so yeah I say if out dra’s down and be sorted yeah

    Like I said you can film over there you can film on road just not on here are you still getting new people coming in all the time can you not answer that cuz I’m closed a few they have they’ve closed a few so I’m wondering where they’ve gone they’ve been moved on

    But where too you know no idea unfortunately that’s not something we are you Hotel stuff I’m Hotel yes so you’ve always has been here yes that’s good I know sometimes they get rid of you a lot and put their own people in their own like stuff yeah where put see

    Your job safe that’s good isn’t it all right mate I’m going to go back out that way that’s the way I’m going good to meet you mate yeah you too um what’s his name first name uh I’m not seen how could I complain about him who is he

    What’s he do unfortunately security um is he head of security or is he just security just security right but security aren’t employed by us so again could I possibly get his Saia badge number that’s on his badge he refused to show it me that’s public information

    That is yeah um so when you go on the go website they ask it asks you for the uh the Saia number yeah I think it’s best we just drop it I would have if he’ apologized I get it I do I completely get it I really do

    To be honest I’m not one to report it to the police if they turned up I ain’t going to say I want to make a complaint because yeah Petty a it but you can report people on the Go website for SAA as you probably know and there’s a video

    Of him you know he’s doing it on video so would you be able to ask him I can go in and ask him for you that I’ll report him to the SI website I I I can’t all right guys so that he’s going to give

    You it he’s going to give me it I can’t force him to give me it I can’t force him to come out you know what I mean no no so tell him to come out and apologize and I won’t report him at all I I’ll drop it completely drop it right I don’t

    Want to report anybody mate really hassle just give it just give it I’ll wait over here thank you buddy oh do we think we’re going to get an apology I don’t think we are I think he’s a very stubborn man and I don’t think he’s going to apologize but we shall

    See I may well have got his badge number on the barge when I first walked in I don’t know if it was turned around the whole time but if the numbers on there people can crack on on reporting yeah yeah he’s here he here I’m waiting for you to apologize and I’m

    Going to go no you’re not going to apologize I’m not going to apologize right I’ll report it to Saia government website then so I’ve got your BGE so be it this has miss me just apologize and I’ll walk away oh dear he’s still pissed off a he he’s a very triggered

    Man very very triggered man well clearly the other gu is not going to be coming back so I think we’ll just go no point hanging around is there I don’t know what he thinks the police are going to do but I don’t have all day to wait so I’m going to

    Go going to go goodbye holidan Express Muppet security guard with his angry belly what a fool so drop a like for the video if you’ve enjoyed it subscribe to my channel and I’ll see you on the next video

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