We all remember Teddy Roosevelt — one of the most iconic presidents in American history. But what about his children? From war heroes to political influencers, here’s the truth about his influential kids.

    #TheodoreRoosevelt #President #Children

    Alice Roosevelt Longworth | 0:00
    Theodore Roosevelt Jr. | 1:32
    Kermit Roosevelt | 2:39
    Ethel Roosevelt Derby | 3:47
    Archie Roosevelt | 4:53
    Quentin Roosevelt | 6:01

    Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/1418737/what-happened-to-theodore-roosevelt-children/

    We all remember Teddy Roosevelt — one of  the most iconic presidents in American   history. But what about his children?  From war heroes to political influencers,   here’s the truth about his influential kids. “It’s time for your next adventure.”

    Theodore Roosevelt’s oldest child — and only child  with his first wife Alice Hathaway Lee — was Alice   Lee Roosevelt, born in 1884. Her mother died just  two days later, the same day that her paternal   grandmother died, sending her father into a deep  depression. He never called Alice by her first  

    Name, instead only referring to her as “Baby Lee.”  Roosevelt sent her to live with his sister until   he remarried in 1886. Afterward, Alice lived with  her stepmother and eventually five half-siblings   wherever her father’s career led them, which  by the end of 1901 meant the White House.

    Alice became a celebrity first daughter,  beloved by the American public for her   beauty and acts of teenage rebellion,  such as smoking and gambling. In 1906,   Alice married Congressman Nicholas Longworth  of Ohio and switched her focus from socializing   to politics. She held salons in her home in  which leading minds were invited to discourse  

    On various ideas. At these gatherings, she  cemented her reputation as a sparkling wit,   especially in her criticisms of the politics  of her cousins, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. “I pledge myself to a New  Deal for the American people!” She was an ardent supporter of American  isolationism and played a significant role  

    In persuading the United States not to join the  League of Nations and to remain neutral in World   War II until Pearl Harbor. Alice Roosevelt  Longworth, sometimes known as “the Other   Washington Monument” for her powerful influence in  Washington society, passed away in 1980 at age 96.

    Theodore’s first child with his second wife, Edith  Kermit Carow, was Theodore Roosevelt Jr., known as   “Ted.” He was born in 1887 and shared many of his  father’s interests, such as hunting and exploring.   However, he felt considerable pressure as the son  and namesake of the president, which caused him  

    To suffer migraine headaches through much of his  young life. Nevertheless, he followed his father’s   example by attending Harvard, where he performed  well. After graduation, he became a partner in   an investment banking firm in Philadelphia.  His real desire was to serve in the military.

    After marrying Eleanor Butler Alexander, with whom  he would have four children, Ted got his chance to   serve in World War I. He and his younger brother  Archibald were commissioned as officers in 1917,   and Ted and Eleanor went to France, leaving their  children with Ted’s mother as Eleanor worked as a  

    Supervisor for female volunteers. In 1918, Ted  was shot in the knee while still suffering the   effects of a gas attack, and his life was saved by  his brother-in-law, a doctor serving in the war. Ted then entered politics, serving in the New York  Assembly, then as Assistant Secretary to the Navy,  

    Governor of Puerto Rico, and governor of  the Philippines. Then World War II began,   he re-enlisted and became a brigadier general.  Ted earned a Medal of Honor for his actions at   Normandy in 1944, but died a few weeks later  of a heart attack. He was 56 years old.

    The third eldest child of Theodore  Roosevelt was Kermit Roosevelt,   born in 1889 to Roosevelt’s second wife, Edith.  Kermit had a great love of travel and adventure,   and in 1909, he accompanied his father on an  African safari in exchange for the promise that  

    He would excel in his studies at Harvard — which  he did, graduating in just three years. In 1913,   Roosevelt and Kermit went together on their  famously ill-fated expedition to Brazil in   search of the source of the River of Doubt.  Kermit traveled widely around the world and  

    Was skilled in picking up new languages,  becoming proficient in at least nine. Besides publishing books about his travels,  Kermit also served as a bank manager in Buenos   Aires before joining the British Army in 1917  after the outbreak of World War I. When the  

    American Expeditionary Force arrived in Europe  in 1918, he was made a captain in the U.S. Army.   Kermit was the only one of his brothers not to  be seriously injured in the war. Afterward he   founded a steamship company, but was hit hard  by the Great Depression and alcoholism. Despite  

    Attempts by his family to help him by getting him  a post in the U.S. Army once World War II began,   Kermit was nevertheless discharged from the army  as medically unfit due to his alcoholism in 1943,   though he would be reinstated just a  few months later. In June of that year,  

    Kermit took his own life at Fort Richardson  in Alaska, where he is still buried today. The youngest daughter of Theodore and Edith  Roosevelt was Ethel Carow Roosevelt, born in 1891.   In contrast to her headline-making half-sister  Alice, Ethel was much more private and familial,  

    Helping take care of her younger brothers and  assisting her mother in the administration of   the White House staff. She married surgeon  Richard Derby in 1913, and the two had four   children together. When Derby went to France  in 1914 to aid in the war effort, Ethel went  

    With him and served as a nurse in the American  Ambulance Hospital, as well as volunteering for   the Red Cross, an organization with which  she would work for the next six decades. After returning from the war, Ethel became a  leader in their home community of Oyster Bay,  

    New York, working for the local Red Cross and  nursing service, volunteering at her Episcopal   church, and advocating for low-income housing  to help fight racial discrimination. After   her mother’s death in 1948, Ethel became the de  facto center of the Roosevelt family, working to  

    Secure the legacy of her family and her father in  particular by becoming a trustee of the American   Museum of Natural History in New York, turning the  Roosevelt family home into a museum, and helping   to create the Theodore Roosevelt Nature Center  on Long Island in conjunction with the Audubon  

    Society. Ethel died at age 86 in 1977 and is  buried with her husband and parents in Oyster Bay. Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt, better known  as “Archie,” was the second youngest son of   Theodore and Edith Roosevelt, born in 1894.  Just 7 when his father became president,  

    Archie spent most of his childhood in the White  House, though he was known to be much quieter   than his siblings. Like his brothers, he attended  Harvard, graduating in 1917 and marrying Grace   Lockwood that same year. After graduation, Archie  worked at a carpet company until World War I,  

    Where he served with distinction as an officer  and was noted for his bravery. He received   numerous citations for his courage, including  France’s Croix de guerre, but he was given a   full disability discharge after suffering major  damage to his leg from an artillery bombardment.

    After the war, Archie worked with Sinclair  Consolidated Oil Company but distanced himself   after the Teapot Dome scandal, moving instead into  the finance industry. When World War II began,   Archie asked his cousin, President Franklin  Roosevelt, to appoint him to an officer  

    Position and was made a lieutenant colonel.  He once again served with distinction before   receiving a full disability discharge,  making him the only American soldier to   be medically discharged for the same injury  in two wars. Following World War II, Archie   supported numerous conservative organizations,  especially the John Birch Society. He died  

    In 1979 at the age of 85 and is buried with  much of the rest of his family in Oyster Bay. The youngest child of Theodore Roosevelt was  Quentin Roosevelt, born in 1897, just four   years before his father became president. Quentin  was well known for his wild antics on the White  

    House grounds together with a group of other  children — including the son of future president   William Howard Taft — who gained the name “the  White House Gang” for their misadventures. “They did spitballs at the presidential portraits   once and got in some trouble  for it with the President.”

    Like his brothers, Quentin also attended  Harvard, where he met Flora Whitney,   great-granddaughter of railroad tycoon  Cornelius Vanderbilt, to whom he became engaged. Unlike his brothers, Quentin didn’t  finish Harvard. He dropped out at the   onset of World War I to join the military.  He signed up for the United States Army Air  

    Service and became a combat pilot. On July 14,  1918, during the Second Battle of the Marne,   Quentin’s plane was surrounded by three enemy  fighters. He was shot down behind enemy lines   and died there near a village in France, at  the age of 20. He was initially buried at the  

    Crash site by the Germans out of respect for  his father, but in 1955 his body was moved to   be next to his brother Ted’s in Normandy. As  of this video, Quentin Roosevelt is the only   child of a U.S. president to die in combat.  Theodore Roosevelt was reportedly devastated  

    By the loss of his youngest son and remained  so until his own death a few months later.


    1. Officers do NOT reenlist (2:30). They are either recalled to active duty or commissioned once again. A Medal of Honor is not earned (as in a reward) it is garnered or bestowed. A feather merchant wrote this posting.

    2. Ted Roosevelt's conduct at Normandy was a story in itself. His fellow generals were both astonished by, and very appreciative of, his courage and leadership.

    3. Wow, it’s funny how President Roosevelt’s children lived regular lives and didn’t profit from their father’s position like crack head Hunter Biden.

    4. at 4:41 the FDR home at Hyde Park is shown — not Sagamore Hill, Theodore Roosevelt's home on Oyster Bay, Long Island. The two branches of the Roosevelt family did not particularly like each other to say the least. I think you need to change your photo.

    5. Alice was also quite racist and Involved in the second resurrection of the KKK…the movement created the "make America great again "meaning..let's terrorize and repress blacks again.

    6. Two of his sons died in combat. Quintin in France in the First World War. And Teddy Jr a couple days after leading the invasion on Utah beech June 1944. This was a different generation who didnt think it was yhe other guys responsibility to protect this country. FDR kids served also. Ive alot of respect for that.

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