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    LankyBox: Epic Adventure!

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    LankyBox World!

    Today ly box is playing Spider-Man 2 we’re playing a Spider-Man is it so cool what this is one of the best video games we have ever played we get to play as Spider-Man and save the world from Evil super villain he tricked us ah no

    Ye W Laser cannon nice he OED him what Spider-Man no we get to web Slinger around the city fight bad guys and learn the origin story of Spider-Man and all of his friends we fight against Sam man bot meet the hunter Craven fight scorpion Dave Black Cat and so much more

    This video is like watching a Spider-Man movie on YouTube so make sure to grab some snacks and get comfy because this is about to be super awesome are you ready for an epic lanky box Spider-Man Adventure video let’s go hey Pete I’m working on a college

    Application and and it says I got to tell them about myself wow more like sell yourself it’s the worst you got any advice well take me hi I’m Peter Parker I’m 25 years old I have a bachelor’s degree in biophysics and I’m in love with the greatest woman

    Ever humble brag who is the best journalist in this city word go MJ I try to live up to the example set by the other greatest woman ever my Aunt May humble brag again and a while back I was bitten by a radioactive spider and got superpowers I

    Can’t put that in my essay hey I’m laying the track as I drive the train I’ve used my powers to help the city and stop a lot of people who wanted to hurt it like my mentor Dr Otto Octavius his lab got shut down by an old colleague Norman Osborne Oto retaliated

    By releasing a bioweapon in the end I managed to stop aotto but not without great cost that was pretty good but I’m no Peter Parker exactly your Miles Morales you’re 17 years old and a student at Brooklyn Visions Academy what else I guess I help out with my mom’s work in

    Harlem every now and then she’s councilwoman Ria Morales and there is a girl I like who’s spectacular and inspiring and I think is one of the best artists in the city and I also got bitten by a radioactive spider that gave me superpowers I learned how to be a Spider-Man from the

    OG but I learned how to be a hero from my dad he was killed by Martin Lee in the city hall bombing the good I try to do every day is the good my dad planted in me but but it’s been hard even with superpowers sometimes we can’t save the people we

    Love no matter how hard we try a hero is someone who doesn’t give up though and I don’t plan to I don’t know man I can’t talk about me without talking about Spider-Man sure you can you just have to uh yeah why don’t you just start another

    Draft woo yeah guys this is about to be a super special video ly box is playing Spider-Man 2 this is going to be crazy guys that was like a movie recap of Spider-Man 1 the game yo guys yo 2 years ago this is Crazy you’re ready are you good promise me something anything if this doesn’t work take me out it’ll Work I don’t have a lot of time left I want a chance to say goodbye I’m not going to lose You I will never let you go huh what’s that what guys this is nuts this like watching Spider-Man movie present day okay so now two years ago now it’s today got it oh they’re going to college why is he sad you have a bell for a reason take your seats I’m here

    Huh good morning class we have a new teacher joining us Today hi my name’s Pete Mr Mr Parker uh and we are all very lucky today because this is physics class and physics is awesome ever wonder how some insects and uh birds reptiles can just run right across Pond two words surface tension bathroom Okay like ad [Laughter] him now surface tension is all about cohesion now in equation form surface tension gamma can be calculated as the force exerted parallel to the surface of a liquid f divided by the length L of the line over which the force acts can anybody uh I I need your help

    Huh uh Mr Morales is it uh are you sure this isn’t something you can handle yourself I’m sure okay class uh read chapter 4 or five or whatever miles I need this job if the the principal comes back and sees I’m gone I’m going to get fired I know

    But you got to see this what’s going On oh they’re both Spidey man wa Marco why today I’m so getting fired it’s lit it’s lit y wow this is so cool oh I’m playing huh hey yo waa you’re swinging Evans already hates me for being late this morning bro I told you to be on time it’s fine we’ll

    Be back before we know it this is crazy my college application review with the school counselor oh finished your essay haven’t started oh well let’s get to the city and take care of Marco quick then who’s Marco we got to go guys we’re playing a Spider-Man Justin is Spider-Man guys

    This is going to be the best video ever guys you are in for a treat we’re going to play this game it’s going to be awesome the graphics are better than my eyeballs hey guys you might want to get downtown fast swing Jameson have you on the ground for

    The bugle still can’t believe old Triple J is your new boss really loving the new regime you’ll whip him into shape in no time so what’s up with Marco been years since our last Showdown according to Witnesses he was running down Broadway yelling nonsense they say he seemed angry and paranoid

    Delusional he just exploded man hopefully we can calm him down I’ve seen people lose control like this be careful good thing there too Spider-Man now good luck thanks MJ might need a new check we’ve been cooking up too no way they’re untested barely prototypes but you brought them right no

    Comment this is the coolest video game I’ve ever played in my life I feel like I’m Spider-Man bro this is nuts and you’re doing crazy tricks guys we’re going okay so something going on in the city guys we are playing Spider-Man 2 today it’s about to be lit the whole

    Game so far it feels like I’m watching a Spider-Man movie but we’re not we’re playing a video game hey yo don’t hit the wall okay nice find Sandman we got to fight the Sandman no dude is this the first boss already we got to find Sandman situation Spider-Man let’s move

    This is so cool dude I just want to say by the way guys I’m playing today but Adam has he’s the next Spider-Man Adam is the next Spider-Man guys that was a spoiler we might get in trouble for saying that but Adam is the next Spider-Man wow Dodge Dodge okay okay

    Yeah but I think we found him where is he there he wa nice what’s that Dodge it better Dodge that is that Sandman wasn’t kidding we got to help I hurt someone or don’t hurt me don’t hurt me ouch oh ye this time we got to stop

    Him quick I know what I’m doing I can dodge this Dodge nice get him what do I do uh-oh up bro oh I throw stuff he’s hungry should toss the big guy a snack oh I’ve throwing stuff at him yo this is crazy you got it man I got an idea Wa got your nose huh h uh-oh OU angry after all these years Marco you should try yoga must be more of a Pilates guy wa guys this is literally like a movie supposed to be a normal day de physics have awkward conversations in the teacher Lounge everything’s going to be okay save

    Her Spider-Man think you can sign for this delivery it’s coming in hot I’m there this is crazy where am I going okay I got him ouch mini Marcos what I wish I could do that uh-oh what oh what is that oh this is so cool zandman just puked out some new

    Friends what the he can do that this is nuts Dodge this is nuts he can use the web sling and attack ouch okay check this out web Slingo this is nuts Mr Parker I’m sorry who’s this principal Evans of course principal students have evacuated their classroom where are

    You they still think we’re at school something in my car what was that nothing I’m just wa what fighter barrage this is Ian I’m just running back right now get here and supervise your students or else that does not sound good what is going on I can’t even

    See you’re doing so good you’re oing all the sand guys I’m dodging spider barrage do it I’m almost there how you holding up uh miles principal Evans called man my getting expelled hey you’re just cutting class I abandoned students during a Citywide emergency yeah ye Yeet oh oh no it’s the big

    Guy let us out Z man I always hated that name I know you’re angry at me this has nothing to do with you leave me alone I want to help you but it’s going to hurt First oh y ouch uh-oh Spiderman no oh nice yes he wasn’t happy to reconnect yeah he’s not really the nostalgic type let me go we’re off kill you huh he’s not listening we got to turn it up a notch ow he hates water his shoulders

    Already wet bet he’s not a big fan of electricity then either read my mind oh what no way Spider-Man has electricity that all right we need more water though I’ll hit him with webs while I get Sparky I’ll keep the water flowing in the meantime yeah guys Sand’s

    Weakness is water cuz it oh ouch ouch let’s turn into some mud man yeah we turn him into a sand castle oh oh ouch guys this game is nuts what is this want some webs them myself I blast him with webs take your shot get him huh did I press the right

    Button oh oh okay you got it what do I do fire web blasters ow I’m just supposed to blast him nice now what pull up that bar stand we getting him oh you guys can see his health at the top I didn’t even see that yeah you got it man half Health oh

    I got to heal wao we got instant heals you’re actually in a movie dude dude I feel like I’m Spider-Man straight up ouch oh you took some damage there man guys we’re trying our best we’ve never played this game in our lives oh so I got to blast him it’s not

    Going to tell me what to do anymore I get it yep get up close now here it come this is what you’re all good ah ah somebody order some water oh we got some water nice wait I got to get closer nice bang Spiderman watch out uh-oh oh he grabbed him ow

    Ye ow ouch what you okay I’m working on it shot whoa watch out watch out Spider-Man watch out spider can’t get rid of me that easy time for his magic YY you there dude is nuts I know man but listen we need a big water source by Wall Street let me check the

    Stay safe dude you too Mr Parker we’ll do take that Sandman my friend Adam is the next Spider-Man plus we were super weird in class earlier knew I never should have taught it A Gifted school time for face to face uh I got to get higher uh nice

    Uh nice okay I got him his health is low guys we got got this you can do it what don’t like your own face Spider-Man is so cool Spiderman 100% chance to rank get him got him right where we want him it’s over ye nice guys the water tank on the mat

    Building should do the trick we’re talking 10,000 gallons here got it thanks gy should have stayed away spiders wa right where we want him I I too run he’s definitely getting bigger how’s he getting bigger we’re so close nice a ouch huh Spider-Man Iron Man uh-oh I just wanted to live normal like

    Everyone else this isn’t the way Marco for a guy like me there is no other way there’s always another way Marco oh what’s this wow this is getting out of hand ouch Peak what happened I ended up outside just keep going up and I’ll meet

    You at the roof I just got to e all these guys Ye Ye nice guys this game I literally feel like a superhero right now this is crazy this must be how Adam feels all the time what is that oh he’s throwing stuff at it ye

    Oh like a mini boss oh Spidey is crazy oh oh oh oh oh oh what’s going on I’m pressing every button on the controller as fast as I can guys I don’t even know what’s going on grab that I’m nuts oh you we look he’s weed this game is awesome get back here

    Stay inside guess he’s busy zip to point we don’t get that water tank uh-oh what my focus bar okay this is your focus bar heal using a full Focus bar okay what does that mean keep it moving mouse heal oh oh now we’re crawling like a spider

    Just I feel bad he want a regular life we got to save him oh it’s not it’s never too late never give up uh oh nice guys I’m still learning the controls defeat sand minions huh finishers are attacks that build the focus bar okay okay uh what was that two

    Buttons that’s too many buttons that’s too many buttons that was sick can I just keep doing that I don’t get it oh I need my focus bar to be full yeah you got to like charge it up uh come on grab everything okay how much PE I know you’re on every channel I’m

    Heading downtown coordinate res covering for you at school he is but I got this meeting with my counselor later and the principal thinks that listen I can talk to your principal but New York needs you right now coolest mom ever please be careful I’m going use my cool move you

    Got it dude take this out ouch can’t let New York down come here cool move yeah oh yeah I do that to Adam sometimes when we play fight that’s true I got my Spidey suit on everything right guys when we rough house he always uses that

    Move on me it’s the worst on the trampoline when I have my silly string and I’m spideyman listen guys I just want to say a real thing Adam is in the next Spider-Man movie you’re only making it worse for yourself Marco I don’t care oh ouch yikes how was I supposed to

    Dodge that what is this oh nice Dodge also if you dodge stuff you get more Focus I get I need to heal I need to heal all right guys make sure to get lanky box merch at Walmart and Target guys get the giant foxy Mystery Box guys get lanky box merch or

    Go to uh lankybox it’s awesome it’ll make you feel like Spider-Man are one or Spider-Man would right later mouse po this guy’s trying to write his write like a essay for school while he’s doing this use my cool guy move these moves are crazy but if this guy is made of sand

    Can’t he just make infinite clones that’s the whole idea right unless he runs out of sand how can he run out of sand when the earth is made of sand ouch I’m taking a lot of damage hold on stop ouch there’s too many of them you got it dude the water takes

    Ours throw something else at me I’ll Dodge it I dare you I dare you to throw something at me oh hey you’re teating okay actually it’s his now oh he got the water tank I need it hey sorry what’ I miss he’s drying to eat me what let’s give him a drink instead

    Oh did we do it uhoh break out the new toy the suits last software patch wasn’t stable but here goes nothing huh oh web WIS what he’s a flying spider Wings they’re flying but we’re not out of this yet Mark for Beach what happens if he gets

    All that sand I think he just did see he’s getting all the sand from the beach yeah I see him all right I’m right behind you I can’t see oh my goodness oh my goodness did I just get myself into oh my goodness you got to down innocent people

    Are in danger this is way different than Roblox we wouldn’t listen to Marco but they can’t ignore Sandman doesn’t have to be this way Sandman what who’s that Miles one and only I thought it was Iron Man but it was Spider-Man any ideas huh yeah class is back in session oh what a

    Cool line okay what is this use a focus bar to heal fight the sand minions okay easy Marco storm is generating a lot of electricity what happens to the surface tension of sand if you turn up the voltage F your right like when I shoted the mini A+ you have energy I’ll shoot

    It right at it I don’t know what they’re saying hey lightning can you handle it there only one way to find out I don’t know what they’re saying I’m pretty sure if you heat up sand it turns into glass oh that’s cool physics I think I

    Think that’s what we’re trying to do or something ye so windows are actually just sand redirect the lightning something like that got to break out the toys got to break out the toys what do they say likey box toys they probably that’s probably what they mean spider

    Barrage guys this might be the coolest video game I’ve ever played in my life this is amazing guys and Justin’s actually going to beat as many bosses as he can I feel like I’m in a movie right now which is how Adam feels cuz he is in

    The next Spider-Man movie guys that’s a leak but it is true wa using that water tank actually made me like really thirsty may you thirsty what you want to go get some milk yeah I’ll get some milk pretty soon guys Adam’s going to go get some milk after we beat this boss yeah

    Get him eat him wow these moves are so cool can I get you anything when when I’m getting the milk you going to what will you going Walmart Target I can get you some merch too yeah oh lit how do I get over there not oh you got it man

    Wave Wings you just give up because we promise to protect this city I promise to protect the city ye nice get him we webbed him goodbye Mister oh oh what’s going on wow we’re good uhuh ye wa Laser cannon nice we got him did we stop him Wow I have sand everywhere so Adam says we have we go to the beach yeah did we just beat that boss oh is that him Marco is going to be okay I haven’t been okay for a long time if you need help all you have to do is ask

    You’re the ones who are going to need help when they come for you what who uh-oh why would you say that come for us who are you talking about I guess there’s only one way to find out which is used to play this awesome video game 6 months ago what

    Flashback these Graphics are better than my eyeballs how’s this possible how’s this how’s this possible what’s he going to find uh-oh was that some ketchup that’s o no it was ketchup why would you do that if it wasn’t uh-oh time for a little Rumble in the

    Jungle you grow slow in your old age huh a fate you will not share I have been in your Shadow for hours but you sense nothing path hey don’t fight oh he OED him what I asked for an equal and this is what you find sir perhaps a new hunting

    Ground oh bad guys Spidey man those are a bunch of bad guys light the fires the great hunt Begins the great hunt what so is he a good guy is he going to help us fight bad guys or is he a bad guy I’m scared dude Spider-Man 2 let’s go man this is

    Going to be such a fun video guys guys this is about to get super litty bro super litty Spider-Man 2 it’s actually like we’re watching a Spider-Man movie with you guys guys Adam is in the next Spider-Man you’re going to need help and I think I’m going to need milk Adam need

    Some milk Adam needs some milk soon guys he might and also his mom was saying she’s going to go to Walmart Target later he was going to go with her yeah I think I might go grab some milk right now oh watch the cut scene I’m watch this Pete you seeing

    This the whole City’s covered in sand hold on I take miles nice I’ve got it you’re going to be Safe yeah same here hey gy I know I know the whole City’s Telecom network is down what’s happening to the requests that are coming in they’ll all get queued but wait uh I’m going to try a work around work fast right before the app went down I

    Saw a request for help at Liberty and Broadway Liberty and Broadway headed there now oh so guys now we got to do quests and help people clean up the city and stuff this going to be lit dude oh that makes sense what got into you guys this is going to be so awesome

    There they are oh let’s go help out but when we help out Adam I hear your mom I think she’s ready to go Walmart and Target bro yeah guys I’m going to go get some milk and I’ll I’ll I’ll bring you back some new lanky box merch from

    Walmart and Target okay okay okay thanks Adam all right I’ll see you soon man okay okay bye-bye okay guys Adam went to go with his mom to Walmart Target so I’m just going to play here for a little bit I’ve got you hold on help him you

    Okay I am now thank you you’re welcome guys this game is Chief needs your help huh who needs our help guys this game is so awesome there’s so much to do but I think we got to go and save the city right now guys we’re trying to

    Fight a bunch of those bosses and find out how to beat the game going to be awesome wa cool got a minute huh what’s up got a call with the precinct up ahead and cut out we got to get through to set up Triage on it Chief okay clear the obstruction so

    We’re going to help everyone move whoa that did it Spider-Man is so strong Mr Parker I need your help to get the app back online what do you need get to the roof of the building on cour and Lafayette what’s the plan it’s going to be hours before the Telecom networks

    Back up so we’re going to create our own network that’s a big job how long have you been planning this well dreaming about it since seventh grade but planning uh for the last 2 minutes or so okay I need to swing over there guys I’m still learning my Spidey swings nice

    Guys this game is so awesome the graphics are super cool and basically Adam’s mom in a contest she won a PS5 for a day so we get to play this today guys this is so cool this is awesome okay I’m swinging this is so awesome is that

    Where I’m trying to go yeah go nice there should be a launcher around there what is stuff environmental study by a new startup the launcher is for high altitude weather sensors and this startup gave us permission yes I checked with the head guy super nice seemed excited about helping out

    Spider-Man okay uh where’s the launcher there it is okay tell me what to do you still got that 3D printer built into your web shooters right I need you to build something real quick just sent you the blueprints got them okay we’re building something drone

    We don’t spy on people gy oh no no no it’s all opt in just New Yorkers sending messages to the app which gets routed through these drones which I call focused relay neighborhood data spots f frnd d did I just make a friend you did H seventh grade me was so wholesome okay

    Now how do we get this thing Airborne a lot of competing signal traffic so try to follow the path I marked on your visor it’ll give us a clearer signal what is this bro we’re flying a drone launch drone what hey yo hey yo oops I missed one oh oh I can’t I’m

    Bad at driving I don’t know how to Drive W local network should be online let me notify the app users okay I don’t get what’s going on but should start coming in any minute now the people are using an app with the Drone we did It back in business oh so now we have a map I get it level up let’s go nice guys we leveled up now where do we go so now I think I just follow the map oh what is this skill tree there’s so much to do in this game

    What is this slingshot launch I guess I get I need to get that get that yes what unique Skill Tree Guys there’s too much going on oh my goodness Venom Dash oh no no no oh no no no okay buy that one I bought that one we got spider Whiplash man that one’s

    Going to look awesome can I buy this one what is this spider Rush what is this I guess I’ll buy this one too nice what is this spider tornado or spider shock okay guys I don’t really know what’s going on I’m just going to spend all my skill points

    What is this spider Rush Express webbing okay buy that one too let’s go I want the the best one guys nice there crime report just came in uhoh oh so I get with the Drone everyone around the city can send this crime reports and we’re

    Going to go and save the city bro and we’re flying to the crime report this is crazy back it up let’s go come on we got to stop them which we will plenty of time cops are busy with all this sand stuff well let’s clear this

    Place out uh-oh come on load them up he’s here smash him uhuh hold that who stealing weapons not on my watch what I have a air launch now stop fighting us IDE was it to have a gun club in the city what there’s too many buttons too

    Oh oh it’s the new attack I’m going to start a petition replace all the gun clubs with something better I think that was a new attack like a compliment [Laughter] Club you take wait look I was going to web everyone ouch ouch stop I like webbing everyone look

    Look this was pretty funny okay okay okay okay okay I need to actually Focus eat eat so guys while everyone’s cleaning up the city with the sand these people are doing bad stuff h uh uh I got to save the city guys we got to save save the city he’s got something ye

    Oh we leveled up or something wa the finishing moves are so cool yeah guys like I was saying guys Adam’s been going to the gym a lot he’s been training he he is trying to become the next Spider-Man let me web this guy yeah yeah he can’t go anywhere we’re

    Just weing him this is what I do to add him guys I guess Silly String I do this to him it’s so funny and he can’t move I’ll stop you no matter what I’m going to do this cool move goodbye friend eat nice we did

    It nice did I finish the quest that was a big crew taking advantage while the city’s covered in sand wish I knew what got into Marco more of them coming huh let’s give him a warm welcome Spidey style b style oh what we got gadgets guys there’s a

    Lot to learn in these games I’m trying to learn it All Tech Parts okay what is this navigate to okay nice wa that looks cool buy that what is that going to do I got to fire it with that okay guys there’s a lot going on right now buy this too

    Oh I don’t have enough Parts okay watch out it’s a car huh it’s bad guys it’s bad guys you’re in our way yeah it’s one of my superpowers can I use a new ability can I use a new ability waa down I know trying to innovate here

    Give me a minute I’ll call you back oh man this is crazy bre masquerades his anger sometimes just keep looking for people to help no you sound like you’re angry I’m not angry miles just focused that’s what my mom always says when she’s angry come on you’ve known me for

    A long time what have you ever seen me angry uh I’m thinking it was a rhetorical question got it that one time we were playing a board game at your place and you kept losing I wasn’t angry at you I was angry at the universe won’t last

    Long guys now I’m learning all the controls all the different stuff you can do this game is crazy look I use my Spidey Gadget it wbed him that guy was stuck to a trash can nice w wow this game is awesome game is actually just Insane I’m so so happy we get to play this game today and hang out with all of you guys this is awesome what is it the new app is compiling hatch uploading I figured as long as we’re at it we might as well give it an upgrade we don’t need

    Anything fancy we just need to see citizen reports totally while the patch is updating we should widen the net let’s check in with Miles which with miles oh so we’re going to go back and forth that’s crazy guys over there she was having trouble breathing so we’re

    Playing as two Spider-Man what do you need get to the roof of that building nearby okay okay releas charge jump what is this yo this game is amazing guys I know I keep saying that not his stressed earlier you doing okay yeah there’s just a lot going on and I’m hungry and the

    Vending machine only has those plain low sodium table crackers oh man that sucks I’ll manage hey so I’m finally doing that app upgrade I’ve been talking about with the Little Help from My Friends that’s that’s a brilliant pun that doesn’t make sense to you yet but it will in a

    Minute guys the the wall climbing and stuff is so cool press this in the air to dive I I I can’t I can’t remember that many buttons at the same time climb the wall yo he can run up a wall I guess he’s Spiderman guys this is so awesome Spider-Man is Adam’s favorite

    Superhero um Adam thinks Batman is an Avenger which I I don’t think he is but Adam loves Spider-Man Adam wants to be the next Spider-Man I think he can do it guys I believe in my friend Adam I I believe in him this is so cool we’re swinging

    Around the city I actually feel like I’m Spider-Man this is crazy uh ye wow that’s so satisfying to do guys we’re getting to the top of oh what what so guys we’re we’re playing as both versions of sper Spider-Man and we’re switching back and forth to help

    The city cuz we got to go back and forth across the city it’s pretty cool huh so cool okay we made it wa can I do that cool jump thing again ye that’s so cool oh wait okay okay okay nice that is so cool guys okay let’s go

    Right here what is this we made it what do you need us to do hello hello look at him crawling spider I’m here there should be a launcher somewhere around there I don’t see anything that looks like a launcher oh it’s right here maybe it’s under the

    Sand under the sand clear the sand Mound so there’s something under here how do I clear it how would I do that huh huh oh maybe I could use this I don’t know ye that didn’t do it how do I clear the sand oh this oh that’s big brain guys that’s big

    Brain right there see the launcher now what you’re going to 3D print a friend 3D print Adam says that he says he wishes he could 3D print a friend I don’t know what he means I get it now f r n d let me guess friendly Network drone close but

    It doesn’t really matter what matters is that it uses spatial and temporal correlated signals over theair computation you’re a genius gy oh you I marked the path for optimal Network stability got to do this again stay in the path we’ll get a stronger signal I will stay in the path this time uh

    Uh ah oh yeah oh W I got them all I think local network is connected let’s go so they’re setting up like Wi-Fi or something new crime report I see it on my way okay all right I’m going do my cool launch again oh that’s so cool

    Y nice oh this one has web wings too okay cool okay wow this is cool we’re going to dive in there we’re diving in there we’re diving in there oh nice help is on the way where your helpful boys said Spider-Man was at the gun club got to move before he gets

    Here no there’s two of us hey need a hand uh-oh I’m going to rapidly tap yeah this is my favorite when you web them all the street ouch all of you guys are for one armored car seems like Overkill that is so cool the gadget is

    So instead of stealing you I don’t know try to help rescue people oh this is so cool oh no ye I’m going to web him to this thing wait this is so cool ouch stop stop hitting me trying to web you all more came from I’m not trying to hurt

    You trying to web you [Applause] how nobody tell Adam nobody tell Adam I OED nobody tell hey nobody tell Adam I OED I didn’t lose Keys there’s a last Smith up the street okay all right I’m going to stop messing around I’m going to stop messing around it was too fun

    Webbing people I’m going to stop doing that all of you guys are for one on the car seems like Overkill What If instead of stealing you I don’t know TR help rescue people stop hitting me Spiderman nice get him ouch I need to get better at dodging right now yeah there we go

    Okay nice it keeps telling me to fire web blaster so that’s what I tried to do but then oh he like danced on him he styled on him bro watch out okay perfect Dodge when your Spider Sense is red to automatically Dodge okay okay yeah I need to get better at

    Dodging yeah like that oh ni are you okay yeah Ma you okay see I’m downtown helping gloryia at East oh have you met with Mr sum uh no G heo Spider-Man isn’t going to get you into call I’ll make it Ma promise got to run enough of this bring in the big gun

    Big okay I get it when you dodge and it’s red you also web sling at the same time it’s pretty good get out of here like that oh it didn’t work get him I’ll take you down get up okay guys the combat’s getting a little bit harder cuz I’m I’m a Noob but

    I’m getting better nice we did it look at oh what uh-oh they got backup big boy okay Harry just before melee to stop them how do I do that huh oh I can be in physics class right now okay this guy’s really strong I got to

    Parry oh now I know how to Parry think this kind of physics better Harry I missed nice okay I got it goodbye nice I’ll Parry this ye what I parried that nice what I pared those I’m going to use this use my cool zapping weapon nice shoot the spider that’s bad

    Advice these finishing moves are so cool I need to Parry there we go yall AR very good at this did I take him out got his counselor if you need career advice I’m kind of low on health This Is Not Great oops uh-oh uh-oh I’m kind of low

    On health right now I need to stop don’t okay don’t don’t get up don’t nice okay I did it it’s kind of sus guys you guys can see I’m pretty low Health the app’s finally updated check it out okay how do I how do I heal ooh nice work new request just came

    In okay oh we’re going to go help okay gy nice work on the app this will help a lot of people thanks miles let’s hit these last requests and get back to school look this guy’s still here he’s not knocked out he’s just uh webbed listen learn your lesson don’t be bad be

    Good goodbye leave him right there okay I need to heal somehow I don’t really know how oops nice ye that is so satisfying okay guys so to heal you have to fill up your focus bar and to do that you have to actually be good at the game

    Which I am not but I’m getting better I would be better if Adam is here but he’s actually a Walmart Target right now with our mom he’s getting some mil and some lanky box merch which is awesome guys go to Walmart Target get lanky box merch or

    Go to LY Box Shop to get super awesome merch like I have default foxy here you can get her at Walmart and Target or luckybox but if you want like super rare merch like this is the poppy playtime kissy Missy collab foxy you have to go to lybo

    She’s so awesome this is one of my favorite plushies ever okay uh where am I going down here let’s go oh let’s jump let’s jump let’s use the wings oh oh I went the wrong way uh okay I’m just going to fall nice oh the building on

    Fire save them Spiderman save us I I’ll save you dude I’ll save you get some water g a crystal I’ll check it out uh a crystal what oh it’s a crystal what is that oh this looks like the thing from Sandman but it’s not what is that oh it is sandman stop

    Bro I thought we took him out I thought we took him out you still here Marco that’s what I’m saying oh oh miles it’s MJ just checking in I think I’m finding samman again did he escape already no I’m at the raft he’s right in front of me but I have a hunch

    Sit tight let me talk to his doctors yeah wait I thought we took out Sandman and he was like in that jail cell how’d he get out okay Venom punch oh no oh no ouch okay uhoh Venom smash what okay I talked to the doctor is there a sand Crystal thingy near you

    Yes okay the doctors say Marco’s mind is broken literally shattered into p freaky so why are these sand dudes attacking me probably bits of his subconscious trying to protest whatever’s in that Crystal but listen if you can find all the pieces they say you might be able to

    Make him whole again being a St person sounds complicated okay guys so it looks like the crystals have to do with Sandman and if we can find all the crystals we can save him which we do want to save him cuz he seemed seemed like he was just

    Going through a lot you know seemed like he was going through a lot nice we get them all I think we did Marco what was your subconscious protecting okay what do I do the rock kind of like Rocky bro kind of like rocky rocky says don’t break the

    Rock okay well we have to I’m sorry Rocky here we go oh one minute I was with you and the next you were gone talking Crystal okay hey seems like it holds a part of Marco’s memory MJ said that there were more crystals scattered around the city

    Got to keep an eye out that Crystal is called she’s gone hey you want to grab that last request looks like some VIP stuck in a limo that’s sad maybe um maybe Marco lost somebody important to him that’s sad oh what is this okay so this

    Is all the quests oh there is so much to do huh wipe left what I’m doing bro what oh skills gadgets oh there’s so much stuff in here okay can I can I make can I get more skills no we have no more skill points okay five left D that’s

    What I did what I did oh nice okay don’t worry Spider-Man’s on the way Yi is Mr sum still there yeah he’s with Haley right now she’s trying to stall him for you nice hopefully he’s going to tell me how to write my college essay you’re not done with that yet

    You know since I already got into ESU I could help you nah you do too much already plus if you helped me get into college you never shut up about it yeah that’s true so guys I think if we finish a bunch more quests we’re going to have

    Another boss fight coming up here pretty soon but we got to we got to make it all the way across town I never realized how busy Spider-Man must be cuz everyone needs his help that’s why I think Adam will be a great Spider-Man cuz he really he just drinks

    A bunch of milk and plays Roblox with me so he’s got a lot of time to help people hey stay away from that limo it’s the spider get him what is that what is that guys the moves are so cool I know I keep saying that but they’re awesome a Paparazzi with

    Guns oh use this thing y was the worst you know that we got this we got this why can’t we all just people be people nice webbed him ouch stop uh-oh all right guys the combat’s getting a little bit harder and I’m a Noob so I’m just going to keep pulling

    Stuff like this that gets rid of a lot of people ye no stop wait I might no no listen everyone nobody tell Adam about this no one tell Adam about this I did not let Spider-Man get beat up I did not if Adam was here he would know what to do don’t

    Worry I’m just going to I’m just going to keep my focus meter full so I can heal if I need to paparazzi’s bad enough cuz I keep using cool moves but they’re not helping this stuff should be illegal of the work you know that this isn’t going to be good why

    Can’t we all just let people be people oh nice ye nice anyone else alive oh we’re good see okay I just need to oh still someone there come here do the Air Attack yeah and do it again okay guys so I’m learning I’m just going to keep my focus meter up because

    Then I can heal person in the limo limo where oh wait wait where’s limo oh in here huh bro what limo bro oh show objective yeah I need that it’s right I knew it was right there what do you mean what the what is in the trunk hello

    Oh someone right there I see him hello how do I help him dude I’m right here H hello why did it do that oh oh oh I get it nice are you okay sir you okay huh oh there oh Hospital J Jonah Jameson I got to tell Spider-Man you Okay all right Mr Jameson let’s get you to the hospital okay Spider-Man you got to come see who the VIP in the limo was I shudder in anticipation cealing a hydrant then I’m on my way Mr Jameson it’s Spider-Man you with me hey Spider-Man look who it is what where am I

    Spiderman My Sunshine you okay help I’ve been abducted what no I I’m helping you man someone get a photo with this Mass criminals kidnap for loveed newsman some things never change just be nice to the doctors we’re saving you we’re not abducting you go The Swinging is so satisfying guys I

    Can’t describe it but I feel like I’m actually Spider-Man this must be how Adam feels boom no they kidnapped me I did not consent I I menaces I’m surrounded by menaces but J Jonah Jameson is not going anywhere you hear me I’m not going anywhere wait where am I going where am I

    Going Mr Parker where are you uh principal Evans hi yes this is me Peter Parker I I’m sorry there was an emergency and I I’ll I’ll be there soon I promise I better see you in 10 seconds or oh no um you’re breaking up I soon I do that to Adam’s mom sometimes

    On the phone game is so funny it’s so cool it’s our friends where’s Mr sum oh he just left something about going on vacation what that’s incredible Haley also while you were gone I found out that I got the Rand scholarship are you are you serious bro that’s like a full

    Ride well big day for everyone I’m really missing out oh man I can’t watch this but I also can’t look away principal Evans yeah guess who decided to show up today I I know this looks terrible looks I’m I’m so sorry it’s more than looks no I know I know I know

    I know and this is the last thing that I wanted to happen and it’ll never happen again I’ve had enough of this no I look no more excuses your job is to protect these students not to abandon them you’re fired no but he’s Spider-Man he was protecting people

    Dude you being Spider-Man it must be so hard keeping a job but I’m sure that you’re going to figure it out Not easy being Spider-Man that’s what Adam always tells Me wow oh okay back one thing at a time complete hey sorry about the job you weren’t the worst teacher we’ve ever had if that helps think I can put the that on my resume well listen there’s an open photo call at the New York bulletin I

    Just sent a shot in yesterday it’s not much money but it’s money that’s Robbie Robertson’s paper we used to work together at the bugle I think I know just what he’d like thanks miles no problem I might send him a few more shots too if I have time Robbie always

    Said don’t show me the city show me New York okay so I guess Spider-Man now cuz he just got fired as is going to go and get a new job which that that makes sense Adam’s mom always tells us that we have to go and get

    Jobs I think that might be where Adam’s at right now Adam’s at Walmart Target getting merch but Adam also trying to work at Walmart and Target I’m trying to work at lankybox meaning I’m I’m going inside the Matrix guys that’s where I’m headed that’s where I’m headed one day

    Inside the main frame okay it’s so cool how you can get across the city so fast Oh Captain America shield you guys see that take a photo wipe up oh okay hold take photo hold take photo trying I’m trying to take a photo bro

    Oh what is this a mini game I’m taking a photo what is this look at that I got a midair now to submit and Peter I’m a photo genius how you doing son Robbie hi I know this is out of the blue but I wanted to let you know

    I just sent in a photo for your open call wonderful we can definitely run this I got to dug into a meeting but if you find the Beating Heart of New York anywhere else send in my way it’s good to hear from you you too Robbie thanks what you have earned District progress

    By stopping crimes yeah open map yeah trying to do okay so we got to go around the city and get photographs nah bro what what are you talking about hold on okay oh I can get more skills I can get more skills I got get skills to pay the bills

    Okay okay three tiers of rewards guys I can’t it’s too much reading too much reading it’s too usually Adam helps with the reading I can’t I can’t read okay um I can’t read that much guys I can only read a certain amount per day about 400 words okay get this buy that whatever

    That is nice I want the max level one spider Whiplash that looks awesome how do I do it’s unaffordable I can’t buy that yet okay it’s fine okay so I guess I go around and just take pictures what I want to find Marco’s memories man the picture is kind

    Of like I mean that’s like a cool side quest but I’m trying to do the main quest you know where’s Marco’s memories I got I got to look up Marco’s memories uh let me look up West I should have read I should have read what they

    Told me to read I I didn’t read okay where’s Marco’s memories bro it should be here right Marco’s memory what is this okay that oh that’s just okay that’s like a side quest where’s the main quest bro guys I’m not smart enough to figure this out somebody please tell me in the

    Comments what I oh oh it’s over there go there look people just don’t even know that I’m Spider-Man look I’m just standing here no one cares I’m Spider-Man all right well anyways didn’t see you there I’m going straight to Marco’s memories bro cuz I think that’s what matters

    Oh that’s cool look Spider-Man can wave to people he said great outfit and they said nothing are you serious wow this game is so awesome okay oh it’s 2,000 oh that’s really far away okay we got it ouch we’re going to get over there we got to find more of Marco’s memories and

    Help him I feel really bad for Marco he said he wanted to be normal that like he couldn’t be that made me kind of sad who can we get across the water here you guys know that some types of spiders can actually swim you guys know that you guys know

    That well if you didn’t now you know maybe I can launch myself off this rooftop who I’m going to launch myself no I didn’t mean to do that oh no I’m trolling oh no is Sandy in all the wrong places okay might be time for a change

    What you got to change suits retrieve a spare suit no I I don’t have time for that dude I got to go save Marco do a spider launch y I used the wings suit that is so awesome I’m flying straight over to Marco’s memories I feel like guys if we can find

    Enough of Marro’s memories we can save him and make him happy and I feel bad that he’s so unhappy everyone deserves to be happy I don’t know I don’t know Marco’s story though maybe he doesn’t I don’t know I don’t know okay oh wa guys look

    At the detail look there’s people in the buildings they’re just like sitting there talking so cool I don’t know yeah guys let me know in the comments what the story is the backstory of Marco I don’t know what it is of Sandman we got to go get Marco’s

    Memories go go dude go dude quick recovery what does that mean ouch oh that’s what that mean hey clim okay guys this is like a big like giant video game where there’s so much to do oh there’s like a there’s like a treasure over there guys what is that I just saw

    That out the corner of my eye H I guess you can say I got Spidey senses now see what is this what is this what is this what is this criminals have stashed Tech Parts oh so this will help us build new gadgets that’s kind of cool hold the underground Tech

    Without the tinkerer they were picked apart like vultures okay so there’s just like Hidden Treasures around the map that’s cool this game is so much fun guys I love it and we love that we get to play these games and hang out with all of you

    Guys and show you these cool games and just kind of hang out you know and just have fun that’s what life’s all about guys about having fun about having fun and being positive it’s awesome let’s go go wow kind of it’s kind of harder to swing

    Around the city than I thought it would be for Spider-Man come on come on Spidey let’s go go Spidey go Spidey looks like one of Marco’s memory crystals miles told me about yep I should check it out oh it’s in here it’s in here it’s in here I I think yep

    There’s sand everywhere it must be in here how do I get up there though go this way where’s the memory Crystal wait what wait wait wait wait what wait wait oh no no the Crystal’s still here I don’t know it changed our objective I don’t know why it did

    That where’s the where’s the Crystal tell me where the crystal is is it in here I need to go in here oh no there it is there it is there it is oh no oh no see you guys again use the gadget wa I’m doing stuff I don’t even understand

    Well I shouldn’t have done that that was a Waste nice sand in my boots and my gloves this is a nightmare I’m going to use my cool attack waa spider tornado that was epic guys that was a cool move uh uh uh got him okay we got them all right yes we did to Che out that

    Crystal I’ll save you Marco I’ll save you dude break it open Rocky says no we have to Rocky I’m sorry let’s go someone’s watching us Kimia Kia I don’t want you to worry that’s my job Marco thought he was being watched and who’s Kia that’s what I’m saying bro wow that’s deep

    Okay okay so now now if I go back to my quests oh Marco’s there’s another Marco memory I want to find all the Marco’s memories guys the photos are cool but I want to find all of Marco’s memories cuz I want to learn more about him he

    Thought he was being watched who is he being watched by like a secret secret meanie you know I don’t know okay I don’t know where the next Marco’s memory is it doesn’t show me so I probably have to explore the city more and there’s there’s a quest here suit is Sandy oh

    Okay so it says that’s the main mission so so guys it tells you where the main quest is and which the side quests are so these are Collectibles you can see it says collectible I don’t I don’t want those I just want the main quest all

    Right I’m going back to the main quest let’s go wait so I thought Marco’s memories was the main quest I guess it’s not guys I’m a Noob it’s okay let’s go we’re learning we’re learning how to be Spiderman ye nice let’s go yeah so I guess when when there’s

    Crime reported like that it’s those are also side quests the main quest is to go get a new loot ouch nice wow I feel like getting good at swinging is like its own skill nice oh oh there’s another Marco memory I’ll get that one later guys I want to

    Just get the main quest right now oh it’s right there though I have to get it oh bro there so many puns and I don’t even know where to start oh bro I didn’t even want to do this I just got lucky pretty sweet any chance we make this easy why

    Are there so many of them that was bad uh-oh ouch stop I need to heal uh uh nice nice h h no bro bro bro broo stop stop stop bro stop stop bro bro bro relax relax only one or two of them left nice I need to heal yeah nice got that

    Heal use more gadgets sweet okay let’s just get this memory I’ll go back to the main quest guys I just got lucky Rocky’s actually okay with me breaking these because he says inside every rock is a crystal yep that’s Rocky’s message we’re all diamonds inside maybe I’m

    Being paranoid but everywhere I go I see them too work the corner store in the park they’re tracking us who Marco made a lot of enemies wonder if they finally caught up to him yeah but I wonder who you know all right let’s go to the main quest guys

    Enough of these side quests you know we’re swinging nice go oh okay that wasn’t great I got to get over the water somehow ye I use the suit I use this what happens if I don’t make it oh wait oh wait what happens if I don’t make it

    Spider-Man swim I hope you I hope he can swim uh-oh Spider-Man oh nice game is so awesome what wait I didn’t want to do that wait what where is this taking me no no I’m not going that way no no no nice get that new suit probably got that

    New suit from Tony Stark you know from Iron Man Nice we made it I was worried we wouldn’t make it w woo we are web slinging let’s go all right we’re going to the top of this building nice nice made it where is it oh there it

    Is we got a city token okay what oh you can buy suits dude D crap okay it’s too oh crap yo these are awesome which one should I wear guys I’ll try this one it looks cool this is awesome how do I unlock like these ones did I just unlock it

    Yo y yo these look crazy how do we even have this one yo yo oh I’m going to wear this one that looks crazy yo oh hey MJ hey I’m headed to your place to drop something off is the back door unlocked I don’t know left in a hurry

    This morning I’ll just meet you there okay cool you and Miles get back to school okay yep yep quite a first day for you hopefully tomorrow we’ll be quieter I am sure it will be see in a bed oh we didn’t tell her that we got fired worse than getting fired telling

    Your girlfriend that you got fired yeah we got to tell her we got we got to tell the truth man Spider-Man will always tell the truth this game is amazing oh wow oh wow look at the trees guys how is this game guys explain to me how the game the graphics are better

    Than my eyeballs like I feel like when I’m not playing this game it’s blur the world is blurrier than the game who’s that who’s that who traffic was awful tan man really made a mess seems like you’re getting the hang of that thing well it is convenient in the city

    But I’m not convinced I’m a bike person he convinced Me what’s wrong I got fired first day so excited about this job I know I had the whole semester planned out next week we were going to make a potato powered helicopter I’m so sorry I might be joining you in the unemployment line what Jonah already cleaning house

    Sort of he’s instituting a radical meritocracy yikes what does that even mean a big word means that whoever doesn’t write a front page story in the next week is fired oh well you’ll be fine then because you’re the best reporter they have what you got in there unsold some caret books running

    Out of storage at my place you got great reviews I sold 14 copies nobody wanted to read about Saria the bugle is the biggest Outlet in the city I can make a difference there but if I get fired I don’t know what I’ll do do you even need the bugle to do

    What you want to do I tried making an impact from the outside and 14 copies now I I need to change things from the inside I haven’t had time to clean back room yeah that’s a nice house I’m just going to tidy up a bit dude the main quest is to clean up our house yeah okay he does have a lot of leftovers and stuff guys this game is literally like Adam simulator bro this

    Is like what me and Adam have to do just do chores oh he got some bills bro what’s this okay that’s a lot of reading that’s a lot of uh-oh investigate May morgage the house to keep Beast Tolo now I’m oh is this Aunt May’s house I’m not really sure guys

    Exit okay what’s this oh man I’ve been wanting to play this need to find the time what is That hey look what am I doing I’m just going around looking at stuff hey yo what is the main quest oh some fruit Spider-Man probably eats fruit bummer the teaching thing didn’t work out what’s next do you think I don’t know to be honest I’d like to

    Take some time off but I can’t really afford to what about selling the house I can’t I mean I could but I can’t if you need time I can cover the mortgage no no I can’t let you do that plus you said Jonah might clean house I

    Won’t let him fire me I know how much this house means to you we’ll figure it out I don’t deserve you okay we’re cleaning up hey so have you thought any more about moving in we talked about this I need to be in the city close to where the action is

    But think of all the romantic dinners we could have here when was the last time you were home for dinner Fair Point hey what’s this what’s what oh photos is all this maze stuff yeah I need to donate it but not just yet what are you looking at some pretty

    Cute old photos of you man I haven’t seen these in a while huh I think that was in my bedroom why did she take a picture of that balance what does that mean wonder if this is still there I’m going to go take a look let me know what you find I’m going

    To keep looking at these photos you’ve never shown me G adorable okay we’re going up to our room to look at where that photo was taken this is good man they they they’re supportive of each other that’s great uh where’s the room where that photo was taken though maybe this one no

    It’s a bathroom probably over here where was that hole again yeah it looks like it was right there got covered up or something or maybe it was oh is Here there it is Spiderman is he a threat or a menace our phone lines are open Menace definitely a big fat Menace let me tell you something about this called superhero he’s neither super nor a hero so what is that out a fraad an attention seeker a bunch of nonsense what was

    That what was what Peter oh I uh I thought thought I I heard a a rat in the wall hey what’s what’s wrong it’s nothing I was just when I was your age I was head of the debate Club captain of the soccer team and second violin in Orchestra every year I wanted a new

    Feather in my cap but when I tried to add honor roll student on top I fell apart instead of being good at a few things I wasn’t good at anything so I scaled back balance is a process not a destination I’m still working on That oh come on come On that’s wholesome she was teaching him A Life Lesson point I can’t take too much on something’s got to give yeah he’s trying to do a lot of stuff check on MJ cuz yeah guys this guy was trying to be a teacher but then he’s also Spider-Man

    And that’s why he just got fired because he’s trying to do too much stuff that was a real nice memory she was teaching us a good life lesson Len uhoh just got a tip raph’s moving a couple of inmates to ravencraft tomorrow for evaluation they say who no but I’m going to find

    Out MJ what happened whoa doctors haven’t cleared me for MJ hugs yet sorry Harry I missed you I missed you too I heard about May I’m so sorry so how was Europe sorry about all that I was being treated in isolation here in the city

    And I I didn’t want you guys to worry about me is it the same thing your mom had it was past tense we think it’s in remission Harry this is I can’t believe it you look great I feel great I have to get to work dinner tomorrow Cony Island World

    All time sake it’s a Date that’s new yeah it’s a little skill she picked up when we were in suaria sorry for coming by an announced and all what no are you kidding you want to come inside actually I was hoping you might have time to go for a ride with me

    Sure I’m surprised the Frugal flyer is still on the road I was thinking we might roll like we used to is that my old bike n i I found it on the Internet it’s a close match though right wow yeah it’s even got the same stickers and everything you sure this

    Isn’t my bike you ready yeah where are we going you’ll see come on try to keep up okay guys you sure you’re up for this oh yeah I’m feeling good I was using the cane just for insurance but I don’t even need it I think you have more energy than I

    Do tell me everything it’s been keeping you busy just substitute teaching in between getting fired I’ve also been tutoring a high school kid he’s special reminds me a little of me actually lucky kid I never would have passed honor Cal without your help hey I read about your old boss Dr

    Octavius that must have been crazy that’s one way to put it yeah I wish you’d been around Harry why didn’t you tell me you were sick I’d have been there in a shot you wouldn’t have liked what you’d seen the treatment was horrible I was floating in a tank with a healing agent

    Yeah this is the guy from earlier nightmares a tank in the test tube yeah experimental stuff that’s intense I’m really sorry Harry guys I don’t know the backstory I don’t know the backstory but yeah wasn’t this guy from earlier where he was in like a tank wait we’re at Midtown

    High is that actually where we’re going can neither confirm nor deny uh this game is so cool to look at there’s so much going on but yeah wasn’t this a guy who was like in the test tube at the start of the game is he good guys

    Let me know in the comments is he good or bad I don’t I actually don’t know we don’t know this place looks exactly the same as it did 10 years ago [Applause] [Applause] uh-oh you okay thanks come on why’ you bring us here we both hated High School remember that time Flash and his buddies cornered me and broke my laptop we lost that presentation we’re the young entrepreneurs competition we’d work for months on that thing and the state meet

    Was the next morning I had a backup on a USB but it was in your locker we called the school begging to let us in but they said no no it was after hours we were so desperate we walked around the entire school trying every door until we got to this one wait

    What I remember we had a jimm it I got a bad feeling about this shall we I got a bad feeling oh it’s a flashback ghost is clear come On you sure the drive is upstairs in your locker pretty sure what you said you were sure I was I mean I am why are you asking now I don’t know I’m nervous next up to B is we went back in time number 12 Eric monelli it’s

    Rightfield Rick what’s he doing here on Friday night listening to the game RB show us that rookie of the month stuff kid you’re going to be on this team forever make a run for it no wait see us dou this guy is the real deal folks

    We’re going to see him around for a lot of years distract the janitor pressure on this team just aim it at something loud home stretch rising to the too messy flash get ready to be tackled a runtime error no we need noise not property damage that was a okay I’m going to push

    The car into this thing we’re going to back the plate with two outs and nice I don’t know count too this is what criminals do am I a criminal now hey forgot to tell you I showed our presentation to my mom she thought it was really great she had one critique

    Though the name she said we should rename it heal the world holy cow that’s that’s perfect right once we get to the top of the stairs your Locker’s right there right get down uh-oh did he see us I don’t think so split up we me back at the

    Gym hey who’s that we’re in trouble we’re in trouble mday uh-oh Uhoh oh oh no I’m Out where are you you little punk someone in here playing tricks huh I could really use a refill on my web shooters wait I think I have extra web fluid stuff in the photo lab I got to go to the photo this still kind of new I got to get better at fluid

    Management oh in here yo I’m on the walls guys I’m a little going to be around oh okay where do I go spidey sense I use my Spidey Sense to show me up there oh oh okay ye Nice is this the photo lab oh library to photo lab photo lab to gym gym to Locker easy there he is need passed him path is clear time to move go go go what’s that that was close hey I really wish I’d backed this project up online where do I go over

    Here was definitely a kid no such thing as the ghost the spider’s best friend we’re in the Vans we’re in the Vans nice get in there okay where did I leave my web fluid stuff right here I know I put these under here somewhere nice gotcha shoot uhoh This is real intense keep moving keep Moving okay now to mix this up just Right hello friend okay now what I really should figure out how to increase the capacity these things so I don’t run out now to meet Harry at the gym okay the gym is on the other side of that fan got to get past it I can blast it to stop it ha pretty

    Cool I like the spidey sense shows you where to go old backpack forgot I put that here got to start track of these things nice who can’t get away from this guy got to distract him so I can get out of here where are the distractions what I

    Do oh hold this to aim ye what’s that got him got him this is me making a break for it run I got to get up there jump go go go just stay where you are kid stop running away nice where do I go now I bet Harry’s

    Already at the gym got to hurry y we’re doing all this just to get a school presentation are you Serious make a new one honestly at this point right field Rick got to move him away from that door pull themselves out of their oh I got to move him away from that door what how am I going to do that I’m scanning oh really sorry for the mess Rick sorry buddy okay now you can’t tell me we don’t have a ghost a ghost just a spider I’m going to drop behind him are you serious what these guys are made of in the go oh dude I thought you got caught we got to

    Grab that thumb drve and get out of here let’s cut through the gym it’s coming back that was crazy this place looks the same except no security guard on her Tails which gives us a minute for some hoops you sure you’re up for this question is are you let’s see it big

    Talker oh a little rusty no biggie all you what what is this a a mini game tilt control how does the how does the controller know where I’m aiming hey yo what kind of technology is that bro I’ve never seen this in my life Ye nice Swit I am so happy you’re feeling better seriously every time hey I didn’t get a chance to see what you did with Ma’s house nothing yet I’ve been busy and I don’t know feels weird to change it I get it that must have been really tough

    Pete no rush okay here we go okay this is basketball simulator no Problem swish well when NJ moves in maybe she’ll help with the house I don’t know you don’t think she’ll help I don’t know she’ll move in oh huh well I mean it seemed like you guys were doing good she was at your house we’ll figure it out we always do

    Eventually oh three points man three points easy right here easy what’s the score I have no idea me neither thanks for bringing me here I needed this me too nice but we’re not done yet I know that look what are you up to still think you can find your old Locker where do you think that security guard is probably still in the East Wing then let’s get that thumb drive out of your locker and get out of here okay we got to make flash pay for breaking your laptop Let It Go you can’t just let him

    Get away with it he’s captain of the football team and I’m a backup singer in GLE Club he’s going to get away with it our best revenge is to win that competition Tomorrow okay we’re getting the getting the presentation again quick get under there huh whoa got to get him back in that elevator I checked this floor three times already this is a goose chase somebody in there what’s going on go go go what oh he’s leaving he’s leaving nice we’re sneaking he’s

    Gone there it isck with that one nice what is this how did you go on take It who’s that nice touch is uh this guy part of all this too nope run dude we’re going to get arrested not if he doesn’t catch us uh-oh run this is not the kind of nostalgia I like nice you still got that thumb drive yeah just got to make it to those doors

    Almost there open up it’s the police I called the cop you’re in trouble now no hold them off for just a minute I got an idea what should I do don’t get caught what wait I keep forgetting yeah he’s Spider-Man no no police let’s go you’re trolling

    How’d you drop that bro hey you the one who called us yeah they’re in here somewhere all right you two spread out well we get this guy’s statement now to get the guard alone so I can get the thumb drive back they’re in here distract them to get that back

    How would I do that bro tell me what you saw well uh rightfield Rick I mean the School Janitor okay he’s distracted what have you actually seen well what do I do have you actually seen them not so much but I’ve heard them how can you be sure there’s more than one

    Shouldn’t you be looking for them they’re probably getting away right now I blast them no let’s take a breath shall we who oh the camera let’s take a picture it’ll last longer how about over here don’t move I’ll be right back nice okay he’s by himself he’s by himself

    He’s alone how do I get it now for something I like to call the upside down pickpocket how do I do that I got to get over here playing tricks that’s time for this come on get it that should put me right above him what we made some oh no

    Oh no that tea I like grabb it no I got to chase some hormonal trouble got it what’s that now how am I supposed to get out of here I just want to tell you how I’m Feeling you understand never going to give you never going to let you down okay got to go go good get out of there not time to celebrate go uh-oh we got to hide it’s not the cop it’s my dad his dad that’s the guy that put him in his test to

    Bro dad I told you I’d call you when I got home it’s your mother huh what happened uh Peter would you excuse us for a moment What happened to his Bomb no Bro Harry what is this you know I still think we would have won state if we’d presented lot’s happened in the last 10 years it’s a miracle I’m even sitting here Now I got a second chance and I’m going to take advantage of that but I need you with me Pete wow this is uh a lot to process why don’t you come by the lab tomorrow check it out you have a lab already I’ll show you some of my ideas

    And we can talk about it some more deal sure oh so we’re going to heal the world he gave us like a lab card so he basically gave us like a job to come work at a lab with him but can we trust him I don’t know I hope so he’s our

    Friend what’s that what is that you are confirmed Strike Force K1 on approach status reort the Mana and Arena are nearly complete recon units report in the sand man eluded us recapture not an Option then he was not the one the one awaiting order sir prepare for the transfer tomorrow and do not fail again what are they they’re trying to capture Spider-Man uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-uh oh he’s applying to college my name is Miles Morales and even I’m bored [Applause] already Oh hey miles you busy I need whatever it is I’m down need some help with a babysitting Mission at the r sounds fun fill me in on the way he’s skipping his homework don’t give me that look pops I’m only taking a breaka mi how’s the essay going it’s it’s

    Going uh going to head out though Pete call for us some backup we’re just it’s better if I don’t know the details I’ll be fine Ma um you know how there have been a few nights recently where you’ve been working late and so I also worked late well I wasn’t

    Working don’t give me that look I’m not in any trouble it’s just um I’ve been going on some dates dating actually oh right and there’s this one guy I’ve seen him a few times and it’s well it’s it’s going well now what are you asking me I’d like to have him over for

    Bone I’m sure there’s some spider stuff I can be doing I can give you some privacy no I’d like him to meet you and I’d like you to meet him but if you’re not comfortable I totally understand M look you had me a aboutone I see you Okay better head to the raft okay we’re going on another Mission maybe these wind tunnels can give me a boost wind tunnels oh right web Wings there’s another one this game is so awesome guys I should catch that up dra whoa okay now what nice oh I’m trying to get all the way over there okay ye nice nice oh oh there another one

    Okay nice I got to get in the wind no nice like that yes this is so awesome I didn’t know Spider-Man can fly I should check the view Spider-Man can fly bro hey miles I’m just getting to the raft you on your way would have miss it

    Who were babysitting MJ got a tip yesterday that Scorpion’s being moved to Raven craftt not enough resources for him since Sandman became his roommate scorpion can definitely throw a tantrum I’ll be there scorpion hey it’s another one of Marco’s memory crystals oh yeah I saw should take care of that okay well

    We’re going to stay on the main quest guys there’s another Marco memory but we don’t have time to get it right now guys this is so awesome I did not know I did not ever know that Spiderman could fly this is blowing my mind right now oh we are literally flying

    Dude let’s go man all right I’m heading over there I’m on my way Spider-Man except I’m Spider-Man let’s go I’m almost there look at the graphics though that’s crazy ye nice look there’s our new suit hey man glad you can make it looks like I’m just in time who’s That who’s that keep it moving gargan huh oh he is like a scorpion ready for the next one next one thought we were just babysitting scorpion today what if they all get loose who’s this Martin Lee Miles Huh miles it’s fine I’ll be okay oh what what is that little early for fireworks we got to go I think the Martin guy was the guy who attacked Spider-Man’s Dad I think guys if I’m wrong I’m sorry I don’t know red yellow if these are make sure the prisoners are secure

    Uh-oh uh-oh I’ll take left protect the ship B up on me what’s going on what they’re invisible it’s the guy from earlier what yo I feel like I’m watching a movie straight up what go go go move they are very strong I really should have stretched

    Head will make a fine SL what heavy attacks cannot be dodged Parry heavy attack when the warning Chang so I can’t Dodge I have to Parry uh-oh nice those blades are sharp you must be new in town hi I’m Spider-Man oh there’s a lot of them these guys are bad news definitely want

    To keep them in prison get out of our way it does not concern you we can the Welcome Wagon spider tornado Spiderman these guys I was hoping you knew we’ll cover you keep it out of the ship on ouch wa out the def up don’t overwhelm the guards and

    Break down the door fight barage I use this thing too they’re trying to get inside the ship they want corion and Lee we got to stop them okay so this is those bad guys these guys seems like your Club has plenty of members you will see and it will be glorious

    Not liking the sound of that they’re trying to get the prisoners uhoh they just keep coming there’s so many of them stay out of this misconception spiders are not actually insects what yes they are maybe beside the point right now he said spiders are not insect what keep

    Fighting okay nice get out of here don’t get up Spiderman focusing we can’t let him get near the prisoners oh there’s more guys up here stop uh hello Spider-Man use this woo I just yeated him off the boat that was pretty good okay I think

    We did it we do it hello controls are kind of wonky hey stop Spider-Man stop doing that why is he doing that what okay I have a shot oh he’s still oh there’s still one here come here buddy got him who’s this man what is that a robo

    Bird ouch what are you vultus Kid stop Uh-oh who are these guys don’t get distracted by the spiders a quarry lies within they’re definitely going after scorpion can’t let them get inside this ship uh-oh oh I got to web strike them what is even going on finish him finish him no there’s a lot going on right now guys

    Okay I got one of them on the way there’s another one right here get him nice nice these guys got a lot of Health okay I got that one what is it what this guy crash landed out of the sky Spiderman I got your back nice

    Entrance you seeing these guys a lot of money in Tech here yeah they’re not messing around seem desperate to get their hands on Scorpion Lee those guys get free again stay focused Spider-Man the presence is unexpected man who are you people and where did you even come from from I’ll

    Give them one thing they know what they want no okay guys listen nobody tell Adam that happened again okay guys the fighting is getting a lot harder but I’m I’m just messing up I will beat this guys they will not set the prisoners free we must stop them you seeing these

    Guys a lot of money intact here yeah they’re not messing around seem desperate to get their hands on Scorpion Lee we’re both if those guys get free again stay f you Spider-Man you won’t have B the Ning the presence is unexpected insignificant man who are you people and where did you

    Even come from I’ll give them one thing they know what they want that was dope that was pretty cool Spider-Man how you doing you know that thing with the Hydra the more heads pop up that we’ve got him on the ropes firing barage I’ve got a little

    One little one you better be talking about the other Spider-Man cuz I’m a half inch taller than him at least loot why didn’t we know the rft was moving Lee doesn’t matter now let’s just focus on taking these guys out whoever they are woo okay guys I realized what I wasn’t I

    Wasn’t web slinging enough if you web sling them then they can’t blast you I didn’t know that I can just web sling these guys I didn’t know I could do that oh I didn’t know I could do that see I just web sling them blast

    Them oh I’m out of webs oh I didn’t know I ran out of webs come on come on come on stop it there only one of them left I think we’re okay there’s just one of these little things left just blast them nice okay nice oh man what now yeah what does that

    Mean uh-oh uh-oh Huh uh-oh we got to get this ship free uhoh they’re pulling the ship mday mday people inside are going to drown I’ll keep trying to get these things out King Arthur makes this look so easy I got this there’s more people inside let me worry about them nice oh there’s like three More Spider-Man you got to get top side as soon as I get everyone clear oh we’re controlling him now you okay in there trying to get out looking for civilians on the way it’s bad man what happened out there did those guards get to safety hello no signal better hurry

    Up wa it’s getting worse out there this is intense we got to rescue everybody we got to save everybody we’re Spider-Man oh nice there someone out there scorpion he got out and he threw me in here scorpion got out uh-oh I’ll get you out stay calm I’ll find another

    Way electrical access sounds promising okay Nice hope Pete’s got eyes on Scorpion these guys have no idea who they’re letting out out there I got to follow this line promise come on backup power be here wires lead to backup power yep water’s Rising I can’t get back the way I came in these Graphics are insane

    Current is powerful in here even I can feel it I can’t let it get to that guard this amount of electricity will fry him alive we’ll save you dude we’ll save you what Happ what you do I need you to stay away from the water okay got to drain the excess energy nice

    Uh-oh uh-oh thanks a million kiss he tricked us no I saved you really no uh-oh can’t be he h the guard no what what this isn’t real We Have Eyes on Scorpion the super over here maybe I’m just a guy who doesn’t give up give up give up up I’ll never give

    Up what we’re like seeing our own dreams our life miles it’s so peaceful without miles now that you’re Spider-Man I don’t have to worry anymore time’s running Out so yeah guys that cut from scorpion it must be making him see things oh my goodness this is this is the craziest video game we’ play in our lives here I have to find them this is crazy get out of here C Spiderman please what are you waiting for I’m not like

    This what The clear we got him no no leave leave you cannot Escape huh all right it’s time to fight what is that is insane Venom power I can barely control it oh it’s venom power no Spiderman they got me scorpion too I’m after them now do you think you can handle Lee I

    Can turn around right now no I got this go on are you sure I can’t let him near my family again not after what he did to my dad I have to protect them they need me man nothing will happen to your family nothing you got this I’ll be back soon you got

    This yeah guys I think that was the uh-oh nice okay okay I think we’re good oh there’s one more stop get him out of that nice can I get up there please nice okay that all of them yeah oh we’re going after them get back Here stay right here some do this SPID and receive me you’re not taking him and you are not they are our uhoh let’s see you try nice nice nice ye no I should have parried that okay nice oh that was really good ah fire you fool I don’t know who you

    Are but you mess with the wrong City you and you think I’m naive there a lot of people around me I need to do something no stop I thought I was doing good okay why is this so difficult bro a n here do this cuz I need a Parry that

    What am I doing taking him You bury it dude I need I need to learn how to Parry better nice I’m trolling I’m letting Spider-Man down I’m letting all the Avengers down right now stop it Justin here stop it JY and me use the Parry you are naive they are out good for you

    Nice yeah I need to stop trying to dodge and just Parry sometimes stay down don’t get up stop it okay nice okay nice okay okay okay okay I don’t know who you are but you mess with the wrong City you can and you think I’m n okay I parried it

    Stop block with your blades nice okay at least I got to heal nice throw it at the birdie nice stop nice nice all you we do it did we do it this guy’s uh uh okay he’s webbed we good oh wait someone in here hello oh someone right there what is he

    Doing what are you doing buddy get down from there I can’t end this Mission until I get rid of you come here ye got him okay that’s all of them it’s the guy the hunter guy uh-oh huh Uh-oh Spider-Man things just went from bad to e river on fire bed that’s well okay I’m on my way we’ll deal with scorpion later come on come on it won’t start save them I got you hang on to something H too many buttons W it no they’re getting

    Away no you don’t nice please not going anywhere no no no that propeller run I’ll stop it I’m here guys I got you web the propeller huh oh I got a pull it off uh-oh why are these guys so evil bro stop oh come on so I can stop that

    Propeller oh that was pretty sweet stop always the guys with the blasters that are just always getting me get down from there we’ve got him stop don’t do not blast me again you people please stays with me okay nice got him hit back harder nice I’m parrying Parry nice Shockwave got him

    Nice get yeated nice Uh-oh no Spider-Man no oh the other Spiderman’s here you we just going to let me die you don’t know what you took from Me Spiderman let him go Spiderman I need your help [Applause] you First Responders are on site now at least police are still fishing but there’s no sign of them any Lu up River nothing but debris who were those guys whoever they are they’re packing some serious Tech and now they got all that plus Scorpion and Lee hey hey whatever they’re

    Planning we’ll find them we’ll stop them yeah Pete when I saw Lee inside that ship my Powers they you think his energy got entangled with Yours I don’t know man but if feels volatile well wherever electric blue came from it saved the day back there hey we’ll put Lee back where he belongs promise don’t leave me hang in trying to soak over here not on my watch come on you’re too much man Hang in there Miles wow guys that was really intense this game is so cool yo this game is so cool okay they’re getting new abilities here like chain lightning or Venom punch huh I like them all oh Venom smash what is that I’m so confused that one’s kind of

    Cool okay Venom smash I like that one oh so you can choose which one you have I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it this one yeah I think that’s pretty good that’s it’s pretty good okay let’s just

    Move on okay now let’s check our quests and see where we’re going not on my watch okay let me see um let me see where it’s supposed to go now where’s the main quest now there’s another Marco memory guys I’m trying to get to the

    Next boss fight I bet it’s going to be crazy oh we got a skill point we got a skill point I get a new skill I get a new skill oh I haven’t gotten any skills as this oh I have venom Dash okay oh cuz he unlocked Venom oh that’s

    Kind of cool okay and then I got to equip that I think oh yeah I got it I got it equipped I got equipped cool okay cool I think we’re good now I got to see where to go hey getting used to hearing that voicemail you dropped you a pin want to

    Come through anle Aon what too busy to visit [ __ ] fan N I was just giving you space after you got out don’t need it besides we got to settle some things we do see you soon kid just go see him and get it over with mouse then we focus on whoever took Le

    And Scorpion something tells me they’re planning something big huh okay guys I think this is the main quest we’re going to the main quest we got to go and uh we got to find another whoa yo yo Spider-Man can what what he can skate oh that is so

    Sweet okay but I need to I need to get over there quickly you got you’re probably supposed to like fly through the city and stuff but I feel like this is just faster so I’m going to do it nice Nice so guys we got to go we got to go and find uh we got to go and find those bad guys that got away hey friends it’s Dan you are listening to the Dan cast get this now the fastest growing podcast in New York hold on to your knickers Jonah I’m

    Coming to the ground for you new listeners welcome the Dan cast is your spot for real takes on real news about real people did y’all hear about this train worker Dennis who singlehandedly kept the trains running during the sandmen attack main track control group got cut off by a power failure and he

    Had to patch in from his cell phone on a Hotpot to keep the lines up thousands of people got evacuated to Queens and Brooklyn thanks to him Dennis we at the Den cast salute you keep doing what you’re doing this guy Spider-Man’s listen to a podcast while he swings around fighting

    Crime are you serious Spider-Man’s awesome okay let’s go we’re almost there it’s like across the whole city 2,000 that’s really really far nice this is so amazing let’s go come on what breaking what’s going on come on get up there Spider-Man come on Spider-Man we got crime to go save or uh

    Crime to stop yes go okay let’s go now I hope we’re going to a main quest we better not be going to a side quest I should actually probably check that I do not want to go to a side quest right now oh I’ll go on this can I go on this yeah

    Sweet oh let’s go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay I should probably check to make sure this is yeah know this is definitely the main quest it has to be it’s so far wow this game is so beautiful photo discovered no waa woo woo all right we’re getting there we’re

    Getting close 800 meters Woo we’re swinging through the trees and stuff there’s a lot of side quests I see but I we’re not going to do any of right now come on Ye Ye I feel like I’m Spider-Man dude ye 300 come on so close come on WOW the running and Swinging is so

    Satisfying guys I love it here it is there it is there it is there it is I see it come on oh yeah 100 m away there it is let’s go what is this we really got to do this with the mask on depends relax Your dad used to give me that exact same Look Kid Martin Lee someone got him out I know what you’re thinking miles this is not on you we can’t let him live up here it’s just another kind of prison it’s not that easy never said it was but sometimes you got to push the past away so you can make room for the

    Future that’s actually why I call need your help getting something good forget it myself but parole means prowler’s retired what is it just some old Tech I got to get off the street stashed it by a decommission roxon lab near Central Park yeah I know the one are you really putting Prowler behind

    You behind us we getting something how did you and Miles that Lee business don’t be stupid yeah Yeah I’m serious miles I’ve heard this dude could turn your brain into scrambled eggs leave it alone now what else is going on with you our school college anyone you like I don’t know so there is someone okay so we’re here what am I looking for just use your eyes nephew

    Uploaded some Prowler code into your mask when I swiped it of course you did the stash stays hidden until it protects the code for my suit okay we’re looking for something for him where is it find his instructions where uh hello where am I supposed to

    Go my Spidey Sense is not telling me where to go oh I think I’m I’m in the wrong spot now I think it’s in here oh hold this oh what is this what is this I’m scanning for a code maybe it’s here oh y last step is to decrypt the

    Key give it a shot don’t cheat take your time wa done not bad hereid okay Okay this wa nice nice I got to move this down here oh I can’t pull it from down here got to get up there then can I pull it no oh yeah nice you would have made a decent and Prowler you should be seeing how to get inside

    Now wa it’s like a secret Base what’s in There got it you want to finally tell me what this is old suit prototypes feel free to keep it some good Tech in there cool could definitely use this oh we got a new suit we’ve got a rare Tech part use your resources to unlock suits gadgets and suit Tech okay what we

    Got okay suit Tech Select Health yeah oh we can upgrade guys you can upgrade your suit there’s so much stuff you can do in this game upgrade nice okay it increased our health by 10 oh that’s kind of cool and I don’t have enough parts for the next

    Thing can I upgrade my damage wow that’s so cool I don’t I I don’t have enough stuff can I upgrade this you probably like fly further man okay so I don’t have that stuff that cool though this isn’t the only stash whoever freed Le sounds like my

    Tech is right up their alley don’t want it falling into the wrong hands you’re the only person I trust with this okay I got you coordinates are in The Mask thanks nephew don’t be a stranger okay so I think about this you to Uncle Aaron with some stuff

    Ah and before you ask me again hiso let’s see what’s going on basically we can maybe we can find more Tech upgrades for our suit if we want they’re kind of like Collectibles what is this is this the main quest though guys I’m always looking for that main quest

    Hold on I can switch to Peter also what wait there’s like two different quests hey yo let me see where the main quest line is I don’t see it so maybe I have to go back to Peter to continue the game let’s see Glitch yep yeah we’re back to him fireworks probably without a permit let’s see let’s see there’s a main quest here there we are these are more of Marco’s memories okay no so I think you can play as either one I don’t think it makes too much of a difference huh this is where

    We are right now I should warn those folks that that’s illegal in New York I’ll play as the other character for now nice that’s so cool you can go back and forth I didn’t know that guys miles Club Fair remember you on your way oh right that’s today Mr

    Atlas is confirmed to be here he’s got the best music technology program in the state and I heard he’s talking scholarships I have so many questions for him be there soon okay so now this is the main quest we got to go here we got to go all the way over here

    To some uh some sort of convention let’s go I’m on my way 5,000 m away good thing we’re web slinging Pros see now I wish I upgraded my suits movement so we could get around faster but that’s okay still lit Nice nice let’s go man it’s literally on the other side of town that’s crazy go all right let’s fly another day another disaster befalls our beautiful city and guess who’s to BL in what should have been a routine prison transfer the Spiderman felt the need to inject themselves into a situation

    That was already being handled by the proper authorities and completely botched it a new group of mercenaries made their presence known in the hijacking of the super villain Scorpion and Mr negative not much is known about this new Collective other than their pension for animal skins but one thing

    Is abundantly clear the spider did nothing to impede them yes we did law enforcement been allowed to do their jobs these criminals wouldn’t be in the wind right now looks like we have an eyewitness calling in caller you’re live hi Jonah thanks for having me just want

    To point out that what you’re saying is a total lie go I was there on the pier law enforcement was completely outmatched the Spider-Man saved countless lives and almost stopped those bow and arrow Geeks too first you’re lucky to be alive second let me ask you

    Just this week alone can you guess how much property damage those Vigilantes are responsible for no but that’s not the issue here I don’t have time to get into a circuitous whataboutism argument when there are costume criminals reducing our city to Rubble on a daily basis think of all the

    Shipping delays we’re going to face because of this when you can’t shave because your favorite cream is trapped in shipping make sure you thank the Spider-Man time for the bureaucrats to do their job we need action and also a word for our sponsors okay that guy does not like the

    Spider-Man that’s okay not everyone has to like us guys that is that is life guys I found I found some more parts on my way so I’m just going to get them cuz maybe this will allow us to move around faster which would be helpful this game there’s a lot of moving

    Around where’s this code man beeping hello where is it on this side dude am I am I a noob where where is it I mean don’t don’t answer that guys I know I am oh there it is what it’s beeping where’s how’s it Blocked am I trolling where is it I’m I’m am I am I trolling guys I just want this to move faster but I’m actually going slower cuz I’m stopping to do this where where is it dude where is it now a lot of people are watching this think I’m an idiot which I

    Am this makes no sense where is it trolling am I get guys am I getting trolled really there’s no way it’s blocked how do I get in there I scan this what I scan This I’m going to web this I’m what what do you Mean where is it where are they are you trolling Me stop B Spider-Man oh it’s right here I’m so dumb bro wait is it all right guys I’m sorry I’m sorry I failed you all I’m just going to give up I’m honestly I’m just going to give up bro it’s not E bro how is it block I’m sorry everybody I failed you All I’m sorry that was a total waste of time honestly box say are you serious JY don’t give up yeah you’re right man don’t give up man never give up Man why does it say block like why does it do that Bro guys I’m be honest this part of the game is frustrating cuz I don’t understand what it want wants me to do I’m sorry I’m sorry to everyone watching I’m I’ve failed you is it here why does it say block don’t say that maybe I’m on too high of a level

    Like maybe it’s down Here if it’s down here I’m be so mad a guys I really want to give up but I don’t I I don’t want to give up let all of you guys down If someone knows where this is please leave in the Comments why does it say block what does that mean what does that mean what could that possibly mean Huh oh wait I saw I saw I saw it I saw it I saw it I saw it I saw it it’s right here what is it here get down there Spider-Man I saw it dude I don’t cry man go points Avail dude I don’t care I know it’s right

    Here I see the little green dots it’s here why is it saying block is it on the side of the building get up there it’s just floating in midair oh you trolled me guys I’m really sorry you all had to watch that that was embarrassing I was trying my best though

    I was trying my best did I do it okay now I need to open it somehow why is it like that oh I almost fell off yo relax relax wait it’s right there okay what it’s right there I already scanned it what do I guys this is why you always

    Read the instructions before you play a video game it’s right there I know it’s right there can I why you do this to me man how do I get in there oh I have to go on that okay and then okay guys our our friend did a very

    Good job hiding these things like a very good job hiding these forget to lasers was this a laser Obby listen I’m sorry to everyone that I’m I’m so confused I’m I’m trying my best I oh oh I’m trying my best okay I really am oh my goodness I might o to

    Lasers right here and here we are I’m trying my best guys I promise I am I’m not trolling wait I might be trolling now cuz I don’t know how to get out of here hello oh hello nice sorry guys I’m sorry about that if Aiden was here he would have known what to

    Do he’s been at the store for a while now I hope he and his mom are okay they probably um nice we did it oh wow Pretty Outside okay let me use that and not and not get yeed nice we leveled up that was worth it we leveled

    Up it was worth it it was worth it it was worth it it was worth it it was worth it I’m sorry guys that was I’m I’m a Noob I’m trying my best though okay let’s get traversal okay so we can go uh Glide longer that’s really good let’s go can I

    What wait what what I don’t have enough part what what I have rare Tech Parts what can I upgrade Tech Parts City tokens what I need more Tech Parts I did all that for nothing oh [Applause] Spiderman listen guys I was going to give up there but City SC pretty quiet

    Still no sign of Lee or the gang that took him I was going to give up there better luck than me hey YK why’d you stand attacking the skyscraper ever heard of the Braxton Heist uh no exactly it was my debut scor as the problem first time working with

    The crew too we went in to steal prototypes from Braxton’s secret Tech division but this kid double crossed us oh never got her name but she was good Pro thief in the truest sense of the word wasn’t mad though it was a valuable lesson starting to get why you were dad’s toughest

    Case good looking out on the steps wonder who got the best of Uncle Aaron not many people can do that wait where’ the quest go what wait okay this is the main quest what the main quest is on a different character what’s going on okay hey Pete you ready to come by the

    Foundation sure I’m excited to see what you’re up to great I’m excited to show you oh grab this call from MJ see you soon hey how you doing good just got off the phone with Harry and this Foundation thing could be interesting oh nice some

    Hope on my workfront too I dug into the tech that gang used to mess with a prison transfer it’s Dara level stuff yeah whoever’s behind them has a ton of resources miles thinks he saw their leader some kind of Big Game Hunter F vest looking guy interesting I’ll keep

    Digging if I can get the story on the front page it might help us track him down faster maybe save my job too okay guys so the main quest was actually on this guy I think the main quest just load kind of randomly it’s okay guys I was going to give up earlier

    But they said something in the in the game about how a superhero is just someone who doesn’t give up and I wanted to be a superhero cuz Adam is a superer Adam is Adam is my Adam MacArthur Is My Superhero guys he is guys Adam is going to be in

    The next Spider-Man that is a confirmed leak Adam Is My Superhero and I wanted to be a superhero so I didn’t want to give up but then it turns out that getting rare Tech Parts doesn’t even help so but at least I didn’t give up you know that’s that’s a that’s a key

    Message guys never give up in life man never give up all right nice nice wow it’s a nice lab nice I was wondering what this place was Go I don’t know if I can trust this guy though let’s find Out the tree that’s a nice tree that’s Emily’s tree this is perfect oh you made it I thought you said this was a startup yeah I was hoping for something a little less this but my dad was the one who you know he made all the arrangements Peter Parker

    So what do you think that’s the dad it’s a far cry from that Chop Shop that utto had you in and now that you’re on board this place is is really going to start cooking let him Cook wow it’s like a museum dad Pete hasn’t decided he’s joining yet oh really but I was going to give him a tour let him decide for himself all right you know seeing you boys together again right then have [Applause] fun get your badge out let’s go Exploring nice oh sweet so the first thing I want to show you is downstairs Harry this place right Dad went a little more more over the top than I would have liked how did you got things set up while I was still undergoing treatment but when I got out

    I made a few changes like what diverted my salary into research projects installed a diverse board to keep us on the right track and made sure all research align with our mission to heal the world first I want you to meet Dr Young who’s a leading entomologist you

    Know what entomology is yeah the study of an is doing this super cool research on bees or to be more precise on be predators that doesn’t make sense why is anthologist study bees should be a biologist with the AI learning ready to talk to Dr Young yes

    Sir yes sir you must be Peter so nice to meet you hello I think you’ll like this project great to meet you Dr Young Harry says you’re working with bees yes and it’s quite an urgent Situation a full third of the food you eat every day comes from crops pollinated by bees but worldwide populations are in steep decline primarily due to a significant preper the carnivorous bee wolf so we developed an Innovative way to help the bees want to see how wait a third of our food is

    Honey what what is this a drone these drones are essentially be bodyguards that we training to detect and attack be wolves AKA be killer wasps and you’re helping with the machine learning algorithm do you see those little holographic be wolves the better you are at shooting those the better our drones

    Get at recognizing what to Target the idea is for the drones to scare the be wolves with not hurt them oh nice what are we playing a video game attacking be wolves hey yo what is this yes is this is this how science Works guys oh yeah this is so awesome

    There’s one right there I don’t want to blast the person got to protect the hive okay are there more somewhere else oh coming for you B oh there a bunch here man it’s like a video game in a video game got you here a very productive session we

    Got great data okay hey flying home wow welcome to anology if those virtual bee wolves you just took out were real you’d have saved the lives of about 2500 bees wow I’d love to help any way I can I could take a look at juicing the neural networks

    Pete oh yes please maybe if Pete decides to join us you two can talk some more thanks Dr Young this is a reminder that today wow I’ve got so much more to show you Pete let’s go oh get Tex up ahead is the medical research area we’re doing cuttingedge

    Proton Beam work using protons instead of x-rays with better targeting and less radiation it’s all the stuff we talked about all the stuff we dreamed could make the world a better place that’s the idea is this what it’s like to work at Tesla Harry a moment if you

    Please uh any chance I can wait a sec it’ll be quick man where’s Adam doc this is my friend Peter Peter Dr Connors I miss having Adam here actually Matt I used to work with Dr Octavius you came to the lab once to consult on electrotactile stimuli oh

    Yes it’s a shame about Dr Octavius his work had so much promise any changes since this morning dizziness aches pains anxiety impulsive thoughts nope I’ve never been better that’s what worries me nice to see you again your doctor is the lizard dad believes in second chances Hey listen I

    Got to go make a call but uh feel free to explore come meet me upstairs when you’re ready who’s the lizard sounds like a super villain crazy but it seems to be working for everyone to have Dr Connor here guess I’ll look around yeah guys I don’t I don’t really

    Know the origins of life on Earth remain a mystery yo it’s a comet organic life fors have Arisen from nonbiological chemical conts like Rocky so guys I guess this is like an awesome Museum or like doing research and they’re saving the world and they want

    Us to work here yeah I’ll work here yeah sure where you supposed to go for the foundation okay there’s a bunch of little quests I got to go do this is so lit guys I really feel like I’m Spider-Man cuz it’s not just so much to

    See here where do I even start well it it is a lot of action and fighting but it’s also like you just live their lives you know get a job and stuff what this I’m going to the marker hello where’ the marker go oh the Little Bees beehives show complex group

    Decision Mak and group lo I miss having Adam here with me I hope he’s doing okay at the store he’s probably at Walmart and he’s at walart and Target right now probably getting some mil what’s this some kind of radiation treatment maybe wonder if this is what they used for Harry’s

    Treatment dude what what am I supposed to explore oh okay oh there’s like a machine here nice seems inspired by some of A’s work without the hardwiring problems wonder if Dr Connor has used this though after that lizard rampage he may be done testing his work on

    Himself when they said Dr Octavius guys let me know in the comments cuz Adam and I are noobs when it comes to this stuff when they said Dr Octavius were they talking about Doc O it might have been Doc O bro I don’t know let’s see what’s going on here

    Maybe I can help guys those are those are cells yeah that would take a while on the screen those are cells cells time to dig in now but I’d sure like to come back and work on this later cells can multiply cells can multiply did you guys know this cells

    Can multiply and they can div but they cannot add or subtract or do fractions oh who’s this drones yeah uh doing a little cross collaboration between the energy lab and the agricultural lab ultra light drones using the new Battery tech for crop monitoring very cool do they collect

    Crop data too they will by the time we’re done with them that’s awesome thanks is that what I’m supposed to do just talk to people oh here we go Hey whenever you’re ready come meet me up here I’m on my way I’ll see you in a sec the latest employ okay let’s

    Go you see theth going up the stairs to go talk to our friend Harry what’s up dude where’s he at where you at buddy there he is whoa what is that like a Tesla engine was that like the new Apple computer you really have a particle accelerator we use it to send proton

    Beams to that treatment room downstairs it’s being repaired right now but we’ll have it back up in no time incredible that doesn’t seem safe to just have like out and about you know I don’t know where are we heading now up to the top floor your energy seems

    Really good Harry I feel great the referral bonus so put your way back helmet on and think back even before high school to Middle School okay now do you know the hang on you’re a popular guy sorry it’s just my tutoring job you were saying you know the stuff everyone studies in middle

    School with Gregor mindle and the pee plants yeah I think so about genetics and plant hybridization ah yes so Dr Foster up ahead he’s won every top prize in the field for his work with plant genetics I need wow hey when you were walking around did you have a chance to

    Feed the fish no I didn’t oh you have to it’s seriously one of my favorite spots in the whole building so calming and that we’re doing cool research inspired by the cellular structure of the koi fish’s scales I’ll be sure to go check that out they’re studying fish

    Jeans MH I see what you’re saying I don’t even think you can do that I don’t even know how you do that because fish don’t wear jeans they got a tail Dr Foster thanks Dr Foster ah Peter I presume Harry talks about you frequently so nice to meet you

    Dr Foster is working on agricultural efficiency with the population growing and the climate changing unpredictably we need to adapt more quickly than nature nor normally would genetic recombination can customize crops to best meet these new challenges be it extreme weather or an increase in pests would you like to see this test

    Bed yeah okay the idea is to tweak a plant’s genes to maximize optimal qualities for instance a plant that can thrive in drought conditions in our simulation the goal is to maximize growth why don’t you practice on this what is this mat the Bas pairs to incorporate as many

    Growth genes as you can that’ll be a plant that can feed the world guys why are they talking about plant jeans plants don’t wear jeans plants have like a bean Stock I’m trying to match these things I’m a genius I’m a genius I’m a I’m a genius analyze success made a new kind of plan okay I think I get the hang of it great now you’re ready to try the real thing what this is a plant we’re working on to grow

    Well in drought conditions corporations patent GMO seeds for profit and are rightly criticized but ours are open source developed for sustainability instead of financial gain yeah so smart what what what they’re already all connected really well what’s the problem dude like these are what hey yo this is

    Nuts what is this guys I listen this game is lit I love this game best video game we’ve played in a long time probably in our lives but I’m here to do the you know I’m here I’m not trying to do a math puzzle you know what I mean

    Like I don’t I already did my math homework today my reward was to play this game I’m going to put this here so we got to line up all you guys see like the L on the edge we’re trying to line those up like see those line up

    I put this one right here right water H guys that stands for helium by the way put this one uh which one I want sun or Leaf probably Sun yes sir yes sir success let’s go dude what is that like a shrub step closer to feeding the world

    Oh nice work listen I know you’re not officially on but could you look at one more Gene for me curious to get your take on it it’s a crop specifically adapted to Urban Gardens of course anytime bro I love doing this okay see I messed up see guys cuz at the

    Top right there it’s three little blue lines and none of these have three little blue lines that connect that so this is wrong this has got to be wrong which means this whole thing is wrong which is just a giant L if you ask me like that’s just a giant L okay let’s

    Start with water water comine these traits water water double water that’s a double water situation now I’m going to add a leaf oh no wait no let me do the other Leaf this is like the puzzles that Adam’s mom makes me do for math homework yep yes sir yes sir oh no it

    Doesn’t connect I’m such a noob man okay guys this one’s actually hard are you serious all right let’s just move stuff around until I get it when in doubt just start guessing that’s that’s what I do let me be smart about this guys let me put this up here put this right

    Here okay put this right here okay put this right here oh no I need water Bingo Bongo I’m a genius I’m a genius I’m going to work at the next beautiful work Peter NASA let’s go planting trees and stuff using this technology we’re on track to nworld hunger by 2035

    2035 I know a rooftop you could use for a real world test if you’re interested oh very much so Harry was right you’ll be a real asset here thank you Dr Foster so now where last stop might be my favorite it’s commanding but not overbearing playful but not tasteless impressive but not

    Showof your office or is it our office Harry now remember the things you’ve seen today are just a small taste of what we’re working on but don’t decide just yet not until you’ve seen this last thing okay come on where’s your badge you’ll need it to get in uh where did I

    Put it don’t tell me you lost it nope false alarm right here wow our friend really wants us to work with him that’s cool oh what a nice office what kind of office is that bro fac that’s so nice Wow oh man Harry this is all so amazing it’s perfect really it’s just things are really hectic right now when I was in treatment all I could think about was what would I do if I survived and I kept hearing my mom’s voice telling me that our planet is in trouble and it’s my responsibility to

    Save It if you joined me there’s so much more that we can do I mean we both know you’re the smarter one come on let’s make my mom and me proud huh it’s amazing but there’s one thing can I move my desk over there I like to face the wall when I work Oh one quick Thing what welcome Peter I’m I’m going to need a little time to transition out of my tutoring job of course take whatever time you need it’s all about balance right yeah wow but con Island later yeah you Bet Wow that’s a good friend that friend helped him get a job but I guess I guess he couldn’t say yes cuz he still has to be Spider-Man I forgot to tell you some of our researchers have field experiments set up around the city if you have time

    Check them out I’ve sent you the locations and your badge will grant you access all right I’ll swing by nice hey sorry I didn’t get back to you before but I was I just got a new job for real well that’s awesome where’s it at this new Foundation run by my best

    Friend it’s it’s incredible but I can fill you in later what’s up the guys who took Le and Scorpion gy and I tracked the exhaust trails from their aircraft to the Williamsburg Bridge I’ll meet you there hold on don’t you have an essay to finish yeah but duty calls trust me your

    Duty is to your future right now I’ll keep you updated on anything I find all right good luck out there all right guys we’re going to go to that bridge now and we’re going to go look for some clues about those people who took the prisoners like scorpion

    We’re on our way bro this game is so lit cuz like I said there’s the fighting and stuff and the action but then you’re also just learning about their lives you know like getting jobs making friends all sorts of stuff but that’s what they said at the start it’s all about balance

    We got to do it all you know we got to do it all let’s get over to that bridge and we’re going to see what’s up we’re going to see what’s up man let’s go dude go dude oh yep it’s right there 250 M away let’s get going let’s switch woo

    Wow guys this game is amazing W guys maybe miles and gy had it wrong hey I’m at the bridge but there’s no sign of Our Mysterious Safari Pirates a man we were sure it was there sorry about the wild goose chase don’t sweat it we’ll find him uh-oh huh glittering come on

    Man is that huh was that like a force Field wa okay what in the wa was that secret base Dodge under enemy defenses what waa that’s too many buttons bro I will not remember all that it come on now how’ your boss with the main get this kind of attack the true Hunter knows how to cem you could

    Have just said I don’t know oh you like that combo let’s go let me get a little three piece combo let me give a little three-piece combo w I’m playing out of my mind right now I’m playing out of my mind right now I’m going crazy oh yeah oh yeah dude oh yeah

    Dude seriously though I’m taking zero damage right now guys I’m doing really goodal I’m too crazy guys that’s not ominous at all oh I’m too crazy I’m too crazy right now uh uh I’m going nuts right now guys ouch oops okay I didn’t Dodge that that’s okay stop blasting at me stop get

    Him oh Dodge nice get over here get over here get him ye get him again ye got him guys I played really well right there oh is there more no guys so there’s like an invisible force field and inside there’s like all these bad guys hey is this guy still oh he’s

    Webbed he’s webbed okay got him what was this oh okay I go this way what is this some sort of magical force field pretty cool huh where do I go oh there’s one guy left I have the shot oh what are you doing out here buddy get over here what

    Hey you’re going to pay for that oh ye you in the water I’ll e you in theing I’ll e you into the water get in there got him was there more take a look around no we’re good what do we have here what is this maybe it’ll lead me to some answers

    Wa okay birdie oh I got to swing on the little birdie come back here going to miss these Chas is when I’m an Emily May the adrenaline going through the city like it’s an obstacle course never gets old it’s getting away real science though for actual money oh my God I finally did

    It I have a stable career no it’s escaping can daydream about those fat science Stacks later time to chase it’s escaping get back come back here come back here I’m not very good at these swings cuz I’m not I’m not a real Spider-Man like my friend

    Adam Dodge what Dodge what is that a rail gun what that actually works ouch oh Dodge I’m so focused right now where is it I can’t lose this thing come on nice it’s too fast come back here nice it’s 100 m away catch it up and you won’t get

    Away come on run run run Spider-Man run wow Spider-Man so fast awesome another force field uh-oh no no no no no no no oh nice cloaking tack mind if I take a look under the hood uhoh I’ll take that as a note easy I know how to Parry now this should be

    Easy that’s too close now I wonder if I can get my [ __ ] to identify their visual frequencies aha got the Parry I did it your boss around where’s he hiding I want to talk to him about his lifestyle choices wory of his attention but scorpion is okay I’m going

    Crazy I’m going nuts right now bro Parry I got a Parry you know I’ve nothing against I’m just saying I butt a few times and yet you always held back by not killing him killing really isn’t my thing nice Oh I thought I got the Parry eat

    Him ye nice I threw a bunch of them off the building nice oh nice did I win Now where’s your boss let’s go search for more information okay where would that be probably here at the computer right no it’s not the computer what oh right here another robot maybe I can

    Test something out come on okay we’re hacking it let’s see Spider-Man’s a genius sorry birdie this is just as awkward for me as it is for you huh there should be a yep oh is that your home that’s their headquarters ouch come on birdie let go come on not

    Buy a ticket for this ride Uhoh all right we’re going to their headquarters MJ maybe she can dig up some building records where are we going now right here I’m flying in hey MJ did you get that location data I sent you yeah it’s an old Food Market owner died last year building sold a few

    Weeks ago wait this buyer there’s some shell company that’s been acquiring property all over the city like whole city blocks I tried to do a story on them last month but the trail dried up every person I was talking to just vanished go make yourselves useful our departure is imminent who are these

    People these are the bad guys I’m going to find out good luck need to did I just eat them take out the patrols okay that’s easy the hunters their blinds are all set up and Communications have been linked we’re ready what a city to hunt in huh got to draw one of them

    Away oh okay so I need to do this slowly so I blast this SC for distractions there’s that something that guy turns away so I can e this person whoa that’s one we turned them into a little uh butterfly okay get them this game is crazy it’s like a stealth

    Mission fast you find something two things this armed group calls themselves hunters and they’ve got a lot of accents H International mercenaries that’s what I’m thinking could be front page material for your article I’m writing it up now thanks oh and speaking of work I accepted Harry’s offer that’s fantastic

    We should celebrate later after you’re done with your Cent work totally talk soon I’m going to take this guy out it’s going to be awesome e how do I how do I get this guy oh did I drop down I don’t know I’m going to do

    It how do I drop down I can’t even see guys how do I get this guy oh ceiling Tak down you’ll sa it off okay I’m down sneak up on him and ye him that’s L of gear that was a pretty cool take down huh okay let’s go up

    Here this is so cool we’re going in their base quietly so they don’t know I’m here wall take down two of the lights have stopped responding and the spider has been seen in your area prepare the beasts yes Craven at once Craven that’s their leader it is the spider I don’t really

    Care let’s just fight him I’m not scared of you guys okay maybe I am ouch I’m not scared of you guys I got these cool moves nice ye nice I’m doing crazy moves I’m doing stunts and stuff I’m doing stunts and stuff bro all right guys I think I’m supposed

    To play this like a like a stealth level but I didn’t really want to so I like I like to blast I like the blast got him done easy that’s everyone now what were they up to over here examine the security terminal we’re hacking we’re hacking in

    The main from the blind I was just at looks like they’ve got others all around the city I’ll send this to gke but he could help pinpoint these what are they spying on people what’s Craven hunting and why Craven’s like the big hunter guy right oh we’re in the van we’re in the

    Vans yes it’s loaded so I’ll join you soon just make sure the beasts have the right scent who wants them hungry what we’re in the vents dude we’re in the vents bro vent Tak down you hungry too stay down pretty cool please who aw for me you shouldn’t have uh-oh M sturdy and

    Flexible hm I Wonder Nice we don’t need that though we’re Spider-Man time to take my shiny new toy for a test drive ohing bases are online remaining blind secured cloaking Fields operational good beetles Talon drops ammunition R whoa still missing that’s so cool we made like a tight rope I’ll have to pay that yard Master

    Visit but otherwise wait these guys are better equipped than most armies this Craven guy must be rich or well connected blast both how do I you use it oh nice we’re making our own tight ropes how they how do they not see us bro we’re literally right next to them

    Okay I think I level up faster for actually playing the game how they want me to play it doing the stealth takedowns but I like just going big Yeet on people big Focus how could they not see me I’m right over them but the hunt perhaps if

    You more on yourself instead of others you could be a strong get him sleep tight although this is kind of more fun more sneaky turning them all into little butterflies his name does not deserve to be spoken you I think we got them all oh no there’s one right there had lived there

    All his life knew the trails perfectly to makes sense his age is what did he in I think they see me oh they see me they see me okay it’s over all right time to fight okay okay it was fun while it lasted whoa what is that was that

    Poison oh wait I’m taking damage standing in that oh they OED not to self oh I need to heal stay away from Poison clouds yeah I Tred to I sent them into the other one ye oh look at the moves I’m doing man goodbye bye-bye that’s all of them right yes all

    Right where to next we got to go further into to the base where’s that I don’t know where that is wow th this game is so cool you could do so much stuff the only way oh right here huh oh nice a research lab who they got a skeleton there what’s that

    Look what is that that made was so proud of her work at Feast wait is that broke bad in a big way I just hope that doesn’t mean everything he ever touched was corrupted whoa what is that an inner demon mask Lee’s old superpowered gang what’s this better not

    Be trying for the same with his h Hunters Craven’s studying Lee’s blood huh maybe he’s trying to figure out where his powers came from oh or how to get them for himself guys so that big hunter Craven he’s trying to study super power or superhero or super villains um so he

    Could become like them is that Scorpion’s suit what’s that bro looks like scorpion I don’t know guys oh what is this a blaster examine were they testing their weapons on that armor and not a single scratch that’s some Tough Armor almost an exact replica must have been probing it for

    Weaknesses can never be too careful with scorpion yep now scorpions wait a sec would you look at that secret base hey MJ I have another name for you Craven seems like he’s the boss of these guys and he’s here on some kind of hunt Craven the hunter what’s he hunting whatever it is

    It definitely involves Scorpion and Lee mind looking into this Craven guy in the meantime and letting miles know what’s up already on it stay safe okay they saw me immediately that was a fail that was a big fail can I still get him from here no I cannot man now I got

    To fight them all that’s going to be very difficult uhoh all right guys this this might might have been a slight fail here H ye there’s a lot going on guys okay guys I think I was supposed to do that with stealth because there’s like 40 enemies I cannot fight them all by

    Myself yes I can or maybe I can I can’t even see what’s going on I’m not going to lie I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore I’m not going to lie I’m just pressing every button on my controller and just hoping that it works I don’t I don’t think I’ve taken damage

    Though so I think it’s working yep ouch stop uh-oh no what what what is getting me oh this guy come here stop it oh there’s so many of them this is bad stop okay I need to get out of here I’m in a bad I’m in a bad position I’m in a bad

    Position I can’t even see what’s going on get me out of here the people with blasters are the Dangerous Ones heal heal okay I healed stop blasting at me man I don’t like it stop there’s one guy over here just blasting at me stop it dude I’ve had

    Enough oh there’s a bunch of them now oh my goodness use it nice nice okay there’s like 20 guys in here guys might have been a might have been a mistake here get him get him get him oh no oh no heal heal okay there’s too many of

    Them I pared that I don’t know I don’t know what you’re talking about I parried that I guarantee you nice with the Parry get him okay got him oh no I didn’t still one go away I’m really low Health guys I don’t want to O right now that’d be really

    Embarrassing there’s one guy just blasting at me go away heal stop blasting at me I’ve had enough dude don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t do it this guy this guy keeps blasting at me stop Spider-Man you better get out of there you better get out of there buddy

    Did I get them all really use some answers instead of questions right that guy is so evil this guy right here I don’t like it I don’t like it when these guys do this when they blast at me see that guy he’s stuck up there you’re going to stay up there for a

    While buddy okay that was a little bit too intense now go over here okay that looks all right Craven what are you looking for ni wait I get bringing Scorpion and Lee on a hunt uh but black cat’s a thief Spider-Man I don’t never going to win Best in Show with that attitude

    Now nice doggy kitty robot R uh-oh oh what oh what do I do I’ll just web them all that was a good Parry oh they got me ye nice I can’t even see what’s going on I cannot even see what’s going on guys oh there’s more backup I was wondering when animals control would show up nice heal roll over play dead H nice see there’s always that one guy

    Behind me blasting me I’m going to get them first I’m getting smarter somebody else is blasting me really come here buddy come here no I web him can’t blast me now actually now that you’re here question what’s Craven hunting maybe I can help nice nice got

    Him oh there’s one more stop don’t do it don’t do it listen this would go a lot easier for everyone if someone just filled me in crave and hunts what man fears most that’s all you need to know oh so he’s hunting failure intimacy clouds it’s clowns isn’t it good rid I

    Say ouch stop I’m trying to get the guy blasting me I don’t want to fight you guys I think I got him ouch Nice I’m just mashing every button guys let’s go ye got him easy what were you protecting scorpion Martin Lee Black Cat this Craven guy is putting together quite the team oh there he Is are we going to fight him going to be like a boss battle huh What was that scorpion huh wa oh have a nice trip is this the best you can do they send you were a killer imagine my disappointment Boy how come the Scorpion poison didn’t do anything to Craven he’s not teaming up with super villains for some hunt there is prey Felicia What Where are Youo for what Ino my date’s almost here and you’re surfing the web my no one says surfing the web anymore can you just please get dressed okay okay see you got your good lipstick on you must really like this guy huh huh miles I’m sorry next time I promise miles I love

    You oh man he’s got to Go Oh man oh where am I going hey so I found a base belonging to those Safari Pirates or Hunters as they call themselves and learned their boss’s name Craven and he killed scorpion he’s got a whole hit list of super villains wait what does this mean Lee don’t know but this list is

    Extensive these must be the people Marco warned us about they were hunting Sandman No Way Lea is on their list too black cat your ex exactly L she won’t listen to me if I say she’s in danger but what I’m how am I going the wrong way listen to someone she doesn’t know

    If MJ reached out to you with some addresses would you be up for taking point on this I got you thanks really I got to clear my head for a bit but call me if anything comes up and we’re going to find lie miles I promise whoa is that time into MJ calls

    What what going on in the neighborhood what do you mean what’s going on in the neighborhood I’m supposed to just do side quest until MJ calls maybe I can snap a few pigs for Robbie I’m not going to go get photographs I’m trying to save people’s life that’s the Avengers Tower over

    There I’m going to go explore that so guys that Craven guy is trying to get rid of all these super villains but shouldn’t that be so wouldn’t he be on the same team as Spider-Man what’s up danters i’ seen the questions about that new Emily May

    Foundation who are they what do they do well big picture it’s an oscor spin-off which we don’t love I know but the Man In Charge Harry Osborne has got a decent rep at the very least he hired my favorite B scientist AKA apologist Dr M young they’re expert on colony collapse

    Disorder and a pretty sick ukulele player if you happen to follow them on the socials so young OS your foundation has a lot of work to do repairing your father’s Legacy but so far you’re off to a good start don’t forget to pay your rent on the first or you know withhold

    Your checks and protest whatever you do later is Tony Stark in here Tony Stark someone needs to do a better job hiding their stolen T where’s Tony Stark guys all right now let’s see if we can upgrade our suit a little bit uh suit Tech can I get better

    Traversal no I don’t have enough Parts how about just damage oh I don’t have enough Parts okay I don’t have enough parts that’s okay guys am I really just supposed to chill until MJ calls really I have important stuff I got to do oh I have so many skill points let’s go I

    Want this or this Venom jump oh that one looks sick let’s get this one Lit what’s this what is it yeah buy them all I have no idea what I’m doing but it’s going to be awesome guys it’s going to be super awesome I want I want to use that one Venom jump okay I got them all okay oh there wait is that the main

    Quest there it is there it is there it is there it is 3,000 M come on bro all right I’m just going to fly over there hey miles I have those addresses as Pete mentioned for a few black cat safe houses head into the first one now

    Thanks for offering to do this he can get kind of blindsided by Felicia I know you’re busy with your college essay it’s cool I always have time to Spider-Man sounds like you’re as good at work life balance as I am I’m scrambling to finish my hunter story

    Might save my job but you guys what happened to scorpion Lee in the wind I can’t f Focus while he’s out there MJ don’t don’t let it eat you up it might be best to just focus on the task at hand that’s not all when I face

    Le I got some new powers they’re blue and weird I mean I’m no expert on spider powers but could could it be from stress what you’re going through it’s a lot but you’re not alone even Pete and I we’re still figuring it all out nice what do we got place looks like it

    Was ransacked uhoh perfect chance to use the AR Tech geny upgraded I’m [Applause] scanning oh more scanning my favorite what do you mean blocked oh this scratch marks huh any sign of her found some scratch marks with traces of metal I’ll run it to see if it matches her

    CLA investigate the area I’m still just scanning here oh just have to isolate the molecular components of the metal filings I found huh let’s see here what try that Again wee oops what that’s not right what am I doing wrong oh try that again oh come on okay I got to reset bro I’m not a molecular bi just bro how was I supposed to know how to do that bro ye nice got it they think I’m a scientist or something titanium

    What oh come on are are you serious I got to do all This oh brou nice nice done Cobalt this is looking good what Cobalt titanium what they got like the new cobalt iPhone science isn’t Fun Cobalt iPhone 15 bro what is this 3D germ okay like this yeah Nice W tungsten a match tungsten what somebody lick it with their tongue what did it it’s her scuff marks from her shoes she must have been hustling what am I looking for oh Hunters Uhhuh hey go up there I’m looking for Clues I’m like a detective she was grabbing something from that box on the wall looks like an emergency stash boox but it’s empty okay that should be enough to reconstruct the seene they attacked but she’s on the Run they’re already on to her this is

    Exactly why the city needs to be warned about the hunters she could have keep me posted oh that’s got to be her well this went from a friendly warning to a rescue mission pretty quick I just hope I’m not too late Felicia’s resourceful but everything we’ve seen

    From these Hunters has me kind of worried you’re worried about your boyfriend’s SE that’s compassion huh okay we’ll save you don’t worry we’ll save You we’ll save you okay we got to go save this person nice what was that explosion somebody calling Iron Man bro somebody calling Tony Stark bro okay looks like I just missed them any signs of where they went oh more scanning I love

    It what do I what do you want me to scan Bro why am I so bad at scanning it’s crazy H what did I miss blocked it’s on the other side what must be behind there it’s right there I see it there we go line was damaged by the explosion wonder what it Powers why am I scanning right now this thing just

    Exploded an electrical node I bet there’s more dude this scanning is I’m losing my mind scanning this this another stash box this one’s still locked she risked her whole life to get to it got to open it but the power’s disconnected dude I’m Spider-Man I’m not a detective bro I don’t know this

    Thing bet the generator could power that stash box okay what am I supposed to do the generator could what am I supposed to do man oh I tether my web to the generator I can get into the box I’m an electrician what I’m an electrician Spider-Man is an electrician oh this looks right

    H nearly there okay I have to connect connect all the nodes are you kidding me what do you mean oh my goodness bro this makes no sense Spider-Man you better get up there okay going from that one to that one that one to that one that one what is that to this

    One what do you mean nice did I do it nice we got we got what is ever whatever’s in here I’m in Paris MJ how’s your French non-existent but send me what you got a book okay there’s some instruction manual for a Wanda wum wum H I’ll do a search give me a

    Sec uhoh Hunters wherever they’re headed I should follow according to a translation of the Mystic Arana that wond is old we’re talking DC old supposedly whoever wields it can create portals to pretty much wherever they can think of like magic if she gets her hands on something like that

    I can think of some uses for it miles let’s just stick to the plan huh okay I got to I got to catch up that thing there it is nice oh there’s Craven we’re in position oh no it’s a hunter she’s Ours miles can use camouflage what got to clear these Hunters out how do we do that whatever that wand does it does it brightly oh that’s pretty cool I got you where the the spider here I don’t I’m I’m not I’m over these stealth missions bro I’m just going to

    Eat everybody I do not care stop kicking me bro stop you’re going pay for that all right I yeated him off the building nice now what did I just stealth again yeah let’s just keep stealthing around something feels off this entire has oh that was a bad idea oh that was a

    That was a terrible idea that was so bad I tried to be stealthy guys it didn’t work I tried my best Spider-Man is so cool check this out kaby oh my goodness that’s sweet let me let me use my new move by the way open

    Fire ouch that’s not what I want to do use my new move oh okay ye okay okay oh there’s a lot of guys left oops oops come here I’m not doing the stealth stuff bro I’m not no I’m not maybe I am drop down maybe I can just get this guy really

    Quickly no I pressed the wrong button for a stealth attack all right nice oh that was so cool get him I have a shot no you don’t nice got him where do I go now dude there’s so many of them the French from that postcard translates to my reason for living time is

    Short you partner with Felicia you never know oh now I get how to use the camouflage you have to wait for it to recharge you guys see in the top right it recharges dude that takes too long I can’t do that all right let’s use it don’t stare at the lights what are

    You doing okay nice wow those are cool animations right fading how do they not see me I’m right here though okay okay I’m just going to keep waiting for the stealth meter because magic there it’s much faster I’m missing out on Brave come here what that was pretty sweet Us in comat

    Nice I’m going go over here always get the guys with the blasters First’s up top all right this person stands no chance ye oh my goodness that was crazy okay is that where I’m supposed to go oh whoops ah nice okay but like where am I supposed to go

    Though but like where oh I’m supposed to get all the hunters okay there’s one more over here there’s two more over here easy where are you huh oh this guy stands no chance bro no blasters no nothing easy too easy all right last one use use a take down on him dial on

    Him that’s it that’s the last of them now let’s see what’s up with Felicia where is she a portal whoa huh oh that’s a First little spider wants to play huh Huh what she Doctor Strange that’s like the guy Adam wants to be from Marvel he can make portals she stole the wand and Magic is very real what what happened hey cat can we talk will you slow down back off before I portal you into the Pacific Ocean how’d

    You get on our columns you’re still using the old Channel don’t you have better things to do kid Felicia you have to stop this is reckless even for you who’s this is that you red how are things with the old spider these Days where am I going this is crazy I’m chasing her through Portals go can you knock it off I’m trying to help you I need your or any other spider’s help you know what you can do with that wand she’s just going to use

    It to steal more art rude I can hear you clowns he’s very fast wa the El ficia that could have hurt people I don’t think I don’t think she cares watch out the hunters are back a they must really like me we can end this tonight we can stop the guy trying to

    Kill you steal your own mystical artifact go whoa didn’t even bring my scarf she put us in ant Arctica that one can take us right to Craven this was never about Craven what what what’s going on bro why won’t you help me stop this guy you’re Spider-Man you’ve saved the city

    Before you’ll do it again Spider-Man was right about you you only care about yourself that’s deep look kid not that it’s your business my girlfriend’s in Paris and I got her into trouble with some bad people have you ever done something for love she needs me

    Now if only I could figure out how to go more than 10 ft with this thing MJ said not to trust you Red’s a smart one but you got to make your own choices kid Huh oh cool they going to help us the cat take her alive She’s Mine you should go Port out of here the instruction manual for this artifact was not clear you seem to be getting better at it not better enough we’re going to figure it out together lucky attitude kid it’s

    Spiderman not kid thank you all right Spider Man let’s see what you’ve got nice okay guys so this person is using that portal to try and save someone in Paris oops more of them on the roof hey use this portal oh she’s helping us dude that’s so cool we teleport on the roof

    Man watch and learn this is so crazy I feel like I’m in a movie straight up this must be how Adam feels cuz he’s in the next Spider-Man this is so sick that had to hurt let’s go nice nice we get them all oh there’s still more I yeed them over

    Here where are they hello oh come here so they’re trying to use the oneand to there’s a turret now Save Somebody another portal for you let’s go take all the help back and get here any magic tricks for bullets web up turet web hit the turret and take it out I

    Did oh that was satisfying grab that nice hey Spider-Man think they’re here for the sea lion exhibit oh I want to see that did you know sea lion can swim up to 25 mph that’s impossible Focus Hunter lots of them that’s like faster than a cheetah bro really want I’m not

    Available stop this spider from helping her ow I need oh I can camouflage I forgot if they want me they’ll have to kill me let’s not have it come to that okay don’t mean to interrupt Eyes On Target [Applause] woo yeah stop bro I the people BL casting

    Are just my least favorite stop it come here oh they got the doggies too over here they never saw you coming I’m kind of getting destroyed I’m not going to lie uh how are you a dog or of a cat person and these aren’t dogs ow oh no

    Wor stop stop stop I’m looking really bad Actually I can’t even see I can’t even see what’s going on is this guy trying to attack me the whole time I’m really really really low Health this is bad heal heal nice can I cut in what is going on what are all these lights everywhere stop this one’s fine

    Can you stop dude throwing everything at it might be on my left I’m going to no no not like this getting you to PA your girlfriend needs you you really are spider man I got him noar to fire I I’m going to o oh no oh

    No stop it I’ve had enough there’s a turret now there’s too many enemies another portal for you all right guys I’m going to I’m going to speedrun this get here any magic trick for bullets okay you got web hit the turret and take it out stop stop

    Okay okay I have to do that better next time I never saw you coming nice Spiderman think they’re here for the sea lion exhibit oh I want to see that did you know sea lions can swim up to 25 mph talking about sea lines again really stop dude I’m so sick of

    These guys blasting me I’m so sick of it come here take down does that o them they’re definitely trying to win dude if they want me they’ll have to kill me let’s not have it come to that okay come here Target acqu oh no dude there’s another guy up there stop

    Dude uh how are you a dog more of a cat person and these aren’t dogs oh the dog is disabling my abilities that is awesome that is really Why is this so difficult another portal for you let’s go I’ll take all the help back can get here I’m just going to grab the tur first you got web hit the and take it out okay one at a time hey Spider-Man think they’re here

    For the sea lion exhibit oh I want to see that did you know sea lions can swim up to 25 mph Focus Hunter lots of them it’s these guys up here that keep getting me I’m not stop this spider from helping her they’re definitely trying to wear us

    Down if they want me they’ll have to kill me let’s not have you come to that okay nice come on stop it come here oh oh uh how are you a dog more of a cat person and these aren’t dogs they bite like oh my goodness oh my goodness

    No I’m not doing this again there’s no way there’s no no chance I’m doing this again okay I just need to chill out oh I can go invisible oh that didn’t work oh no that hurt Spider-Man you’re trolling there’s a turret now calm down JY it’s just a

    Video game another no it’s not I have to save the world I’ll take off help I can get here any magic tricks for bullets you got hit the turret take it out okay it’s these guys doesn’t keep blasting me from far away it keep getting me can you stop blasting me dude

    Stop Focus Hunter lots of them I don’t like this I don’t I don’t like it I don’t like it it’s you stop I’m going to get you I’m going to get you I’m going to get these guys first they’re definitely trying to wear us down stop they want me they’ll have

    To kill me let’s not have it come to that okay I I don’t even know where I’m getting blasted from come here okay that was pretty sweet that hurt oh there there’s somebody right above me that’s awesome more of a cat person and these aren’t dogs they bite

    Like dogs wor I’m just going to get rid of these guys Fire okay no heal heal heal what is that dude there’s too much going on I can’t my I can’t no yes I can you to Paris your girlfriend needs you you really are Spider-Man can you stop you’re totally guys I don’t care how many attempts it takes I have to

    Beat this I have I I I’ll take all the help I can get here am I doing something wrong guys tell me if I am in the comments hit the turret and take it out I’m trying maybe I should just take out the turrets and not even worry about fighting people I don’t

    Know dude this guy get this guy you’re here for the sea lion exhibit oh I want to see that you know seaon that good 25 that was good I got this guy lot of them craving must okay I got this guy I’m not available kind of he’s everywhere okay I need to get

    This guy stop that was sick nice okay I web him yes get this guy I’ve had enough of you guys i’ I’ve had enough of this level guys I really have nice nice nice get him it’s these guys that keep blasting me in the sky I’ve had I’ve had enough another one

    Huh come on projectiles nice hey we’re doing better this time nice nice how are you a dog more of a cat person and these aren’t dogs they bite like dogs come here nice watch the portal nice they’re definitely trying to wear us down if they want me they’ll have to

    Kill me let’s not have it come to that okay oh no the dogs are getting rid of my abilities nice this one’s fine they never saw you coming nice no okay ah what am I doing no not like this everything at us I don’t have enough we I can’t no we’re

    Getting you to paars your girlfriend needs you you really are Spider-Man what are you talking about what are you talking about what are you doing got hey guys what what is this level no no no no like seriously what is it I’m not playing I’m not playing this anymore I’m not playing this

    Anymore grab the turret if I no I’m not even going to say that I’m not going to stay down dude no I need to just I need to just charge up my heal or something I don’t even know what’s going on dude dude there there’s so many things trying to yes you’re

    Done okay I just need to chill I just need to chill I just cannot get hit the back up back up you please let me heal please let me heal yes okay I’m so sick of these guys okay oh thank goodness here Focus what think Eiffel Tower we’re going to Paris [Applause] but I got to be home for dinner oh it worked oh she gave us the rod cool our ra Felicia or the the wand thank you you’re welcome bye-bye let’s go show me Lee no don’t teleport to him bro huh what I knew it was the doctor doctor strange wow guys

    That was awesome guys we made our own choice what’s up with Felicia she’s safe for now you finish your story just sent it to Jonah wish me luck you got this WOW guys we leveled up dude head to Coney Island why what’s up you know how Mysterio just got out of prison well

    He’s opening a new attraction there he could be the Hunter’s next Target good call and guess who else is at Cony tonight and you’ve crushed on her for like over a year come on bro don’t bro me bro you and Haley are made for each other you don’t ask her out you’re

    Violating laws of nature we’ll see after we check on Mysterio wow guys so we literally came in here as Spider-Man we just saved the city and we helped that person get to Paris and save someone else that is lit bro this is this game is super duper lit

    Man I’ll say I’ll say beat this game oh and Adam’s home I hear Adam where is he let’s go get him foxy Adam look we beat Spider-Man dude or we’re playing it and we’re doing really good hey what’s up guys guys Adam went to the store with

    Our mom he was gone for a while what happened dud you guys were gone for a very long time well I got a gallon of milk and I got you a box of donuts oh lit um and we also got some lanky box merch from the store oh lit dude and we

    Just got home just in time man dude you got home right in time as I helped someone with the portal go to a different dimension it was lit dude that is so awesome man you are the coolest Spider-Man ever this is so awesome well thanks Adam why don’t you tell everyone

    About how you’re going to be the next Spider-Man how you say you’re going to be the greatest Spider-Man of all time well you know guys it’s always been my dream to be a superhero um I’m trying to become merch man but it would also be a dream of mine to become Spider-Man cuz

    Look at how cool he is guys this game is so amazing Adam let me show you dude let me show you the cool skin I got for um Peter Parker dude oh that’s cool you you could switch between the two spider guys dude look look at my awesome Peter Parker skin [Applause]

    Bro pretty lit huh yeah man pretty lit huh that’s awesome look at spideyman bro look at him bro dude that’s really cool pretty sweet huh Adam I can’t believe you did so good in this game so basically we were in the game and we learned about Craven and CRA took all

    The bad guys and he put them and he start to study them and and he tried to break out the bad guys and we got him and then we and we helped somebody they were stealing a wand and we sent them to France what H it’s actually like we watched a

    Spider-Man movie dude guys it’s literally like we watch a Spider-Man movie with all of you guys if you guys want to see us keep playing Spider-Man let us know in the comments we’ll keep playing Spider-Man and we will get to the bottom of it and stop craving I just

    Have to stop playing because Adam and his mom got home which means it’s time for dinner yep and you got to eat the donuts that we got you and open the merch that we got you oh dude it’s going to be real cool oh man I literally just

    We we literally just came in here and played Spider-Man and uh now it’s time for some donuts was calling


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