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    Suppos to have but their relationship was about to change drastically in May of 2021 so 8 months after the two women met for the first time and 1 month before average speed check Zone ahead ejected after their first kiss outside the dog and du ready Greg emergency video Greg’s

    Living his best phone life on the UK’s fastest 5G Network 3 Life see it all now D Stupid doing what And what the the dicks that was genius what it [ __ ] perso look how looking absolutely well that’s me Clos so we don’t need oh that was genius what that somebody didn’t use the mirrors not giving a sh again easier and I’m it’s like that’s what they say where

    A boiler’s like the most expensive Jesus stupid on YouTu come Off where just doing that rematch warm up a few little HS between and Liverpool in their purple was Chip three changes from the team the Ryan Graber and Cody gbo outo Conor Bradley Dom the Ben Me It was it was being lifted onto a truck all right yeah there cuz there was an enforcement notice so what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll put that on the when we find out a day a date yeah a date a date a maybe could oh you oh you idiot oh no

    That that white F oh oh the white man he cut he cut the Audi up what uh I got that on camera you out why uh Sweden showed that focused protection voluntary protection is a better way to go of the pandemic uh in the world as

    Far as we can tell certainly of sorry of of the G7 countries them that is blocking that V he could yeah so could he get to stay there for a minute he can’t get through we can’t get through now cuz I’m no oh he’s moved forward for thank you to the

    Left thank you how oh you Co-chair of keep our NHS public uh credit to the family Dr Tony O Sullivan I can’t you could reverse wait just wait why don’t you wait wait what are you doing I’m going that way [ __ ] idiot idiot Yeah come on what you doing oh JP woman D you holding everybody up oh my God oh my God the it’s going to cause an accident eares what are you doing now you just made the situation worse absolute idiots come on oh my God Jesus Christ idiots now I’ve stole the car absolute

    Morons don’t now out to bloody Drive stupid woman I’m going go down on don’t a look at that oh my God he another one are you going to be joking me idiots is on a Bend they’re not idiots they are they’re not they don’t know how to Drive a


    1. ti seems many here who complain about others have no idea they are in the wrong themselves. going straight from a inner lane on the roundabout when the road marking clearly indicates you cannot go straight …right luca? looking at the road markings is also not a strength of many others who send in roundabout videos and don't get me started on using indicators…

    2. 1:06: Chris correct me if I’m wrong but I only see ONE lane of traffic on your side of the road.
      If it’s poor road markings then please correct me if it is officially two lanes. Otherwise if it’s 1 lane then you’re illegal passing stationary or slowing traffic. The taxi is also in the wrong for illegal passing too.

    3. 11:45 Cammer isnt innocent either. Seems like she blocked the main road behind her far longer than she had to because she was driving too timidly. Get in there and show people that you are actually intending to go down the road and not just sitting in the middle of the road waiting for your kids to turn up

    4. 2:03 Alternative title "Cammer intentionally drives directly into another car to prove it's his right of way"
      3:10 I mean, he's gotta be under the influence of something there surely.
      5:38 Did you miss every single road marking even while stopped in front of them for 15 whole seconds because you were busy screaming at someone for a 3 second incident? Yes you did, who's a clever boy. Could we possibly guess why you didn't include audio, could it be you were being a honking bellend the entire time, naaah can't be.
      8:37 Probably want to hand that P plate back in for an L plate for a few more months
      9:11 What an absolute bed of chaos lmao


    6. 2:00 Why do people love to upload videos of them being idiots? All you had to do was take the corner normally, rather than gunning it up to it to nose off with a mini

    7. The people trying to park in the last clip need to hand in their licenses and walk their kids to school (pretty sure some people that drive to school are perfectly capable of walking there instead)

    8. 09:16, hate drivers like this, only looking just past their bonnets and incapable of thinking more than one step ahead. They understood they were delayed by vehicles waiting to turn right but couldn’t figure out those vehicles needed the van to clear before they could turn…

    9. Stuart, didn't you see the merge left arrows on the road? You could easily have foreseen that the other car was going to need to pull into the left lane and you could have given them the space to do so safely.

    10. I love how some people who upload clips think there in the right like 3:35 you could see they were reversing. You slowed down for the middle of the road passing yet didn't see them 🤔🤔

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