Hello good morning and welcome along thanks for your company 127.3 kilometers it’s the robots appeal the classic today the riders will hit the finish line for the first time after eight three and a half kilometers two finishing circuits for them to contend with it’s a fairly chilly eight degrees celsius

    Today but unlike previous weeks just a five kilometer an hour wind for the riders to deal with today let’s look back at some of our previous winners over this one grace brown it really was a breakthrough victory for her in 2020 soviet voices today in 2019 martin

    Bastian ali in 2018 we also list going back and edmonton and marianne of office in 17 and 16 respectively if you’re joining us the riders this is looking back at the start the riders have just hit the first climb of the davis solenberg 22 climbs in a total so

    Sit back relax it’s a big day of cycling here on eurosport and a gcn if you’re at work turn your computer to the wall you’re not going to want to miss anything and sit back and enjoy this marty mcdonald and danny rowe with you to take you through today’s uh race action

    And uh danny we’ve seen the riders coming up to sign on canyon sram here um but uh some teams deciding to sit out above bound to peel in in favor of preparation for amsterdam gold this weekend yeah there’s a lot going on marty isn’t there it’s fantastic to see the racing

    Back obviously we missed a lot of the race in last year so yeah like you mentioned a few of the uh the teams have decided to miss this one out um sarah does it wnt jumbo visma and a bit of a change of lineup uh it’s interesting to see who

    You know chooses to focus more on amazon gold we’ve obviously got uh liaise coming out flesh mulan as well uh so yeah we’ve got ana meek van gluten today so she obviously profits off more racing um but yeah it’s going to be an exciting one especially with these 22 climbs that

    We’ve got coming up yeah this is the rider that’s wearing number one for sd works chantelle band and brook black what a team that they have bought here today ashley mormon passio knee fisher black uh nikola noskova the shack anna shackley from great brother demi following there’s lucinda brandon from

    Trek sega freddo and for the eurosport gcn family we’ve got to say the return of eleanor baxter today she’s wearing 81 for trek sega freddo and eleanor broken leg for the young welsh rider last year this is her first race back and meek van blue just sorting a bike out at the

    Start the uh down at the uh the start here in lennox we go from lennox to over icer is the course so we have the the rollout we then have three climbs the solomon the brunapu and then the elsenberg which comes in a little loop then we have uh from eight climbs

    With the solenberg and then the in towards oh a finishing circuit has the haggard the heart strike the mosque is throughout the whole strike and uh the s over i said which is the climb up to the finish anime van vlooting though um danny didn’t have the greatest start to the

    Year in the pet news flag but just seeing the the roll out it went away and then really has uh come back on fire for this one we’ll just run you through your other teams on the rollout you’re going to see you saw the belgian national team colors let’s have a look

    At your route they’re just giving us the the route map here so as we said 22 climbs in total that’s that first little loop that i was talking about then we have this uh loop here we head down i have a crosswind from the right here on to the finishing circuit and then

    A fairly lumpy finishing circuit you could say with those climbs the haggard’s eight and a half percent the herzl at six point seven percent the moscow strat the hertz track and the moscow strat both cobble climbs the whole state and the oversir that there this is uh it’s like live pictures now

    Team bike exchange rolling out on the front here and for team bike exchange they have decided to to rest some of the big names in this one so they’ve got uh yannick and lucy kennedy and they said testimony enjoyed williams they’ve also got uh is the other rider from them for dsm

    Great return today for dsm for corrin rivera she’s uh we’ll see how she goes today she’s got sir juliet la boos who’s been on great form leah kirschmann from uh canada wilma lausen the young swedish rider who’s been racing well uh recently fdj we’ve got to look at the fdj team

    The likes of the media farleen canyon sram again another team that have decided to rest some of the uh the big team leaders for this which will give other riders some some opportunities today the likes of michaela harvey we’ve also got a armonix with darlena sierra cuttier agusa aromatalia and

    Basso they’re in their bright yellow colors bingo casino chevron yeah with the likes of talitha de young who is really on uh great form so far this season dog cheating van ike in their red and white colors we’ll point them out for you uh olga cooley newton nicole

    Steigenga two names to watch out for them drops the coal and that’s their light blue and uh pink colors their drops of coal supports by templar anna christian and joss loud and great sienna christian back in here uh today uh back at the team car is elena sierra there

    From cooper uh really is the team leader for monac’s team coupe high tech products they’re white jerseys with the likes of caroline anderson emma fogart you’ve got lotto pseudo and we’ve got massey tactic in their light blue colors that’s the aroma italia and basso bikes colors there that yellow and green next

    G with the likes of amelia sharp pocket tail falconburg rupell cleaning those uh retro several 7-eleven colors for team rupaul cleaning in the red and blue uh red and green rod i’m sorry tibco silicon valley bank we’ve got valkar travelling service and belgium the belgian national team today which is

    Great to see as the riders go back to the team car and uh for sd works we’ve got to talk about the sd works we’ve got a couple of young riders in there knee fisher black danny the new zealand rider but also you’ve got to love it when you’re when

    The teammates of the likes of chantal van der brook black and uh and the like give you the uh and anna van der bregen give you the nickname of the shack and exactly young british rider that’s got to be one of the greatest um given um nicknames in cycling now hasn’t it if

    You’re known as the shaq as a teammate nichola noscoba looks like she’s got a bit of an issue here yeah what an amazing nickname to have from your teammates and she’s such an up and coming superstar is anna shackley you know a fantastic climber but looking

    At this lineup today it does look like team sd works have probably got the strongest team on paper and a lot of different cards to play they’ve really started this season so strongly and taken every race on that they’ve ridden you know into their own hands and

    I think you know looking at this lineup they could you know potentially rise for chantal obviously um ashley mormon passio as well has had a good start to the season consistent start to the season with eleventh in shelby yankee in the 14th in uh alfredo binder but also demi bothering and i think

    She could be a real um you know a real pick for today she was fifth in uh flanders which is obviously enough absolutely phenomenal results sixth in shadow bianchi and 13th in newsblood so again super consistent and i think that’s what makes the team so strong it really doesn’t matter who

    Who wins for the team and everyone seems to get their opportunities which is really really important and great to see they ride so well together when you look at the the riders like chantelle vanderbilt like this is her she’s gonna ride that this is her last full season she’s gonna

    Go from bike to team car next year but this is this is what we see them doing with signing demi bollering and bringing in riders like nicole and oscar over there and anna shackley neve fisher black and these are the if you you’re that sort of writer of the stature of chantelle

    Vanderbilt you’ve got to as a young rider because as we we say often you know in in women’s side we don’t have an under 23 categories so you go from junior to pro and you’re up there with the likes of chantal and you have to you have to learn to win again

    Don’t you and that’s what being on the bike with chantal and anna van der bregen and those sort of riders you know that’s your that’s your apprenticeship isn’t it learning from them learning how to move in the peloton how to ride the race learning how to how the sort of um you

    Know the the rises and falls of the of the race and uh big fans of cyclocross will be uh pleased to see alicia maria zuffi back it back at the team car here and uh she’s a big name um she races in the winter in belgium that’s why they’re the

    Cameras as well would would focus on a lychee italian national cycle across champions it’s great to see her in there today lots of cycle across riders taking to the to the start today but we’re just saying you you you need to learn to win

    Again don’t you as a as a as a pro rider you know if you’re even if you’re a world champion at uh at junior level oh absolutely martial what an incredible opportunity it is for those young riders to be riding in a team alongside the likes of chantal vandenbrook black and

    Anna van der bregen and i can only um compare it to my own experience with being in a team with mariana voss and you know it’s such an incredible learning opportunity and and you step up as a result because you feel that you are part of such a fantastic team

    And you just want to do your absolute best for for the team and you want to impress those sort of riders so yeah again incredible opportunity as we uh start the third climb of the day now um for the young riders and they will learn so much off of the old and more

    Experienced and again the fact that chantal vandenbrook black and anna vanderbregen are staying in the sport is so it’s such an incredible opportunity for i think for women’s cycling as a whole to keep those sort of names within the sport is only going to help and the sport is you know going from

    Strength to strength and i think it’s only going to make it better we’ve seen that in the trek segafredo team with ina tetenberg and georgia bronzini staying in the sport as director sporties and they’ve come together as a unit and they’ve been super impressive they’ve been there they’ve done it you know

    They’ve been in these races they know how women’s cycling works and it is different to the men so i think for women to stay in the sport and become director sportifs is it’s just brilliant i remember my riders when i first started de-essing in women’s cycling and

    And i was very lucky to work with some amazing riders but you came into your first team meetings and and everyone just kind of rolled to rise when you talked about the taxes you went out first day and you came back after the first day in the propeller toll and went

    Oh yeah all right then sorry so yeah it was kind of it was very cool very interesting so uh yeah it was it was it was going back to school as a as a sport director as well so like you say it’s great that um we’re keeping the big

    Names in there it was nice to see alicia back at the team car because that’s so important as well um especially as a ds because sometimes it’s a ds you don’t see anyone all day you’ve got your mechanic in the back but you might not see your riders all day you might talk

    To them on your on your radio but it is it’s always nice to just when a rider comes back just to you can have that little chat about okay what’s the plan how’s it how is it out there because it’s easy you know to say when you’re

    Sitting in the you know in the in the bus or the camper or at the hotel in the morning and you have the team plan and you look at the wind direction and you look at who’s riding and you come up with a plan and

    Once you’re out on the road it can all completely change and you know you have to as ina tittenberg says you you know you have to give the riders the confidence to be able to change the plan um on the roads so trek segafredo here sharon van hamroy

    Eleanor baxtet right behind her it’s a good moment um for uh for all cycling fans i think for uh to see eleanor back in the in the peloton today monica niglo just coming through to the front and the next climb will be the solenberg um the ausberg

    The summit of it comes with 108.3 to go but seeing eleanor back up towards the front there danny we’ve got a bit of a lull in the peloton anime just hanging out down the back here in a european champions jersey but for eleanor you know she she wrote some races at

    Beginning last year broke a leg at the beginning of a lockdown and it and it was a it was a big break as well and it’s a long road back for a rider isn’t it from a from a major injury like that not just physically in the healing process but

    Also it must be psychologically when you come back into racing and you’re back in the peloton you know you must be kind of in the back of your mind you know maybe thinking about injury or if you just got to completely put it behind you and is the excitement of racing does it

    Just take over again um you know it’s really really difficult to come back from an injury like that i can again only compare with myself when i had a bad accident in 2014 where i broke 10 ribs so a very significant injury you know like ellen has had and for me

    It was more of the mental challenge getting back than the physical one i think i i put up on social media i was looking back the other day actually that i rode 100 kilometers six weeks after having a collapsed lung being in intensive care and breaking ten ribs so it wasn’t the

    Sort of physical challenge for me it was the the mental challenge i was so nervous to get back on a bike and i think you know i hope for eleanor that she hasn’t got the same challenges as me but that was definitely the the biggest factor

    Uh that took me a long time to but yeah just build my confidence back in racing you know you’re riding so close to the riders in front you know you’re descending at speeds of you know 50 miles an hour plus and it’s nerve-wracking when you’ve been

    Through such a big accident i think the only thing for eleanor is that her accident was done on a mountain bike so maybe she can kind of differentiate the two disciplines that you know she never had this sort of injury on a road bike before so it’s great to see her back and

    I hope that you know the she isn’t too scared now in the peloton because of that injury um and yeah again brilliant to see her in this bunch and i think today for her for eleanor and i know you know the trek sega fredo team a fantastic really developing young riders but it

    Will be about getting through the race you know in one piece and just doing the absolute best for for the team and absolutely no pressure she only raced twice last year so again she hasn’t had a number on her back you know many times

    In the past kind of 18 months so it’s a big change for the young welsh rider she’s only 19 years old but again great to see her back and good luck to her for the rest of the season starting to get a few testing attacks now 107

    Kilometers to go if you’re just joining us today from lennox up to overrides 127.3 kilometers today first passage of the line is uh with uh 43.8 to go and we’ll then have two laps of 21.9 kilometers 22 climbs along the routes today we’ve done the solenberg and the bruniput and elsenberg

    The next climb will be the second ascent of the solenburg with 100.7 to go we’ll then go back to the brunner put onto the crabber strat which is a kilometer of cobblestones we then have the rue de nivela that will come with 88 kilometers ago and that’s just our first seven climbs

    Today the finishing circuit so as we hit the line for the first time we have the haggard the hertz strats the muskets that pull stride and spot over isa um in to the the finish then we got that finish that climb comes up to the finish that’s a fairly

    Technical run in to the finish climb so uh lots of climbs plenty of opportunities for riders uh to go on the offensive today uh it was only the 7th of october that we were here the last time and it was grace brown that took it from lyanna lippert florida mackay was a

    Grace brown are winning uh alone at uh 47 seconds ahead of lyanna lippert florida makai third so second and third for what was team subweb at the time lotta kapecchi fourth at 119 and we had emilia fallin maria julia confederation katya ragusa was eighth one of her best performances

    She’s here for monax today mavi garcia and lauren stevens uh all up there as average speed for the whole race last night last year of 39.54 kilometers an hour so uh the race distance uh today just about six kilometers longer than uh last year so parker’s held valkenberg keen to uh try

    And get something going today and we look at this race and just like tour flanders with uh with adamic van gluten’s like presence which kind of is there and in flanders we we knew the attack was coming um but when it came there again there was just nothing

    Really on the padenberg that anyone could So Stats of training you know on strava it’s just incredible the amount of kilometers that she puts in i think there’s a comparison between uh the most kilometers ridden on the men’s and women’s side and she was up there in the the top ten of both men and women so

    Again anna mcmahon’s luton is you shouldn’t compare riders as a coach again what works for some doesn’t work for for others obviously there’s a lot to take into consideration the rider’s age the rider’s goals and ambitions where they are in their their training plan now but for ana meek we know that

    You know she she trains like an animal and i’m sure we’re going to see you know a lot of results for her in the coming weeks with ansel gold flesh and liege coming out but for the moment she’s uh hanging out the back finding their time

    Waiting for that key moment uh to attack and there’s someone there it’s great to see back in the peloton as well it’s great to see a valentino back here just again like enemy just chilling just kicking back just chilling down the back but valentina such a such a such a massive personality within

    Within the peloton it’s so good to see her in there she is and she’s such a fan from you know riders in the peloton as well again you know i was quite friendly with her when i was racing myself and she had a couple of years in america uh 2019

    Specifically where she was de-essing for for a team out there and i think she’d be an absolutely incredible ds because she knows bike racing i think as an italian you know like georgia bronzini that sort of style she’d be great with with the young riders really encouraging them and

    Teaching them you know how to race uh but again she had a year out of racing in 2020 she had the ds year in 2019 so it’s great to see her back this year we talked about it a little uh earlier about um the effect but watching mob star this year and and

    Following anime on things like instagram and we saw of uh of norway and obviously sort of starting to make some stuff the jiro she’s been doing those kind of intervals hill intervals and mounted it with anna meek so for me you see how mobi are it has kind of grown in confidence and

    You we’re waiting almost in effect katrina allard peloton just going through the uh tunnel here i’m just going to uh double check my audio connections for uh for danny but we’re on to the solenberg next 500 meters 7.3 maximum gradient here of uh 12.9 percent drops of coal

    In those light blue jerseys likely helmets just coming through demi-following in the center there for sd works in the purple it’s coming through this is the second time we’ve been uh up this climb dsm in those black jerseys with the the light blue stripes so it looks like emily moberg

    There’s riders just down the uh the back here katherine holworth is there so just uh the sd works team just starting to come through to the uh the front team coupe high tech products in those light blue and white jerseys and that team team coop some strong riders in the race today

    With the likes of uh emma bogart you can see her in there for the team elena amelia for canyon sram just on the outside of the group this is catherine de klerk for the belgian national team it’s uh just getting tailed off on that climb 101 kilometers to go

    Positioning is absolutely vital in this race marty as well because like you can see the riders are getting distanced off the back but if you’re not quite feeling it you know the we call it sliding room so if you can position yourself at the front at the bottom of the climb

    Hopefully you’re you know still in in uh connection to you know the last rider in the peloton kind of the top of the climb and you can stay within within the group and not have to chase back so again position in the race like today is absolutely key um i coach abby mae

    Parkinson from lotto sue dao and i uh when i was going through the race yesterday in preparation for the commentating today and looking at the amount of climbs and how closely together these climbs come you know i necessarily said positioning is key you need to be at the

    Front because chances are you know you’ll descend and you’re basically going back up the next climb so you don’t want to be at the back being caught out in any um crashes or any riders that are struggling to hold the wheel in front so again a race like

    Today unless you’re something like anime glam bluton who can you know just come to the front you know almost when she wants positioning is absolutely key christa riffle for team coop on the back for uh for a while and this this is when for christa she’s she’s my having to make

    What you call those sort of micro efforts all the time and to get back on because you look at the difference here between valentina scandalara and the yellow and chris the riff on the getting dropped on the on the descent and then and then having to get back on but you

    There’s that different what’s what we were talking about earlier wasn’t it in terms of learning how to race learning how to you know position yourself within the peloton and learning how to not use energy and as you as you’ve said in previous weeks it’s it’s about learning how to

    To get to the end without using the you know as much power as possible it’s how it’s coming to the end of the race it’s still with you know with a full power pack in your back pocket yeah absolutely and we’ve spoken about this in uh some of the races already

    This year and it’s so important you know to be a world-class bike rider it’s not just about the physicalities of the sport it’s also about the technical side of it too whether that’s descending or positioning uh and just being able to use the power at the right moments and not lose power

    You know we saw there with krista riffle having to chase back on after she got a distance of the descent and all those micro efforts that we talk about just take it out of the legs and in a race like today where there’s 22 climbs you

    Know that is going to be damaging so you know especially for young riders it’s really important to work on all aspects of your your bike riding not just you know trying to be as powerful as you can be indeed uh the uh riders here you can see

    Already how tough this is just to climb after klein azaka espanola the uh national champion there nicholas scott nicola noscova in the center former uh european under 23 road champion talented rider in cyclo cross as well which is uh you could see on the toy toy cup overall

    There’s an oscar in the purple colors in the center and this team really does celebrate multi-disciplined as well because we saw in the news yesterday that they signed uh blanca cut of us the young rider from from hungary who races road she races cross she races mountain

    Bikes and and that for not just for blanca but for estee works because she is she is a seriously exciting young rider she’s so strong and in cycle across and on the mountain bike so uh that’s quite a signing for for that team yeah it absolutely is and we’ve seen as

    Well on the men’s side how you know the the multi-discipline riders are really being able to to juggle the two uh with cyclocross and even track you know you can see writers like joleen uh dora from sd works kirsten field from wnc serapis at wnt uh it’s really impressive lots of

    Kapecci you know to name a few lot of kapeki’s had an absolutely incredible start to the season and she’s you know focusing on on tokyo as well on the track so yeah it’s great to see teams taking on riders that don’t just focus on on one discipline and being able to perform

    At the two mike from massey and days like this no danny it’s it’s when you just climb after 22 climbs at this level as well when you’re when you’re you know you’re coming into a race like this and it must it it might it must just be painful um you know

    Climb after climb like this um to to just to put it simply yeah it’s yeah it is painful multi and i think the key is to you know not be overwhelmed by you know looking at the the map and looking at the course it’s just about ticking one

    Off as a at a time and having a plan with your team as to what your role is whether that’s you know the first half of the race the second half of the race and just trying to split it up into trunks i think that’s the best way to

    Again not be totally overwhelmed looking at a course like today where there are so many climbs and they’ve come at such quick succession and again it’s the same for everyone as well and that’s something else to bear in mind you know if your legs are hurting

    Everyone else is going to be monique to neglect again on the front from team bike exchange a fantastic bike rider but again i remember coaches saying to me the best time to attack is when your legs are hurting the most because the chances are everyone else’s legs are hurting as well and if

    You only attack when you’re fresh the chances are you will be able to to be followed because that that’s a you know an easier moment within the race so i think that’s why we see you know riders attacking counts are attacking when the pace has

    Been high attacking on a climb um is it really is the best way to to get a gap and make that attack successful on to the club the 1200 meter climb 5 maximum 7.7 that’s why we saw money coming through towards the front we saw the new zealand

    National champion her teammate george of williams come up need fisher black in the center with the purple sleeves just with that white gelate you can see the new zealand rider there and a shackly up towards the front you’ve got shearing van android he’s not far away from the

    Front as well so everyone just getting themselves positioned in towards the next climb we also saw the likes of emilia farleen and uh talita de young getting themselves through to the front lotion elise van der sander here’s the rider there so their team today hannah nielsen in there as well

    Nicola nosco over katrina allen is the uh the mobby star um rider behind her so the uh on the work today lauren stevens on that yellow bike yellow helmet in the blue from uh team tibco canyon sram up there katya ragusa moving up just on the the outside there in the

    Black jerseys of team monax so quite a few riders a few teams just getting themselves into position you see sarah’s ashanti there sarah jajanti a little bit further down the peloton so just trying to uh move herself uh up towards the uh the front of this one ashley moorman passio just moving through

    So it’s a bit of a shuffle going on here at the front emilia farleen today for for fdj we were we were chatting about her off air just before and without the without uh cecilia trobludvig these are the days where if she gets her nod um

    Emilia you know just gotta go for it she’s a good classics rider eighth here last year as uh eleanor baxter they’re wearing 81. yeah i think it could be a really good day actually for amelia falling the the swedish rider again a really experienced um rider she rode for t-mobile in in 2007

    And and team columbia which you know turned into team htc high road and it really was a team to be in back in the day that’s when i just started racing in 2009 when i wrote division one nicole cook’s team but for amelia she suffered a bad concussion um in

    2019 and it’s just been great to see her get back from that it’s obviously been taken a lot more seriously these days with concussion in terms of how serious it is and taking time to get back another rider who i was right racing with sabrina students who’s racing today

    For live racing again suffered a concussion as well herself but yeah for emilia again sixth and gate verbal gum a great sprint i know she’s really happy with that ninth intro alfred binder and looking at that roster i’d love to see her uh you know get that opportunity today

    With you know being a team with cecilia andrew ludwig i think on paper you’d say that you know if there was a race with the two of them in it would be cecilia that would be the leader but again amelia farlin i think has really got the um

    Uh the you know the experience and the the strength to to really really do well this year and i’d love to see that happen so you see julie the builder there for the belgian national team wearing 233 helena baxter just a little bit in front

    Of her so there were a lot of riders getting rid of armors and and chiles and that kind of thing so chilly start for the for the riders today if you are just joining us welcome we’ve got our bansha pill here is the uh from lennox to override

    127.3 kilometers we have our first passenger line after 83 and a half kilometers martin mcdonald danny wrote with you to take you through today’s race action two laps of that famous 21.9 kilometer finishing circuit that the uh the riders will have at the finish today some big names in the race getting ready

    For amsterdam gold this weekend the likes of uh chantelle vanderbilt black anime van vluten uh they are all both here in uh this one trek sega fredo the likes of uh lucinda brand maybe ruth windat getting over shapiro here just on the attack for uh canyon sram so homer

    Wearing that uh national champions jersey of israel katrina alerts for mobby start just trying to keep that one under control and uh just give you a heads up what else you’ve got coming up today on uh eurosport gcm plus the stage four of the uh the tour of uh turkey coming up

    Can cab do a hat trick three from three you never know um we’ve got uh as well some uh some other racing uh coming up a little bit uh later on uh today you’ll be able to join uh matt stevens and uh daniel lloyd for the moments uh provence

    Pill a little bit uh later on uh in the day uh brian smith and uh carl kirby are with you for the uh tour of turkey and then you’ve got magnus backstead and uh josephine for uh the uh the voltaire valencia um stage ones so as we said get all your devices out

    Today multi-screen um you might want at some points today to be able to bring you that one and then of course armsdale gold at the weekend danny and i will be back to uh to bring you uh the the next round of the women’s world tour on that

    One and of course uh the men’s arm still gold live so uh loads coming up here on your home recycling 94 kilometers to go still very much all together so the climbs at the moment danny lots of little testing attacks but nothing really managing to uh to stick

    At the moment mobby star and sd works really keen to just keep this together they are and this is a pretty key point in the race actually the the riders have got about six kilometers until the next climb so it’s really important for them to stay attentive get to the front of

    The of the peloton taking any fuel um and again fueling is so important um and when the you know when there are such a number of climbs in the race it’s really easy to forget and then you know it’s them too late so it’s really important for the

    Riders to keep taking that on and use these moments in the race to get to the front and do so we just saw julie devilled at the back in the belgian national kit what a superstar she’s going to be second in the world championships uh junior road race in 2019

    And again she’s been really consistent um you know being at the front and really taking on the races so far this year again not fantastic results but you couldn’t expect any from you know an 18 year old in her first year of professional women’s cycling so yeah good to see her

    Out there today it’s this peloton now emily um for canyon shroud coming to the front felita dion as well great to see her back this year definitely with uh team tibco colors good to see tim team tibco today and for canyon uh canyon sram they’ve got neve bradbury interesting team today

    So elena uh amelia sucks they got neve bradbury from australia got ella harris from new zealand michaela harvey who we excited to see how she goes today hannah ludwig and they know me shapiro who you’ve you’ve seen um on the attack yannick ensign for team uh bike exchange so

    It’s a deal you gotta say it’s got it must be exciting for for a team like bike exchange on a day like this where you haven’t got a grace brown or um an amanda spratt where you do just go you go right whoever’s got the big legs on

    The day whoever got the good legs on the day can just go for it and it it’s those are the days where you’ve just we saw grace brown do it last year didn’t we in this in the edge bastard on the asian then in this race where she just said

    Right i’m going to be the classics rider for for next year and and you’ve got it you’ve got to seize those big days you’ve got to seize those opportunities because in a big team like that they don’t come very often no they don’t and looking at the lineup i think

    For a team like bike exchange it would be quite an open tactic for today in terms of who’s going to be the team leader you know yannick ensign who we’re seeing just uh getting back into the peloton now behind the team car someone like lucy kennedy again we’ve seen a lot

    Of monique tineglo which would say to me that she’s probably working for the others today being so um yeah so much on the front so far in this race already and also georgia williams again she’s um she’s been really consistent and really comes to the front of you know women’s

    Racing and been up there and the results in the last few years so like you said without you know some of the big big names missing from today it’s their real opportunity to shine and i’m sure the riders will have taken a lot of you know positivity motivation

    From grace brown who’s you know had such an incredible start to the season and obviously winning this race last year they’re going to want to you know keep that you know in within the team so yeah i think bike exchange will be um really keen to to get a good result today

    Need fisher black just back at the team car here we’re at number three new zealand rider so much talent coming through new zealand again isn’t there um with michaela harvey as you said we’ve mentioned some other of the the new zealand riders that we that

    We’ve got in here neve is a needs a great she’s a great climber but i know watching the sd works um team presentation early on she loves the classics as well um even though she you would look at you you look at the results that she’s had and she’s definitely someone that

    You know when the when the road goes up it’s got that talent in the mountains we saw in the gira rosa last year but she loved she does say herself she loves the classics yeah and i think in women’s racing there really is kind of that lack of

    Opportunity for the pure pure climbers you know we don’t have all of the ground floors like the men do and there’s real kind of mountain finishes so i think as a female rider you’re actually better off being that kind of ruler the the real all-rounder type rider you know to have the

    Opportunity to to get results so i think if you’re passionate and if you enjoy the classics and you are you know a good climber there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t win a race like today that doesn’t have long climbs but again with 22 climbs it’s you know it’s so

    You know it’s going to take it out of your leg so actually we could see if you’ll climb the win today and i think that’s what makes today so exciting you can see any type of rider win or from your you know marti bastianelli types to you know

    Your grace brown who who won in uh who won last year in 2020 and yeah we’re seeing all different types of riders in this uh peloton today and it’s really really hard to predict who’s going to win we just saw my early grocer back at the team car here come falcar travel and

    Service and they’re coming up towards the front as a as a pack as and we see valkor like this quite regularly it’s a kind of the way they uh the way they move around the peloton always really interesting to watch but they’ve got elisa balsamo who’s been going phenomenally well so

    Far this season we’re on to the uh nivelle 1500 meters 4.3 percent maximum of seven percent that’s why you saw many of the teams moving uh their protective riders up towards the front alicia maria’s sufi and the italian rider um national cyclocross champion they’ve got

    A bit of an issue at the back let’s see ryder’s camera has gone to the uh the back of the peloton there’s hannah ludwig for canyon sram but they got victoria guattini in there today at valco traveling service they’ve just got themselves uh up towards the uh the front lucy kennedy could yeah

    It could be a day for lucy kennedy you never know winner of uh the first ever classical san sebastian uh back to the france starting to get a few more testing attacks on the front of the peloton but everyone’s super vigilant at the moment no one really um managing to to get clear

    And we will cross the finish line for the first time with uh 43.8 kilometers to go to anna christian from drops local in the center i picture in those uh light blue colors the rider from the uh from the isle of man good sienna back in here today

    It’s really good to see anna back um again this is a race it could suit anna and like we just mentioned about the whole pure climber situation you know for anna christian she is a fantastic climber but with 22 climbs although again they’re not long they they could absolutely suit a climber and

    You’ve only got to look at someone like anime van gluten who you know can win the tour of flanders but can also win a mountain top finish in the zero so again that’s why you you know you can’t really compare women’s and men’s cycling it’s very very different and you’d say

    That there’s a bigger gap between the classics riders and the men to the pure pure climbers of your kind of egan bernal style again comparing to the women so for anna christian great to see her back the young great britain rider i’ve ridden for drops now for the last couple of

    Years and i’d love to see her you know really step up this year and get some good results for herself she’s been a great teammate domestique for the past couple of years and i know she’s very motivated to become one of the best writers in the world

    So katrina allard back at the movie star team car just having a fairly um conversation with the team khan i know she’s got an issue that she’s uh trying to sort out the at the back a little bit uh further back and they sound tested towards the front for uh team bike exchange

    And our repel cleaning team so repel cleaning senior santoni uh granddaughter griffin alice sharp and sarah vanderval so it’s good to see this reaper so if you’ve been in within cycling for a long time you remember 7-eleven this is the uh the rupell cleaning team registered

    In ireland are uh our roof held cleaning so a lot of interest when this uh when this jersey was uh was launched for uh for this team there’s tallita just moving up on the outside it seems like a lot of riders that have we saw katrina allude with uh with the kind of

    Buff um the sort of neck warmer and things like that one of the swanny down there at the uh let’s hope they’re all right fdj it’s uh the riders try to grab a bottle at speed here but we’re seeing quite a few riders starting to get rid of the chiles and arm warmers

    And leg warmers and all those uh because it can feel really chilly at the start and you get going and uh all of a sudden you really uh start to uh to warm up that’s uh that’s the german rider from uh rupell cleaning just looking for the for the team car

    Just getting tailed off a little bit here so uh bike exchange on the front moniks just having a little uh discussion with each other 88 kilometers to go and we’re starting to uh gotta start sensing there do you think the race kind of we kind of need a little bit of

    A little bit of a breakaway to get away i just think it’s just at the moment that the climbs are just gonna it’s gonna be a sort of race of attrition um as a as it just breaks down and wears down we get the likes of sean taylor

    Brook black here come through and and start with the hammer down a little bit later on yeah i think the climbs will almost kind of neutralize the race in terms of yeah putting the riders off from trying to form that breakaway i think the climbs will naturally mean the race will

    Be attritional come the the finish and there’s 23 kilometers now between the climb the riders have just gone over and and the next climb that we’re we’re seeing on the on the course was 65 kilometers to go so this is the opportunity now for teams to come together and have that chat and

    Communicate with their ds as to who’s feeling good out there and what the plan is now because like we’re saying early go in with a plan with a you know plan a but there could be a plan b c and d depending on how the race pans out and how the riders feel

    Uh you know after the first few kilometers so the riders have raced now for for 40 kilometers uh so it’s a chance to you know communicate come to the front take on their nutrition and really get set then for for almost the second part of the race

    Where the the climbs literally come in such quick succession you know we’ve got 14 climbs left to go which is uh a lot of climbing left but good to see monique back on the front for team bike exchange georgia williams there as well just talking into the radio so

    They’ve really come together as a team four riders at the front demi vollering for team sd works now a lot of riders having problems today marty we’re not seeing any uh crashes that we are seeing a lot of these types of pictures with riders trying to get back into the group

    Whether it’s uh you know bike problems mechanic problems and hopefully not crashes but we are seeing a lot of this today yeah there’s katrina alerts wearing 22 that blue jersey there from molvy start me bothering and at this section of the the long section as you said between the

    Two climbs so we’ve got a kind of cross head wind down towards uh liloa to waters and then it’s going to be a cross tailwind through waterloo and then up towards over isa into climb number eight before we start uh enter that finishing circuits and then uh go through that finish line

    For the first time chantal van der brook black just moving up on the right of your picture there no they’re still there very much all together here this is uh lennox and of course a lot of these uh a lot of these roads that we’re uh that we’re seeing

    Here are uh are gonna be used in the in the world championships um later on in the year what an amazing world that’s going to be marty it’s almost a flanders type world championship so i know it’s going to be very very exciting let’s just hope across our fingers that there will be

    Spectators allowed because it just changes things so much i listened to an interview with uh anna mcmahon bluton after the tour of flanders and you know it almost changes the race completely i know for me when i rode a race like flanders that you know the fans just make the race and

    They’re lined out and they’re having their beers and having just such a great time and it’s almost a wall of noise you know when you’re riding up cobbled sections uh you know the acquirements and the the paterberg for example and to not have anyone there it’s just so so strange so

    Let’s cross our fingers that you know things will be changing for the better definitely that’s lennox that’s our uh our start is uh our horse with its mask on and uh the the way they uh the as as has been the norm and that has been the

    Uh the way so far so the uh the organizers basically don’t release the uh the course and the the course information and they ask the spectators to watch at home so lotto suit out they’re uh trying to take the opportunity now to get clear off the front

    So perhaps a good times uh sd works in the purple all uh across the front of the peloton i think this is loner meetings they’re trying to get clear well there this could be a good tactic for a team like lotus dow who you know don’t have a

    An out and out kind of leader um on paper to attack you know at this stage where they do have a gap between climbs um you know it’s a clever move because if the gap you know does get significant it just gives them that kind of sliding

    Room and the opportunity for those who do attack on the climbs to bridge over uh to a lone leader at the front and that’s another opportunity that a rider could get for for a result that can’t follow riders like anime van gluten so again another good tactic for a team

    Might be to use this opportunity of you know your 20 to 25 kilometers without a climb to to get into that breakaway or have that solo lead where you know the peloton aren’t so worried about one rider being up at the front um and slowly or the gap just develops and

    And then they find themselves in the in the front cover the latter part of the race so it looks like this gap now is is developing and the riders aren’t so worried to chase teammate now um behind abby may parkinson who i mentioned before just uh taking some layers off taking a bottle

    From the team car uh and we’ll get back into the telethon yeah teammates it’s jessie vanderbilt that’s uh off the fronts they’re the graphic scene as uh abby may just grab some bottles from the team car talita to young he’s back at her team car you can see in that light blue uh

    Jersey so jesse van der bulke here hormann national champion it’s a good move by uh jesse 25 years olds is the lotto cedaw rider and they would have they brought kind of jesse in you would say as a as a bit of a leader because when you when you win

    That belgian national title you you there’s something it takes a lot to let’s just say if you you know it does take a lot to win a to win a belgian national champion but i don’t know what you think but they brought anna police during as well the the polish right over

    There hannah nielsen’s been riding well recently and and they kind of for me i don’t know what you think a lot of pseudo sort of seem almost they need one of the riders to really take on that mantle of leadership sometimes in races would you agree

    Yeah i would agree marty or maybe to sign uh you know a type of a superstar typewriter because i think unfortunately for them they seem un well different to today but they uh they don’t have that real confidence and kind of drive that that leader can bring and i think they

    They tend to follow quite a lot in races again this isn’t happening today which i’m really really happy to see um but for the lotus adele team i think in the past it’s been quite a sort of a developmental type team and i think they need to kind of get out of that

    Um i guess mindset and you know i think they need a result to give them that real motivation and drive and um yeah to give them the firepower almost uh to go on um i think you can see it when a rider is successful and does well it kind of

    Breeds that motivation within the team and it gives everyone that confidence that you know if one of them can do it they they all can do it so yeah i’d love to see them get a good result today she would have been hoping as well that

    She might get a bit of company and we’ve got one rider just coming across the gap you can just see in the distance there and the next climb along the route as we said there’s quite a gap between the climbs but then they do then again start to come in really fast

    Succession the roof once or dubois will be the next climb the top of that comes with 65 kilometers to go so as danny said good opportunity good place to uh to start the attack just using these kind of flowing roads now to try and to really sort of build that advantage now we’re

    Up to 23 seconds but there’s a peloton in the distance one rider just in that gap there’s a couple of riders just coming across here so hopefully this might light things up just a little bit we’ve got through that time of everyone’s just starting to

    Get rid of the get rid of the jackets get rid of the jerseys you can see here paulina royaka’s there wearing 16 in the purple of liv another rider that uh favors the the rear position on the the peloton this is kind of her this kind of her favorite position isn’t

    It either off the front or or just say she said she’s the david moncucci of uh of women’s cycling paulina royakis she is i think unfortunately for paulina that’s uh it’s not in the same way that i ride like anime and lutheran would sit on the back unfortunately for paulina

    She’s quite nervous in the bunch i rode with her and the team in wow deals in 2018 and you know it was a real limiting factor to paulina and again it’s such a talent you know we’ve seen her um attacking the likes of the zero and have some brilliant results in the the

    Mountain stages um but she is so nervous and again in a race like today or any race really it’s um you have to be such an all-rounder to be able to win and be able to you know ride on on the cobbles down to cents and um

    Again if you can’t ride on a wheel you’re always going to be putting out more power than the riders that can sit comfortably within the peloton so yeah it’s uh it definitely is a limiting factor for paulina and hopefully she will get that opportunity to get to the front off the front and

    And stay off the front hopefully for the live racing team back to the front getting a bit of a reaction now the monax jerseys on the front here nikola noskova for sd work this lucinda brand that’s uh reacting here for trek sega friday so it’s time to get

    A bit of reaction katya ragusa from uh monax the riders up there 80 kilometers to go 15 seconds starting to now danny get a few more some few more that we do need some of the some of the big teams the sd works and the trek sega freddos to to get in

    On the to get in on the action here yeah we’re doing you can see this gap is tumbling down now 12 seconds and you can see uh jesse vandenbeckel is going to get caught unfortunately for her and the lotto sudow team and this will be an opportunity for the counter attacks uh

    Again when a rider’s been out there and the the peloton catch it’s a good opportunity to to be attentive and use the opportunity to to counter attack and catch some of the other teams out with 18 kilometers to go they’re still so long left in this race

    Especially with all the climbs we’ve got coming up and like we said before i think that can put off a lot of teams from attacking at this stage when there’s still so much to go and so many more opportunities to attack in a potentially more favorable part of the

    Course it’s so hard to get away at you know a time like this especially on such a you know long road that we’re seeing now the typical rider there just attacking and straight away the riders are on her will and it’s been neutralized so our loan leader

    Jesse van der malke they are brought back from a lot to see down seeing the us national champions jersey a little bit further down the group as well ruth winder has done a huge amount of work recently for trek sega freddo a little look around plenty of chat just

    Going on at the uh the front of the race here expect some more some more attacks as we run in towards uh over icer there’s us because he got there wearing 76 from uh team bike exchange the dalchini van i team there’s uh valentina scandalara still uh down about

    Here you wanna mean eight i’m gonna go here for team tibco so tibco clearly have been given the uh the the uh go here to uh start attacking start to try and uh get someone up the road in this one fdj still up towards the uh the front

    Reef winder could could be a good bet today i think for track sega freddie yeah definitely and again with a team without the likes of elisa longo morghini and lizzie diegman it’s an opportunity for ruth to take a race like today on um and again she’s always such

    An amazing domestique we saw that especially in uh afraid binder where she really did help set that incredible attack up for elisa longo borghini so for the 27 year old you know this could be a race for for her today um and yeah again looking at the

    The lineup i think they have got different different options um but i would say if i had to pick a rider out it would be ruth today we haven’t seen much of her which also says she’s hopefully hiding and binding her time and picking the right moment in the race to to attack

    Today good to see our repel cleaning riders getting off the off the front as well and they’re a new team so uh new riders as well the uh the repel cleaning team so plenty of attacks from them it’s a little move here i could tell valkenberg just hitting the front here

    So far there’s a really fast section now here in uh romance hill really is uh strung out now through this section our next climb is the uh as you said the route the uh redefine swat uh francois dubois the next climb along the route and that one comes with 65k to go then

    We go to the the some of the finishing circuit climbs it hurts throughout the moscow strat the holster then the uh over icer will be the uh the next climbs on the on the running towards the finish but still nothing getting clear at the moment still uh

    Just super quick to be able to try and uh attack off off this one yeah just spotted loretta hansen there uh in the trek segafredo team colours and she’s had a good start for the year as well healthy agents or she really impressed me uh working for ellen van dyke who took

    The overall win in the in the tour but she was she worked really well she got herself in the the key moves and also came back and helped ellen so again a real um star in the team i think it really does take riders like loretta

    Hansen in the for the teams to be successful someone that you know can genuinely race for others and not leave anything kind of back for themselves i think again we’ve just discussed that in the last few races and it’s uh something that is really good to see within women’s racing

    Now with riders getting more than a one-year contract it just means that they’re not worried about their own results and looking for the contract for the next year to lead the world again off the back or having a problem potentially with a bike just talking to the team team car

    But yeah again we’re seeing the professionalism of women’s racing just going from strength to strength and the real teamwork and the dynamic of women’s racing changing for the better because riders aren’t so worried about picking up you know the top 30s top 20s to pick up some points to secure their own

    Contracts for the for the year after so that’s brilliant to see is this shearing and roy having a go on the uh the left there we’ll just zoom in that’s loretta hansen that’s having an attack now for track sega product so starting to get some moves now off the front and now

    When you start to see those uh those trek jerseys starting to attack and at least to hear from uh from a lot of out on the fronts and loretta just having a chat into the radio telita de yong comes up in that bingo casino uh jersey alicia maria zufi right behind

    Her in the pink of falca katia ragusa in the uh the black of monax plenty right is now starting to look around say uh loretta a little go off the front just grabbing a handful of radio there just to uh to discuss the tactics with the with the

    Rest of the team a lot of the time yeah and you can you could just see her shake her head there and i think for me personally you know it’s it’s not the time to attack you know you can see how fast this road is you can see how wide

    It is as well um and yeah i just think it’s going to be almost impossible you can see how easy it is for the riders to sit behind any moves that the riders are making it looks like this is monique to neglect again from team bike exchange but she’s

    Got the whole peloton on her wheel um it looks like slightly downhill road i think the only good move to make is if you’re hearing you can hear the whistles now of um the kind of commissares and if the road goes from wide to narrow it’s a great

    Time to be at the front unless that’s happening or unless there’s a climb coming up this is actually a key moment to you know really rest your legs and take on the fuel that you need have that conversation with your teammates or your ds go back to the car get rid of any

    Clothing that you might um that you might need to and really take stock because i don’t see a move going away at this stage of the race move off the front so i think uh going again here for uh rupell cleaning those uh red white and green uh colors

    I’m gonna eat my words now martial is these two just uh get off the front i’ve been quite given my predictions actually recently so um let’s see how it goes today yeah i’m still building up good karma to be able to start predicting um riders potentially in these races you know

    Yeah i don’t think you should for anyone that doesn’t know myself and marty have had a few predictions recently i think i’ve um i think i’ve got the last two out of two actually it’s mariana boss and um who was the last that i uh predicted correctly

    Oh i can’t remember now anyway you i think have had a few predictions and unfortunately for the riders they’ve ended up with you know mechanicals punctures or crashes so i think we should uh like you say yeah the peloton call me voldemort now i’m the voldemort of um of like cycling

    Predictions now they just i’ve just yeah i’m still on a blanket band i’m out there you know helping kittens across the road and things like that to try and build up some good karma to try and uh start predicting it again few little moves massey tactic good to see the uh

    Massey tactic team uh just trying to shake things up as danny says a little bit quick at the moment to really make something uh stick here at the moment sort of fast cross tailwind section that we have um towards the next climb of the day so crosstail wind up towards uh

    Waterloo and then in towards uh over icer and uh overrides are famous uh for the the races such as the as well the uh the thriving course which is the uh the grapes race which uses the the same sort of finish but goes the opposite way to brevard’s apparel the driving cross

    As well so nine uh for its uh grape growing is uh is uh over ricer sherry van hamroy on the front from uh track sega friday she’ll be pleased to have her teammate eleanor baxter back in the peloton today i know they get on uh really well um to the the young riders

    In the team it is always it always is always good isn’t it when you uh when you turn pro super young like these two you’ve got somewhat of kind of your own age within the team as well yeah absolutely marty and um generally it’s nice to be able to

    You know have a chat before the race and really settle your nerves and if you’ve got a you know kind of genuine friend in the team um yeah it takes that pressure off and you know gives you that um yeah yeah just uh good feeling before a race

    To be able to have a chat with someone that’s you know on the same page as you and has really you know grown up within the sport and gone through you know similar ups and downs as we all have um in a sport like cycling it’s never playing

    Salem you know even the best have their bad years or you know bad bad crashes or incidents to have to come back from and you know that’s what makes sports people so great to have that resilience to come back and that’s what eleanor is going to

    Be doing and again it’s a great way to start in a race like today maybe not your you know one of your key key classics like outside goals or your flesh will on flanders but a great um like i guess development race or development classic to have as your first first race back

    From from injury it’s becoming a bit of a launch pad race i would say for the arden classics to come um this one is uh granvance appeal and for teams such as track segregate of course had her own issues come back from that uh crashed at the table um

    Cycle cross world cup she’s got a big gash in her arm from uh from the disc um this rotor on the right off the not far off the start line shearing so she’s had her own battles to get back into it uh this season our big names though you would say have

    Been fairly quiet so far today very fast running the teams the bike exchange sd works uh canyon sram all very much uh to the front of uh this one today and uh for team bike exchange annika ensign has got uh monique tenilo right behind her for canyon tram

    Have a little look around the uh the canyon sram team and uh for for them michaela harvey could be uh could be an opportunity today or for someone like michaela harvey we sort of you look at mckayla and it’s just really the back end of last year girarosa and then

    Fletcher lawn and those sort of races really got up their new signing into canyon strand but for for makeda today she’s going to want to take those uh those opportunities to uh to perhaps try and uh do something today massey uh tactic our uh spanish team those light blue jerseys

    Another uh the makings of an another little move now but everyone’s straight on it so quick here 70 kilometers to go here in uh in brazil today massive tactic team next g good to see them up towards the uh the front as well they’ve got the likes of the media

    Sharp british rider in there as well sort of uh different uh nations they’ve got in there julia bulgstrom from uh sweden is also uh ryder in that team but that uh that little move there comes to comes to nothing nothing uh just super quick at the moment this one nothing getting

    Clear it’s not for the want of trying though is it there’s plenty of riders keen to try and uh to get off the front here we we look as well in terms of as this race goes on and we look at um the the places where we the climbs where we

    Expect attacks but when we look at anime van volume who we haven’t seen for quite a while we saw hanging out down the back on the on the roll out earlier on but uh for someone like anna meek and for anyone trying to kind of come up with a plan anime sort of

    Recently as well i suppose we could take the you know flanders aside but she does tend to look at other climbs which aren’t as obvious as the clients that you might expect someone to go as her as her launch pad to go dwarsdorf landra being a great example

    Yeah and i think the anna meek van luten she’s kind of got to think outside the box a bit because if she just goes on those climbs that are super predictable in terms of your your wants to attack on then everyone’s going to be really gearing themselves up

    To try and follow not that they can um but for adamic i think you know looking at the type of rider she is she just seems to be able to do it all you know even when she’s on the flat section of road she can still get into that real time trial position

    Um and put out the power that she needs to to to stay away in a race and we saw that in um in flanders when she attacked on the pataburg and still um was able to you know stay away from the likes of elisa longo borghini and

    You know the riders behind that that we’re chasing so just super super impressive we saw lucy kennedy there the back for team bike exchange another rider that could do well in a race like today wildcard travel in silence back on the front in those um luminous pink and blue colors again

    They’ve been a team that have really impressed me this year like you said before marty they really do seem to come together as a team and you can see on the right now there’s two riders from valkyr travel and silence coming to the front and in the middle ear screen two riders

    And that is the way to to you know to ride to move up together why not use your teammates to get to the front more efficiently especially if you have got a few leaders within the scene um save their legs and and use each other as um you know as

    As that help and i think what it also does is it gives you know when when the telethon look around and see a team come together at the front it’s really impressive and you kind of think wow you know they’re looking really good they’re riding as a unit and

    It’s really good to see in the classic season she’s uh she’s in here today as well so they’ve uh they’ve definitely got a good team and and from from memory from elisa yeah balsami hasn’t in terms of the the races for the valk travel and service riders so far this season i mean

    It’s it’s it’s been an impressive start to the to the season for her in terms of the big of what you would say looking at the big classic so you know podium didn’t skill the prize was up there and get wave of him fourth in that one in blue japan she was fifth

    In that through a fair friend of binder she was seventh won the gp uh otting in um so she’s she’s becoming as well quite a versatile rider and you know she’s been a multi she’s a she’s another rider that she’s a she comes from a trap she’s a

    Great track rider all right down on the uh the inside here teammates just back to uh to help them out so it says joss lowden that’s uh just gone down on that uh on that roundabout looks like she’s all right strops are called and if you’re uh they good to see

    Good to see the ripple bikes in the peloton big shout out to the to the to the british bikes there they’re a fairly um they’re a fairly iconic british band if you’re uh you’re not watching from if you’re not familiar with uh with them but they’ve uh they’ve

    Brought the new bike sponsor in this year for uh for drops of coal and in ripple so good to see them in there and they’re doing a lot of development work with the ominous site here fdj through um you can see just second from the uh the line the end

    Of the line there emilia farley and just kind of meerkating over the top of the teammates um for fdj here yeah emilia farlin’s got to be the leader for the french team today and it’s only two kilometers to the the top of the next climb this is why we’re

    Seeing the teams coming together now in that lead out formation to try and deliver their leaders to the front for the climbs to be able to follow any dangerous attack so good to see the french team coming to the four now hopefully just louder than teammate from drops will be able to get

    On before they hit the bottom of this climb and josh has had a good start to the year really really impressive individual time trial and happy healthy aging tour to come sixth fantastic time trailer and she actually uh was 11th in the general classification so

    Again could be one for her today so a couple of drops uh teammates at the front now as well but it’s fdj who are taking it into the next climb every yonamine for the national chair you can see that national champions jersey of japan not far from the front

    Now with uh with team tibco she’s just moving up here onto the roof once francois dubois 500 meters so 4.9 maximum of uh 10 is this climb and then we’re gonna then we get into as you say auntie into the sort of start of the finishing loop so this climb here

    There’s katrina allergies we’ve got quarter grips of anna mcvan veloute moving up a little uh a while ago katrina allard for the movie star team that’s uh an impressive formation here from uh fdj nouvelle akita for churroscope so they’re uh that’s uh formless uh multiple swedish national champion in

    The road race and the time trial is it the day for emilia farleen today as danny said a little bit earlier on had a phenomenal uh season um before uh suffering a concussion it did take did uh take her a while to uh to get back from that and

    Then weirdly broke her hand grabbing a bottle at the giro rosa broke a bone in her hand that was one of the weirdest uh injuries uh i think she said herself um at the back end of of last year as well so michaela harvey that missed moving up

    Here from uh from canyon tram taking it took me a little while to get to get it does take it sometimes again in a season it took me a little while to get used to to michaela in her inner yeah and also the uh the purple colors as well marty that we’ve mentioned

    They’re quite similar uh the teams sd works have live it’s quite hard to pick out but i think we finally got there and like you say the riders that have switched teams like michaela who uh has gone from biggler uh katysha to the canyon sram racing team she signed a

    Two-year contract we should be with until at least the end of 2022 she had a great year last year in 2020 she had some really consistent results in the the giro d’italia she was fifth uh on gc which is probably a breakthrough kind of result for a 22 year old from new

    Zealand so good to see her in the the canyon tram colours today two zwift academy winners actually in the canyon shroud team today a really really cool initiative to uh use zwift to find the next superstar so they’ve got ella harris um in their team and also niche bradbury who have come through

    Through that program again almost quite similar to the program i came through with british cycling that kind of talent id uh opportunity to come from uh well i came from a different sport but for those two riders again to come from you know australia new zealand that maybe

    Don’t have the opportunity to to get to europe and really showcase their ability on the road it’s just a fantastic opportunity to use zwift to do that and come over and be in a canyon training camp and impress the team that way so good to see those two racing today

    Uh hopefully they will be able to do something for for their team so loretta hansen on the front and i know her and uh she’s got eleanor baxter right on her wheel as well i know um loretta and eleanor um worked together trained together a lot the two track

    Sega fredo uh riders they’re right the front we sing lauren stevens not far from the front for uh team tibco and uh julie de vilde just uh back here at the i think the the doctor’s car here for uh for julie de vilde and the belgian national team good to

    See the national colors in here today i i think i think for me belgium national team colors probably the coolest national jersey out there maybe after the great britain yeah no it isn’t really that one a lot yeah maybe no it is um i i really like

    The kit as well but um yeah we’ve seen julie um at the back maybe suffering like you say with the the doctor’s car at the minute to try and help her out you can see as well the two drops of coal riders getting back into the peloton always

    Good to see after an incident so just allowed them back in the mix as well as julie dewald tries to close that gap back to the uh the peloton big shout out to race doctors though because they do do a phenomenal job and especially on stage races they are there

    Are kind of unsung heroes of the of the peloton of the other race doctors and they are you know they’re so so so helpful and so so useful um as a as as an organization as a team when you when you need to call on a race doctor there’s the american national champion

    That stars and stripes jersey of ruth winder seeing her on the front here for the first time today leah thomas another american in the blue of mobby star good to see her up there as well and a good dwarf dorflander did uh did thomas got in that breakaway really set things up

    For anime van gluten the hurt strats um is the next slimes cobbled as well as why we’re getting a lot of uh movement now around the front of the peloton we killed the they’ve got that sort of uh the ebb and flow the riders uh trying to get up on the uh on

    The outside as quite senior uh just has to try and uh take to the pavement momentarily there we get that as we always call it that washing machine effect as he as you run in towards a climb like this it must be danny such a battle in this position because

    You you sat on the front then you get this this sort of road furniture in the middle and all of a sudden you’re 20 20 spaces back and you’ve got to do it again yeah absolutely marty and again it’s so important as well then to ride as a team

    To try and not be distant like you say with the you know the road furniture and things like that that can cause havoc in a race like today especially in the lead into the climb where everyone is so nervous and kind of chopping changing positions to try and get themselves to

    The front or like we’re seeing here to their swan years to get a bottle or this is where incidents happen you can see there you know the riders flicking positions as they try and grab for a bottle and again it’s kind of tense moments as well especially when there’s another

    Climb coming up in in three kilometers time with the uh hurt strat at uh 60 kilometers to go so 62 kilometers to go now and they’ve reached the top with 59.3 to go that was neat bradbury trying to uh grab a bottle and then again another uh

    Lesson as a young rider just 19 years old as uh danny mentioned the uh the zwift academy winners coming into uh this one they just gotta you have to sort of learn let’s just look at every johnny meanwhile just digging that shoulder in on the uh on the front there danny to

    Get on her teammates wheel yeah absolutely you can see here again a replay of uh like me bradbury talking into the radio now again a real talent a nice smile there to the camera all okay big deep breath i stayed upright and now it’s time to get back to the

    Front for the next climb it’s definitely as as young riders come through that’s it’s a good skill and for youngsters to learn is is taking bottles on the because you don’t all those ones don’t always have the luxury of of a climb where uh to be able to have a feed

    Zone that slows everyone down and allows you to uh to take a bottle at a fairly uh sort of more pedestrian um pace but you can see here as we run in towards the neckline farlene comes through here for uh for f dj doug’s that digs that shoulder in on the

    Outside coron rivera you see there onto the heart strike on the left of your picture for dsm good to see the american for dsm back in here the only straight down the center of the road you got talita de young of uh the big goal

    Chevron yeah team has uh off we got uh on both sides of the road here so far lean good to see corrin back in here um for for dsm uh would get it one of those days for for cory could be it could be you would normally say good day but you

    Never know when it’s your first race of the season how the legs are going to react and how the legs are going to feel no you don’t and like you said it is her first race uh of 2021 but she was third here in 2019 so it is a race that she

    Knows she can perform in and generally if you’ve had a good result in a race previously it gives you that confidence and extra motivation to to get a good result again but it is karen rivera now at the front with amelia fallin to lisa dion as

    Well on the left of the screen now mommy star rider coming to the front and the pacers are really picked up now marty it’s so important for the riders to be attentive you can see them looking around as to who’s going to make the next move trek segafredo with loretta

    Hanson now and third wheel is there they’re just um just just a little moose here so it’s good to see to get always quite impressed with the with drops of coal today it’s our penton up towards the front the swedish rider so there’s plenty of swedish representation

    At the front at the back though as uh yanamine just uh attacks again here for uh for team tibco shake of the head for a multi-star rider hanson is up there is ruth winder so you see that uh stars and stripes jersey there’s cora rivera just having a chat into the radio

    A few glances around so we’re over the top of the hurt flats the mosca strat will be the the next one today the live racing team today and they’re quite light on the ground in terms of um the team today and this is uh shirin van and roy just going off the

    Front so in terms of live racing sabrina stilton’s valerie martin just school of evie kuipers and paulina royaka’s are the uh other team so johanna mine looks like she’s gonna try and uh close this one uh down because this smarter just skull skirt that’s uh just off the front here

    For for lib racing you can see that the pressure at the front is starting to tell down the uh the back of the peloton some of our multi accountants uh riders just getting tailed off here rosalie vanderwolf is uh and uh marika de schmet just getting distanced off the back of

    The peloton you can see the pressure really on here emily newton is a rider that’s uh for tip coat it’s just starting to struggle a little bit further down but spike exchange you see them just close that one uh down everything back under control spj go again now

    Yeah my early grocery tech goes with knee bradbury so uh fdj now we’re over 58 kilometers to go starting to see the uh the start now of uh some more moves on this one so nothing uh getting clear at the moment the fisher black is our uh bestie works rider just has a

    Glance around at the front pocket el valkenburg up there they’re leading in towards uh they’re looking for the uh the next climb of the day the top of the mosca strat is 54.2 kilometers to go it’s just 500 meters but more cobblestones than that one everyone will be looking around trying

    To leave anything that’s got cobbles next to it danny everyone wants to get to as we saw there with uh with the hurt strat everyone wants to be as close as they can to the front to uh to try and lead into that one absolutely marty we know with cobbles

    You know it really stops your energy out of the legs generally there’s more issues that happen on cobbles whether it’s uh the loss of a bottle that comes out of the bottle cage or crashes so it’s even more vital to be positioned well at the front it’s trex segafredo now loretta hansen

    Again in the middle of the uh middle of the screen again she’s been so so consistent attentive at the front and really uh really doing a good job for the trek sega fredo team it was actually loretta hanson there who was talking into the radio as sharon van roy had a

    Gap and a clever move there just let the gap go spoken to the radio probably go go go there’s a gap uh gave the opportunity to to a teammate there so impressive to see canyon shroud now coming up on the left-hand side of the screen because riders are being distanced off

    The back and uh never a good a good uh good thing to happen to you especially at this stage of the race is still 57 kilometers to go i think even if you do make it back into the peloton chances are the legs aren’t good for the

    Day and it will only take a couple more climbs for that elastic to snap loretta hands it loretta hanson she’s like um you look at loretta in this for track sega fredo she’s got that she’s she’s got that sort of peloton captain hat on today almost she

    Definitely looks like the uh here for the conductor for um for track sega freddo the way the way she rides the way she’s the way she just floats around the peloton always talking into the radio yeah it’s really impressive from the uh australian rider to take on a role like

    This and generally it’s a role for you know your more experienced solder riders but um again sometimes it lends itself to specific personality so yeah she’s doing a great job here for the trek sega fredo team and i think you know having the likes of georgia bronzini and iana

    Tittenberg it gives that confidence to younger riders like loretta that they can yeah you know take on that role and lead lead the team through a race like today omar shapiro just fighting to get back on it looks like a potential problem at the back wouldn’t expect that oma to

    Be um to be distanced but they’re just getting back on now Maria van gaal off from drops has she’s had a good start to the year as well and uh just uh julie de vilde just on the back it’s not not doesn’t look she’s been back at the doctor’s car doesn’t look like she’s uh she’s having a good day

    Today have you made parkinson on the left there for uh in that uh black white and red jersey for uh for lotto suit out leah thomas still there we’ll just look around say the likes of chantal vandenbrook black and anime dsm i think dsm will be pleased to have

    Cora rivera back in there in the team today she’s another rider the american that that doesn’t does lee she leads well i remember when she won the uh the ovo um women’s tour in um in great britain the the way that she wrote the stage win and the gc in that

    One but uh just the way she kind of led the team and and the confidence that she gave the team throughout that week to uh to to back her and they always ride well in this race to uh the assembly we’re somewhat we’re on to the mosque strats we don’t have

    The shkave um in the uh the prabhan chapel today and we normally have the the shikaway climb but uh we have this uh the mosque strats this was a fairly new climb into the race and the mosque that has 500 meters average gradient of 6.8 is cobbled and uh the uh the mosque

    We will do uh three times so we’ve got our finishing circuit two laps of that finishing circuit today for this one this looks like one of those climbs and someone was out training one day and thought i’ve just found another climb that we can that we can use in a race

    Yeah it’s a really good one i’ve ridden up this one myself and obviously it is cobbled as well so it’s a tough one and it definitely does sap the energy like you say going up it multiple times today as well and you can see how strung out

    The peloton is i can just see taylor wiles as well near the back for trek segafredo and yeah this is where you can really feel you know if you’ve got good legs or not you know come the last 50 kilometers of the race you’ve already you’ve ridden around 70

    Kilometers in the race you’ll know at this stage if you’re you know in for fighting for that victory today uh for sure but going back to team dsm marty i think it is really important to to say you know with corinne i think you’re absolutely spot on there with the

    The confidence that she brings to the team and she is almost that that superstar within the team to third in 2019 i think they’ve been missing uh corrine from the team obviously fortune makai as well another fantastic rider who was spurred in this race last year

    She’s not racing in the team today but also leah kirchman i’ve got written down as a potential for team dsm she was second in 2018 and eighth in 2019 so i think the philia the canadian rider again we haven’t seen much of their yet today but could be another pick for for the

    Team and then potentially their their plan b if corinne is yet to have the racing legs you saw esme peppercamp from uh from dsm’s having a a bit of an issue at the back katrina allerts off the front here esme is an interesting rider as well and

    He started racing in 2019 didn’t get to race too much last year but had the opportunity to uh cop with with team dsm they really sort of spotted her talents katya ragusa just coming across the uh the gap here on the descents so the movie star rider as we said a

    Little bit earlier on has been uh has been uh training a lot with uh with anime van fluten and still uh quick in this one if you are just joining our coverage today welcome aboard the bravanship hill from lennox to over ice 127.3 kilometers and our first passage of the line comes with

    Uh in about 10 kilometers time 43.8 to go we’ll then have two laps of a 21.9 kilometer finishing circuit and that mosque is that climb that it looks like a decisive place to uh try and go on the offensive looks like lucinda brand that’s uh attacking on the front here

    For trek sega freddo she really is one of the best descenders in the world is uh lucinda brand as well obviously she’s uh spent a season in cyclocross and generally the cyclocross riders are so good at bike handling and they really have no fear when it comes to descendants so using that

    Descent to their advantage there you can see the peloton is is really splitting up now good to see ash norman pasio for team sd works um coming to the front and i think again for ash i’d love to see ash take a big result and i think you know it’s her first year

    Within the sd works team and she’ll be looking to take that victory uh in a race and for sure and especially with the likes of race like liege obviously suits the the south african climber perfectly um and again 11th in strada bianchi 14th in trophee alfred binder very consistent and

    See the south african rider on the front now there’s the knew that anna van der bregen is is a bit poorly is a bit sick at the moment as well nothing uh clothed related but she’s a bit sick as well at the moment so she’s uh looks like she’s not gonna

    Make it to uh to amsterdam at the weekend but it could be could be yeah could it could it be the year that ash finally gets flesh while on because that’s the that’s that’s her race isn’t it that’s the one that’s uh that she uh

    We’ve seen i should be on the podium so many times in that one actually mormon passion in the purple of sd works lucinda brand in the light blue dark blue there of trek sega fredo allardz from mobystar leah thomas now coming through to the front michaela harvey we’re seeing for canyon sram in

    The uh the galactic jersey multi-color jersey uh second wheel here and so now getting a few moves mobby start uh alert and thomas this uh we saw this into ours didn’t we dwell vlander and then in terms of mobby star how they set this one up and they kind of play that

    Oh are they as someone else getting an opportunity today and then all of a sudden it’s uh it’s all about van volutin again yeah and i think we’ll see that again today you know and i think you know leah thomas is a a real help to van gluten we saw that in uh

    Dualized laundering and i think for van blue and she will want the race to be as hard as possible i think that’s her best chance to uh to win uh these races she profits off a really hard race so that’s what the team will be trying to do today to set it up

    For uh anamique van blue and it’s quite a hard situation to be in i think for the team sometimes when they have such a superstar within the roster it’s hard for you know that rider to not be the to the leader every single race and it’s really down to the riders to

    Take their opportunity when van gluten isn’t racing but looks like uh a lot of riders struggling now uh yeah i’m really getting shredded now isn’t it it really is ashmore and passionate again now yes you are seeing you know your stars coming to the front now need fisher black our next rider to

    Attack the sd works rider with anime van flutten on the wheel for movie star and uh demi vollering just chatting to the radio talita de young is there they have really as we said shredded that peloton on the climb there’s the gap coming around the corner

    So uh taylor wiles here we saw elena baxter just getting uh just in one of the uh the groups just behind as well the young british rider first race back for uh for trek sega fredo today but uh that’s uh got well into this race 51 kilometers to go taylor wiles uh

    Surprised to see taylor wiles in this position let’s get back up to the front have a look around the uh the front of the group here farleen is uh at the uh the front here anna shackley so sd works are all here um it looks like at the moment fan floating in that

    White uh european champions jersey we’re seeing always if you’ve been with us throughout the day thank you company so far with 51 kilometers to go if you were with us for not far away from the rollout today they uh van gluten was uh as she does normally just rolling out

    Kicking back on the back of the peloton lauren stevens just grabbing the feet taylor wiles trying to get herself uh back in to this uh front group habit of music with her for fdj trying to get back in and generally there’s a reason behind this you know marty just said about being surprised

    That taylor was being distanced here and i would totally agree with that and uh whether it’s an illness or just doesn’t quite have the legs um i’d be surprised if it’s the the second um normally a reason why someone so experienced has been distanced at this point maybe a mechanical bike problem um

    Hopefully she does get back in but again when you look at taylor just we know what taylor wiles is like and when when you look at okay the team today we know taylor will ride herself to a standstill for it for everyone else so even if even if she she’ll get back

    On here even if she can give 500 meters or a kilometer of a turn on the front if it sets it up for the team she’ll absolutely marry herself to uh to get back in here if you uh we’re now hitting 50 kilometers to go it really has been a

    Race of attrition so far the bravant appeal the riders are getting uh are getting tailed off the back groups are coming back after that uh climb we’re heading in towards our finishing circuit now and we have two laps of this uh 21.9 kilometer finishing circuit to go that

    Moscow strat climb how decisive will that be in this one we’re setting things up that advanced appeal is growing in stature year on year very much the uh the entrance and the launch pad to the arden classics to come the likes of amsterdam gold flesh well on liege

    Bastogne liege those are the races to come in the coming weeks and uh ryder is just looking to uh hone their form build that confidence going in to these uh these next uh targets and that’s what’s so important about races such as this and and why a race like pro banter

    Pillow or a race like twice dorflander and they they they’re so important not just for for preparation but also just to see just to kind of hone that form maybe just to give that younger rider an opportunity or you see that glimmer as a team and a rider i

    Think okay these are the days where we we give that young rider there or that developing rider their their their opportunity you know even for a demi following or someone like that just to go right okay this is your proving day we know you’ve got the talent to and the form to win

    I’m still or flesh or liege or something like that and these are those these are those grounding days and that’s what’s so important to to not just have these races on the calendar but see these races and we’re seeing you know from we’ve been on air

    From sort of 110 kilometers to go and we get to see the ebb and flow of the race and the work of nikola oskova on the front here and that’s what that’s what’s important as we go into the to the big to the the big monument classics like amstel gold absolutely you know

    Being able to commentate from the start really gives us the opportunity to tell the whole story of the race but not only that marty they’re so so important like you mentioned for so many different reasons whether it is that kind of launch pad for the likes of anna mcvam bluton into the

    Bigger races such as amstel gold flesh liege but also that opportunity uh like you mentioned for the smaller teams or the younger riders to come through and use it as an opportunity to kind of put their hand up and say i’ve got good legs um

    And you know i can get a result here and i think we see the kind of superstars you know develop from races like today where they’ve been given that opportunity and and you know maybe some of you know we’re missing the likes of wm series at wnt yumbo bisma with marianna var so

    You know maybe the standard of this telethon is slightly less but it gives that rider the opportunity to um to get that result and build their confidence and show their team and the dss or or bigger teams that they’ve got the potential to to really kind of raise their game and

    Be that superstar in the future so yeah it’s brilliant to have these these races in the calendar and uh yeah long may they continue pulling royakis yeah still uh for liver racing further down the hill esme pepper caps got back on there the dsm and the rider there’s chantelle vanderbilt black

    Wearing number one for sd works the team are on the front the uh shimano neutral service car taken to the bike path that’s one way to do it probably safer to be honest martial had some close shave neutral cars in there in the past again i wouldn’t like to be

    Them it’s very it’s got to be very nerve-wracking driving them either a team car neutral service car you know trying to get through the peloton in front of them at critical times so i was uh always glad to to be on the bike rather than driving the cars

    I used to i used to have to pick my moments it was definitely the most stressful you know he’s having a lot some days on the race i think override i remember de-essing them over iso when i was with endura and it was like it was

    One of the overriding classic it was one of the most stressful days i think i’ve ever had in the team car one of my riders was in the breakaway and i just could not get to get to the breaker where they just because i had a ride and

    It kept getting tailed off all the time they thought i was trying to get through to pace to ride it back on all the time so it took me half i think it took me most of three quarters of the race to get up to the breakaway so it was uh

    Yeah it’s all it’s always interesting uh especially this part of the world where you’re going from big roads like this to little tiny roads all the time so you gotta try and pick your moment totally when you’re uh you’re trying to move through the move through the peloton

    Just having a little look around the uh the back of the group here sarah jante the australian rider from team coat she’s uh there’s a lot of excitement around her wearing 213 they’re just getting out the saddle in that blue and that fluorescent yellow cannondale bike from uh from team tibco lots of

    Excitement around um sergiante the australian rider seeing what she can do in the european peloton and has been just steadily uh sort of finding her finding her feet a little bit if you read some of the the interviews with her post races uh recently and she’s got

    Some experience with her as well with lauren stevens alongside her there to uh 211. back to the front dsm lined out georgia williams for bike exchange good to see the new zealand national champions jersey in here that white jersey as uh in the center of the uh center of your picture there

    Here come uh valcar travel and service there’s uh pink jerseys monique tanilo from uh from bike exchange up towards the uh the frontiers and it’s going to move in in front of the uh the teammates the chats to young ruth winder that’s uh us national champions jersey here’s your prediction today then danny

    Who are you going for 47k to go it’s always a good time to get you get your predictions you you remember you’ve got a lot of pressure on you now because you you’ve done a you’ve been predicting them well recently oh marty you are yeah um putting the pressure on here

    So with two kilometers to go to the next climb i am going to predict oh do you know what i don’t want to predict down to meek van gluten because i feel like it’s just such an easy pick so i’m not going to pick anna mcmahon newton

    I am going to go with ash mormon passion i’d love to see ash uh take a victory today i think she’s got a good chance sd works she’s got a good team lineup chantelle black as well she looked good for the season she’s been consistent that’s my pick south

    African rider ashmore and cassio for sd works nice i like that left field no i’m not because where you’re like a sprinkling of fairy dust i’m like you know i’m like the grim reaper so i’m just gonna i’m just gonna keep it out because i feel so guilty i

    Don’t sleep at night um after some of the predictions i’ve made recently it’s uh yeah it’s it’s not good i’m not i’m just not going to go there anymore at the moment so yeah we’ll leave that one for now in towards overnight so we’re going uh in to our finishing circuit thanks for

    Your company today here on uh the bravanshire field this is uh the climb 1300 meters 3.7 maximum gradient of uh six percents on uh this one and nikola noskova leading here for sd works the rider that’s been uh given the task of this early work here for uh the sd works team keeping

    The pace super high on the front this team um being uh strengthened further this season by uh blanca cuttervas the young rider from hungary who they’ve also seen uh signed and i’m going forward in the season so it’ll be a lot of excitement to see what she can do

    Sharon van anroy 84 there she had a bit of a dig off the fronts uh a little while ago and then you’ve got uh ella harris not far from her on her right wearing 43 but noscope is impressive today nicola noskova here from uh from sd works keen

    To prove herself if we sort of look back as well to the sort of interview that she gave at the at the team launch she really really is uh keen to step up in uh in service of the team yeah she’s had a brilliant race today

    Really good to see her taking on this uh role today this is the first time the riders will be able to uh suss out this finish they’re going to go through the finish line again and then once more obviously for for that finish so three three times um

    But this is the first opportunity to feel the climb feel what it’s like but i do think by that point in the race marty it will be very very much whittled down and we will see you know this telethon being split a bit there’s still so much climbing to go we’ve still got

    10 climbs to go including this run one that the riders are on now in the last 45 kilometers of the race they do come thick and fast and it’s going to test the rider’s ability to that fatigue resistance i’ve spoken about before so being able to produce repeated efforts um again really

    Important in training to ride when you’re you’re tired and produce top you know efforts when you’re tired as well sabrina students first time we’ve seen sabrina coming to the front now for live racing again suffered a concussion but she’s been very much at the forefront of the races so far this year

    So great to see her back in the mix for lib racing again liv have really supported uh sabrina throughout that uh horrible crash that she had in 2018 so great to see her back in the mix two laps to go so we go through the finish line elena sierra is not far away

    From the front so that gives you a good view now two elapsed to go you can just see that group behind trying to get back into the mix here as uh everyone just moves up around the uh the front of this uh group here and uh just uh down the back as well

    Elsa plumas and team next g i’ve got uh plenty of options in that group as well um team next g as uh this is uh anna christian on the front here for drops look hole let’s have a look around this little group see who’s uh see who’s in here

    We’ve got some foul car travelling service jerseys i think alicia maria razifi is uh in there sarah penton grabs a bottle joss lowden is in this front group this is our front group so he drops the cold joss lowden up towards the front so she’s recovered

    From that issue that she had earlier on helena sierra looking for her swan year in that white uh jersey i think that uh that second group potentially could get uh could get back in here um would you say cora rivera is also in in here so we’re just having a look

    Around this group um anemic van gluten has uh definitely made this one let’s have a look glance down the uh down the group demi vollering is uh is there it’s loretta hansen just out of the saddle sharing just ahead of her i think that group that has been

    Distanced will be very motivated to to get back in their contention of the of the peloton martyr they’re still 44 kilometers to go and a lot of the big teams actually are surprised to see a couple of dsm riders in that back group and again anna christian who we mentioned earlier from

    The drop lookout team as well she’s a super strong rider and again one that sometimes does struggle with positioning so she’s definitely got the strength to be able to get back into touch with this peloton i’m sure but looking at the back of the screen now i can’t see that group so

    Again they’re gonna have to try and get back quickly if they want to have the chance to be competitive in this race georgia williams on the front new zealand rider for team bike exchange now as they descend down this uh this climb yeah i think the uh head-on shot there

    Was sort of foreshortening that gap just a little bit so it made it look a lot closer than it was so uh having a little chat into the radio just trying to find out where uh where everyone is potentially this one our next objective for now on our two finishing circuits is the

    The haggard climb is the next one that’s four just four hundred meters of eight and a half percent and then then they it hurts rats and the moscow strat the holsteider and the spock those are the and over i said those are the climbs on this finishing circuit

    Plenty of opportunities to try and get clear some of our uh a big name surprise favorite the uh you’ve got to say the out and out to the anime van volume in the center and uh chantal van der brook black her sd works teammates have not

    Been far away from the front of this one on to the haggards this sabrina stilton’s going again For live racing live racing just uh upping the pressure on the front leah thomas not far away neither is uh georgia williams mainly grocery tech is uh up there for uh fdj and then is that lucinda brand coming through again for uh sega freddo this is a pretty sustained

    Little move now on the front here danny really good move here and it is sabrina stevens on the front for liv racing demi bothering on the left for sd works leah thomas as well is there for bobby start lucinda brand for trek segafredo and you can see

    There’s a small gap now to the rest of the riders it really is being whittled down georgia williams i just saw there towards the back of this small group that’s uh got themselves off the front emilia farlin from fdj this is the back of the peloton now ryder’s just starting to

    Struggle over this climb yeah sustained climbs 22 in a total students looks around at following thomas grant loudoun joss lowden gets in here for drops of cog georgia williams is a making of a good group plenty of teams now represented at the front and the two

    Uh big teams in movie star and sd works are both in there coron rivera trying to get across the gap here for team dsm dsm will not want to miss out on this move off the front as thomas surrounds that corner takes the opportunity to just take a glance back over the shoulder

    Important here i would say danny for a dsm rider to get in here if corrin can make contact with this they’re the team that don’t want to miss out but demi bollering um comes over the top now of uh of leah thomas and it’s arlena sierra that is

    With uh conor rivera just got a glimpse of a white jersey could be anime van volume who’s also in that gap there and uh vollering looking good on the front here for sd works she is and it was anime van blue from this in that gap you can see her on the

    Right of your screen now getting out the saddle to make the move over to this group to join teammate leah thomas josh lowden on the front now for the drops nicole team very much wrapped up it’s just a lot of leg warmers and a neck buff again i think towards the end

    Of the race she’s going to have to get rid of layers it’s a really important not to overheat in a situation like this lucinda brand trek segafredo now this is a really really good move good to see lucinda brown now on the front here the world cycle across a

    Champion what a season lucinda brown had in cyclocross but as a road rider wins an omelet pet news blood couple of victories in the gyro rose a phenomenal road raider is uh lucinda brown and looking so far today definitely back onto that form that we we know the power

    Um that lucinda brown has demi vollering has a look around on the front here this is uh could um potentially this group here the uh the presence of luton could it neutralize it in a in a way or or do you think that that having that presence now is gonna

    Is gonna add to this move or do you think everyone will be looking around thinking ah she’s made it yeah i don’t think it will be a surprise that she’s made it into this group leah thomas talking into the radio now this group is gonna have to be very attentive

    It’s a very big group and we’ve talked about it before marty that when you’ve got a group of this size it generally sometimes can neutralize a move like this because you just don’t have that cooperation from everyone and it just means that there’s not 100 kind of collaboration between the riders

    Sabrina students now on the front four live as the riders look back to see who’s in this group how far back the peloton are but there’s still 40 kilometers to go in this race they will hit uh the hurt straps but they do have around eight kilometers of the

    Flat before that next climb i think that’ll play into the favor of the chasing peloton behind it will give them that opportunity to to chase back to that front group omar shapiro now struggling to stay on the back of the peloton for canyon shroud the israeli rider so canyon shraps the shapira

    On us at state on the back of the group here the uh big move off the fronts and uh for this group so sierra is uh not far from the back so monarchs have have made this one as well we’ll just have a little glance around and we’ll try and

    Uh get the the full makeup of the group for you there’s anamic van gluten just uh coming through here there’s ash mormon passio on the wheel uh coron rivera is uh there so i’m making this group at the moment i haven’t seen no i say lucinda brand demi vollering joss lowder georgia williams

    Sabrina students ash mormon passio leah thomas anamik van vlogan arlena sierra and coron rivera and i think it’s miley groshtek from uh from fdj that’s made that by i will uh we’ll double check that one and i’ll go through and we’ll just uh see if we’ve uh if we’ve missed out on uh

    On anyone so far on to the next climb of the day as ash mormon passio comes through on to the hurt strats and mormon passio ups the pressure on the front has uh van volume tries to get in there lucinda brand uh danny looking

    Very very cool and calm on the uh on the right of this group and there’s the gap back to the chasers behind really composed and look how she’s riding in the gutter there marty on the smooth bit of tarmac forcing ashley mormon passio to ride on the cobbles as

    The riders fight to be on that smooth bit of road karen rivera just behind lucinda brand riding in the gutter as well and some riders are just struggling to stay on the wheel in front georgia williams from team bike exchange they’re just losing the wheel of the fdj rider

    In front sabrina students from live racing leah thomas there from mobby star demi vollering just loud and great move for joss lowden to be in from the drops team we saw her having having problems earlier in the day but she’s got back in contention and in this front move

    This is a great move for uh for the british rider it is miley grocery tech that’s also in there and then the last ftj rider on the back i think is a vitamousie but i’ll double check that when we get in there can they uh persist with this one but

    Demi vollering not organized at the moment though danny as you said this group just may be a little bit cumbersome a little bit too big to really uh get it working yeah it does look to be in the you can see the peloton really trying to chase

    Behind lucinda brand just talking to uh just got on there so ruth winder’s just got on we’ve got a falcar travel and service jersey in there so the american national champion has made it across just loudoun just waves everyone three to try and uh tempt everyone into getting working here they

    Need to get organized on this one as our lena sierra national champion of cuba for monax comes through here so the chase is behind the most of the teams represented here for for mobby start maybe a big turn here for leah thomas might be the nod for uh for movie star

    To try and uh get this one clear but josh doing everything she can to try and tempt everyone to to get this working here the gap is still uh probably around 10 seconds you can see the peloton just turning that right-hand bend now onto this stretch of road i think though marty

    Like i mentioned before this is a big group to stay away and they’re just not going to have that collaboration there’ll be riders sitting on and it’s just really hard to police and manage i think you can see the peloton now really eager to chase this

    Move down even though we do have a lot of the teams represented ash mormon cassio there flicks the elbow as anna meek van gluten comes through joss loudoun on the wheel and the mick van gluten trying to get this group to work together now as she kind of indicates to

    Start that sort of chain gang formation to get this uh this move going she’s saying yeah you work we’re working the wrong way you need to work this way yeah so there you go nationwide thomas demi vollering alena sierra sabrina stuttons georgia williams um miley garrosh rivera

    Ruth winder lucinda brand there’s a lisa balsami that’s got on there as well it is so balsamic has uh has made it in to this group and the other rider i think is eugenie duval we’ll have another glance as we uh we go down the the line there but balsamo has

    Made it in the gap is a small but can they persist with this one anime van voluten has managed to get the group working um so the uh some chasers coming across tipco of course team that have missed out with a big turn there by uh pockettel

    Valkenberg on the front looks like that could be the difference and then neutralize uh this move so just as we start to get the uh the makeup of the group it looks like it’s all going to come back together again two laps now of this 21.9 kilometer finishing circuit

    Here in parabans pill we’ve been through the finish line for the first time and uh 36 kilometers to go we’ve gone over the hurst that the next objective is the mosque the summit of that comes with 32.3 kilometers to go on this lap the cobble climb kicks up into the center of

    Uh of that climb but all comes back together talita de yong just makes contact with this one that’s a shame um that that group didn’t get clear but me fisher black has made it back in here so we had a bit of a shake down on that one

    Good sign of things to come though danny that that move oh yeah it is and i think it is only going to happen now every time we see a climb on this course four kilometers to go now until the next climb the mosque strat is cobbled 500 meters and you can

    See who’s got the legs today those riders that made it into that move are obviously really keen to uh pick up a result today and any riders that missed out this is their moment to get to the front to be attentive they can breathe a sigh of relief that that move has come

    Back and it’s a chance to get themselves to the front group behind now trying to get back into contention to the peloton 35 kilometers to go now we really are in the last part of this race now there’s still seven climbs to go marty in the last 35 kilometers

    There’s still so much to go in this race sd works now on the front chantel vandenbrook black perhaps it’s not her day today i’m looking at that move and we uh we just see ella harris trying to get back into uh just getting on to the back of this group for for canyon

    Shroud we’ve seen both ashley mormon passio and demi vollering off the front and uh with chantel vanderbilt black working uh on the front here so uh if you get the close-up there that’s why we call it the galactic jersey’s got loads of uh it’s a bit of a galaxy

    Jersey i’m loving that kid this year shantae vanderbilt black on your right the purple lauren stevens is up there as uh this group and lucinda brand is looking very good today looking at those uh the way she was just smoothly peddling up those climbs and

    We know what lucinda um can do um going from the sort of those those sort of longer range attacks that she that she put in in races like the jira rosa when she when she won her stages there she’s definitely a legend within within the sport marty and it might have just

    Taken her a little bit of time to find her road legs after a cycle across season she’s ridden three races so far this year strada bianchi dwarves dove laundering and flanders respectively so it’s good to see lucinda riding so with such composure today we saw that on the on the last time she

    Made it into that front group so maybe it is a day for the the dutch woman today 31 years old against she’s had some incredible victories in the past she’s won omelet newsplan in 2017. the ladies tour of norway in 2016. and again she’s been second in uh still

    Gold as well so she really can you know she is favored to those classic type races again the giro um the last couple of years she can climb she really can do it all so again i’d um good to see lucinda now at the at the

    Front and very much in the mix for today’s race and lisa when you look at the the seed you know her cycle across season she wrote she rode 28 races she had 12 victories seven times second seven times third and two she was she was in the top ten only off

    The podium twice in the cycle across season including with the winning all of the series and the world title so something uh something to behold what a season so as you said it can take a while just to a few races in a few kilometers just to get those road legs

    Shantae vanderbilt black the winner of strider bianca earlier on in the season big uh power here from uh chantal vandenbrook black on the front ruth winder is a right with that nice trek uh sega fredo jerseys amazing year so far for chantal sorry marty

    Good to see her now at the front of this uh this peloton as we go up this cobbled section leah thomas again on the front four team bobby star valkyr travel and silence coming to the front balsamic is uh now we’re seeing a little move now off

    The front so they uh they could see the falcar traveling service jerseys up towards the front of this one on the musket strat leah thomas for mobby star this is the climb here this is the the penultimate time up the moscow strat barsamo has a glance over the shoulder

    And these are the days this is one of the rising stars of world cycling as elisa balsamo on the track phenomenal sprinter on the road as well is the uh the italian and you can see just this climb uh really digging this has been a great addition to brabant’s appeal as

    This one two riders off the front and it’s leah thomas and then uh some chasers uh behind us mobby start valcar travelling service and segafreddo uh is that uh taylor wiles potentially coming across the gap we’ll have a look uh closer look at me fisher black it looks like from uh from

    Sd works as we start the uh the descent of the moscow strap we go into the whole shadow then on to the spock now this uh starting a little move here 32 kilometers uh to go and the italian has uh been a very vigilant very uh very much into the breakaway moves and

    Into the the mix in the big classics as a mobby start with the the big presence of anime van vloon in the team but a super talent another a great time trialist is the american leah thomas who set up her teammate perfectly in dwarvedorflander and is this the sort of day

    When everyone is looking at anime that she could just have a bit of a run out for the legs and then give someone like uh leah thomas the nodding is taylor wiles now for trek sega freda that’s come across the gap has a glance back over the shoulder the sd works jersey uh

    Just coming through here so we’re gonna get a five rider group just uh off the fronts you can hear the the squeal of the brakes the riders chasing to uh get back in to the group after that uh after that climb have you made parkinson just second from the back here

    For a lot to see down and then uh for uh uh finn fernandez here for dulcinea van nuys so the uh the gap the motorbike here just showing the uh the gaps in this one nicola noskova the rider there wearing number four in the purple of sd works done a huge

    Amount of work for the team so far today now it’s up to them is uh after doing all of that work in service uh knee bradbury just on the front there of that little section of the group up to our uh our breakaway group here

    So i mean looks sick is in there so you’ve got leah thomas taylor walls elisa valsami knee fisher black and elena amelia from canyon shrimp onto the holster and five good riders now off the front thomas takes the opportunity to have a glance back over the shoulder taylor

    Wiles has made it in there so we said earlier on didn’t we danny that uh taylor wiles would make it back in and uh and can this is this this is this is taylor wires at her best here 80 for the rider wearing 85 here it really is she’s found her legs again

    Hasn’t she marty we saw her struggling earlier today and now she’s in this front group so she’s uh yep she’s here for the trek sega friday team they’ll definitely be looking for that result today great to see the american rider making this move as leah thomas just looked around again

    Similar to doors door of lander and isn’t it marty with leah thomas doing such an incredible job for the team setting it up for ana meek van gluten i’m sure we’re going to see uh anamik coming to the front of this race but it is um nicola

    Muscova now like you said done fantastic job for the team today and it’s really good to see you know riders turning themselves inside out for the team um and that means they might not even finish the race but so be it it really doesn’t matter as long as they’ve done their job

    Then uh that’s fine great ride today it is indeed uh the uh and that if that’s your job that’s what you do and she’s been on she was on the front for the most part of uh this race to uh line things up for the teammates some riders getting on here so another

    Split at the front so our five riders have been joined here so taylor wiles has taken the opportunity to grab a gel ruth winder us national champion has made it in here demi vollering um ash mormon passio is there as well so the group just coming back up to our five but balsamo

    Impressive on the mosca strat there are the italian on the front here yeah she’s obviously feeling good marty and again what a season she’s having the 23 year old italian she’s been so consistent you know she won gps again i know we’ve figured out her results so far already

    But seventh in binder fifth in the oxyclean classic fourth in game favorable game third and share the prize so again she has won a race this year already it was a 1.2 and she will be uh i’m sure looking for that victory today bishop black new zealand ryder attacks

    That’s someone uh and this list as well for the for the team today uh former national champion of new zealand it looks like sd works with such um a team stacked in talent that it almost looks now with with neve going and and demi going and uh you know the

    The way that they’re attacking the and ash mormon passio that they might have been given a little bit more of a free reign today sd works potentially in this one yeah definitely marty and i think they’ve just got so many different cards they can play so i think it’s really up

    To them as individuals to take it on and you know fight for for their own victory in a way um to get that and and to get their teams teams back and i think they will be a team that would have probably come in with a more open plan today looking at the

    Lineup with chantelle and ashley and demi bollering as they’re probably you know their three most likely um leaders for today again they’re all incredible in their own right so it will all be about communication on the road as to who’s feeling good at what moment and who takes the

    Opportunity to um either follow a move or attack themselves at the the critical time and sometimes i do think obviously luck comes into it in in bike riding i know you know i’ve been in races before where you know it just happens to be a move that’s stuck or you know your teammate

    Goes up the road and there’s a counter attack and that’s the the winning move and if you’ve got a teammate up the road then you obviously can’t can’t chase and that’s the way it is so i think um yeah a little bit of luck and good legs as well

    29 kilometers to go so we uh over that holst quite a climb on in towards the finish now in overdoses of two laps of this 21.9 kilometer finishing circuit so a few moves just getting clear but nothing really managing to stick at the moment joss lowden british rider there on the right

    Of your picture in those light blue white blue pinky colors from uh drops look all jocelyn that we know is that we know very much as a as a real talent in the in the time trials she’s set uh unofficial world our record recently but the healthy aging tour that final stage

    Where sd works gave lanaku uniken there her opportunity which is kind of mirrors a sort of today in a way but joss rode phenomenally well on that day and she really has she’s really impressing me in terms of her her bunch craft this year looking at the way

    That she’s developing as a rider yeah and i think it’s quite tough for british riders that have only ever ridden in you know great britain to you know step up when they get to europe you know we’ve spoken about it before where you know the dutch riders

    Live and breathe in their kind of commerce opportunities that they get to be able to practice their racecraft to be able to ride in an echelon generally their races as juniors would be starting in a town but they go out to kind of farm roads where they have to

    Learn how to race and you didn’t you don’t really get that in the uk a lot of the racing is done on um car racing tracks and it’s normally quite wide roads so you never have to kind of step up in that way so it’s really good to see josh louden

    Coming to the front being able to stay at the front of the peloton of you know over 100 riders and i think she will only improve race on race i know for myself you know at the start of the season it would always be quite nerve-wracking and every race you did

    You just get that a little bit more confident and that bit better you know holding your position descending and being at the right place at the right time especially if you’ve got that strength to do so which we know that she’s got you know to come sixth in

    The individual time trial and the healthy agent or means she’s absolutely got the power to be there it’s just you know working out how to how to get there from her sort of technical point of view but she’s definitely stepped up and this great to see great to see her make that move

    Earlier uh today that we saw i thought could stick um and i’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of her today and then in the future races yeah we just saw alice sharp getting back on there for repel cleaning the champion lubricants team so good to see

    Her getting back in there another uh young riders not far from the uh the back of the group is emilia sharp from uh from great britain dsm in those uh jerseys the black jerseys on the right of your picture there victoria cuattini in the center in

    The pink of our car travel and service georgia williams new zealand national champion just moving up on the uh the outside there’s coron rivera just again another rider that we know justin can move around the peloton as uh and keep herself she’s had a got into the little move earlier on did karen

    Rivera wearing 61 there for dsm just talking into the uh the radio and pointing the royakers doesn’t matter how big the group gets does it the paulina just kind of moves up and moves up and moves up she does and she’s definitely got the legs to do so she is such a phenomenal

    Rider but like i said she just uh finds it hard to position herself in the in the peloton but she’s got the legs to be there because like you said marty she kind of just keeps moving up as the the group is whittles down it is such a

    Nutritional race a race like today um it’s great to see paulina still able to do so and i think if she was to compare kind of stats at the the finish of a race then um hers would probably be the highest in terms of that kind of average

    Power that she has to put out to ride like she’s doing angus alina here from uh the roma italia team so uh the national champion of uh lithuania so cecillini goes on the attack elita de young still got the leg warmers on as uh talita uh 26 kilometers to go so aroma italia

    Basso bikes vayano is uh is this team we just saw her lining up that attack as uh we’ll have a look back to see how what they’re doing they’re they’re not reacting at the moment to the attack of the lithuanian rider so we’re going clear here so perhaps uh this is a good

    Opportunity for uh one of these teams to get themselves off the front lots of national champions uh jerseys in here today so uh 35 is singer cecilia i hope i’m saying that right and it has lots of little accents over the uh the letters in her name so uh there’s a

    Three times national champion of uh lithuania as uh this rider these are uh teammates uh cc borghese the fronts uh recently as well last week so it was a good move nicely timed move here danny yeah really good and you can see a rider just coming over to the lithuanian rider

    Now i think she’ll be happy to see as she turns ahead but it looks like the peloton are keen to chase this down 25 kilometers to go park hotel now coming over to join the lithuanian rider 25 kilometers to go three kilometers until the next climb the

    Finishing climb so it’ll be their last the rider’s last opportunity to suss this climb out see the peloton behind now just over the road indeed that’s a little flick of the elbow good see these teams are off the front i’ve got a feeling it’s bentley marcus

    That’s off the front here but while uh we’ll double check that when we get uh get in okay marcus is the sister sorry marty it’s uh rihanna marcus who rides for team jumbo bismuth um so it’s uh 193 yeah oh no it’s uh you’re gonna have to pronounce this one

    For me marty thunker it is femke but it’s uh credits oh there you go i think that would be isn’t it sorry femke getting the wrong pinky there and peter heiner is the other rider than a norwegian rider who’s with massey tactic so good to see uh to see good see beta

    Getting in here super strong riders vita hiner again i found myself in a few uh breakaways with vita super super strong time trial rider 24 kilometers to go two kilometers now until the the next climb the finish climb of the race and park itself valkenburg the

    Team just seemed to be able again just to find these uh these talented uh young riders and vita heinen in the blue their um former multiple national champion good sprinter as well and a good signing for massey tactic was uh with high-tech products for so many

    Years wasn’t she that for uh for a team like massey just uh it’s that experience of of someone like uh i’d like vita to bring her into the team and this next g team that uh we see with uh on the back of the the back of the group

    There with emilia sharp they’re uh they’re really acquitting themselves in these races as the likes of uh parker tell balcomber on to the spot in towards uh the finish and then we will have just one lap to go 21.9 kilometers and here she comes anime van vlog on the

    Climb this is it now the uh the mobby style rider neutralizes that move emma lucic is right on the wheel there’s the one kilometer to go sign so that was the move i’ve been flew and leah thomas is going to go so clearly the tactic here for starve and flute and goes then

    Thomas goes ruth winder right on the wheel demi vollering joss lowden all very much to the front of uh of this one but that gap just crumbled under the uh the attack there of uh of anime van vloon good move here by leah thomas yeah such impressive riding from these

    Two today mobby star leah thomas and anna mcvambloot and they’ve really got themselves into a kind of duo of um yeah incredible riding tactically one goes the other goes like you say marty really making it hard for the other teams to to follow by riding in this way 23

    Kilometers to go now it really is becoming a nutritional riders really struggling to uh hold on to the back of this group and leah thomas a new signing of course with movie star this year she was with that the big katusha team uh last year and uh the the team really has started

    To uh to jail now new teammates getting to know each other but uh winder bothering thomas lowden i think that’s uh juliet la bouche there that’s on the back uh just for dsm and elisa balsamo again here for falcao travel and service this is a good move now off the front

    And mobby star look like they’re happy with this one there’s van gluten um just in that european champions jersey loudoun from uh drops the car is on a big day today is the uh the british rider who just swings off just just for thomas to come through and we said it

    Earlier on for the american national champion here for trek sega freda that this was uh she would perhaps be their uh their protected rider today but for this group here at least that’s an ominous presence to have in there because balsamo such a sprinter is the italian yeah incredible move there from balsamo

    And maybe a day for leah thomas today maybe van gluten’s trying to repay the work that she’s done in previous races for the dutch rider so good to see leah thomas in this group now josh louden again just had a message actually from bob varney the uh team manager reminding

    Me of how amazing she was in the queen stage at valencia in uh february of 2020 but then obviously was unable to build on that due to covid so really good to see the british rider making these moves today and being in the front group time and time again she’s obviously got

    The legs demi vollering on the front now for team sd works balsamo coming through for team valcar travel in silence this is a dangerous move now marty it is indeed so balsamo in here there’s uh thomas winder and then juliet la boos for uh for dsm

    For the falcon rider there let’s get the they’re keen to get this move working demi vollering the rider never one to uh when she gets into a breakaway like this always straight to the front always uh really good at getting a breakaway organized this is the final lap now of

    Uh brahman chapelle last year’s winner grace brown of uh team bike exchange not here to defend her title as uh this move off the fronts for leah thomas the american from movie star this is the day if uh anime van vloons giving you the nods that you have

    To capitalize on this but looking at this group danny i would say that they are they’re gonna need to try and get clear of balsamo because if you come into that uh that finish that finishing climb with with balsamo she’s she’s able to i mean we we see alisa balsami

    She’s one of our strongest bunch sprinters in the pro peloton and um out of a small group like this or do you think the 22 climbs that we have it can become a lot much more of a of a leveler in this situation yeah i think not only can it be a

    Leveler but obviously this does finish on the top of a climb so that definitely changes things as well so i think you’ll see riders potentially going from the bottom of the climb you know rather than leaving it right until till the finish especially with the the likes of someone

    Like lisa balsamo in this group um but this is a dangerous move now marty and it seems that the peloton behind her happy with this composition of riders jostled out and just being distance on that descent i’m sure she will get back into contention but again it’s these

    Moves again the micro efforts that come to finish are going to try to start taking it out of you ruth winder good to see the american rider in this move now sd works ryder demi vollering on the front yeah ruth wind a great start to last year as well

    Before uh the world shut down stages and uh the gc and the tour down under was uh looking phenomenal at the beginning of last year does has done such a great job for trek segafredo in the uh in the classics and uh great to see that stars and stripes jersey in

    There onto the haggard you can see 16 um the maximum gradient in this one this uh ryder though demi bolaring is this her breakthrough season will how will she go in flesh hold on and lies bust only asian and racist such as that and uh i think that is juliet la boos that’s

    In there for uh for dsm we’ve got a bit more of a close-up shot so joss loud and jeruth winder lisa balsami demi vollering uh leah thomason and juliet la boos um are the uh your breakaway group as we uh we hit the uh steeper section

    Of our climb there the haggard on this uh final circuit then we go on to the hurt strats the heart strap will be the next climb cobble climb 300 meters in length and that’s moscow strat climb where you would exact you will i would say that if uh for this one for

    Demi vollering potentially she might want to go on them on the mosca strat um and try and uh and get clear of this group a ruth winder not having any anything of anyone shirking their responsibilities in this group no absolutely not and it is really down

    To all of these riders to contribute to this move now um but yeah like you say with demi vollering i think she’s in fantastic form she was fifth in flanders only uh last week so i think this could be a good day for the dutch

    Rider the 24 year old but she might have to make her move slightly earlier just coming to the front again now she’s really keen to keep this move going and lisa balsamo on her wheel there’s the lineup there’s your confirmation bothering luis lowden thomas winder and balsamo that’s your uh your makeup

    Of your group good to see you juliet lavish getting in here as well for uh for team dsm this is this is very much their race um team dsm and you can see that the young french writer just 22 years old is uh juliet so

    Again had uh had us had a strong uh she’s the national champion as an under 23 in the time trial thomas just having a word with joss lowden as they come through so plenty of different nations represented and this is a good gap now danny in 19k to go as

    Uh louise comes through to the front it is a really good gap and actually you know thinking about it now marty i think that was a kind of a really kind sort of move from manamik van blue and if that is their tactic for today she really did

    Set that up there for thomas you could see she attacked and looked round as if to say right come on this is your your chance to shine she’d obviously been up there for um you know earlier moves within the race and for ana mcvam blue and i think

    She’s looking at some of the bigger races coming up as her her chance to shine again so for leah thomas this is a great opportunity um to get herself a result with you know a ride like anna mcvam vlooting in in your team like i was mentioning earlier

    In the race it’s not almost tough to to not have her as a leader because she could almost win every race that she pins the number on for so nice to see vanvluen working for four teammates today there’s conor rivera wearing 61 there for dsm her teammates made it into the

    Group first race of the season for the former american national champion the uh current national champion is in this breakaway group the flick of the elbow for following so good team representation in here movie start for leah thomas the american valkyr travelling service here with elisa valsama drops le cole joss loudon

    Impressing again today the brit in that light blue jersey trek sega frederick here which means that uh again they’re not going to work sd works with volaring and uh dsm for juliette lavish 28 seconds is the gap is this our race winning breakaway group now with 18

    Kilometers to go danny with the teams represented in here you’d say that it’s uh you know it’s biking the teams like bike exchange have have missed out canyon sram have missed out uh fdj have missed outs it’s going to be up to them potentially to to do the work

    To to bring this one back yeah they really have to work together behind we haven’t seen many um many images of the of the peloton chasing behind but they are three big teams that have missed out on this move the gap now is 31 seconds so they need

    To do something and they need to do something fast if this move is going to come back this group has got together really well they’re working well together everyone is working um today uh in this move so great move 17 kilometers to go now four climbs left in this race the van

    Vluten’s not here but leah thomas is for obvious star van blue and really set it up for her teammate to have to see what leah thomas has got left in the tank for the rest of this race 17 kilometers to go it is bike exchange it looks like yannick ensign

    Potentially for team bike exchange trying to bridge across instead of working together that’s obviously um what bike exchange has decided to do trying to bridge yeah tip curve missed out on this one as well you see lauren stevens in the center on a t the next climb and our

    Breakaway group as louden just moves out they’re just trying to pick that uh that smooth section the hurt strats eight percent is your uh your maximum gradient on this one and then uh for track i would say for trek segafredo ruth winder kind of doing ruth windra a disservice a little bit

    Because you think you’d you know look at ruth winder’s background in terms of former world you know she’s been a world champion on the track she’s a fantastic crit rider great sprinter as well as is ruth winder she’d fancy her chances in a in a two-up sprinter’s yannick ensign

    This is what happened to lauren stevens last year wasn’t it came round swung across to the right and kind of smacked both wheels onto the uh onto the uh the curb if i were if i remember riley yeah i think you’re right there yamaka ensign doing a good job here from bike

    Exchange but it does look like she um has been caught fdj rides dj another team that have missed out on this move today back to the front of the peloton is ruth winder on the front the american rider four races ridden ready this year binder oxford clean classic game verbal game

    And flanders but this is her opportunity to shine in the previous races she’s had she’s had teammates the likes of elisa longo borghini lizzie she’s been working for but this is a day for ruth wonder to get a result for herself she’s had great teamwork from the likes of taylor wiles and loretta

    Hansen specifically loretta’s done a fantastic job for the team marshalling the front and making sure nothing goes up the road without the minute anna meek van bluton in the middle of the screen just marshalling the peloton behind hensing goes again with sierra on the wheel the are black just uh managing

    This one amelia farleen is your fdj rider that’s up towards the front and anna mcvan vlog just running interference you could say on the front just sat there just uh riding along at the top but yannick n singh as we as he said momentarily ago that’s uh bike exchange

    Team tibco canyon sram those are the teams that have missed out back to our breakaway group demi vollering here from uh team sd works looking to try and uh line up the victory uh today is demi vollering 24 years old in terms of her victories giro del emilia staging the elsi jacobs

    Her breakthrough year 2019 podiumed in liege bastogne liege and fleshwallon those were her big days took sixth in this year’s strada bianchi uh this rider though elisa balsamo we talk about her a lot if you uh if you’ve joined us for the madrid challenge last year remember the uh the bunch sprint

    Victory by her in uh that one but for british rider here joss lowden this is a big day out for her in the in this sort of company and it’s a big day for the drops local team the the british team done just been growing and developing

    Over the last few years but you can see just how efficient this breakaway is danny to compared to the bunch behind here is i’m quite surprised actually behind that team bike exchange are trying to get across in this way rather than trying to collaborate with the other

    Teams that have missed the move the likes of fdj and canyon shram i think they’d be better off trying to work together collectively as a as almost a bigger team to try and close this gap you know especially after a few attempts of attacking that isn’t isn’t really

    Working trek sega friday loretta hansen there on the left just coming to the front she’ll be marshalling the front for teammate ruth winder who’s in the front of this uh group i think for joss lowden her best move would be to try and attack soon you know she’s got that time trial

    Pedigree she can hold that power she can climb i think her best chances would be to go for a long one that sort of grace brown style-esque uh liberating again another team that have missed this move today yeah and then you just see our trek sega freddo rider just uh

    Pedally kind of pedal through to the front and then just swing off chantal van der put black in the center for sdworks they’ve got the teammate and accord they’ll be confident in the ability of uh demi vollering well sd works i would say volaring coming up to our next climb of the

    Mosque strat with uh 10 kilometers summit coming with 10 and a half kilometers ago we’re not far away now from the moscow strat i would expect volaring to try and potentially try and get away on this next climb would you think she’ll leave it till the spot

    Yeah it’s a really hard one to predict i think it will depend on how her legs are feeling and how she feels you know most confident to try and pick up a result today she was fifth in flanders uh last week that did come down to um a sprint

    Of the five riders who were chasing van blue in behind and she was fifth of the six behind sorry a fourth of the of the fifth behind so potentially not a fantastic sprint on her which would mean she will have to go early and i think

    That’ll be uh similar to a rider like joss lowden maybe they can somehow collaborate together to try and whittle that group down and not take the more pure sprinters like elisa balsamo to the finish um but it’s 58 seconds now the gaps of the peloton behind the peloton really

    Aren’t working there kind of well together are they marty van gluten’s in second position she’s going to try and uh take the sting out of the chase for teammate leah thomas now number 25 he’s just rolling to the front now 14 movie star one minute the gap

    Yeah that gap now over a minute twelve kilometers to go so everything looking like now here in bravo that our winner is coming from this group 127.3 kilometers a day out two laps of our 21.9 kilometer finishing circuit 22 climbs along the route today and our breakaway group getting

    Close so we got three climbs to go today and at your group joss lowden of drops le cole ruth winter of trek sega fredo elisha balsamo valcar travel and service demi vollering of sd works leah thomas of mobby star and juliette la boos of team at dsm your peloton on the right of

    Your picture it’s fdj tip canyon sram bike exchange some of the teams that have missed out on our uh a breakaway group but you would say two fast sprinters in this front group in both ruth window and elisa balsami and for just landed of drops le colsi if she

    Wants to win this for a managed appeal classic she’s gonna have to try and get clear demi vollering phenomenal climber from uh sd works leah thomas great time trialist for mobby star as well so danny we’re seeing a bit as you said everyone was jumping around now fdj uh are

    Putting the riders on the front and uh and tibco need to get in on the in the in on the work here and in on the action yeah it’s good to see now a team really putting their head down to try and chase us move back but i do think it’s too

    Late for the riders and the teams that have missed this move this group now are working so well together 11 kilometers to go as they hit a cobbled section their last uh cobbled climb 500 meters now the moscon strat with 10.5 k to go is the summit

    Of this climb and then they’ve got two climbs left they have indeed following on the front la boos french national time trial champion for dsm in here can she uh get clear potentially and try and take this one to the mosca strat 550 meters cobble

    Climb the final time up here 17 is the maximum gradient volaring setting the pace on the front balsami the italian second wheel and loudoun just losing contact a little bit on the back here for drops le cole under the pressure here of uh demi vollering she’ll be willing the summit to come

    Balsamo she also has already had a bit of an attack on the moscow strats uh a little bit earlier on today but leah thomas on the right here danny for mobby star looking very cool very calm she does she looks very uh very much composed amelia yeah immediately lauren stephenson

    Yeah lauren stevens not far away from the front as well this uh here this is kind of desperation times for farleen it is it’s kind of that last-ditch attempt to try and do something now for sdj for her own result we did pick her out as being one of the favorites for

    Today it’s not been a good day for fdj this is your six riders here off the front following on the front now for sd works emilia farlin out of the saddle anna mcmahon vlooking right with her ashley moorman passio up there with lucinda brand so ashley mormon

    Passie and the purple just might just managing and marshalling this move here pretty sustained attack here and via emilia farley and it’s starting to hurt now though it is you can see i’m rocking and rolling over the bike now as she uh tries to get every little what out of that

    Out of the pedals actually mormon passio for sd works just coming around the bend 50 seconds the gap now so it has come down 52 less than 10 kilometers to go now ashley mumpassia just marshall in the front for sd works they’ve got demi vollering off the front

    Lucinda brand as well four trek segafredo team doing the same thing for teammate ruth winder and van gluten as well these riders have obviously got the legs emilia farlin the uh the one that’s missed out today he’s gonna have to do all the work she’s got three riders with her they’ve all got

    Teammates up the front so not a good four fallen no it’s a lonely ride when you’re in that position isn’t it and everyone looks at you and just goes nope yeah absolutely following on the front two climbs together the whole hider with uh seven point three k to go and then the spot

    That final climb the rise up towards the finish and then it just uh levels off as the uh as you get in towards the line winder and balsami you would say are going to be the two riders out of this group that will be rubbing their hands

    Together with glee but the 22 climbs how much has it taken out of the legs of this group can anyone try and get clear of this one and to try and uh prevent the the fast finishes like balsamo and and winter taking this one following has been uh

    Impressive throughout the day as is this rider here from uh from drops local in uh joss lowden this would be a dream for drops le cole when they have you mentioned bob varney this is uh i mean this with with joss in the breakaways is a big moment in the

    Sort of uh you know real uh kudos to the team for the work that they’ve done over the years and the way the team has grown and and developed but uh to take a win in a race such as this would be uh would be phenomenal yeah i’d absolutely love for joss to

    Take the win today and like you said you know bob barney’s putting a lot of passion and hard work to keep this team alive in the last couple of years you know it’s hard to sustain the sponsors for you know women’s bike racing essentially and now it’s hopefully it’s getting

    Easier with the incredible coverage that we’re seeing especially this year it’s been fantastic being able to commentate on such an amount of racism and lying to lime as well like we’ve seen today the riders have just hit this penultimate climb now but yeah it would be so so good for for

    Drop zucco i hope joss loudoun can hold on over this climb and then chances are she’ll be there for the finish but it’s ruth winder now on the front for the trek sega fredo team demi vollering just coming round demi’s looking incredible today marty isn’t she just just that’s that style of

    Following this uh those arms at 90 degrees so the sd works rider has got such a uh distinctive style in his and for her at this position as well just she know this is her she’s got to have the computer on the the bars back to our chasers of uh

    Farleen van volten brandt and mormon passio but for someone like um demi she’ll be riding within herself but has such an amazing climate she’s just trying to just take the sting out of the legs of someone like uh balsamo yeah she’s just using her strength to her advantage there and that’s exactly

    What she’ll be trying to do as well ruth window we know she can sprint as well so she’s uh you know really trying to deaden the legs of the riders in a place of the the race that suits her which is the climb she can climb and she’s looking fantastic so i do

    Think we’re going to see an attack uh before the finish from demi voller and she’s obviously got the legs unfortunately for amelia farling she just hasn’t had that you know that work that collaboration with the riders uh ashman paseo just going through there but really taking

    The sting out of that chase for teammate demi vollering who’s up the front the fisher black and the shack from scotland anna shackley getting into this screw i just can’t resist calling her the shack now that we know that that’s what her teammates call her but the the

    Scottish rider is uh three brightest in this chasing group here for sd works back to the front 7.4 kilometers to go a minute and one second demi vollering juliette lebouz joss lauden leah thomas ruth wendell and elisabeth i say two and that two u.s flags in there

    You got your british rider in uh joss lowden you got your dutch rider in demi vollering your italian flag the rider on the back in the pink for uh vodka travel on sevens and lisa balsama and the french national time trial champion in the black jersey with the blue stripes juliet la boos

    And get back to uh our chasers and uh team next year i think this is amelia sharp that’s uh that’s going here for uh for team next g so uh the uh the next g team have uh again another young development team our team next g

    Now uh good to see their colors having a having a late move here off the front minute and 10 is the gap back to from the the leaders to the chasers and this is again in this situation a top 10 you know out for for a team like this is a is a

    Huge moment yeah absolutely martin it’s great to see riders still giving it a go even with a you know a group like this up the front and yeah top thames is an incredible performance so it’s good to see riders really taking it on still behind and never giving giving up and um

    Yeah it really helps with the confidence as well as to get a top ten in a race like this so yeah chapeau to to this rider now and the peloton and look around so the sun’s come out it’s uh it’s not been it’s not blisteringly warm today because

    You can see a lot of riders with still we’re still with the arms and leg warmers and the the neck buffs and and that kind of thing so it is amelia sharp that’s uh off the fronts here for team next g so another uh british rider and a

    Lot of the young brits are now getting uh finding their getting places within these uh within these teams the riders that have got that are seeing that they might have that talent for the road or the mountain bike getting into uh teams that will uh just help nurture and uh and

    Develop that talent and this uh next g team with the likes of uh brick narvin and charlotte cool in there this is uh it’s a good move 5.9 k to go and one chase is just coming across the gap live racing coming across it does it like paulina royakis actually who was

    Mentioned today so good to see pauline taking it on and getting across to amelia sharp here the british rider that we just mentioned again it’s really important to never give up until the finish and to you know keep going for a good result there’s only six riders up

    The front so top ten is still a brilliant result for you know young riders or smaller teams or anyone who’s not made any team that hasn’t made that uh that move at the front one minute and eight seconds of gap now 5.3 kilometers to go the riders have one

    Last climb to face the s box uh that is the last climb this is the front of the race now bothering back on the front she’s indeed doing a lot of work ruth winder balsamo you would say the two fastest sprinters out of this group don’t underestimate juliet la booster

    Leah thomas for mobby style we might i would say on i would say from leah thomas and vollering on the spot are going to want to go long on this one yeah absolutely marty ruth winder can sprint balsamo can absolutely sprint and it’s had some incredible results

    Already this year so you would probably argue balsamo is um the most likely winner out of this group today leah thomas on the front van bluton set it up perfectly for the american teammate joss loud and the british rider she was seen to be struggling on the last couple of climbs

    Juliet looks like she’s lining up for an attack here the dsm rider back to the chasers it looks like amelia sharp and paulina ryakus has just been caught there by uh ariana mena but good effort by the young brit from next g to try and get off the front georgia williams

    Very much the front here for uh for team bike exchange but paulina swings off has a look around sees that that attack has uh has come to nothing sd works ryder here me fisher black comes through four point three k to go minute and six so our winner victor

    Today here in the bansha pill is uh going to that uh breakaway canyon sram missed out they’ve left it late a minute and 10 seconds the uh the break away being shown on the uh the blackboard last year in october it was grace brown that took it from lyanna lipper and floored to

    Your makai teammates of juliet labours here they’re already wearing 62 fallen lady v2 com falonieri ragusa garcia and stevens were your top 10 this race marion avos nettie emerson marty bastian ellie sophie the voice and grace brown have all won this race it’s

    Going to be a new name at the top of the roll call of honor come the end of this one but uh who will it be will it be a first victory uh for the the usa could it be a first victory for great britain with joss lowden here from uh drops local

    Could be a french winner with uh juliet la boos or a second uh victory for the italians with elisa balsamo or will it be a dutch rider who demi vollering that takes this one setting up perfectly with uh 3.4 k to go that stars and stripes national

    Champions jersey of ruth windows he says started 2020 in phenomenal fashion with uh the victory in the tour down under and uh she has had stage victories in the jira rosa in the past as a great track rider good sprint on her and she’s doing the right thing here you would say

    Danny she’s latched herself into the the pace line onto the wheel of elisa balsamo and that’s the position that she will want to be in she’ll want to be able to watch the jump of balsamo come the finish she will and i think we are going to see

    Riders trying to attack from this group three kilometers to go now fdj is still not giving up behind but the winner is gonna come from that leave it till the last minute or are we going to see ryder’s attack in the last couple of kilometers to try

    And get rid of the sprinters the likes of bruce winder and elisa balsamo we’ve got blacks i’ve got i’ve lost my pictures momentarily and uh have you still got your pictures danny no i haven’t unfortunately this is not a good time to lose pictures not good time

    To lose our pictures apologies for that but we’ll uh we’ll keep uh lining this one up hopefully the uh the pictures will uh will come back so our apologies uh momentarily on the on that one i don’t think it’s uh either of uh our end on that everyone’s uh lost pictures so

    Apologies we’ll keep talking while we do it we’ll do it virtually um with uh with uh a blank screen at the moment hopefully it’ll come back uh before the finish so my apologies we have a a picture outage everywhere so bear with us we’re uh running in towards the

    Finish here in the band’s appeal uh a classic someone that this reminds me the tour of turkey’s going on at the moment and i remember being down on a beach in a finish picture went black like that we’re back 2.1 k to go minute and five seconds is

    Your uh your time gap back from our leading group where is your winner coming from this one danny we’ve got to say that balsamo the italian has got to be the out and out favorite um for this one and she has been climbing phenomenally well in the recent classics

    She has the velcro travel and silence ryder she was third in scale depressed she won gp off again she can climb she can sprint are the riders with her gonna leave it until the last minute or are they gonna try and attack 1.6 kilometers to go now the winner is going to come

    From this group of six here they go they uh they’re just about to start the last climb of the day s box they’ve been up it twice already today this is the third time demi ballerin flicks her elbow to elisa balsamo i’m sure they’re going to start looking at

    Each other now they’re not going to keep riding they’re going to wait for the finish this is the big finale volleying on the front balsamo on the wheel winder is there just land on the back is loud louden’s going to have to go long on this climb for drops look

    Olaf she’s going to take this one there you have it 1300 meters 3.7 average maximum six la boost on the back volaring lining up the pace on the front is juliet labour’s going to launch a move here for team dsm balsamo is a perfect position volaring

    Doing all of the work on the front here demi following danny at the perk this moment just trying to ride everyone off the wheel interesting move by vollering she must be feeling really good to ride at this pace you know from the bottom of this climb one kilometers to go if i was

    Volleying i’d be turning around looking at the riders that are still on my wheel that’s what she’s doing just takes a glance behind she’s got to leave something in the tank there’s still one kilometers to go of this climb balsamo on her wheel looking good she had some

    Fantastic results the riders behind are not giving up they’re going for that top 10 positions behind georgia williams on the front followed by anime van bloom lined it up on this climb perfectly for a teammate leah thomas can she repay the work of the team leader in the european champion in

    Van vulen and take the victory vollering balsamo winder is looking for the wheel of the italian you would say fastest sprinter out of this group joss loudoun for drops the call riding a bro really a big day for the british rider la boos on the back volaring setting that tempo on

    The front thomas looks cool looks calm for mobby start right on the wheel balsamo is just poised and ready she’s like she’s like a coiled spring i was literally about to say she would be down on the drops pretty soon that shows the uh the sprinter in balsamo right down on

    The drops now she’s just looking keeping herself in the position that she wants as our peloton now a chasing group behind go through that one kilometer to go katrina allard now hits the front ashley mormon passio is right with us so they’re looking for the minor playstation loudoun goes though for

    Drops the cars he said she would have to go long in this one if she wanted to take the victory today and move then by joss louden and following his straight honor balsamo is on the wheel winder shifts her hands down onto the drop she will want to follow the jump here that

    We’re expecting from elisa balsamo the italian takes a glance to her right hits the front confident in the sprinting ability thomas with the hands on the brakes sir she’s gonna have to go remember it’s drop snot tops in this one and balsamo now hits the front following

    Tries to follow winder is in the slipstream elisa balsamo ruth winder now launches a move balsamo vollering comes around ruth winder on the outside is it going to be a victory for the american following is there throws a bike demi bothering celebrates she led up that climb we were talking about the italian

    Following what a sprint victory by the dutch rider from sd works danny as we said would the 22 climbs be a leveller in the sprint and the answer is yes it was that was an incredible ride there from demi ballerin she really did lead out from the bottom of that climb she

    Clearly had the legs the 22 climbs didn’t take it out of her and she managed to uh take that victory here we have it ashley norman passio taylor wiles farleen stevens all towards the front stilton’s there lucinda brand is almost is also towards the front ashley mormon pasio looking to uh bring

    In the sprint here for the uh the peloton emilia falling looking for a high position for uh f dj as uh paulina roykers i think that is it’s getting up towards the front but ashley mormon passio leads the uh the group in there just ahead of uh emilia farleen and uh

    Lucinda brand but what a finish this rider as he said the uh the brabant’s appeal is very much now the launch pad for the arden classics and we said very early on in the day that it could be a day that you give the nod to volaring and say you’ve got the

    Tat you’ve got the ability you’ve got the form and this is the boost that she needs another victory for team sd works 13th and head news vlad sixth in charlotte fifth in flanders and now a victory amazing result for the team nice to see the team coming together now

    Nice to see uh ashley mumma pacio looking strong to uh win that sprint chantal vandenbrook black now coming to uh congratulate demi vollering she did such a lot of work on those clients and that’s what you’re saying because when you when you’ve go and if anyone’s not familiar with balsamo and

    That’s the when you look at and that takes that edge doesn’t it from that bunch sprint rider like balsam and shows when you’re in the breaks that attack early on on on the the moscow strat and then that climb and and and it’s not a disservice to anyone else in that group

    When we talk about someone like balsamo as a kind of almost you know out and out favorite in a sprint but then that just shows you know and demi vollering you know when we think back to la course and and those and and this shows the uh you know the finish

    Just take us through that you know balsamo took it on but very early um ruth winder was looking good right until 25 meters to go but it was bothering it just had the edge just such an impressive ride from following like you said she took it on on all the climbs

    And she still had the sprint on the finish so um great ride there very close to ruth winder as well another good ride there from the american rider and for a new team when you sign for a new team and you step up like this and

    Look at that cape off the slip stream of balsamo across to the uh the left and ruth winner at that point would have thought she had it won yeah she would um just not over until he crossed that finish line demi bothering super impressive There we have it let’s have a look at that the throw to the line windows or let’s talk about the throw here danny because window is already throwing the bike and oh she celebrated and it was still pretty close it was very close might have to be a

    Bit more of a photo finish look there but um it looked like she had the speed so she was coming from behind and had probably uh the speed over ruth winder but she was pretty sure that she won that there if she punched here ruth’s really looking at her thinking hey you’re confident

    But if it’s that close always celebrate isn’t it exactly make them think you’ve won even if you haven’t exactly yeah as a sprinter yeah always celebrates if you you know if it’s close celebrate as if you’ve won just the you know just just in case yeah impressive impressive impressive ride there and

    Balsamo just seen when when she went and uh just didn’t didn’t have the didn’t have the legs in there in the kick no she didn’t she did take it on and again it was an uphill finish she’s had some phenomenal results already this year and i know we’re going to see more

    From barcelona in the following races Celebrations and sd works get it and track sega they’re going to show us another uh another look at here i think if ruth had left her through just mod is that isn’t that she’ll look back at this and it’s that throw to the line and

    Where you throw your bike to the line i know it’s easier said than done sometimes but it’s uh yeah she has got it they’ve been showing us a repeatedly there the uh the finish what what crack and finish it was really exciting race marty quite neutralized at the start um then

    It was a traditional like we thought it would be and then super aggressive come to finish indeed it was uh the classics to come er don’t forget uh amstel golds uh this weekend and you’ve got uh you’ve got pre-ra pre-show um on the amstel golds as well so the amstel gold uh pre-show

    Start of the weekend danny’s going to be in the studio i’m still i’m still uh as we say living at home now living at work now rather than working from home aren’t we danny will be in the studio with uh with dan um and that’s uh 950 uk time

    And then the the live race um just after uh about five plus ten five five plus ten british summer time uh at the weekend there is your result and they’ve given it there ruth winder they’re saying uh got it in the end demi vollering elisa balsamo leah thomas joss loudoun

    Juliette la boos ashley mormon passion emilia farleen lucinda brown and paulina royakis they will have uh looked at the photo finish from both sides there would you say you’re looking at that slow-mo that she got it it was tight it was very tight i wouldn’t want to be the one there calling that

    That’s for sure but wow ruth winder that’s going to be gutting for demi vollering who really did celebrate at the finish line did we say yeah you’ve got to be confident to celebrate like that when it’s close and it is ruth’s got it they have it so uh

    There you have it so uh vollering was celebrating congratulations on your victory thank you surprised are you um extremely surprised um i i came to this race really wanting to be my best and and in the end it played out really well for me and i thought demi had it i was

    Sprinting and i threw my bike at the line but she really celebrated so slow congratulations she’s an amazing bike rider just for me to be second is um yeah i’m really excited with and and to win is a yeah there was a lot of confusion but you won we can assure you

    It’s your first win of the season how do you feel um it feels really good uh the team has been so good so far and i’ve been having my best preparations for this year that i think i i have um and yeah i’m really excited that i could that i

    Could do it today for the team yeah sorry go ahead no no that’s it can you describe the race you did today um yeah so from the start we had loretta and shirin lucinda and eleanor my teammates all just really watching the front and making sure we were safe

    And then uh yeah it’s a hard circuit with so many short climbs coming so fast back to back to back on each other um and it was pretty hard and um coming through the finish with one lap to go um anna meekman vlootinus kind of was setting up leia thomas her teammate who

    I was kind of watching leia because i know she’s really strong and she’s a fellow american and and everything and i was just right on her wheel and they created this breakaway where we had six really strong riders and one from each big team and um well not every big team but enough

    From each big team that really worked we were already working together right away and then uh we were really committed everybody in the breakaway to roll through and then yeah i just had to be super patient in the finish which was really hard for me i really wanted to

    Attack them all too soon but georgia and my ear was just telling me to be patient and and in the work and it worked by a centimeter so how familiar were you with a sparkler with this trick um pretty familiar uh we raced here last year

    Which is a good race last year that i did and um i’d done some cool study and it’s also exciting that one of the clients are in world coming this year so yeah not it was it’s good it’s good good race i really like this race okay congratulations and thank you for the

    Interview thank you ruth winder and as she said demi celebrated she thought demi had got it as well so hopefully uh forgive us as well for uh for that one but it was it was super tight super close let’s have a look as we were saying it comes down to

    The throw to the line volaring is celebrating here danny let’s have a look at that so there it could it can come down now they can separate it by the pixels on a screen but ruth is throwing that is very difficult to call um in terms of the frames

    On that one that oh yeah it’s really hard isn’t it from the position the angle it’s the angle of the camera and again like you say they can really can separate it from the pixels and if we saw a different angle maybe it would look like ruth one from that angle it

    Looks like debbie’s one so very very close obviously um but yeah they’ve called it as uh ruth winder so wow yeah it’s very tight it’s uh that’s gonna that’s and i know what the uh the photo finish um teams are like and they they love a

    Close finish when they they they some of the the closest finishes of of all time and uh they love regaling those and showing them but yeah volaring and celebrated there and you’ve got as we said you’ve got to be super confident to celebrate when it’s that close

    Yeah you have marty but i think demi will be uh pretty gutted with that term of the events with ruth now uh being the the winner don’t because we say they they when you look at when we put our results up here it’s always provisional so results are

    Always provisional aren’t they so when they put the graphic up it always says provisional result and when we uh we wait and we wait and we wait and it and it has been you know things do things things do get going the photo finish camera see the actual photo finish camera is

    Lower down isn’t it it’s looking straight across rather than our tv photo finish camera which is slightly up so we might get a a photo finish view which is lower um down on that one so don’t go away folks stay with us so uh don’t forget we have

    A big day of uh cycling here on uh eurosport and gcn and so we have the uh we had the presidential tour of turkey which is uh still going on i think at the moment and then the uh voltaire kubota valenciana stage one you will be able to enjoy that one and

    Then uh javan chappelle is uh the men’s race starts at 15 30 central european summer time which is 2 30 in the uk and uh you’ll be able to uh join everyone for that so matt stevens and dan lloyd will be with you for uh bravo

    Magnus baxter and jose bean are with you for valenciana and oh look at that there’s that’s what we mean in terms of the photo finish camera the celebration danny has cost demi the victory you would say that’s how tight it is that’s how close

    They can call it look at that that is a great fair great image isn’t it it is you can see in the second line and it goes across the screen that ruth winder has just picked her to the line and incredible image and like you say a potential um

    Victory celebration too soon for demi bolaring and uh ruth winders just that lunge to the line perfect from ruth winder she’s really setting herself back onto the um over this over the saddle and lunging herself forward so always the lunges generally do pay off it’s another thing to practice in training

    Nice to be in the position to to do a lunge for the line but it was ruth wonder to take the uh that victory it’s being able to it’s the throw isn’t it and it’s timing that throw and as we all say if you can uh you know you you

    Practice it in training don’t you and i remember growing up there’s one thing we used to do all the time sprint for signs throw your bike at the line and and that shows and that so if demi had thrown had done the throw she would have got that and that again

    Is lessons lessons learned in terms of that but that is that is a great image um and and yeah just shows just look at ruth winder right off the back of the saddle um arms full stretch and shows the sprinter you know doesn’t it yeah absolutely like you said marty

    Something to practice and training as we go through this sprint again leah thomas trying to get out the side of the lisa balsamo setting that up ruth winter on the wheel and demi valerian coming on the left so following goes left winder goes right balsami that seated track rider sprint

    You could uh call it from balsamo there is the throw bothering celebrates and goes left as well watch the angle of the bike at the finish that could make a difference as well couldn’t it yeah definitely she just came off her line there so i think she’ll be looking back at that

    Now samo congrats on your third place and can you tell us how you uh solved the bunch print uh yes i’m happy uh this morning my sport director said me yes elisa go have fun try to try to go you are a sprinter but you have to show to everyone that you also

    Can go in a breakaway and i’m happy i know that i wear the the most The sprinter in the breakaway but my leg were totally finished and so i’m happy about today were you surprised about the place where the breakaway went no i know that The last k was hard and i think that uh today was a really really hard days with a lot of more and so yes i know that there maybe will be a breakaway you were very consistent in your results this season can you tell us your recipe yes

    I i will raise some still and then i will i will come back on track and i’m really really happy and um Yes i’m this is my best season and i really like to race here in belgium and so for me is perfect i said it is your best season what’s your secret uh um i think that my team let me grow up stay but step by step and so

    This is the most important thing for me okay thank you that’s really interesting when you hear that isn’t it danny when you hear sport directors go and have fun and her team just you know they really have let her and they do let their riders just develop at the at the right speed

    And the right and the right level yeah it’s really important for you know a rider like elisabeth summer especially trying to juggle both track and road for her to be able to take her time to develop and it seems like the team really do believe in

    Her and also to you know to say to have fun this is definitely bothering now the platform foreign is one question in english and how did you stop today’s race today’s final how did you solve today’s final how it felt yeah it felt good yeah can you describe the final for us

    Yeah it was it was it was a hard race and um i knew that in the in the climb there still would have happened something and yeah i was happy that i was there and my team did a really good job to to be in the front and be really alert

    And jump with everything so yeah it was really nice race okay thank you thank you congrats anyway davey vollering pretty gutted as you would uh you’d imagine danny yeah absolutely especially when you you know you’ve celebrated at the line a real shame for demi vollering and you can really sense her

    You know disappointment there in that interview that the uh the victory has been taken out of her hands um it was ruth winder actually that one in that photo finish and it just it is a lesson i guess i don’t think she’ll be celebrating until she’s absolutely sure she’s won again that

    Could have been could have cost her that victory her bike did just deviate off the line as well like you mentioned and also putting her arm in the air it’s not going to help for the the speed coming through the finish line so uh yeah i’m fortunate for demi

    Rollering but uh shapo to bruce the window let’s not take that away from her she was the winner of the race protractor and there’s the those are the different angles so you’ve got the tv camera on the side this is your actual photo finish camera and they they

    Mount the the photo finish cameras as you can see um a a different angle above the riders and as demi i think he’s saying i’m i’m trying to was trying to pick up through the interview theorem i you know came down to mega pixels and was i think

    What she was saying in her in her interview there but uh that’s uh that photo finish a close one um and yeah that maybe maybe maybe in it’s all hindsight now that uh had demi and throwing the bike at the line would it be different but this let’s take you back through what

    Has been a a great day’s racing here at uh bravo uh starting in lennock heading to over isa of course this uh part of the world is where we’ll have the world’s uh road race uh world road championships uh later on in the year anime van volton

    Starting just uh chilled out in the back for uh for quite a while the flag dropped and the wind’s direction today danny kind of really sort of prevented any uh real big breakaways and this was when we first saw balsamic today on the on this climb and as she said afterwards

    These sort of attacks and and the multitude of climbs really did uh take the take the sprint out of the legs in the end she did she said i liked the finish come to finish but that she was uh have fun out there today and i think that’s what she did

    Really pleased with her performance at the finish you can just see you know she really can do it all she is a pure sprinter but she can climb as well and she’s uh definitely one for the classics this is the tail end of the the peloton it wasn’t a traditional race

    Today wasn’t it marty with the quick succession of the 22 climbs coming back to back yeah i’m impressed knee fischer black here on the front and a shackling other rider that impressed today this was the next breakaway group that that did get that did get clear and uh the uh

    Thomas was fisher black and lucic and balsami in there it all came uh back together uh inge ceciline from uh running my italia vallano was the next rider to attack she was joined by uh femke uh and vita heiner so you could see massey tactic and pocatel balcomber getting uh

    Into that breakaway but we came into the spot and it would be the ominous sight of anna mikvan vlootin that would be the uh the rider that neutralized this uh this breakaway and neutralized it pretty quick we we had this shot we went back to our breakaway and vanvluen was on the

    Front there you have it and uh anna mcmahon vlooten and this was where she launched her teammate leah thomas up the road it was a really impressive move from the two mobby star riders to set up leah thomas so you can see here on the front

    And this really was the start of the the six woman breakaway that we saw come all the way to the finish 23 k to go here demi bollering clearly had a strong leg already at this stage off the race to uh really line it out on the climbs

    She set it up for the finish she took the the six up the finishing climb flick of the elbow to leah thomas yannick ensign and attacks behind but uh the chase came a little bit too uh came a little bit too late in the end fdj one team that did

    Miss out and uh amelia farleen was uh quite active at the front as was n singh van voluten and uh the teammates of uh thomas and with respectively were doing a perfect job of running interference on the front as were sd works for demi vollering 31 seconds with 15 kilometers to go

    Vollering looked strong looked in control and uh leah thomas would have had would have had to get away quite early um running into that uh into that finish but yeah the the group behind bike exchange typical fdj and the teams of such canyon sram would have been better

    Wouldn’t they as you said during commentary danny to get together put a rider each on the front to uh to try and bring it back but this was bothering just so impressive on the climbs she was and she really was uh you’d probably argue the strongest of this

    Group of six really pushing forward but yeah like you say this is uh when amelia farlin tried to go she did have the legs but she didn’t have the the help from the other teams and she managed to get away with ashley mormon passio lucinda brand and van bluton but obviously they

    Weren’t going to help the swedish rider with riders already in that move ahead so they were the the big losers for today fdj canyon tram two teams two of the bigger teams to to miss out on that move team bike exchange as well but this was the uh the group

    Coming into the last five kilometers i was surprised that uh no rider tried to actually attack in the last couple of kilometers and they did leave it to the finish actually but i think like elisa barzano said marty their legs would have been dead at this

    Point it was just loud and the only rider to really try something from the finish but again it didn’t even seem like a you know really full 100 attack with her still looking over her shoulder and uh demi vollering being able to hold on to her back wheel and the last few

    Hundred meters balsamo was set up for the sprint window and bothering were the same thomas hands on the brake levers and this was it so balsamo as she said her legs were finished at this point you could see she got out of the saddle didn’t she danny then sat down

    Window goes right over and volaring goes to the left of her and uh the rest as they say is going to be history it is and i think there’ll be a probably a few arguments on social media as there always is with such close results especially when a rider

    Celebrates like this to the finish um really unfortunate for me yeah so close in the finish and there you have it there’s your podium and it’s the stars and stripes of trek sega friday’s ruth winder will uh be on the top step of the podium good

    To see ruth kicking off 2021 again uh getting a victory as we said started last year so well didn’t she with the those wins in the tour down under and and and the work that she does for the team has been so impressive she she was one of the one of the final

    Riders that launched um at least a longer bulghini um up the road in tropheo she was and it’s great just to see her get that opportunity and with the post-race interview you could tell how truly pleased she was with a result like that for the team for herself she said

    She’s had great preparation and it’ll only build her confidence for the rest of the season it will indeed so there’s your uh your your photo finish shows how tight it is uh at the finish there is uh the ds georgia bronzini on the right and uh they have

    Talking through the throw to the line there from the look of it yeah they were georgia bronzini one of the best princes of all time there’s your result ruth wendell from deputy vollering elisa balsamo leah thomas joss loud and juliette labous ashley moorman paseo leading in amelia following lucinda brand and paulina

    Royakis in 10th which danny watching the way paulina rides has gotta be one of the rides of the day there in tenth incredible and if only she could uh get herself to the front at more decisive moments she would definitely be up there in the results she’s got the legs it’s just about

    Working on that position but again to get a top 10 you know riding like she did today incredible so i think she’ll be really pleased with that result emilia’s sustained effort up the mosca strat was was pretty impressive right we’re gonna leave it there that’s the at

    Our end of our pictures thanks to your company affordable we’ll see on sunday for amsterdam gold from marty mcdonald and danny ray we will see you soon take care bye for now You

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