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    1. So many of these clips are so avoidable, but people just take their priority regardless. Food cyclist for example, easily avoidable – other comments seem to suggest the driver not being in the wrong is better than potentially seriously hurting or killing someone. The more of these clips I see, the more I think some of the people with the cameras, saying "its not my fault", are just as much to blame as the other idiots they are filming. Madness!

    2. Many idiots on film, however I do think a lot may have been avoided if some of the drivers with the camera was driving properly,,,,,such as not giving way to an indicating bus joining the road from its stop to name a few. (it is in the Highway Code)

    3. Wouldn’t be surprised to see myself on here one day.
      I hate driving in cities, where you have to be in lane long before the sat nav says so, when the lane markings are on the road under a line of cars.
      When the road markings are so worn out or it’s dark and wet you cannot actually see them.
      Everyone is rushing to get where they are going, few have the patience to let someone into their lane.

    4. In China you are supposed to sound your horn as you overtake, sounds weird but it's true. This would have helped the Dpd van driver – OR PERHAPS NOT? Ha ha ha.

    5. 2:13 Dragos was driving dangerously for the conditions – most know cameras make things appear further away than they actually are. Meaning, very close in dangerous weather. And either intentional or failure to check mirrors, what the DPD van driver did was equally dangerous – professional driver, my butt!

    6. ‘playing dead’ isn’t really in a cats repertoire, I don’t believe. Interesting, tho’. It may have been in shock and, going by the way it ran off, possibly injured?!

    7. Love the last clip,whenever you try park on a driveway or do something that will block the road for maximum 10 seconds to turn around and they come right upto your car and then when you get confronted run like a chicken 🐔

    8. "have u ever been disqualified from driving? Yes. Have you ever had ur insurance cancelled? Yes. Do you often drive like u own the road? Yes….Then come work for @stagecoach…."Stagecoach the company where YOU are more than a driver…YOU ARE A NUISANCE ON THE ROAD"

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